givenchycase-blog · 8 years
Shaanxi 11 children without student card into the area have been block for sale, area: active rectification
Shangnan gold silk Gorge scenic spot ticket. Chinese merchants network
China business daily news on July 18, recently came from XI ' an, Shaanxi shangluo play always encountered a nest of the heart: family visit the Shang Nan gold silk Gorge scenic spot, is read the 11-year-olds without student ID cards are required to buy a unanimous vote. Although Mr, in accordance with the provisions, the area sometimes imposed on minors, gold silk Gorge scenic spot why additional conditional Hardball visitors.
Parents: Yuntaishan scenic area falling rock kills tourist
Show your ID card still require a unanimous vote
In early July, although three visit the gold silk Gorge scenic spot, shangnan, although having bought two 125 Yuan (including insurance) of adult, bought a 65 for children (including insurance) a vote.
Kirke said he kids 11 years old, in grade five, standing more than 1.4 metres, when through the barrier, scenic staff ask to see your child's student ID card, he provided the child's identity card, but was told to by your student ID to enter. Theory of bandits and ticket staff for more than 20 minutes without result, but pieced the block vote to enter the scenic area. Kirke believes that minors travel is set by the State free of charge, or sometimes, why is it that a gold silk Gorge scenic area of policy has changed?
Over 1.4 m tall and there is no student ID to block
Scenic spot ticket entrance. Chinese merchants network
The morning of July 12, China business news reporter called Jin Sixia area, officials say their policies are children below 1.2 m free of charge, half a 1.2-1.4 meters, over 1.4 m tall teenager must show student ID card to enjoy preferential half. And their fees are approved by the commodity price departments, entrance charges public. Gold silk Gorge scenic spot website public display of charges, or 1.2 m children under the age of 6 years old free of charge; 1.2-1.4 m children travel half fare; 6-18zhousui of minors, full-time undergraduate degree or below half price for students with valid ID implementation.
China business reported reporter query national development reform Board 2012 issued of on further implementation youth tickets price offers policy of notification found, around implemented Government pricing, and Government guided management of tour visit points, on 6 age (containing 6 age) following or height 1.2 meters (containing 1.2 meters) following of children implemented free; on 6 age (not containing 6 age) -18 age (containing 18 age) minor people, and full-time university undergraduate and the following degree students implemented half. Meanwhile, youth purchase of admission tickets required to produce valid documents such as identity card or student card.
Mr Kou said, since the relevant policy provisions of 6-18zhousui young people, provided with valid ID is half price, he provided the identity cards of children, why the ticket staff deny children access to scenic? Not only that, gold silk Gorge scenic area also increased by 1.2-1.4 m children sometimes this condition, if a child under 6 years of age and over 1.2 meters in height, also have to pay half, apparently inconsistent with national policy, is set on youth ticket barriers.
The morning of July 12, shangluo City Education Bureau officials say, elementary school student cards currently are issued by the various school organizations, needy students can apply to the school, but very few schools offer students a student permit. China business news reporter then will it reflect the shangluo City tourism administration, said the staff will verify the problem reflects, if true, the area should be returned to the visitor.
Related departments have asked area rectification
On July 17, the bandits calling reporters July 15 scenic related contacted him, and through micro-letter transfer refund overcharged 60 tickets. Yuntaishan scenic area falling rock kills tourist
Shangnan tourism related head said, received reflect Hou, County Tourism Yu July 15 Joint County prices Council, and gold silk Gorge scenic CMC, on gold silk Gorge scenic tickets offers policy implementation situation for understand, and issued rectification instruction book: scenic offers policy must strictly implementation Shaanxi Province prices Council on further implementation scenic tickets price offers policy of notification of requirements, on active soldiers (containing army retired cadres), and disabled, and 65 age above elderly (containing 65 age), and 6 age (containing 6 age) following or height 1.2 meters (containing 1.2 meters) following of children, by officers card (retired card), and Sergeant card, and disability card, and identity card (or Shaanxi Province respecting preferential treatment card) implemented free; on 6 age (not containing 6 age) -18 age (containing 18 age) minor people, and full-time university undergraduate and the following degree students by identity card or students card, effective documents implemented half. Meanwhile, scenic public Preferential policies should be in place, in the scenic area Visitor Center, North Gate, making our South Gate price of two publicity cards.
