girlgadot-blog · 7 years
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
itsjakegyll :
When she answered his question, Jake did nothing but listen. He stared at her with a smile that hadn’t been shown since the last time they saw each other. He would’ve said that he had missed her, but he went on to hold back by pressing his tongue against the roof of his mouth instead, resisting the desire. “That’s great,” he told her, “I’ve been trying to keep myself in the gym as well, but you’re obviously doing a better job at that… What–” He was about to ask her what she was going to be up to today when he heard his order being called out. He swiftly turned around to take the cup of coffee from a barista, thanking them in return before turning back around to face Gal again. 
Just as he did, the dark-haired girl spoke again. Apparently, she was going to stick around for a little while in the cafe, all by herself. He still had his meeting to go to, prompting his eyes to dart at the clock sitting in the backdrop behind her head. 9:34. Would he have the time to sit down for ten minutes? Probably not. His agent’s office was on the other side of town. Knowing him, that guy was probably going to expect on him on the dot. Then again, when would he ever see Gal at a time like this? When she wasn’t busy? The hesitation was clear on his face, but he ended up laughing at her added comment about not being intoxicated. He couldn’t help but shake his head at her. “The alcohol wasn’t what made you interesting, Gal,” he assured her before glancing over at the tables placed near them. There were plenty of vacant ones to sit at, which only prompted him to ignore his responsibilities and step towards a seat. “I think I can spare some time to talk.” He knew damn well that wasn’t true, but his agent was just going to have to deal with a little tardiness. Otherwise, they could just reschedule. Spending time with Gal was much more important to him right now.
Gal let her eyes trail down towards his chest, her eyebrow raising a little bit. She couldn’t help herself from staring at him, she had been missing the man if she was honest. They barely knew each other but she felt so drawn to him so quickly, that being away from him had almost felt hard. “It looks like you’ve been doing a fine job at keeping to the gym.” She hummed, biting down on her lips to stop herself from reaching out to touch his chest. Soon he was turning to grab his coffee, and she let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding. She could definitely feel eyes on the two of them, after all, it must have been a little weird to see Gal and Jake together, they didn’t seem like likely pair. 
She could see the hesitation all over his face as she mentioned he could sit with her for a bit if he had time. She knew he was probably very busy, why wouldn’t he be? She was definitely expecting him to decline her offer, and she told herself she was going to be okay with that, but what she was expecting didn’t happen. Her lips curled up into a soft smile as he spoke once more, her eyes shifting up to meet his. “Are you certain? You haven’t been around be while I’m not drunk.” She pointed out, teasing him with a soft giggle. She nudged his shoulders a little, moving to sit down at one of the tables after he agreed to stay for a bit. “Oh how sweet of you to spare a few moments to little old me.” She teased him further, setting her coffee cup down on the table, grinning over at him. “So, what did you want to talk about, Jacob? Anything exciting?” She hummed, taking a sip of her coffee, feeling a little hesitate to bring up what the hell was happening between them. A part of her wondered if he didn’t want anything further and that’s why he hadn’t been in contact with her. Or maybe he was just busy. She wish she wasn’t doubting herself so much, she was never like this, but somehow Jake had a new effect on her that she had never felt before. 
Sweet as Cream / Jake&Gal
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
swiftstay :
I bet it’s going to be amazing as always! Also will you at all be resurrected as Giselle in Fast and Furious?
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I think Gisele is going to stay dead, and if I’m being honest, I’m not terribly upset about that. It was time for me to move on to new things.
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
ryreynoldss :
How sweet of you, I can’t believe you’d do that for little old me. Oh trust me, the full Ryan Reynolds experience is a lot to handle, are you sure you’re up for that? Because I am 110% willing to dish it out. I’ll definitely write about it in my diary after, but no one’s allowed to read that expect me. You’ll really sign it?? Maybe I’ll be able to sell it to afford to eat. This is the greatest day of my life.
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I am very ready for the whole Ryan Reynolds experience, I definitely want to see what it’s like. Maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll even sign your diary for you, just you can prove you really have the Gal Gadot experience. 
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
levizaclevi :
I’m in the new Psych movie coming out and there’s a strict rule people can not ask me about it. Except for pre approved questions. I would ruin the whole thing. IT’s hard, especially when you’re really proud and excited about your work.
