ginger-cinder · 4 years
Our histories should not be weaponized; but, rather, utilized!
I'm confused as to why our society seems to be encouraging the idea that you should get a free pass to be a self righteous bully if you have ancestors who went through oppression or abuse.
My ancestors were starved, killed, and ran out of their homes by the English. Does that mean I get a free pass to belittle, rant, and rave at anyone from England because of what they did to "my  blood relatives?" 
How ridiculous! No one has done anything to me! And the English who may or may not have done anything to my ancestors aren't even around anymore! 
Any bullying that I have gone through for the color of my skin (yes, I was the target of daily racism when I lived and worked in the south), I viewed these people as hateful, ignorant, small minded people who weren't worth  my time or energy. I did not fight them. I did not try to convince them that they were wrong. I did not allow them to make me feel shame. Why would I allow a hateful person to affect any outcome of my life or success?
What a classically "Because of" lifestyle... 
Start being accountable for yourself. Stop living in the past. Know and remember your history... for the sole purpose of learning from it! 
Our histories should not be weaponized; but, rather, utilized!
We should be better than our histories.
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ginger-cinder · 4 years
White is still a “race”
Guess what?
It is NOT ok to be harassed, belittled, bullied, or hated simply because of the color of your skin. Racism is wrong! Racism is UGLY! You do not have to accept it and roll over, if you happen to be WHITE!
White shaming IS racism. 
I said it.
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ginger-cinder · 4 years
Because or In Spite?
“Because of’s” - people who think that their failings, issues, challenges, or bad choices are “because of” things/people/terrors in their past.
“In spite of’s” - people who will be great and do great “in spite of” things/people/terrors in their past.
Which are you?
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