They got it wrong hahah
i just took a vision test that tells you what color your eyes are… and it actually worked!?!! how did they know my eyes are hazel wtf????
if anyone wants to do it heres da link
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The Types and Intelligence
Rational intelligence: INTJ, ENTJ 
Practical intelligence: ESTJ, ISTJ 
Philosophical intelligence: INFJ, ENFJ
Creative intelligence: ENFP, INFP 
Introspective intelligence: ESFP, ISFP
Kinesthetic intelligence: ESTP, ISTP 
Conceptual intelligence: INTP, ENTP 
Interpersonal intelligence: ESFJ, ISFJ
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could you give any examples as to how low emotional intelligence manifests in a Fi-user versus a Fe-user? i'm fairly sure i'm an INXP (always questioning though lol), but i just have a generally poor EQ, and i'm not sure how you can tell which feeling function is affecting the way you process emotion. are there any distinctions? is one more likely to appear in high-EQ people than the other? xoxo
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(Gif: Margaery Tyrell, Game of Thrones. ESFJ.)
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include three skills:
emotional awareness
the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving
the ability to manage emotions, which includes regulating your own emotions and cheering up or calming down other people.
The important thing to remember is where the feeling functions draw their energy; Fe is focused outward, on eliciting emotions from others and bringing them to a sense of unity in shared feelings; Fi is focused inward and has a delayed reaction or needs time to internalize before it responds.
Let’s say you have lunch in a group, and a Fe-dom makes a strong remark that inflames the passions of someone else at the table. Fe-dom and Te-user have  an intense argument about it, much to the distress of everyone else at the table. Fe-dom takes no notice of everyone’s distress – to her, this is “fun” and she had a “good time” despite the general signs of anxiety from other feelers. Both she and the Te continue to argue passionately even when others ask them to stop and/or try to lighten the situation with jokes.
What do you do? What you do, how you handle it, indicates your own Fe or Fi.
The healthy and emotionally intelligent Fe will engage and try to “take charge” by bringing everyone to a place of agreement and diffusing the tension (”I know we can’t agree on this, but we can agree on THAT, right?”); the Fi might read how others are uncomfortable, and feel uncomfortable themselves, and withdraw from the situation (be quiet) or just get up and leave. The Fi might not realize how angry they are at Fe and Te for awhile, until they have had time to emotionally process what just happened. Fi’s are often blindsided by other’s visible emotions and unsure what to do about it.
Emotional intelligence in a Fi can make them superficially seem Fe, because they are tuned in to other people, aware of the feelings that come from certain situations, and invested in them having a pleasant time; that does not change the fact that their own feelings are impressionistic and hard to articulate (speak out loud; this is why Fi’s often express themselves through art or writing).
Emotional awareness:
Healthy Fi: I am focused on other people’s body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, so I get a sense of their overall mood; I am tuned in to whether I am boring them or talking about something they do not care about.
Unhealthy Fi (poor awareness): I am oblivious to everyone but myself, and neither notice nor care whether I offend others with my dress, speech, language, or conversational points. I talk about what I want, when I want.
Healthy Fe: I am tuned in to other’s feelings at all times, both through their obvious and non-obvious social cues, and try to steer the conversation to points of interest which will establish a relationship between us of trust.
Unhealthy Fe (poor awareness): I am open in expressing my feelings on a constant basis and never think about whether it is appropriate to share with this person or in a mixed group; I become frustrated when I encounter someone who is not as emotionally demonstrative as I am. What’s wrong with them?
Ability to harness / control emotions and use them in problem-solving
Healthy Fi: I let my strong feelings guide my decisions, which I make based on the emotional impact for everyone involved (is this what is emotionally best for the person I am with?). I am good at helping others direct their passions in positive ways and reminding others to focus on emotional health.
Unhealthy Fi (poor awareness): I let my emotions make all my decisions, irregardless of how it hurts others; I do not factor them into my life choices. They can just deal with me as I am. If I do not care, that is unimportant.
Healthy Fe: I have learned to control my intense emotions and choose which situations are appropriate for sharing my feelings. I am good with staying on topic with others, reassuring them, and helping them decide what to do, because I can detach from my personal judgments to be objective for them. I am an excellent motivator when my friends need me, and intend to follow through on my promise that they do not have to do this alone.
