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I had an amazing time at the LA Book Festival at USC! I got some awesome reads and helped my nieces get into reading.
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My life is a daily struggle of trying to decide what I’m going to read and when I can read.
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Anyone else feel the slow-burn romance tag is just an excuse for an author to slowly torture readers with psychological games?
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I hit my goal just in the nick of time! I love vacation! :)
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I’m so doing this! :)
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Spice up your TBR this month by using our #BookishBingo chart to pick your reads! Find out more here
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I did a solo trip to the Last Bookstore in LA. It was amazing and I believe I found my new dream home!
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So I have a confession...
So I’ve been super into reverse harem romance novels. I love badass women getting more than one sexy man. Can someone send me some recommendations because I think I read them all.... :(
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Omg omg omg omg omg, where do I begin? So I had no idea what this book was going to be because the Shatter me series was only supposed to be a trilogy and all of the sudden the author came out with a new book. I thought it was going to be more about Warner and Juliette's love story, but boy I was wrong. It was so much more than that. It was so raw and real that I was slightly horrified and practically vibrating with excitement the entire time I read this book. I don't write reviews of books very often, but I needed to write one for this book. Juliette's character is so imperfect and real and the more I read this series, the more I find lacking in other books and authors. I love that this book talks about how Juliette is so inexperienced in her new role and that the book also makes readers realize that Warner and Juliette's relationship is not perfect and beautiful, it is real, powerful, and brand new. They have been in one for 19 days and they don't know a lot about one another. I also loved the theme of the book about the past, it never really goes away and you have to face it when the time comes. The ending though was really confusing to me though. I had to read it twice to fully grasp what was happening. It also ended on a cliffhanger. NOT COOL TAHEREH MAFI!!! I need the next one ASAP! I can't wait to see what Juliette's newly discovered role and world brings and I can't help but question whether Warner and Juliette will actually end up together. I need the new book soon or I will go insane!!
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2017 was the craziest and greatest year of my life. I got married and I moved out but, my reading was put on the back burner. However, I got to read some amazing reads when I did have time.
1. Bull by: David Elliot This book was so cool and different. It is an epic poem about the Greek myth of the Minotaur told in the Minotaur’s point of view. It is so so so so awesome! I love hearing everyone’s different perspective, especially Poseidon, he’s hilarious. If you don’t like to read epic myths, don’t skip this one. This is definitely different from the ones you read in English class.
2. Curse of Gods Series by: Jaymin Eve and Jane Washington This series is full of laughs and sexy boys. I mean one girl and five guys. Who needs more in a young adult novel? I think I read this series like three times and I was always coming back for more. Please read this so we can discuss!
3. I Hunt Killers by: Barry Lyga Well this book fed my serial killer fascination bug. I loved the mystery and the inner struggle that this book contained. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a legacy so twisted and I don’t know how the main character triumphed over his past to catch people like his father. So awesome. The next books in the series are definitely on my to-read list!
4. Communism for Kids by: Bini Adamczak This book though. I got this book from an independent bookstore in San Francisco and I had no idea what I was getting into. It was hilarious, but incredibly sad at the same time. The book shows us that communism is a governmental system that could work, if the selfishness of people was not involved. It also was a terrible picture of capitalism as well and as an American, it made me question about why we still believe that this form of democracy is the right one.
5. A Monster Calls by: Patrick Ness I will admit that I wanted to read this book because the movie was coming out. I know, I’m ashamed to admit it. However, I don’t care because I’m so glad I did. This book was a beautiful story about a boy dealing with something awful in his life that he didn’t want to admit was happening. The monster is very familiar to me when I lost my aunt. I spent nights pretending nothing was wrong and the monster of my thoughts was trying to get me to realize my reality. I felt such a connection with the main character and the artwork was absolutely beautiful.
6. The Princess Diariest by: Carrie Fisher I am a huge huge huge Star Wars fan and I was deeply depressed when I had heard that Carrie Fisher had died. I celebrated her life by buying and listening to the book. She narrated it so it was like she was still alive and telling her story. So I had no idea so many things had happened on the set of the first Star Wars and I had no idea about the background of her life. It was like a revelation and it helped me cope with her death. I loved her hilarious storytelling and amazing writing style. After I finished this book, I went out and got all her other books. RIP Carrie Fisher. :(
7. Court of Wings and Ruin by: Sarah J. Maas Well duh this was on the list. I hate how Feyre had to go back to the Spring Court, but I loved to see the development of the all the side characters and learning more about them. I cannot wait for the next book in the series because I might just explode from frustration.
8. Etched in Bone by: Anne Bishop So it was an awesome read, but the most exciting and necessary part of the series is when Simon finally gets his head out of his ass and kisses Meg. FINALLY!
9. Arcadia Chronicles by Kresley Cole This series was really interesting it reminded me if the Hunger Games and a Greek myth had a baby. I loved it. I also really like Evie, she is definitely a Katniss.
10. Kate Daniels Series by: Ilona Andrews This series was an awesome read because the main character reminded me of Mercy Thompson from Patricia Briggs series. I loved it.
11. The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster This book…. I can’t even begin to explain how awesome this book is. It is a HUGE pun. I loved it so much. The main character reminded me of all my students and I wish a phantom tollbooth showed up in their bedroom. This book was just so clever and I wish schools required children to read it because it shows the importance of words just as much as the importance of numbers. It is so necessary in a time when literature and grammar has been put on the wayside for math and science. So awesome.
Note: If you click on the book titles, it will take you to the goodreads pages of these books! Happy reading and I hope you like them as much as I did!
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My 5th Anniversary as a Blog!!
I can't believe it has been five years since I started this blog. It has been my pride and joy to be apart of the book blog community for these past five years! Thank you to all my followers, my booklr inspirations, and my booklr friends!!! @books-cupcakes @booknerd0611 @thebookdragoninhisblanketcave @sleepy-bookworm
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There is nothing better than getting book mail after a long day at work!
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Hardest decision ever!!!!! I wish you could vote for more than one! 😭😭😭😭
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Bookaholic problems....
Justin: I had a good day today!
Justin: I made $100!
Me: Yay! That's 10 books!
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My students decided my book needed some friends lol
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Dear Sarah J Maas,
Please stop torturing me with your cliff hangers, adorable couples, and fierce female characters. Write faster please. Love, Your biggest fan
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The moment when my students are reading and I envy them :((
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