girl-inkling · 20 days
"Don't listen to Jasper, he's just angry."
> [Elise said, trying to downplay the situation.]
> [You hear someone crawling through the vents. The hatch pops open and out comes the top half of Asmo! Despite his size, he can somehow fit in such a small vent.] "I JUST GOT BACK FROM [country name]!!!" > [Asmo looks around, seeing Jasper's distressed face.] "... What did I miss?"
"Nothing much, I'm just about to murder a bastard~★"
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girl-inkling · 20 days
> [Elise's composure slightly faltered at the mention of the knife, she seemed slightly nervous, as if she was scared of the knife.]
"A... Pocket knife... You say..? What ever could you need one for? I mean, you're physically strong, so why would you need a weapon?"
> [Elise's eyes lingered on Jasper's pocket, seemingly anxious.]
> [ His hands are twitching, itching for a fight. He rummaged through his desk, looking for something. ]
"I knew he was a fraud."
> [ His right hand now carried a pocket knife, concealed in his pocket as he murmured to himself. ]
"I will make him pay for this."
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girl-inkling · 20 days
"Hm... What's that you're holding in your pocket..?"
> [Elise stared right at him, her voice becoming more serious, as if she would tear him apart immediately if he didn't tell her what he had.]
> [ His hands are twitching, itching for a fight. He rummaged through his desk, looking for something. ]
"I knew he was a fraud."
> [ His right hand now carried a pocket knife, concealed in his pocket as he murmured to himself. ]
"I will make him pay for this."
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girl-inkling · 20 days
"Hm... Okay... May I see?"
> [Elise felt suspicious of Jasper as she asked this, she held out her hand, waiting for him to give her the item in his hands.]
> [ His hands are twitching, itching for a fight. He rummaged through his desk, looking for something. ]
"I knew he was a fraud."
> [ His right hand now carried a pocket knife, concealed in his pocket as he murmured to himself. ]
"I will make him pay for this."
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girl-inkling · 20 days
"Ah... And may I ask what that is in your hand..?"
> [Elise asked wearily, peering down at his slightly covered hands]
> [ His hands are twitching, itching for a fight. He rummaged through his desk, looking for something. ]
"I knew he was a fraud."
> [ His right hand now carried a pocket knife, concealed in his pocket as he murmured to himself. ]
"I will make him pay for this."
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girl-inkling · 20 days
"Hey..! Just wanted to check in after all of that! You doing alright?"
> [Elise asked, peeking into the office.]
> [ His hands are twitching, itching for a fight. He rummaged through his desk, looking for something. ]
"I knew he was a fraud."
> [ His right hand now carried a pocket knife, concealed in his pocket as he murmured to himself. ]
"I will make him pay for this."
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girl-inkling · 21 days
"Hey! Hey! I don't think there's a need for violence, hm? We can just talk this out, like sensible adults!"
> [Elise popped her head in from behind the intern, getting a little nervous from the situation.]
"Oh Lord, I wish that monk was here..!"
> [ Not even a hello. ]
> [ There was a harsh knocking on the newbie's desk before Jasper forced the doors open. ]
"It was YOU!? You little SHIT!!"
( @doppelcoworker )
>[He seemed to have almost falled off his chair, hitting his elbow on his desk.]
"Jas- oh shit. I uhh... What are you talking about?"
>[He pretended to not know what he was talking about.]
"Did I do something wrong?"
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girl-inkling · 3 months
"What about Antag."
WASSUP BRAH😈 I'm the newbies long lost twin and I'm here to snatch u for 🌈PRIDE MONTH 🌈!!! I also did ur boss.
@un-favoredprotag , I'm finna take ur man, loser😈
"'..what? '"
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girl-inkling · 4 months
"Oh thank you! I promise I won't be a bother!"
> [The girl thanked, her face lit up in glee]
"Also, just to get to know you, What's your name?"
> [She asked]
"Umm... If it doesn't bring you any trouble, could I stay here? Until they send a rescue team?"
> [The girl asked as she bowed in respect.]
(i) > Let them stay here? Was that really a good idea? Where would she even sleep?? Maybe you should give her your bedroom and you join your brother on the couch for arrangements.
> "We'll. . . Work things around. But please, feel free to stay until. . . then? Honestly, I don't know how you expect. . . to leave here."
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girl-inkling · 4 months
"What in the Lord's name?!"
(Hello, this is my first AU blog! Please read what you can and cannot do before asking!)
The mod is a minor! And goes by She/her pronouns, that goes for Elise as well!
NSFW/Suggestive asks are not okay! The character I'm using is a minor!
Augsty/Serious asks are okay! This character is from an AU where people have mental illnesses, and some people die as well, so it's okay to ask those types of questions.
Asker magic is allowed! I think it's fun.
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