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I’m totally the same way, I almost spoiled Wonder Woman several times. I was like never allowed to speak about the movie when I was on my own, because that’s when I would accidentally let things slip. 
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
ben-t-barnes :
I think you can get away with it because you’re wonder Woman. They can’t tell you no now. You’re the highest grossing superhero origin story like ever so you have all the power. Enjoy it. I can’t commit to that. I can commit to running and doing a little bit here and there but I can’t ever say oh I’m going to spend 3 hours in the gym everyday. I have commitment issues.
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It’s not terrible once you get used to it. I never thought I would be able to spend so long at the gym per day, but I just had to push myself to the limits, and just do it. I can spend all day at the gym if I’m not careful. 
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
lights-pcxleitner :
Well it’s good to know that it’s a hundred percent real. I can’t wait to see those behind the scenes pictures you’ll post. I think that’ll keep me going until the actual movie release day. Okay, I promise I won’t pester you for those details then, although I’ll certainly want to know.
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I will honestly end up spoiling something, I already know. I’m the absolute worst for it. So you’ll probably end up getting some sort of details about the movie before it comes out. I will for sure be posting those behind the scenes pictures, I can never help it. We always have so much fun on set, it’s impossible not to share that with everyone else.
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
itsjakegyll :
Oh, really? Well hopefully, things will be set in stone by then, if you know what I mean.
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Well one can only hope. 
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
jmoinlights :
I’m the same way, I’m surprised there hasn’t been some sort of coffee IV invented and marketed specifically towards actors. That person would make tons of money. I would be down for that! A routine would be good for me, I think. Plus you said it was fun, I’m always interested in trying fun new workouts.
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You should go on Shark tank with that idea, it would totally make a lot of money! I do a lot of hand to hand combat, which can be fun because most people typically don’t do that. 
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
leamichelexo :
Coffee is a stable thing that won’t change on ya unless you change it. Basically, it’s like a perfect boyfriend.
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I guess I can be single forever as long as I have coffee in my life. 
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
lizseilllig :
I’ve heard great things about the first Wonder Woman, so congrats on the sequel! I still need to see the first, so I’m sorry I’m a fake. I should do that, soon. I’ve just been too busy to go to the movies these days.
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Trust me, I’m surprised anyone I talk to has the time to go to the movies to see it. Everyone is so busy lately that I’m surprised anyone has seen anything. Thank you though! I’m very happy that we are getting a sequel.
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
itsjakegyll :
Ever since he shared the night with Gal, aka Wonder Woman, the thought of her had never left Jake’s mind. His lips yearned for the feeling of hers pressed against them, while the nostalgia of Chinese food and ‘The Honeymooners’ replayed in his mind over and over again. He had to admit, he missed the girl and everything about her. Her giggle could echo inside his mind from time to time, the sweet smile of hers implanted into his brain from watching it light upon her face each time throughout the night. After that, from the moment of the terrible goodbye they had to say to one another at the crack of dawn, he woke up every morning with a smile on his face, the first thought being her and only her. Yet, why was he waiting so long to reach out to her? Jake would make up the excuse of work, but he would only be lying to himself.
He parked his car near the sidewalk in the middle of the downtown LA, intent on buying his regular order of caffeine before he could officially start his day. When he walked into the cafe, a smile smeared across his face as the owner turned around from behind the counter and met eyes with him. Greeting each other, Jake went on to tell him what he wanted – medium hot, skim milk, sweet n’ low. He paid for his cup before he waited idly, his eyes aimlessly looking up at the menu that hung from the ceiling, wondering over at the people who sat at the small tables near the windows. He wished he could sit and simply enjoy his cup of coffee, but his meeting at ten was ticking closer and prompting him to not waste another second. It was just then a tap on his shoulder grabbed his attention and had him glance behind it, big blue eyes meeting little brown ones – beautiful, familiar ones. Just as Gal spoke, Jake’s gaze followed her up and down, a smirk quirking up in the corner of his mouth as the look of surprise transitioned upon his face. “Woah. What are you–” He paused for a moment, wondering to himself for a beat. He had no idea why he would be so shocked to see her here, at a time like this.. Honestly, he had no idea what to say. Perhaps, he was merely excited to just see her, finally. He couldn’t help but huff a laugh before simply saying, “Hi…” Hesitantly, he went in for a quick, friendly hug that wanted to be a kiss. “How are you?”
