girlsinictblogs · 10 years
We are Girls in ICT
L’organisation de manifestations dans le cadre de la Journée des jeunes filles dans le secteur des TIC ne suit pas de modèle particulier. L’UIT invite et encourage les Ministères de la communication et de l’éducation, les autorités nationales de réglementation, les entreprises du secteur privé, les établissements universitaires et les ONG à organiser au niveau local ou national des événements consacrés à la Journée internationale des jeunes filles dans le secteur des TIC, à l’intention des adolescentes et des étudiantes.
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Celebrating Successes Inspiring Girls.
Voice l’exemple d’une jeune fille appelée Sylvia qui vient de Californie  elle a seulement 12 ans et a inventée, par sa propre imagination une machine pour exercer sa créativité, c`est une machine robotisé qui redessine une photo ou un dessin.
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Go to ICT discovery…
Pour cette journée nous étions toutes habillées en uniforme, avec une blouse blanche. Nous nous apprêtions à visiter “ICT discovery“ afin de découvrir l`évolution technologique dans le temps.
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girlsinictblogs · 10 years
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We caught up with Adele Rogers, the guest musician for the Girls in ICT conference of 2014, to ask her a couple of questions moments before her big performance. Filled with anticipation, she talked about her passion for music and the importance of this event for the motivation and awareness of women and their capabilities around the world.
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Adele Rogers, after winning her school talent show.
 Adele began by explaining her mixed feelings about this day – nervousness, anticipation, and honor. For this event, she’s chosen two songs: ‘Read All About It’ by Emeli Sande, and ‘I Was Here’ by Beyoncé. The reason for her choosing these songs, she said, was because they are ‘both empowering songs composed by inspiring and empowered women, and they fit the theme of this conference very well’. We talked about the role of women in today’s society, and she believed that this conference was very important to raise awareness of the power and ability that women are capable of in any field, she herself being a strong-minded feminist, “like every woman should be”, as she said. She stated as well that she believed women to be underrated in these work aspects, and conferences like these could help stop the inequality and at least motivate women to do so.
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Switching to her other passion, music, we asked her what it was like to be on stage and perform in front of a huge crowd. Laughing, she explained that on stage, she doesn’t think about anything, only the music. ‘I’m not even conscious,’ she said. ‘I don’t even think about it.’ Clearly a musician that sings from the heart.
This article was written by students from Grade 11 from the Lycée International de Ferney-Voltaire in France.
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girlsinictblogs · 10 years
Facial Expression
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‘’I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face.’’ Johnny Depp
Those three pictures represent different expression through their faces.
1st Dr. Hamadoun Toure Secretaire General de l` ITU during his speech
2nd A girl of Lycee International de Ferney Voltaire
3rd One of the ITU photographer
Facial expression is an important aspect of behavior and nonverbal communication.
Facial expressions enables to detect any form of lie, doubt, fear, joy or surprise during important speeches, interviews and examinations.
The analysis of facial expression has inspired a series called
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Synopsis: Dr Cal Lightman is an psychologist, in the detection of lying through the analysis of ‘’micro-expressions’’. The federal American administration uses his services to solve criminal and civil problems.
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girlsinictblogs · 10 years
Music at Girls in ICT Day
Nous avons 11 ans et nous sommes au collège le joran à Prevessin.
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  La composition de la musique:
La composition de la musique est faite de plusieurs composants. Au début il y a  un support et ils doivent rajouter des morceaux de musiques de plusieurs styles.
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C’est à l’aide de ce logiciel qu’ils peuvent composer des morceaux comme ils le veulent.                                                             
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girlsinictblogs · 10 years
L’incroyable talent d’une jeune fille de 12 ans, Sylvia Todd!!!
La jeune fille Sylvia Todd a inventé un super robot qui peut reproduire avec de la peinture, des crayons, des feutres une image demandée par connexion électronique.
Comme on le voit sur l’image ci-dessous :
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  11 ans ,college le joran prevessin la journee internationale des jeunes filles dans les TIC, Geneve
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girlsinictblogs · 10 years
Lunch! at the ITU Cafeteria
After a morning of hard work at the girls in ICT day at the ITU, where all of us girls developed skills related to ICT, we were ravenous. But to our delight, the ITU’s cafeteria was well prepared for the group of nearly a hundred hungry teenage girls that greeted them at lunchtime.
 At 11:30, we all finished the first halves of our various workshops. We then made our way down to a cafeteria much like the one we have at school. We were greeted by several friendly staff members serving us a selection of 3 different meals for lunch and an ice cream for dessert!
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  The ITU cafeteria itself was beautiful, with indoor and outdoor seating, art hanging on the walls, and potted plants scattered around the tables. The food was also great (especially the ice cream) but the most interesting part of the ITU cafeteria has to be its very… unique water dispenser, which took two of us, two adults, and several mild water spills before we could figure out how to use it. But of course, to a building full of engineers, a tricky water fountain is probably not a problem.
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 The Girls in ICT Day was a great opportunity to get inspired and get creative. We heard some wonderful speeches and learned about internet safety. But where would we have been without the lunch provided to power us through the day? Probably half-asleep, and certainly not inspired.
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  This blog was given by students from the International School of Geneva on Girls in ICT Day @ITU.
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girlsinictblogs · 10 years
The Future is in Your Hands!
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In front of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland
 On the 15th of April 2014, almost a hundred girls joined in the Girls in ICTs day, hosted by the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva. These girls participated in different workshops such as Coding Camp and Mobile App Development to learn and develop their ICT skills, skills which have become fundamental in the ever growing technological advances of our time.
This blog was written by Grade 11 Students from Ferney Lycee International.
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girlsinictblogs · 10 years
But first… let me take a selfie
Who hasn’t heard of the selfie craze? A selfie gives us a chance to express ourselves through facial expressions, it’s a movement growing more and more popular all over the world.
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  Even though we can see this craze expanding, evolving and looks like a fun thing to do, it seems to lead to more negative effects in the long run. Recent studies have for example shown that the act of taking a picture of ourselves has lead to many issues affecting girls. Indeed, it has been proven that selfies have enhanced self-consciousness, lack of self respect and even anorexia for some girls. This is due to the fact that selfies are somewhat public and girls are becoming more and more conscious of their appearance and are afraid of the comments people may make on them. We want to make people aware of this!
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This blog post was written by two Premiere students invited to Girls in ICT Day @ITU.
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girlsinictblogs · 10 years
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On April 15th, ITU hosted a photo blogging workshop to provide digital skills to girls in the area of digital photography and online story tellling.
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