Gold silk Gorge scenic spot says, they will actively reform, strictly implement the relevant policies. At present, the area is stepping up new fares policy announcement cards.
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givenchycase-blog · 8 years
Micro women and men online video chat nude screenshots, blackmail 500 greedy cable after 4, 000 were arrested
Using micro-letters "near the" meet woman after Lee and videos nude chat, jingmen in Hubei province after one man Lee indecent shots extortion after 500 hands, recover photos from a phone to again blackmail. On July 13, Toho, jingmen City Public Security Bureau branch vent station suspects he arrested.
Both sides chats. Police
On July 14, Toho, jingmen City Public Security Bureau branch responsible for the surging News (www.thepaper.CN) on the case.
July 2016, the micro "nearby people" function to get to know the woman surnamed Li. Two people were born around 85, Lee Biro a half or so.
In Romania under the rhetoric of some, Li Luo a favor. Then, two videos nude chat the person, indecent photograph Fandango Luo secretly save the screenshot into your cell phone. Sand Lake Village restructured the company in
At noon on July 12, ROM a screenshot by micro-letter to Lee and to remove its topless from blackmail 500 yuan from Lee, a person in Mr LEE a cellphone nude photos of themselves in deletes. Enterprise, and that afternoon he recovered again from the phone nude photos of Lee, Lee blackmail 4000 Yuan bargaining to 2000 Yuan.
Intolerable Lee finally got up the courage to alarm, the police agreed to Luo a good deals will be arrested. Luo's acts constituted extortion, because the amount is not reached 3000 Yuan did not meet the standard criminal prosecution, Luo was sentenced to 15 days of administrative detention by jingmen police punishment. Sand Lake Village restructured the company in
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givenchycase-blog · 8 years
Shaanxi town Government dismantled the villagers plant when parking, responded by saying I do not know the land Lord
Jiao Jianhong leased ground overgrown with weeds, pile of garbage everywhere. This picture for China business daily
Huashang news, a plant of the leasing contract, by persons overnight demolition as a parking lot. Lantian County Public Security Bureau released Lakes instruments issued by the police said Hu Zhen committed by Government employees, was released. The town Party Committee head says, I do not know the land there.
Factory was inexplicably removed
"I came back to find the factory buildings were bulldozed, and the yard was surrounded by, asking to know that this is released in lantian County town authorities had done it. "A few days ago, 50 years old Jiao Jianhong filed last July brought the plant was demolished, still dazed. He said that on May 19, 2014, he signed with food in lantian County Lake a Lam release food stations and lease, tenant release Lake foods, Lam Tin Station 4593.5 square meters site and 646.32 square meters of brick and wood houses, lease term of 5 years, pay a one-off 5 years rent of 150,000 yuan, after the expiry of the contract the lessee to return venues and housing is provided.
Jiao Jianhong said he was going to do after the tenant farms, but due to financial problems, the plant has been idle. In July 2015, he returned from a trip and found their leased buildings and venues have been walled, connected with the backyard next door vent the lantian County town the Government inside parked cars of the staff. Ask about just knowing split out Hu Cun village Lee and his son, after found the two men, they said that in the town. Ask town officials, they don't know who did it.
Lantian County Public Security Bureau released Lake police station issued a response.
Out of the police station, according to town government
"Town government at that time did not recognize their own did it, but why would my site with their backyard even up? "Jiao Jianhong said he took the lease contract and the site housing title certificate called the police.
In repeatedly asked the police filed a case, on May 11 this year, lantian County Public Security Bureau released Lake police station issued a reply: the investigations in July 2015, released in lantian County town government for environmental governance, hired Lee father and son a flat Tin out Lake Food Bank and damaged houses, the town government environment, neat house belonged to government administrative behavior, crime-free ... ... No case.
Lantian County people's Procuratorate issued a response.
