I was sick for 6 days, nothing happened this week
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I am now working alone as my teammate has switched classes, and have therefore switched what I am doing as I do not want to edit videos forever, so now I am finding recipes and putting them on here without the long stories or anything, ingredients list, how to, done. My main problem with this project is the time it takes up, and how we have to do these blog posts, and I always forget to. it sucks. anyways, I'm posting the recipes here on tumbler, and need to add quite a few. some things to add are all the things I brainstormed here, and now I will not be held back by someone else, just my self. yay. still not looking forward to it though, I would rather do other things, and it is very hard to get myself to do it out of school hours. How much id rather this be an essay with the same word count, because this feels forced and i dislike it, but have to do it for my grade, and this is about doing things other than school, but this takes away from my extracurricular activities. On the bright side though, there is no bright side, I want to sleep. Welp, i will see you all later, and by you all, I mean no-one, because only my teacher reads these
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THE NEW VIDEO IS OUT! we finally edited the video, and it’s now out on YouTube. We officially have 1 video, and though we’re a bit behind schedule, we should be able to get back to schedule, because hopefully once Monty is done with moving we can get several done really quickly. If we have time maybe we can do two at a time for a week or two, giving us the boost that we need, and maybe we can get back on the schedule. At least now I know that Monty’s been working on it some, and I don’t have to worry quite as much, though I still might switch depending on how things go from here. If things go well, no worries, kind of annoying for a few weeks, but nothing that we wont come back from, if it gets back to as bad as it was, time to go, and choose something else.I do hope we can continue doing these, as the first time we did it was fun, but if it’s going to be this difficult all the time then I don’t think it’s worth it. This might be the first time I don’t have to do any brainstorming, it’s amazing. The channel is called gingerbead baking, hopefully it comes up when you search, or else it might be a little difficult, but it should work out fine, especially since we got the instagram account too. Well, this week was much more eventful then the last few, Seeya after winter break
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Alright, time for the next one. Monty hasnt been here again for a while, so its time to do some brainstorming. I could do streaming, as that helps people with entertainment, theres volunteering, but for now, lets continue on desserts. We could make a spicy dessert, or mochi, or something like that, we could make some sort of design thing, those are alway cool, we could do a how to do something without kitchen aids maybe, we could ‘bake’ no bake cookies, which is just cookies that dont have to go in the oven. To continue the ideas, some things we could bake are sponge cake, and we could make popsicles, though they arnt really baking, ice cream if we find an easy way, apple crumble, peach crumble, i saw a recipe for no bake cheesecake, and by now you all know how much i like cheesecake. Theres triflavor cookies, and theres chocolate bark, mnm brownies, theres also milkshakes, though now im just thinking of desserts, not necessarily baked goods. Something that is bakes that i have not thought about in forever is sausage rolls, which is small sausage rolled in bread, its very good, I used to have it a lot but i am afraid i do not know the recipe anymore. Along with that, some good things i have not had in a while are chocolate turtles, which is nuts and carmel covered in chocolate. Its very good, and anyways see you all next time, signing off today
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Time for the next post already. No new videos in the works, and no new brainstorming, so ill go over the ideas from before. First it was thumbprint cookies, sugar cookies, monster cookies, chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin pie, wildberry pie, apple pie, maybe with some special design to make it nicer? Im not sure, as i havnt done that before, but I think it would definilty be cool. Now if only I could draw a design ;-; anyways, another of my faveorite ideas was mold cookies, and cheesecake, as its my flavor. Maybe we could make multiple, and then choose which one is best. I had a good caramel one when i was down in ontario, and a good strawberry one in texas. Maybe we can make something like that, although i only have one pan for making cheesecake. If you cant tell i really like cheesecake. Anyways, for some more theres pudding, jello, cake of multiple types, though not a box cake, brownies are always good, and its been a while since i had them. Maybe its to the point where i should just film on my own so we have some backup vids when we finally start filming again. Well see about that. Anyways, i know i say anyways a lot, but it feels like the best transition for how i use it, along with the previous items, another good one is pumpkin bread, and banana bread. There was also lemon bars, which are very good. See you next time.