Unhealthy Fe (poor awareness): I have not learned to control my feelings; they direct every decision I make, and I lash out at others who do not understand or support my choices. I do not back off from my feelings, or think about them objectively, but instead try and manipulate others to support me, and become defensive when people challenge my beliefs. My emotional outbursts are frequent and sometimes I bait people just to get a reaction.
Regulate your own feelings
Healthy Fi: I recognize my emotions are normal. I’m allowed to have them. I take time to reflect on my outbursts, hurt feelings, or melodramatic responses and decide whether I took offense too easily or overreacted.
Unhealthy Fi (poor awareness): I overreact but never apologize for it. This is how I feel. Get over it. I have the same knee-jerk reactions and play the same emotional games that I did when I was six years old.
Healthy Fe: I know the entire world does not need my instant emotional responses or to agree with me, and instead choose to share them with people I trust. I no longer allow my first emotional response to something to be the ONLY response I have, since I have learned to step back and discuss my feelings.
Unhealthy Fe (poor awareness): I have frequent emotional outbursts, sometimes in inappropriate ways in the wrong places, but refuse to take responsibility for them or change to suit other people’s needs. I talk constantly about how I feel and try to elicit others to empathize with me or offer me support; when they do not, I lash out at them.
Cheering up or calming down other people
Healthy Fi: I have learned to step outside myself (what I would want or need in this situation) and help them in a way that is meaningful to them. I ask other Fe’s questions to help them talk through their feelings. I can sit in silence with another Fi, or propose something fun to do to help get them out of their funk. I have learned to manage my own feelings when an argument between others escalates so I can remain level-headed and talk them down.
Unhealthy Fi (poor awareness): What do other people have to do with me? If they want to blow up and act like a fool, that’s not my problem. They can call me when they’re fun again.
Healthy Fe: I encourage others to talk through their problems. I listen intently, give them frequent indications that I am hearing what they are saying and there for them. I then reassure them they are not alone, that they are strong, and that they can do this. When people get upset and need calmed down, I step into the situation and assert control by reminding others what we have in common, or telling them they don’t have to solve everything all on their own.
Unhealthy Fe (poor awareness): I maintain a peppy attitude and get annoyed when others insist on being Debbie downers. I resort to shame tactics instead of encouragement. I sometimes get just as mad as they do, instead of calming them down.
- ENFP Mod
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About Those Types Misconceptions
INFP: They’re fierce - INFPs often remain silent and are very observant of other people and what makes them who they are, but this apparent softness hides a very passionate drive to do what is right, and if ever a situation or a person does not align with their principles, you will definitely know about it - do not underestimate them.
ENFP: They’re very analytical - Yes ENFPs can seem a little crazy and like they’re constantly fooling around, but it is to be remembered that this type is extremely perceptive of their environment and of ideas, that they dissect carefully and draw conclusions from. They have true depth, and labelling them as shallow would be a big mistake. 
INFJ: They’re quite independent - It may sound strange but INFJs are quite independent. They strive to help people to be better individuals and to make the world a nicer place, but they follow their own rules and will not hesitate long to react if you go against them. Harmony is their priority, but don’t you cross them. The difference with INFP is that INFPs will simply see this other person who does not conform to their vision as not really worth their time, INFJs on the other hand trying to change this person’s mind-set for a kinder approach, etc.
ENFJ: They struggle - ENFJs are probably the most disorganised of all J-types, and they take on sometimes way more than they can carry. Even if these guys try to help people as much they can, sometimes it isn’t enough and that can go against them. The bubbly stereotype does not apply to all ENFJs unfortunately, since they can get depressed easily, and thereby stop their advising functions.
INTP: They really care - INTPs can sometimes seem off and uninterested, but this most-likely comes from a system of self-defence to prevent them from harm, as they may have been previously neglected for their ideas or conceptions of the world, and have been misunderstood. If an INTP likes and cares for you, there is nothing they would not do, and their aloofness is not to be taken as pride or smugness (although sometimes they like to be ;) and they genuinely care. 
ENTP: They’re just feeling half the time - ENTPs are absolutely mind-blowing master concealers. Their emotions get triggered by the littlest things, and they spend a lot of their time, if not almost all of it, concealing what they perceive as weaknesses under fair amounts of witty comebacks and confidence. These people are actually great empaths, but their chosen priority being logic, they often toss those feelings away for later, and often avoid them until it’s too late.
