gingertoastforever · 2 years
Howdy folks.
I know it’s been like over a year since I last posted, but SO MUCH has been going on in my life it’s insane. I got my driver’s license, I got my first job, and I finished out my last year of high school. I lived, I laughed, I loved. So yeah, Tumblr has been at the back of my mind pretty much.
Since I am going off to college in a few days, I thought it would be good to have a fresh start and post to a new account. Not that I don’t like this one, I just grew out of it. Don’t get me wrong, I still love The Beatles and classic rock, but my hyperfixation was mostly just a coping mechanism to make quarantine and 2020 as whole more bearable, and I’m in a better place right now in terms of that, and don’t need to constantly post about my favorites bands and singers to compensate for the isolation I felt.
I probably won’t post anymore to this account, but don’t worry, I won’t deactivate it since there’s still a lot of memories and funny posts I don’t want erased. But if you want to keep up with me, my new account is @angelcake2222
Peace and love my friends,
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
I forgot Tumblr existed lmao.
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
I don't know what I was expecting when my family and I went to get donuts yesterday but I was NOT ready for a naked woman to walk past me in broad daylight.
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
John, go away
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
reblog if you hate the current interior design trend of painting everything white with hints of grey or black. ignore if you have no taste
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
"Every bit as warm, unassuming, funny, and kind as he seems. He was quite simply the heart of the Beatles." – John Lennon
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What Ringo does on the most basic of terms is make the music feel good - Bob Cianci
He has unrivalled feel for a song. If his timing fluctuates, it invariably does so in the right place at the right time, to keep the right atmosphere going on the track and give it a rock solid foundation -- George Martin
As a drummer, he was a natural—purely intuitive, remarkably tasteful, spirited [ . . . ] his willingness to lay back and take directions and feed the others was what allowed the Beatles’ sound to take such powerful flight [ . . . ] Time and again, the Beatles rode his backbeat to glory - Martin Torgoff
When I play on any record, I'm striving to get where Ringo is. You play what doesn't take you out of the song. - Benmont Tench
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"Ringo knew where the beat was on the greatest creative streak in popular music... which is quite a responsibility. He defined the pulse of the group. He knew their secret." - David Hepworth
While he hasn't got any technique to speak of, he realizes how important it is for a song to feel good. His feel is absolutely tremendous - Peter Blake
Instead of just counting the bars, he’s playing the song - Don Was
‘There is little question that the invitation to join the Beatles was the single luckiest thing that ever happened to Ringo Starr. But Ringo’s acceptance of that invitation was also one of the luckiest things that ever happened to the Beatles.’ - Jonathan Gould
"His drumming is like life—it gives you the most solid beat" - Yoko Ono
"More than any other drummer, Ringo Starr changed my life. [...] I can still see him in the back moving that beat with his whole body, his right hand swinging off his sock cymbal while his left hand pounds the snare. He was fantastic, but I think what got to me the most was his smile. I knew he was having the time of his life" - - - Max Weinber
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"We loved him. And we just thought he was the very best drummer we’d ever seen. And we wanted him in the group. We were big fans of his."  - - - Paul McCartney
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
Ringo Starr Appreciation Post (B&W Edition)
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Ringo Starr // July 7, 1940.
I feel the older I get, the more I’m learning to handle life. Being on this quest for a long time, it’s all about finding yourself.
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
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My idea is that you keep working. A lot of people want to get the hell out of the factory and retire. But I’m doing my hobby, so I don’t want to give it up. I’m going off now and I’ll pick up the electric guitar and play some rock and roll. I still feel the same thrill I used to feel. I’m allowed to play this really cool guitar through a brilliant amp and turn it up as loud as I like. I still love it, and it still seems like a privilege. – Paul McCartney (2009)          HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAUL! (JUNE 18, 1942)
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
I can't believe I wasted nearly two decades of my life trying to discover my purpose in life when I should be creating one for myself.
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
I have been taking a break from the internet recently, but I plan on returning soon. Sorry for the lack of activity.
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
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SEPTEMBER 24, 1941 - ∞
"I had daydreams and fantasies when I was growing up. I always wanted to live in a log cabin at the foot of a mountain. I would ride my horse to town and pick up provisions. Then return to the cabin, with a big open fire, a record player and peace"
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
CPD just killed a fifteen year old child.
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
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Been on a Beatles kick for the past coupla weeks
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
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Yes, Ladies and Gentleman. Ringo Starr jumping into Paul McCartney’s arms.
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
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John and “Nigel”
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gingertoastforever · 3 years
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Paul McCartney pointing out the hypocrisy of the press and their ‘Moral Crusades’.
On 17 June 1967, Life Magazine ran an interview with Paul McCartney in which the Beatle admitted to having taken LSD. The UK press immediately seized upon it, and two days later McCartney gave a statement to Independent Television News (ITN).
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