Thus, Jiao Jianhong Shen section lantian County Prosecutor's Office charged, Lee and his son of the replies to public security organs damage public or private property without filing applications attorney supervision. On June 29, lantian County people's Procuratorate replied: "identified by the review, no written decision on public security organs shall not be filed in the present case, does not meet the conditions of supervision, so the register application is not supported. ”
Weedy now by Ping sites
July 8, at 11 o'clock in the morning, China business news reporter on the scene saw, had been circled the venue was torn down a chunk of whole ground overgrown with weeds, pile of garbage everywhere.
Jiao Jianhong said that walls are being torn down, because the Government removed the plant had not informed afterwards again up their backyard.
Lantian County Public Security Bureau released Lake station shift leader, said Jiao Jianhong replies that are in the hands of the issue. But why do we not issue the book of not filing, saying it did not reply.
Lantian County food company Manager, Wu said, the company signed a lease agreement with Jiao Jianhong is still within the validity period, who demolished building they did not know, and no one to greet them.
Communist Party of the town:
Split out said other tenants The voice of China lottery scam victims over more
Lam Tin out Lake food bank site and about the House being demolished, the morning of July 8, released in lantian County town party Office staff was not aware of this matter. Subsequently, daily telephone contact with China to release Hu Zhen in lantian County Party Secretary Shen, he said, because next to the plant idle unattended, and turning into a dangerous, so let the villagers down, I do not know the land there.
But clearly the land property rights, Shen said, should be on the village, when no one said that split up out of the land is Jiao Jianhong tenants. The voice of China lottery scam victims over more
Shaanxi all State lawyer firm Li, Xiaodong lawyer think, according to real right method, for legal tenant State-owned land Shang buildings structures, tenant people has legal of property, as town government, in determine demolition occupied Shi should do necessary of note obligations, to implementation related right people, as in currently non-City yiwai real estate rental registration yet universal of situation Xia, should on by confirmed legal tenant people tenant or built of ground buildings for compensation.
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givenchycase-blog · 8 years
Beijing cultural relics Bureau said "Princess of selling hundreds of millions of sites" in new construction, a veteran: villagers cover
Mediation bid 140 million sale of "17 Princess House" look outside "Jade" and "private residences do not into non-" House. The Beijing morning post
Recent network "the fragrant Hills Park 17 gegejinmo jade Palace" for sale, real estate agents say the courtyard as the Su Palace 17 Princess Jin Moyu residence, is a single-family courtyard in the fragrant Hills Park, is a patrimony with permanent property rights, called the price of 140 million Yuan. Yesterday, the fragrant Hills Park construction, the building is not in the fragrant Hills Park, but outside the Park on the mountain. Bureau of cultural relics said multilateral verification, the Department is not "Princess Palace", is a new building in recent years.
Event: sold Princess House known as the Department of patrimony
"Sold ' last of Princess ' Jin Moyu sites, Xiangshan only a property clear of ancient building, ground two layer, and underground a layer, accounted for to 1067 square meters, can stopped 7 car car......" similar information in fair, and Sohu, multiple second-hand trading website are can see, part content in also indicate, the housing is clear late Su Prince House of patrimony, has permanent property, and with property intermediary staff contact way.
Go sell "Princess House" related pages.
Reporter in chain home officer online also found this article information, figure in the visible a Chinese courtyard, within has a seat two layer antique building, cloister, and angle Pavilion, and rockery ranging, indoor decoration luxury, furniture electrical complete, chain home official website price 140 million Yuan, text introduced for "this room had is Qing dynasty Su Prince 17th female Jin Moyu (Aixinjueluo • explicit Qi) in Beijing summer of sites, housing external pattern not can changes, 2015 late will housing within and garden refurbished decoration finished".