INTJ: They have feelings - Similar to ENTP, except INTJs truly master their emotions, and manage to chanel them instead of shutting them away. INTJs have a good deal of feelings, except they don’t necessarily feel the need to talk about them, and prefer rational advice when considering their emotional needs, which is seldom given. INTJs openly reject the myth that they lack feelings, and may feel even more misunderstood when they have the impression that they are expressing them, as sometimes they do, but in ways most people don’t perceive because they are seemingly so small, which can be hurtful. 
ENTJ: They’re understanding - I’ve said this already, I’m always quite awed by ENTJs, but once you get to know them, they are truly open people. More than once have I heard them give relationship advice, and try to help people understand concepts with detailed explanations and diagrams, they strive for a more efficient and knowledgeable world, which can be seen through a sometimes devoted attitude.
ISFP: They’re not always kind to themselves - ISFPs may appear as charismatic, different, inspired and like they like themselves quite a bit (and that is absolutely great) but sometimes, when their creativity lets them down for example, they have the impression that they are now devoid of their identity, and may feel lost, and even over-criticize themselves. They need to be understood and comforted in their unicity and worth, almost as if they possessed Fe but not quite.
ISTP: They can feel quite lonely - ISTPs love peace and quiet and alone time, but sometimes loneliness can become quite painful. Composing only 2% of the overall population, ISTPs often feel like few if any people actually understand them, and that it may be easier just to crawl back onto themselves and create a shell to self-sustain instead of socialising and creating bonds with people. 
ESFP: They’re nostalgic - Living in the moment is often a way for ESFPs to have peace of mind, as their brains are involved elsewhere. Their need for company and action is their way of escaping their responsibilities, that remind them once again that they’re adults or growing into adults now, and that means, for them, that fun is almost over and that they’re going to turn into “boring people”, or be coerced into becoming “normal people”, which their Fi has difficulty dealing with.
ESTP: They value your opinion greatly - ESTPs have strong views on many subjects and they are also very passionate individuals, but boy do they need to be validated. It’s not a bad thing, of course, it’s simply a little surprising (although it shouldn’t be) that someone under appearances so outgoing and frank and sometimes even careless may need approval that what they are doing is good, and that they are accepted.  
ISFJ: They’re strong - ISFJs may constantly be trying to please everybody and adhere to everything, but deep down, they know who they are. They know what they like, what they dislike, what they are willing to tolerate, and what they are not. They are capable of enduring so much without ever complaining, and are truly inspiring people, who can talk about anything they set their mind to. 
ESFJ: They’re insecure - Organisation and procedure are the ways in which ESFJs try to live by, but it can also truly hide a very anxious nature. Planning is what ESFJs do to prevent lack of resources and preparing ahead to survive is a way in which ESFJs feel that they are under control. Their bubbly nature shows their need to be loved and feel like they have worth. Don’t rely too much on them, although they really want to carry your load with, or even for, you.
ISTJ: They feel misunderstood - Nobody is as organised, structured and rigorous as ISTJs, and the world’ s messiness can be quite overwhelming to them sometimes. That feeling that they’re the only ones holding it all together and getting everything done for everyone can make them feel like they’re being used or that people don’t appreciate them for their true worth, for what they are deep down. 
ESTJ: They doubt a lot - ESTJs may appear very confident and they may be your bosses most of the time because they’re great administrators with a plan based on sound facts, but the truth is ESTJs are almost constantly questioning if they’re doing the right thing, and the fear of failure is very much present. 
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Welp, that would be me
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Relateable even if I'm INFP
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mbti starter pack series: enfp
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mbti starter packs: infp comment which one i should do next!
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The very basics of cognitive functions. I know it’s super boring and annoying to learn this system, but it’ll drag you deeper in this pseudoscience hell help you a bunch.
