giothadon · 2 years
Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.
Ruth Ann Schabacker (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
Ask for nothing less than inspiration.
Deepak Chopra  (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Kahlil Gibran  (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
Henri Bergson (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
But she did look back, and I love her for that, because it was so human.
Kurt Vonnegut (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
Do your own thing on your own terms and get what you came here for.
Oliver James  (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
What did the Buddha say about sins?
That sins are not done out of hatred, but come from inner and deep personal pain from within.
Forrest Curran
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giothadon · 2 years
Compassion basically means accepting people’s frailties, their weaknesses, not expecting them to behave like gods. That expectation is cruelty.
Osho (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety.
Plato (via fyp-philosophy)
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giothadon · 2 years
Being human means having doubts and yet still continuing on your path.
Paulo Coelho (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.
Confucius (via fyp-philosophy)
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giothadon · 2 years
You have two choices, to control your mind or to let your mind control you.
 Paulo Coelho (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
Don’t let your happiness be controlled by something you can’t control.
(via deeplifequotes)
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giothadon · 2 years
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
Phyllis Diller  (via purplebuddhaproject)
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giothadon · 2 years
I took my power in my hand And went against the world;
Emily Dickinson, excerpt of I Took My Power (via antigonick)
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giothadon · 2 years
Calm the swell and heaving of thy passion, like oil thrown on the waves of a tempestuous sea.
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (via antigonick)
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giothadon · 2 years
Cultivating a close, warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the ultimate source of success in life.
Dalai Lama  (via purplebuddhaproject)
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