"17 Princess site" sell the message on the Internet has caused wide concern, some netizens questioned: "How can you sell in the fragrant Hills Park private residence? "" Housing permanent property rights is how to say? ”
Broker: refused to disclose the home owners property rights non-permanent
With these questions, the reporter called chain home real estate agents. One staff member, the site is indeed the Prince of Qing Su Yu mansion, 17 gegejinmo, "House of the late Qing dynasty built". As to whether Jin Moyu lived within, the answer "I hear is live." Reporters discovered, publicly reported the late 90 's was founded in Langfang, Hebei Jin Moyu Japanese language school, and home buyers in Langfang, rarely return to Beijing. Intermediary, the original house renovated in recent years, but it didn't change the original principal. Though the Princess Royal Palace, but he said the compound is not a listed building, and is private property.
When asked about relationships and fragrant Hills Park, the other side says "Princess Palace" is situated in the fragrant Hills Park, access to the Park will not be blocked. He also admitted, as the building is located in the mountainous area, the infrastructure is still not perfect, no gas, sewer lines, etc.
On "permanent property rights" questions, they said, recent new homeowners apply for a certificate, the House now belongs to an ordinary commercial housing, property rights only 70 years, but the price will not change. As to the owner's identity, he said to say.
Villager: I wonder if the Princess name is villager
Yesterday morning, the Beijing morning news reporters came to the fragrant hills, by asking around and finally found it on front Tower "Princess Palace". Building is located in the mountain village, courtyard walls are high, decorated with a pair of stone lions at the entrance and locked the door. Door side hangs a pair of bronze house number, a letter "Jade" words below marked "private residence non-do not enter".
Young Jin Moyu, whose real name is Aisin-Qi, known as "the last Princess of the Qing dynasty."
In the underground garage, the reporter saw staff members take care of the House. He told reporters, here are 17 gemoyu summer residence, called the Jade House in 2015, the landlord the House was renovated, the beginning of the year foreign sales. He said a few months with a number of agencies in the guest room, are rich, "but they can see of this House who do not want to see, you have to provide proof of assets you can afford to buy a House, to get in. ”
When the building is built, he said it is not clear, but does not change when the renovated main building structure. He told reporters that "the House still had some of the original object, I saw photos of homeowners and Princess. ”
But asked how villagers in the village, they do not know who is Jin Moyu, also heard "Princess of 17 sites". A veteran who lived here for decades, told reporters, "the Jade House" are not ancient architecture, the "Princess of nowhere out of what, the 80 's of the last century that still is our House in this village, when a rich man bought several houses razed, was able to build up such a big house. ”
Cultural heritage: non-registered heritage for new construction
Fragrant Hills Park publicity Bureau Chief, said intermediary said the "Mansion" is not in the fragrant Hills Park, "Mansion" and the fragrant Hill Park has no relation, has not previously heard of the Princess has 17 sites nearby. "In March this year, we monitor the chain home ' in the fragrant Hills Park ' that sold this home, we then sent a lawyer's letter asking them to correct, but see also coming online the information in these two days. ”
Reporter reflected to Beijing Bureau of cultural relics, publicity and Education Center staff, related characters, building address, building name, and many other queries, the building-related information is not found, to confirm that the building is not registered to heritage, "should be a new building in recent years."
Who is Princess of Jin Moyu? Saved by men dragged the girl three girls my parents
Later Jin Moyu. Saved by men dragged the girl three girls my parents
Jin Moyu, whose real name is Aisin-Qi, born in 1918 in Lushun, Liaoning, last Su Qing dynasty Prince Aisin Lady of the good society, ranked 17th, is called "the last Princess of the Qing dynasty", sister chuandaofangzi is the cell. Jin Moyu parents died when she was four, brought up by three-sister. After the founding of new China, Jin Moyu is committed to education and the Sino-Japanese friendly exchanges. On May 26, 2014, Jin Moyu died of heart attack in Beijing, at the age of 95.