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the MBTI types I know, as described by an ENTP
The last bullet for each person is how I imagine they would react if forced to fight a group of penguins
i luv her
quirky af
ball of anxiety & depression
needs you to tell her you love her 36473492 times a day
so much luv to give
extremely caring
refers to animated objects as “she”
smol & sensitive
can dish it but can’t take it
drunk girl humor even when sober
would help penguins kill her
everyone’s bossy big sister
gossip queen
can’t shut up
doesn’t care how you feel
good at getting other people’s shit together
knows everything about everyone
manipulative af
it’s to your advantage to be her friend (which is why I am, guess what, ENTP’s are manipulative too)
thinks she knows people better than they know themselves, is only sometimes right
good for 4am conversations
would fight penguins with a long stick
has more balls than a locker room full of cis boys
works hard, plays harder
gives 0 fucks
can be very sweet
can be very mean
seems cocky, is lowkey very insecure
funniest bitch you’ll ever meet
extremely blunt
will roast you to within an inch of your life, will not feel bad
loves math, hates anything remotely nerdy
when sober, would be mauled by a group of penguins
when drunk, would maul the penguins
says he’s 18 but is definitely 80
is constantly roasted by everyone, but it’s out of love
scrawny but stronk
breathes sarcasm
picture your grumpy old-fashioned grandpa as a fairly liberal college student… yeah that’s ISFJ
gets way too into debates
seems like a dick but is actually a Good Christian Boy
an old soul
good morals
will give you his coat, even if you’re not cold
would let penguins peck him to death; might hit back a few times but without much gusto
Alpha Male
mansplains but knows he’s mansplaining and makes fun of himself for it
my problematic fave
thinks he’s smarter than everyone; isn’t
quietness makes him seem like a stuck-up dick
is actually a stuck-up dick
but if he decides he likes you he’s SUCH a delight to be around; a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day
very goofy, silly, random
athletic nerd
fit body, shows it off every time he gets the chance
doesn’t show ANY emotion, but lowkey really cares about those he’s closest with 
will go out of the way to cheer friends up
processes emotions in a logical way, which I really relate to
totally gets my weird humor and vice versa
best bullshitter on the planet
would choke a few penguins out if he thought no one would find out
major fucking nerd
tries to come off cold and distant like ISTP does naturally, but is the sweetest bean
loves dogs more than anyone else
thinks he’s smarter than everyone; actually is
very very judgemental about anyone who thinks differently than him
surprisingly sensitive and petty
black and white, one size fits all thinking
watches math videos for fun
funny but also very awkward
doesn’t understand others’ emotions but also really wants others to be happy so he Tries His Best
is only ever happy when eating pizza
would hug penguins into submission
my bffl
I didn’t like her at first but she forced her friendship on me until I loved her
vivacious af
never ever thinks before speaking
accidentally offensive
absolutely no filter
obscenely confident and a nervous wreck all at once
emotional but also has a very practical side
the mom friend who should really never be a mom
shock humor
bad puns
biggest extrovert
could talk for hours
if you get her, you’ll love her, if you don’t, she’ll annoy the shit out of you
would feed penguins Lunchables
my other bffl
kind, yet sassy
*says witty comment under breath*
needs time to recharge
aesthetic goals
is always traumatized by the things ENFP says
insta famous
gets adorably frustrated at the smallest things
*finger guns*
will call you out on your bs
if penguins attacked, would just cry
my mom
very logical and unemotional but still kind
has no patience for whining; will tell you to get over it
dark humor
anxiety anxiety anxiety
always in a rush
swears like a sailor
always has good advice
hates lying
is somehow both no-nonsense and very chill/fun 
very very witty
will not talk down to you or soften the truth for you; speaks to everyone like they’re her peer
my friends always love her and wish she was their mom
“I’m not bossy, just the boss”
strong independent woman who don’t need no man
probably wouldn’t fight penguins off unless she thought they would hurt one of her children (or any child, really)
anxious wreck
sense of humor switches between quirky, witty, awkward, and shock
is happiest around other people but needs more time to recharge than most extroverts
openminded, is not a fan of people who only see things in black and white
loves friendly debates, is terrified of actual conflict
a friend described me as “the most awkward with the most friends”
jumps from friend group to friend group because I get bored
is very very tuned into how others are feeling but doesn’t always know what to do with that info
is logical and unemotional about own life but very sympathetic to others
has a desperate need to be well-liked and popular
generally tries to be as kind as possible but has very sharp humor with close friends
expresses affection by roasting
hates planning, just wants to go with the flow
has been known to cut corners or BS a little in order to get ahead… 
does not mind lying if it won’t hurt anyone
craves attention, but gets shy in front of crowds
short attention span
a nerd who loves to party hard
would fight penguins to save own life, but would try not to kill them
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ENFP - Living Contradictions
Enthusiastic as a child - Wise as an old soul
Acts like the happiest person on earth - Thinks the most depressing things
Seems to give no fuck about intelligence - Is intelligent and actually values it
Seems to love everyone - Actually hold some grudges (Sometimes. I mean. most of the times I TRY to be mad with people but I just forget :l)
Has tons of friend - Is lonely at soul :l
Seems to be a 100% party person - Always looking for the meaning of life
Is an extrovert - The most introverted extrovert
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infp issue #74
i literally do absolutely nothing productive until i’m in the mood for it, or until it’s the last minute and i have to do it
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Philosophy Asks
Blogs: reblog this if you want an ask in your inbox
Followers: Ask away. Don’t limit yourself to one or two questions. Torment whoever you follow 😈
Questions 1-16 are in courtesy of Operation Meditation. The remaining questions are mine.
