girl-reducer · 21 days
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casual blue crab miku doodle
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girl-reducer · 21 days
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girl-reducer · 21 days
My fav kind of demily thread, a bunch of strangers just installing new brain worms for no reason lol
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Understood I Will Make Sure To Visit The Store At Least Once A Week
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girl-reducer · 21 days
polite old lady wolf gets treats
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girl-reducer · 23 days
in my most recent game of team defense fort 2 i was banned from a 24/7 hightower pony rp server for screaming ‘incoming gamer!’ into my mic every time i respawned or charged as demoman. and i have to say, nothing really prepares you for the sensation of hearing a grown man say with no hint of irony in his voice, ‘mr sex goblin, if you dont stop saying that im banning you from ponyville forever’
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girl-reducer · 23 days
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Hear me out guys… what if Miku could clone herself via Mitosis? MIKUTOSIS
leek chromosomes
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girl-reducer · 1 month
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girl-reducer · 1 month
The subtle brag about being employed as though we arent all wagies with neet souls
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girl-reducer · 1 month
Sometimes I frighten myself with my own supressed rage. I just growled into the mirror (beastlike Daddy behavior) and then got so scared by my own violent eyes that I yelped and wimpered (fearful Kitten behavior). Then I became rock hard in awe of the nuance and layers present within my twisted soul and cried
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girl-reducer · 1 month
going to the convenience store spending half an hour in the snack aisle imagining eating some of them in great detail then going home empty-handed
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girl-reducer · 1 month
This is a great way to sell it to tumblr users lol
I know this is the Anti Small Talk Website but small talk is one of the most effective social glues out there for getting to know people and forming friendships with them.
When I was just starting out at a job right after college I had a coworker who I thought was the nicest person alive and after a few weeks I realized this was just because she consistently asked other people things like, "How ya doing? Whatcha having for lunch? Got any weekend plans? Seen any good movies lately?" instead of politely ignoring everyone around her.
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girl-reducer · 1 month
Laughing my ass off imagining a 24 year old who watches happy tree friends for the firs time and becomes like shaky and pale, and excuses himself from dinner early, And his mothers like whats the matter dear? I made mash potatos your favorite! And hes like I just have to go. And he lays down in bed without eating and stares at the cieling, tries to go to bed, is tossing and turning all night, wakes up next morning and can only look forwards
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girl-reducer · 2 months
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girl-reducer · 2 months
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I think they should grow their hair a few inches longer and start using she/her prpnouns
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girl-reducer · 2 months
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Centaur Watching Fish by Arnold Böcklin (1878).
I love love love Böcklin’s mythical pieces, they have this sense of realism, and often even sensitivity.
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girl-reducer · 2 months
does anyone have that post that's like a excerpt from Che Guevara's memoirs where Castro dunked on him so hard on the court that he began to question his dedication to the revolution
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girl-reducer · 2 months
Saw someone mention the new Boston Dynamics' robot was introduced like a Souls boss. Was not expecting it to come out so creepy.
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