Attorney: housing permanent
Duration of land have
Many users on "housing permanent property" issued questions, reporter Advisory Beijing blue Taiwan lawyer firm Bao Hua lawyer, he said, House of property has been are is permanent of, so-called of housing "70 property" more rigorous to claims should is "70 land right", "property itself not with term, land is with term of, but for both not cut away from, so everyone on with compared popular of claims,. ”
Lawyers say mediation called "permanent property rights", actual private delivery room. "Private delivery room of the land is made from the history, this land there is no deadline, But if a Government demolition, land consolidation, land will be gone. ”
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givenchycase-blog · 8 years
Shandong man injured his mother-in-law due to family conflicts and hacked to death his wife and daughter, police have control
On June 28, the Shandong chengwu, a case of intentional injury occurred, a man with a kitchen knife to his wife, mother-in-law and daughter chopped, invalid by salvaged his wife died. Network information
Suspect Wang has been controlled by the public security organs, at present, the case was under investigation. Network information 46 death of garbage time buyers 500 000 home buyers
On June 30, the surging News (www.thepaper.CN) from chengwu, Shandong Province Public Security Bureau was informed that the 28th, the intentional injury cases occurred in that County, a man with a kitchen knife to his wife, mother-in-law and daughter chopped, invalid by salvaged his wife died.
According to the police, the suspect Wang (male, 46, Han, heze dingtao people) lived in chengwu County business for a long time, the afternoon of 28th, due to family conflicts, a transport company is located in the neighborhood of Wang Lin Wang Shu yuan, and his wife and daughters and mother-in-law cuts. The day of the crime, Wang by public security control. At present, the case was under investigation.
30th, surging chengwu County people's Hospital Medical Service staff told the news, Wang's mother-in-law and daughter body count tool, in which Wang the daughter's head has been cut. At present, two of the injured are out of danger, and transferred to the intensive care unit for further treatment. 46 death of garbage time buyers 500 000 home buyers
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givenchycase-blog · 8 years
An anonymous! Yao Zhenhua bloodbath vanke's Board of Directors, nominations CR replaced Wu Xiangdong, Wang Shi
Assistant General Manager of the China Resources group, China resources land Executive Director Wu Xiangdong.
Wang vanke, really seems to want to leave.
The afternoon of June 26, vanke said in a statement, the company recently received shareholders Shenzhen huge manpower company limited and sea life to the company before "about the attention of the Board of Directors of vanke 2016 second notice of extraordinary general meeting held".
"Treasure" this attention ousted Wang Shi, Qiao Shibo, Yu Liang, Wang Wenjin, Sun Jian Yi, Wei bin, Chen Ying directorships; remove Watson, Luo Junmei, Liping Zhang company independent Director; remove defrost, Liao Qiyun company supervisor from Office. Wanke said the Board of Directors in accordance with provisions of laws and administrative rules and regulations and the articles of incorporation, in the 10th after a request is received within the agreed or not agreed to convene an extraordinary general meeting of written feedback.
View Haiwen had earlier offered to resign, motion of the treasure of the equivalent to throw this all directors of the Board of Directors of the vanke.
According to the new report, "treasure" plan is ready for Board of Directors nomination candidates, plans to nominate Assistant General Manager of the China Resources group, China resources land (01109. HK) Wu Xiangdong, Executive Director, Chairman of China vanke, "treasure" actual control Yao Zhenhua as supervisors. Wu Xiangdong, now 48, formerly China resources land Chairman of the Board. Dialog Mohan who founder of Blizzard Entertainment
Vanke shares battle has continued for over a year, from the original "Wan Bao" to "huawan controversy". The night of June 23, "treasure series" and CR's statement said, "treasure series" Captain Yao Zhenhua and Dr. Fu yuning, Chairman of China resources have joined together, made it clear that opposed to vanke iron deep restructuring plans.
Because of the CR and Po jointly holding a stake of nearly 40%, motion can veto any significant management matters.
Today, Wang Shi in micro-circle of friends sent two successive States. A is for CR Po teamed up with emotion: "when you used to rely on and trust Central CR no cover to open and you stop a hostile takeover bid together, vanke, denial management, fig leaf torn off. Well, it's going to rain, mother want to remarry. What can I say? "The other one is to respond to rumors about Wang ended:" life is a stage, came back and ended one day. But it was not at that time, what chickens (urgent). ”
For notice under full text:
On receipt of vanke propose to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders notice
Securities code: 000002, 299903 securities abbreviation: vanke a, China vanke h
Notice number: 2016-083
And all members of the Board of Directors of the company guarantee the announcement is true, accurate and complete, no false record, misleading statement or material omission. Dialog Mohan who founder of Blizzard Entertainment
China vanke company limited (hereinafter "the company" or "the company") has received huge manpower company limited, Shenzhen company shareholders (hereinafter "huge manpower"), and the former sea life insurance company limited (hereinafter "sea life") to the company "on the attention of the Board of Directors of vanke 2016 second notice of extraordinary general meeting held".
