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legend of zelda adventurer’s pouch
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Still waiting
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"Confront you" lol ooookay
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I know you in person. I deal with your shit in person. Like it or not, I don't pay close attention to you, but if that's your only defense, once again, your dumb as fuck. It's as if you disregard the fact that I have the ability to confront you in person because I fucking know you. Your life's pathetic and simple. Nothing much to closely watch. I just witness your stupidly at a distance and laugh. Like I've mentioned before, you'll do anything to seem important.
Hahahahaha OKAY SURE. Funny thing is, I actually don't like attention. Never liked having ppl all over me. I like being in my own world. But I'll wait till you confront me, so you can just repeat yourself, you sad, obsessed w me lowlife that feels the need to put me down bc it seems I'm truly that important to you. You keep avoiding the fact that my life doesn't fucking concern you and neither the things I do. But you decide to get into everyone's shit because you most likely dont have a life of your own to mind. You don't know me as much as you say you do. You're not me, you don't know what I go through. Good luck pendejo.
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It's called logging on and scrolling down. My god, you're even more stupid that I originally thought.
Mmm, but it seems like you know my whooole life and who I am and everything. So its not /just/ logging in and scrolling down. You pay a lot of close attention to me and what I do and who I am. Once again, some kind of sick sociopath stalker obsessed w me fuck. Back to where we were. Still not telling me who you are, if you say you'd come off anon if you could and show who you are, might as well just say it, but, were still here. 🐣
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So I dont part from twitter but you dont either if you see my tweets all the time?? Dude g shit lol stop trying. You had the option to follow me or to not. You made the choice to block me, that's GREAT, do that. But you decided to keep me in your life since it seems I'm that important; and to harass me but you're no different from those "predators", you're harassing me, insulting and threatening me. You could've just left me blocked but you found any way to still follow my life and keep me relevant. Lmfao oh honey honey 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
So because I once followed you, and your idiotic tweets showed up on my timeline constantly (you don't shut up or part from Twitter), I stalk you. Pathetic that you resort to that. Actually, kind of stupid. But whatever flatters you. I don't have a problem with you. I just think your stupidity needs to be addressed. Wake up.
You’re obsessed with me, its ok baby. That’s your opinion if you think I’m stupid and what not. Only yours, I’m still waiting on you to tell me who else is part in your little obsession w me. 😹
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Oh reminder, you're the one who decided to follow me on Twitter. No one told you to. So deal w your own actions dumbass. 💅🏻
So because I once followed you, and your idiotic tweets showed up on my timeline constantly (you don't shut up or part from Twitter), I stalk you. Pathetic that you resort to that. Actually, kind of stupid. But whatever flatters you. I don't have a problem with you. I just think your stupidity needs to be addressed. Wake up.
You’re obsessed with me, its ok baby. That’s your opinion if you think I’m stupid and what not. Only yours, I’m still waiting on you to tell me who else is part in your little obsession w me. 😹
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Every mentally ill person resorts to stalking. Once again, as if you're important enough to stalk.
Apparently I'm important enough to stalk if you're here still after days. Sooooo whatever lie you tell yourself that helps you sleep at night.
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When I confront you, you'll know.
You won't even say who you are now so OKAYYY babes
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So because I once followed you, and your idiotic tweets showed up on my timeline constantly (you don't shut up or part from Twitter), I stalk you. Pathetic that you resort to that. Actually, kind of stupid. But whatever flatters you. I don't have a problem with you. I just think your stupidity needs to be addressed. Wake up.
You're obsessed with me, its ok baby. That's your opinion if you think I'm stupid and what not. Only yours, I'm still waiting on you to tell me who else is part in your little obsession w me. 😹
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If you had a problem w me for so long then you would've confronted me long ago but nah lemme just message her and harass her and stalk her like the dumbass stalker I am. Live your life, I have nothing to do with you nor anything I do concerns you. Fuck off w your angry ass lmfao
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Also please lmk who is "who they all agree" cause it probably is only you. 😹💀
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Fuck these weirdos girl 😘 who cares what they have to say. They're bored
Sick, obsessed, lowlife hating ass weirdos indeed. Thanks 💅🏻
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I think especially if I had any weird stalking obsessions, it would probably be with someone worth obsessing over. Not some man looking tween. Someone who's interesting and different. You're the same old shit I experienced in middle school. A copy of a copy. A pathetic attempt at being hardcore and goth. Lame that you have to categorize yourself as something you're the complete opposite of, little emo girl. Lame that you have to categorize yourself at all.
...you are pretty much obsessing over me lol. So you're just repeating yourself with "no I'm not" but here you are lmfaooo. Dude get a life seriously, just keep me blocked and deal w yourself. WHATEVER I DO, is nooooooooone of your business or concerns you or involves you whatsoever. So go live your life dont worry about mine
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I don't stalk you (I actually laughed so hard when you even brought that up as a possibility). I used to see your shit on my timeline before I got tired, like so many others. I just like calling out idiocy and hypocrisy. Which happens to be your specialty. I'm speaking for a lot of people, who all agree. You're sick in the head. Delirious. You're a mess. Throw whatever you want me at me, I know what I do and don't. I don't stalk you because I'm not a child predator. Which is what you attract.
You're just wasting your time calling out on what bothers you, honey. You could've kept on wbyour life by just blocking me and boom, you're good. No more me. You decide yourself to keep me in your mind by looking for me to insult me and etc. You make yourself angry by doing this. Seriously you are so bored and obsessed w me to find any way to do this. I'm sure if I didn't have a tumblr to start with you wouldn't have confronted me at all. Do something w your own life instead on focusing on mine lol.
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Why would I confront you on social media? So you can pull the same old "IT'S MY BODY FEMINISM IS LIFE FUCK OTHER GIRLS WHO DON'T LIKE WHAT I DO. EVEN THO THERE'S NO OTHER GIRLS WHO DO THO BC U KNO THERE'S NOT LIKE 7 BILLION PPL IN DA WORLD, IMMA STILL CALL OUT HOW LAME GIRLY WOMEN ARE." You're ridiculous. You don't like confrontation and you avoid reasoning because you're the only one who matters in life. I will confront you in person. If pussy's your only defense then that's fine. Better for me
Why do you care so much about me? That's what I'm wondering rn. How obsessed are you w me that you have to follow my every movement everywhere. Like literally how much hate do you have inside. I've never said fuck girly girls, I've said I can't BE girly because its not my thing. Again, following my every movement like a lame ass stalker w no fucking life. I dont back up my actions on feminism, I know what has to do with feminism and what doesn't. I dont excuse my actions with the its my body I do what I want, but its not your fucking life to worry for so you worry about your own shit. You have some serious obsession with me, you need help.
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You would rather me tell you over a social media site, but not in person... yet I'm the "pussy." If I'm telling you I'll do something I will. If pussy's all you have to call me, perhaps confronting you in person will be so much more fun. Like I said, you depend on Twitter to feel special and unique. I'm not going to DM you. I'm not, period, I'm not into that social media "beef." There's a reason I blocked you. Tired of the hypocrisy you tweet and your attempt to be different.
Its not social media beef if its between me and you. If you have such a fucking problem w me, you would've DMd me and confronted me long agooooo. But you're not pussy right? Could've had it all done with long ago, or simply minded your own business and life, right? You're wasting so much time trying to prove you're so tough and not a pussy bc someone bothers your guts when you could just keep me blocked, not hear from me, and go on w your life. But no you're definitely no smarter than that. 💖
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