gingerliveblogs 3 years
Im so conflicted on finishing Atla. On the one hand, i loved what ive seen of it, but on the other i... really don't care anymore. I hate to admit it but i think i lost interest.
That said, i think ill probably finish it eventually but... not for a while, and ill probably rewatch in order to apply my now-informed opinions on Jet and Azula because goddamn i hated them both when watching my first time even tho theyre both literally kids who grew up in shitty situations. Azula's fourteen she didn't deserve the shit i thought abt her lol. No one deserved how shitty she was to them but she's literally an early teen
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Holy shit the "thats rough buddy" line is better than i could have expected. The complete sincerity and the lack of a pause. Amazing
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
So this is the episode when ppl started shipping sokka and zuko
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
I bet Sozin decided ppl should hunt dragons because his ex-boyfriend had a dragon as a pet or w/e. God, imagine being so petty you start driving a species to extinction just cuz your ex's pet was one
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Wow i can't believe the dragons are color coded perfect for aang and zuko
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Yeah i was right. Cool
... are ran and shao dragons? Idk i haven't seen em yet
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
... are ran and shao dragons? Idk i haven't seen em yet
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Oh no, ive played enough breath of the wild to know that carrying fire to a specific spot is difficult and annoying
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Zuko!!! That was a really good apology!! Im so proud of him!!!!!
Also im proud of katara for accepting the decision to let zuko into the gaang
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Oh my god that fucking assassin is still at it?!
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Zuko has no idea how to lie. He didn't even realize he couldn't have blamed some of the shit hes done on azula until it was too late.
He's never even tried to fool the gaang. Katara has reason to distrust his words, but i just love that he just. Doesnt ever think to lie.
Im love him
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Zuko's fucking impersonations of iroh and azula
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Oh my god Zuko's practicing his um... apology i guess
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Holy shit the western air temple is upside down.
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
ZUKOOOOOOO!!!! :)))))
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
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gingerliveblogs 4 years
Sokka, just fucking kill azula, she's never going to tell you where suki is
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