Internal panic was definitely starting to quick in mid way through her lifting her hand to tap on his shoulder. She had no idea what she was going to say to him, she just didn’t think this through at all it seemed. Everything was fine, until he turned around and their eyes met of course. Looking into his eyes, it was like every possible reason to not want to look away from someone was flooding through her mind and she kept staring deep into his eyes. Her lips curled up into a smile as Jake’s did the same, watching the range of emotions he had on his face from just seeing here standing there, it filled her stomach with butterflies. As he started asking what she was doing there, she held up her coffee cup, letting out a soft giggle. Soon she was pulled against the man for a hug and it was as though she had forgotten how to breath all of a sudden. Her arms easily wrapped arm him, the touch feeling natural to her, as if they had been doing this for a long time, when in reality they had known each other for a short time now.  “I’ve been... yeah I’ve been good. Great even, I can’t complain. Mostly just been going to the gym, which is super tiring, but very worth it!” She hummed happily, flexing her muscles, in a teasing manner, another giggle escaping her lips.
A few moments passed and they were calling out Jake’s order, which Gal took note of, for future reference. She glanced down at her feet for a short moment, feeling almost nervous to be speaking with him. “I was probably going to sit in here for a little while I have my coffee...” She started speaking as she glanced back up at him. “You’re welcome to join me if you want... unless you have somewhere to be, in which case don’t let me keep you from it.” She mumbled, biting down on her bottom lip. This felt almost awkward, but that was probably because there were things starting between them and neither of them knew what to do about it. She wanted more than anything to sit down with him and just figure everything out, because it had been driving her crazy the past few days. “I’m 100% not intoxicated this time, so I might not be as fun to talk to, just a warning.” She joked, a grin forming on her face as she tried to lighten the mood. She was most definitely just overthinking everything, but how could she not? Jake had been her celebrity crush for ages and now he was standing in front of her, and maybe she had a chance with him. It was a crazy thing to think of when she put it that way, but it was entirely true.
Sweet as Cream / Jake&Gal
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
itsjakegyll :
You know I’m gonna be there. Since I’m such a big fan, am I invited to the premiere this time?
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It just so happens the role of my date at the premiere is still open, so you may be in luck.
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
thiddleston :
I vote you should wear it when you go out. Just to see everyone’s reaction would be priceless. I understand why you don’t want to though. That would be like me in one of Loki’s costumes. You think so? I try my best even if he isn’t all bad. How are you Gal?
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I would definitely wear the boots everywhere, they’re so fun to wear! The rest of the costume, not so much. It’s pretty sweaty if I’m being honest. I’ve been going pretty awesome lately, considering this movie got confirmed! How have you been?
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
supergirl--benoist :
I am so going to be there! I am literally so happy for you, Gal. Now we need to get going on having both Supergirl and Wonder Woman on an episode. Because I’m totally down for that to happen.
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Thank you! I’m honestly so happy about this. There was talk for a while of sequel but now that’s it’s been confirmed, I just can’t stop smiling! I would gladly come on an episode if they would have me!
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
jmoinlights :
Congratulations! Do you start filming really soon, like in the next month? I tell everyone this when they mention early call times, coffee. Coffee is key. - I might just be trying to make myself feel better about the amount of coffee I drink. That takes dedication, maybe I need to get in on this Wonder Woman workout of yours.
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In the next few weeks, yeah! Coffee is honestly the only reason I make it through a day on set, I’d probably die without it. It does take dedication, but when someone offers you the role of Wonder Woman, you just get into the zone of doing anything and everything to succeed. It’s a pretty fun work out, I could always use a gym buddy!
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girlgadot-blog · 7 years
tomhollandxo :
Oh my god, I’m so ready. The first one was wonderful. Sorry my pun was lame. I might be contracted obligated to like Marvel, but I think the WW movie was pretty legit. It was surely better than the previous DC films in my opinion. See the early times gotta be okay when you get to put the suit on yeah? Like it makes it all worth while when you get to be the closest thing to the real superhero.
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I’ve totally never heard that pun before, it was very creative. I’ve seen Spider-man at least 5 times now and every time I walk into the theatre I whisper ‘fuck my contract’ to myself, because even though I’m with DC, Spider-man is one of my favourites. I’ve been waiting for the right Spider-man to come around, and I think you’ve captured that. 
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