girlharm · 9 months
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Sharp Objects, 2018, dir. Jean-Marc Vallée
SE01E02 Dirt
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girlharm · 9 months
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Sharp Objects, 2018, dir. Jean-Marc Vallée
SE01E02 Dirt
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girlharm · 9 months
“i wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a baby.”
some women aren't made to be mothers. the epiphany first came to mind when camille thought of her own progenitor. her memory recalls incorruptible flesh between pearly, evenly spaced teeth; she feels a faint, itching sensation of ghostly nails, manicured to perfection like gleaming daggers, burrowing into her spine.
emitting a soft chuckle as she banishes the burning feeling with a swipe of hands against her scalp, she tousles her red hair into a mess. "me neither. can you picture me trying to make one stop crying?" i can barely manage myself half of the time.
the reporter isn't usually one to go forth with unwarranted information, but camille imagines herself striking up a strange kinship with the woman in that moment. she feels seen. "i can't, anyways. have one. kind of pointless for me to think about it."
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girlharm · 9 months
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When you’re here, you’re my daughter. You can move away and forget, but I can’t. You don’t know the people here anymore.
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girlharm · 9 months
hbo’s sharp objects (2018) - episode 03: fix sentence starters.
feel free to edit for pronouns/tense, etc. tw / cw for abuse, trauma, death, murder, sex, abuse, profanity, and self harm.
“party’s over.” 
“don’t tell mama.” 
“what are we drinking?”
“there’s never anything to do here.”
“they love me. they do, y’know. love me.”
“why are you being sweet to me?”
“i wasn’t nice when i was your age.” 
“you love dead girls.” 
“you couldn’t stay away.” 
“i wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a baby.”
“you seem to be doing a pretty good job taking care of yourself.” 
“i just want to know you.”
“am i the only one working in this goddamn place?”
“don’t talk to me.” 
“did i wake you up?”
“when can i come home?”
“everyday’s a gift.” 
“it’s just the chills, dear.” 
“passion doesn’t always have to equal sex.” 
“nine out of ten murders, they knew their killer.” 
“she wouldn’t talk to you, huh?”
“i can make that happen.”
“everyone thinks he’s guilty just cause he’s sensitive.” 
“my mama always says lipstick makes you look like a lady.”
“i haven’t worn a skirt since college.”
“what can i say? i love my job.”
“no comment.”
“she never wanted kids. that was all me.”
“what kind of person does that?”
“your presence here is inappropriate.” 
“we weren’t done talkin’.” 
“you think bad things didn’t happen to little girls when she was my age?”
“it has caused her difficulty.”
“you are not safe around her.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i’m not having people thinking my boyfriend is a fucking baby killer.”
“he lost his daughter.” 
“you never mean to do anything.”
“you cause so much hurt.” 
“she doesn’t understand what you are.” 
“does it get better?”
“you survive.” 
“he’s going through a lot.”
“sleep well, sister.”
“i don’t know what i don’t know.”
“i like winter. it gets dark early. i like that.” 
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girlharm · 9 months
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girlharm · 9 months
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girlharm · 9 months
#FEARS — BOLD any fears which apply to your muse.  italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex. chains. inner demons. hallucinations. staring. going berserk. betrayal. sickness.
TAGGED BY: @noblework TAGGING: @carrioncop @firstpig @junksaw
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girlharm · 9 months
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Sharp Objects (2018) . Fix
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girlharm · 9 months
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sometimes i think illness sits inside every woman, waiting for the right moment to bloom. // camille preaker of gillian flynn's sharp objects, as written by wander.
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girlharm · 9 months
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girlharm · 9 months
i'd play in the creek now as an adult. i'd sit in the stream and collect rocks for a while
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girlharm · 9 months
“i’m very involved in the community.”
"that so?" camille intones into her glass of bourbon.
wakefield is a small, cozy place where everybody knows everybody — much like her wind gap. all fitting together like a too-tight sweater, stifling and itchy on her skin. outsiders are regarded with suspicion and hostility, subject to vicious gossip, especially when they mosey in with expectations of answers to private questions.
after all, no decent person would forget propriety like that.
so camille smiles charmingly when she sets her glass down on the countertop. loosens up her frame, uncrosses her legs, hand on her chin, feeling the liquid courage burn in her throat. although she has carried no signs of identification to her being press into this dive bar, she knows that whispers spread like wildfire in a place like wakefield, texas. if his claim is true, he already knows who she is.
"then you must be very in-tune with the town's feelings surrounding these tragedies."
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girlharm · 9 months
I Don’t Know How Much Vodka I Put In This But I’m Going To Drink It Anyways: a memoir
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girlharm · 9 months
hbo’s sharp objects (2018) - episode 02: dirt sentence starters.
feel free to edit for pronouns/tense, etc. tw / cw for abuse, trauma,death,  murder, profanity, and self harm.
“it might be the sign of a guilty conscious.”
“around here, we call it just being nice.” 
“i think my hips are just a little higher than yours.”
“it’s fine. i’m fine.” 
“i’m very involved in the community.”
“i want to know where you are.” 
“i don’t want you to talk like that.”
“we are going to the funeral to support that poor family.” 
“you know, i’ve been thinking.”
“why does a killer change his MO like that?”
“the nature of this crime, it’s personal.” 
“inside voice. it’s a funeral.” 
“she talked a lot when she had something to say, and was quiet if she didn’t.”
“isn’t my sister the coolest?”
“you’re old enough to be my mom.”
“it’s dangerous out there for you.”
“people are killing little girls.” 
“make sure you get home before mama.” 
“you’re not there to solve a mystery.” 
“this could be your big break if you do it right.”
“don’t go gentle.”
“you never come home.”
“do you have kids?”
“you must have a boyfriend.”
“your mother shows me pictures of you.”
“my demons are not remotely tackled. they’re just mildly concussed.”
“let these people be.” 
“i ain’t no pussy.”
“did he see who took her?”
“she’s dead.”
“they say i’m seeing ghosts.” 
“he’s playing with a gun.”
“he just seems a little young to have a gun.”
“you have a nice day.”
“so that’s the problem?”
“how is your mama? is she holding up?”
“believe it or not, some of us read. we even write!”
“where were you?”
“i don’t want to know.” 
“it isn’t right.” 
“we’ll have to figure out how to use the spider.” 
“what’s going on?”
“is she alright?”
“she’s scared.”
“she’s lashing out.” 
“you were drunk.”
“you’re giving me a lecture about drinking?”
“i just want things to be nice with us.” 
“maybe i don’t know how.” 
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girlharm · 9 months
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I’m so happy with you! Shh! Shh! You’re like my soul mate. You’re like my sister. I love you.
Sharp Objects (2018)
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girlharm · 9 months
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