Before the huge manpower and hairenshou together holding more than 10% shares of the company's shareholders, drew attention to the company's Board of Directors 2016 second extraordinary general meeting convened to consider the following motion:
1, on the motion drew attention to the removal of Wang Shi corporate directorships;
2, drew attention to the removal of Mr Qiao Shibo, his duties as a company director;
3, drew attention to the removal of Mr Yu Liang, his duties as a company director;
4, drew attention to the removal of Wang Wenjin, his duties as a company director;
5, drew attention to the recall motion, Sun Jianyi company directorships;
6, drew attention to the removal of Mr Wei bin, his duties as a company director;
7, drew attention to the recall motion, Chen Ying company directorships;
8, drew attention to the recall motion Wasson company directorships;
9, on the motion brought to remove Ms Luo Junmei independent directors from Office;
10, on motion brought to remove Liping Zhang, independent directors from Office;
11, about the motion brought to remove thawing company supervisor from Office;
12, on motion brought to remove Ms Liao Qiyun company supervisor from Office.
Please see above motion huge manpower and hairenshou issued before the attention of the Board of Directors of vanke 2016 second notice of extraordinary general meeting held on.
Will soon convene the Board of Directors of the company, the consideration of requests. Board of Directors in accordance with provisions of laws and administrative rules and regulations and the articles of incorporation, in the 10th after a request is received within the agreed or not agreed to convene an extraordinary general meeting of written feedback.
Hereby notice.
China vanke company limited
The Board of Directors
The June 27, 2016
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givenchycase-blog · 8 years
Twice a woman three months pregnant and found a box of condoms, 10 hole, food and drug intervention
On March 5, in a hospital in Chengdu, 18 drizzle discovered she was pregnant. She originally came to the hospital to check the stomach, doctors ask the symptoms and recommended her to obstetrics and Gynecology. Learned that I was pregnant, light rain in consultation with my boyfriend to do the flow.
Two months later, rain and unwanted pregnancies. Next, light life into chaos, doll play, physical collapse, quit working ... ... But there was a problem that had plagued them usually have adopted contraceptive measures, which is part of the problem?
Until one day, the boyfriend opened the condom in the tap water, see water leaked out of a hole. Then one by one opened, 12 condoms 10 holes, they saw the light.
Eating pills 18 year old girl with a condom pregnancy
Use condoms to rain twice in three months pregnant, it makes her body hurt.
In March this year, rain find body appeared unusual. "I ate a lot, up a meal ate 7 bowls of rice and still crave sour, spicy food. "Rain said, she thought the intestines out of the problem, then to double hospital, deliberately looking for a Gastroenterology physician.
After the doctor about symptoms, smiled and told her, "should not be a gastrointestinal problem, this symptom is most likely pregnant. "Doctors recommended her to the obstetrics and Gynecology, the results showed that she really was pregnant.
Suddenly found out pregnant, drizzle and boyfriend Xiao Dong all panic, it is not in their plans. Two men formalized the relationship until the end of last year, and cohabitation. Intend to work to make money, get married again to dolls. "In addition to condoms, but also taking birth control pills at a time. "Rain said they liked children, but now is not the time.
After a talk on March 7, rain does a abortion.
Misconception that parents seek Sun pierced hole in the condom
On May 15, finished two months after abortion, 18 rain once again found herself pregnant. Ching Ming holiday area is now scalpers chaos
With doubts back home, rain repressed anger and tentatively asked her boyfriend MOM, "do you want dolls anymore. "MOM said nothing and looked at her puzzled. Then drizzle says: "not you been massaging in the condom? ”
MOM to react, he said: "(from the crowd for the first time) for only two months, so virtual you, how could we do this sort of thing. ”
"Every time I have adopted contraceptive measures, simply incredible. "Xiao Dong said after the two men, once again decided to abort the child," We also want this doll, but the objective conditions do not allow. ”
Drizzle a rented Five lived in a bungalow in Hua Yang, an area of about 10 square meters.