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Hi again, Monty was here, but they said that they were still moving into a new place and their sorry for not able to film yet, but their working on being in the new space, and that we may be able to record at their house soon, so that’s good, though it’s a shame that we can’t film because I need to write about stuff still. If only there wasn’t a word count, that’s my annoyance for this project, on top of the Monty thing, though I can’t really blame them a ton. Time for more brainstorming I guess. Maybe since were doing some cooking we could make different sushies, like avocado roll, california roll, sashimi, but back to baked goods, to continue on the jello idea from last time, I know an interesting recipe, but I dont know if I want to use it. I know the recipe I would use for lemon bars, it uses a lot of sugar though so I do not know if thats the best choice. On the idea of sugar, another good thing is sugar cookies, as it is now christmas time, but we still need to do the ideas for thanksgiving as well, though I hope that we getg some more videos ready, and then post soon. If monty doesnt respond for two weeks again im going to start brainstorming new ideas for this project though. I hope it doesnt cpome to that, but it very possibly might. Thats all for this post
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For this week monty wasnt here again, so i'll wait another week because he said he was moving, then text him. I guess ill brainstorm some more desserts. To start, thumbprint cookies are good, and those come in multiple flavors, personally i like the cherry and apricot ones but ive seen apple, blackberry, and a lot more flavors too. Along with that i though maybe we could make a sponge cake, because i saw a good one of those the other day, and strawberry shortcake is good too. We could make sugar cookies, and for an episode we could make gingerbread houses, and decorate them with all kinds of candy, like gumdrops, kit cats, oreos, reeses, twizzlers, frosting, and so much more. Maybe oatmeal cookies would be good, or monster cookies, which are oatmeal cookies with mnms and chocolate chips, their very good. For december maybe we could do something minty, though I dont know a minty dessert, unless were making ice cream, but i dont think we can do that. Some other things could be maybe rice pudding or something with a carmalized top, the names escaping me currently but I’ll remember it for next time. We could make pudding, jello, layer cake with jello, remember seeing a recipe for that and it actually looked pretty good. For now, I hope that Monty will be here next week, if not I’ll start brainstorming something else, I’ll go over those brainstorms later, see you next time, have a good week
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Monty wasn't here this week so i just brainstormed more ideas for baking, on the top of my list is sugarcookies, like christmas cookies with frosting, mold cookies(not cookies made of mold but its cookies that you can mold into fun shapes), could make chocolate from scratch at some point,(i'm sure you know what chocolate is). Some other ideas are apple pie, cherry pie, wildberry pie(I don't know if that's what it's called but that's what I was told it was, it was a mix of raspberries and blackberries). On top of that, we could make a mousse. I've seen some good easy recipes for that, and just a couple ingredients. On top of that, mabe brownies, other types of cookies, like chocolate chip, red velvet, triflavor. We could also bake banana bread, pumpkin bread, or any other type. I had a good blueberry one the other month. More things would be scones of different kinds, like blueberry and maybe cranberry, though I don't like cranberry that much. We could make some cakes, maybe learn to make an ice cream cake, or cupcakes, there have been some interesting flavors i've seen around. Lemon bars are always good and i've got a recipe for them. There's also muffins, and tiramisu, apple crumble apple dumplings, which is an apple that has been cored, syrup put inside, and surrounded by pie dough and syrup hopefully monty replies soon and we can film our next video before the month is over
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This week we did not get any baking done, but we were able to get some recipes for later down. Eventually, we will most likely make pumpkin pie (you know what pumpkin pie is), a pumpkin shaped/flavored bundt cake(a kind of donut shaped cake) later, were going to make gingerbread (I mean we kind of have to, it is our brand, and it tastes good), and we may build a gingerbread house, some type of christmas cupcake, like a snowman or santa or something like that. Next up is candy cane cookies. Then mold cookies, and miterashidango, which is like tofu balls with a special sauce on them, which i have been told is pretty good but i have never had it. We're going to make those for children's day in Japan, and I know it's technically not baking but It's close enough I think. We might add a bit of cooking just so we can get a few more ideas out there so we have more content, maybe we can make tacos or something. Some more ideas are stuff like chocolate chip cookies or monster cookies which are chocolate chip and m&m cookies but this week we can not film, because its a very busy weekend for me, as I have a fencing tournament, which hopefully I will do well in and win. Hopefully all goes well and we keep going on, Hopefully we can film sometime other than this weekend. I think this will turn out well.
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baking blog post
We started by making our youtube channel, and an instagram account. We have got some recipes that we are going to make, and we made snickerdoodles on Saturday for our first video, and I think it went rather well. We are now onto the editing stage, and next, we have not decided what we are going to make. Later, we were planning to make pumpkin pie, and some other treats. We got all the equipment we will need, and we think that it will only get better from where we are now. We have had a couple of problems, like I messed up the recipe a little this time, by putting in too much almond flavoring, though we gave the correct amount, we just put the wrong thing in. our main problem I think is that when we record one of us is just sitting to the side and recording, while the other makes the stuff. Now, I think that this can be pretty easily fixed, and sometimes its to our benefit. Some things that went well were stuff like the cookies turned out well, and we got all of the really important parts on video, along with a couple bloopers for afterwards, to hopefully make the viewers enjoy it more. Among the things that went not so well, I didnt think to explain why we were doing some of the things in the video, though monty corrected me, so we can fix it for later and we fixed it in the last half
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