Should people care more about doing the right thing or doing things right?
What makes you, you? What exactly defines a character/person?
Do you make your own decisions or do you let others do that for you?
Who decides what morality is?
What is intelligence?
Is there a supreme power? (Stay courteous.)
Is there a reason to life?
If you believe in souls, where does the soul live?
What is time?
How can people believe in truths without evidence? (Please don’t get nasty or insult anybody if you answer this question. Be courteous.)
Does observation alter an event?
Where does the universe end and what do you think it looks like beyond it (if there is a beyond)?
Is it easier to love or be loved? (This sounds like a paradox 😂)
Is trust more important than love?
What happens after we die?
Isn’t one person’s terrorist another person’s freedom fighter? (Courteousness is such a nice trait to have, now isn’t it? If you don’t have it, I suggest you back away slowly.)
Are mind, brain, and self all separate from the other?
What do you think could end world hunger?
Will humans and their descendants ever go extinct?
Do you need a brain or do you simply need hormones to feel consciousness? Are plants not conscious or aware of their surroundings?
Do plants have a specific form of intelligence?
Is language real in the way we think it is or is it just merely incoherent sounds that we attach meaning to?
If you say language is real, how do other animals understand human commands/speech patterns despite not knowing human language?
Is it possible to survive life without sleep as long as we can dream while awake?
Do you think scientists could initiate dreams in the future without putting us to sleep?
What sets humans apart from other animals?
Are viruses a life-form?
If time-traveling was real, what would the act of time-traveling even look like? Do you travel by speed? Breakdown of atoms? What would it exactly be?
Are human rights universal or is it Western ideals imposed on others without permission?
Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? Will you still be the same person in 10 more years? Or 30? 50?
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What each MBTI type hugs
ISFJ: Anyone who needs a hug ISFP: Their best friend ISTJ: The rules ISTP: Independence INFJ: Just people who they really love INFP: A tree or something like that INTJ: Their computer INTP: Prefers not to hug ESFJ: Friends + family + class/work-mates + people they just know ESFP: The person they love ESTJ: They mother is the only person which have the right to ask them for a hug ESTP: Adventure ENTP: Their enemy ENFJ: Just people who they trust in ENFP: Absolutly everything ENTJ: Their boy/girlfriend
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Me and my bestie 😂😄
INFP: OMG! It’s raining. I don’t like rain. Remember what happened to me when I was little…
INTJ: Well… Uh… *approaches infp* *puts in a really awkward way her arm around her* Are you okay now?
INTJ: Yes, I guess so. It was a really weird hug, though. I’m sorry. I don’t know how you do this.
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INFP Observations #9
They give everyone and everything a hug at every possible time. Who cares if INFP knows this person EVERYONE in the group gets a personal slice of sunshine.
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ENFP:*standing awkwardly facing person but avoiding eye contact*
Person: What's wrong?
ENFP: *awkward shuffling*
Person: What?
ENFP: *high-pitched whine*
Person: Stop being weird and say what you want.
ENFP: *looks at person, makes another high-pitched whine*
Person: Just say what you want!
ENFP: *now crying and making increasingly distressed high-pitched whining*
Person: What on earth?!
ISTP: *passing by* ENFP wants a hug but didn't want to make it awkward by asking for it, which backfired horribly, made the situation super awkward, and as a result, is crying because they still want a hug.
ENFP: *crying and nodding*
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