Doll play when rain is weak, only bed rest, Xiao Dong and even quit my job to take care of at home.
Use condoms most of the six months have "needle"
Condoms existed small hole.
Within three months a series of unintended pregnancy, which has been plagued by two people, which is part of the problem?
"Neighbors and acquaintances know it, pointing to us, some still say I don't want to face. "Rain told the reporter that" can only moved, but we do not know where to move to. ”
The afternoon of June 18, Xiao Dong suddenly wants to try a condom there is no problem, just opened a new condom, and then tap water, and to his surprise is that the water directly from the condoms leaked out of a small hole.
Two people closer inspection found that the bottom and sides of the condom has a hole. "We opened a box of new, 12 condoms, 10 of them have problems, sometimes with dark spots. "On that day, they bought two boxes of condoms in the same store, found holes in varying degrees.
"The past six months, we are in Li min San Jie Yi Hua Yang bin grocery store bought. "They both have this came, rain two months pregnant, and the condom on.
Latest no sales food drug/grocery store has been involved in the investigation
The morning of 22nd, reporter Hua Yang Limin San Jie Yi bin, arrived at the grocery store and find condoms for sale. "Sold out! See if in a few days. "A woman replied. When asked by reporters about the rain, the woman said she did not know.
A day earlier, Xiao Dong and Chengdu TV reporter the door when asked, the grocery store owner admitted the Xiao Dong to buy condoms. After discovering holes opened in public, a man claiming to be the owner relative to television reporters shoved to the ground and broke the camera. To this end, they had to call the police.
22nd afternoon, Xinhua learned from the Chengdu tianfu food and drug administration, grocery store sales of condoms need to obtain the license, but the grocery store did not achieve the sales of condoms. At present, the food and drug authorities have opened an investigation into the matter.
Experts advise/poor quality condoms cause of Gynecologic disease
Rain occurrences, Chengdu 363 Hospital Department Deputy Director Zhang Ying told reporters that twice within six months of continuous flow of people belonging to high-risk people, a greater risk of uterine perforation. "If people do too much, the endometrium is damaged, for subsequent pregnancies will be affected to a certain degree. ”
Therefore, she suggested that couples go to regular places to buy big brands of condoms. "Using poor quality condoms, prone to rupture, resulting in contraceptive failure. ”
In addition, poor quality condoms, may cause the physical fitness of high sensitive people are allergic. Women's vagina is a more complex micro-ecological, there are many bacteria, fake condoms may contain poor quality silicone oil, damage to weakly acidic female reproductive system, reducing the number of probiotics in the vagina, and Silicon oil is clean, very easy to make women have vaginitis, cervicitis and gynecological diseases. (Should the parties request, light rain, small East is not his real name)
Press enquiries/
Condoms have small black spots on the bottom website query does not exist
22nd morning, this reporter went to Xiao Yu and Xiao Dong housing, two boxes on the table, "the sixth sense" condom package, exactly.
Open look, which was printed on a box of condoms "3C" logo. "This is bought from the grocery store, because there are 3 c logo, look better than real or true. "Xiao Dong says, next to a box he bought from the regular pharmacy compare.
Next, the small East opened the packages within the marked 3 c identifies the use of condoms, came out of the House before the faucet. "Oh, look, this condom is bad. "Xiao Dong was called up.
Reporters saw at the bottom of the condom, there are black spots the size of a pen tip. Gently pull the spots turned into a small hole. "The two cannot be left apart, will have to stay as the evidence. "Xiao Dong said, found on the condom issue, he went to the grocery store and bought two boxes, now they have off the shelf, not buy.
