giovnyani-a · 6 years
(-sends you hugs- good to see you!)
(oh heck its like really really nice to see you too
You are such a nice person and ofugrfwisdfhgj its lovely to have you pop in when I am so not active on this blog *wheezes*)
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
skipping out on icons for a while bc I feel like multitasking will be my downfall
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
Try to seduce my Muse.
Then they will respond and rate you:
Never been less turned on | Ugh no | I’d give you a try | Yes, yes, YES | I’M READY NOW DAMMIT
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
@distortedspace this isn’t going to fit in your inbox so here we go :3
It’s months of popping into the man’s personal bubble, messing around a bit, and leaving before ire or fear breaks the fragile layer that he uses to worm ever closer. There isn’t much to do other than talk about the progress made in their work but the touches he is sure to include with every interaction becomes a meter he uses to judge how things are between them. Cyrus’s flinches go from full body jerks to something he doesn’t notice if he gives the man some type of warning.
He has invited Cyrus to eat together once before. The evening had been pleasant enough with Giovanni extending a hand for the man to get to know him. He had learned some things but with all the interaction he doesn’t remember the specifics of what he learned that night.
Tonight he takes the man to a smaller venue. The intimate atmosphere has the other man shutting down so fast that he instantly knows that this was a mistake. However he already has Cyrus trapped on the inside of the booth so he orders drinks.
Cyrus still hasn’t loosened up and Giovanni is feeling lighter with the alcohol now flooding his system. There isn’t a shred of closeness to be found between the two of them and quite frankly the bad decisions rolling through his head win against whatever logic he still possesses. He seizes his companions tapping fingers and brushes his lips against the back of the trapped knuckles. Reality seems blurred as he convinces himself to risk everything to ask for what he really wants. He leans ever closer until he is next to Cyrus’s ear and steadying himself with a hand on the man’s thigh. It’s a breath before he can formulate the question he whispers into his companion’s ear.
“Would it be alright if I were to worship every inch of you?”
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
It's Sexual Sunday so...
send my muse inappropriate questions
flirt with them anonymously or not
try to make them blush
kiss them at random
send me terrible pickup lines 
get my muse hot and bothered 
Pretty much this is your excuse to do what you want to my muse and see if you can get away with it. So go crazy! 
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
yes  I am a fool who does that kind of shit at 3am
lets see if I can sleep now.
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
thanks to @tenderpoison for making me so concerned that I had to search up time lines of when things came out to make sure Giovanni was able to watch Ghibli movies with young Silver.
There is a probably of old worn out VHS of Totoro and Kiki’s Delivery Service involved with Silver’s childhood and now I want to fucking cry.
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
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She has leaned up against him as she reaches to place the crown of flowers upon his head.
Unfortunately the height difference leaves the flower crown slipping off as she cant quite reach the top of his head while still maintaining any semblance of personal space. Giovanni stands there for a minute just to see if she can win over the battle of their height difference.
His grin is barely suppressed as he steps away from her just to see if her face crinkles up when she is frustrated. His indifferent expression cracks when he sees that it does. He repeats his retreat when she leans against him again. This cycle continues until she is smart enough to grab Giovanni’s sleeve.
By this point the snickers that he let escape with his ever-growing glee over the prank’s success were turning into laughs. Her face is red and Giovanni has the feeling that she wants to smack him.
“Alright, alright…” He mutters through laughs as she tugs at his sleeve.
He kneels as if he is about to be knighted, his shoulders shaking with stray laughs he can’t smother. The ring of flowers brushes against his hair and for the first time it stays. Giovanni’s shit eating grin grows ever wider as he lifts his head to face her.
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“Now was that so hard?”
The silky flowers loose their grip from his head and bounce off his shoulder before landing on the floor.
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
❦ (yes to your idea yes Yessssssss XD)
let’s get this train going
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
❦ Local gang lady befriends foreign m̶e̶m̶e̶ mafia boss, hilarity ensues.
We all know I’m a fukkin meme its okay.
I’ll take it
Just tell me if i need to come in your inbox with “That is the coolest/most bitchin’ lizard I’ve ever seen.” bc thats all I got to get them talking.
Idk Giovanni is probably psyched about all these pokemon he just thought he knew from his homeland being totally different but also the same in alola.
Who knows maybe nidoking/nidoqueen with its poison/ground typing can be something we work/plot with :)
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
❦ in some insane alternate universe (?)
Gdi you too? I just imagine Giovanni saying something shitty/sassy and Nanu just whips out some handcuffs and locks Giovanni to whatever furniture is the closest. Then Nanu starts calling Looker since he can’t arrest Giovanni (because it’s outside his jurisdiction??? Don’t think Giovanni technically did anything illegal on Ula'ula but idk how police stuff works tbh)...
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
Send a ❦ if you'd consider shipping our muses.
bonus if you add a type of ship you’d like them to be or a thread idea for our muses.
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
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friendly reminder that local dumbass is drawing everything for this blog so I’m not prepared 24/7
just in case anyone was worried about if I got things bc I have... you people... lol
though honestly keep sending things bc I never know what will make me lightbulb... sorry
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
🌸 Here yeh go Gio :3c
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Something is climbing up his back. Rapidly.
The tiny pricks of claws go through his suit and the weight dragging at the cloth gives him warning that something is coming for his head.
His instinctive cringe ceases and he starts to bend backwards to use gravity against the intruder using him as a sort of ladder. Suddenly the weight on his shoulders shifts then disappears.
He turns and tension leaves Giovanni like a breath held too long. It was just Archiechu. Giovanni reaches for the whisper of weight on his head. Petals crinkle against his fingers as he inspects the flower crown.
“Um... Thanks.”
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
Is he- is he STANDING and sleeping? What kind of talent is this? Cyrus is leaning with his forehead pressed against the nearby wall, yet slumped shoulders speak of an adventure in dreamland. His eyes are closed sure, but is he actually sleeping or summoning a demon, with that sleeptalk muttering under his breath? Who knows!
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Giovanni had nearly bumped into the man as he turned down the hallway this... oddity occurred in. This sleeping obstacle halted his task to gather the other bosses.
Giovanni reaches for Cyrus’ shoulder to shake him awake. He wanted to talk strategy with the others for the likely event that there was an intruder. The muttering grows louder and Giovanni’s hand drops. Instead, out comes his phone and the scene is recorded for blackmail purposes.
His smile doesn’t reach his eyes. Cyrus could fend for himself if there was a crisis. After all, the man before him wanted to destroy the world Giovanni desperately wanted to rule.
The scene in the hallway is walked away from, undisturbed.
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
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feeling kind of off tonight (and tbh i keep stressing bc i feel like anything i type for this acct is ooc for Gio r.i.p.)
probably going to draw tonight but i keep rethinking this blog and that probably not a good mindset for doing shit for this account oops.
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giovnyani-a · 6 years
Send “🌸” to give my muse a flower crown
Or send “🌸  reverse” and my muse will give yours a flower crown
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