21st, Chengdu TV reporter investigating to this grocery store. In order to verify the quality of condoms for problems, journalists spend 40 Yuan to buy two boxes of condoms. The water experiment followed, a box of condoms 12 Pack, 7 of them are leaking, damaged the worst condom, found 5 holes. Ching Ming holiday area is now scalpers chaos
22nd, this huaxi City newspaper reporter got the leakage of condom packaging, according to the product code, on its Web site the query. After you enter the two codes are displayed, "code does not exist, to guard against counterfeiting" and "you query products have been querying 37 times to guard against counterfeiting, jieshibang smooth run-12 Pack. ”
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givenchycase-blog · 8 years
Fujian shunchang tributary of the minjiang flood outbreak warning
On June 18, under the influence of continuous heavy rain, minjiang river flood warning. According to Fujian, yangkou hydrologic monitoring, hydrology and water resources survey Bureau, 18th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, minjiang River tributary of the Fujian shunchang tunxi-rich ocean water level warning level 2.0-2.5 meters.
On June 18, under the influence of continuous heavy rain, minjiang river flood warning. According to Fujian, yangkou hydrologic monitoring, hydrology and water resources survey Bureau, 18th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, minjiang River tributary of the Fujian shunchang tunxi-rich ocean water level warning level 2.0-2.5 meters. Crossing flood cause along the flooded water in residential, public facilities, road traffic was interrupted. Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau from publishing rainstorm Orange alert signals, reminded related departments still need to guard against flash floods, landslides and debris flows of secondary disasters. Fujian shunchang figure for urban residential buildings along the River to soak in a tributary of the minjiang flood warning (on June 18). Xinhua Chen Baicai photo source: Xinhua
On June 18, under the influence of continuous heavy rain, minjiang river flood warning. According to Fujian, yangkou hydrologic monitoring, hydrology and water resources survey Bureau, 18th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, minjiang River tributary of the Fujian shunchang tunxi-rich ocean water level warning level 2.0-2.5 meters. Crossing flood cause along the flooded water in residential, public facilities, road traffic was interrupted. Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau from publishing rainstorm Orange alert signals, reminded related departments still need to guard against flash floods, landslides and debris flows of secondary disasters. Fujian shunchang jiangbing road in urban area for a building was flooded by minjiang River tributary of the warning at the bottom (on June 18). Xinhua Chen Baicai photo source: Xinhua United Kingdom Baker produced 1 7 m wedding cake United Kingdom Baker produced 1 7 m wedding cake
On June 18, under the influence of continuous heavy rain, minjiang river flood warning. According to Fujian, yangkou hydrologic monitoring, hydrology and water resources survey Bureau, 18th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, minjiang River tributary of the Fujian shunchang tunxi-rich ocean water level warning level 2.0-2.5 meters. Crossing flood cause along the flooded water in residential, public facilities, road traffic was interrupted. Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau from publishing rainstorm Orange alert signals, reminded related departments still need to guard against flash floods, landslides and debris flows of secondary disasters. For the tributary of the minjiang flood warning approaching Fujian shunchang city bridge (on June 18). Xinhua Chen Baicai photo source: Xinhua
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
Ten migrant worker deputies to talk about "family for Joe": very sad, should be given more protection
"Editor's note"
"Your concern over ' family for Joe ' (elderly migrants)?" The party s newspaper published an article false
During the two sessions, surging News (www.thepaper.CN.CN) interview 10 migrant workers in Beijing National People's Congress, many delegates said, "not much contact", "concern does not."
Bureau of statistics, 229.78 million from 2009 to 2015, 277.47 million people, increasing the total national peasant. Among them, the elderly increased the proportion of migrant workers, increased 28.03 million from 2009 to 2015, 46.85 million.
Surging news 2015 first reported "working Grandpa" groups of survival status: for money family, uprooted dry with most bitter most tired of physical live, even by eat meat added physical; for escape check (some provinces "is strictly prohibited 60 age above farmers workers line job", and "ban 55 age above farmers workers into some dangerous post"), some senior farmers workers also dye black hair.
On November 24, 2015, shuangyashan Jixian County, Heilongjiang province, migrant workers pay. This pictures are surging journalist Cheng Yi-hui
To hear these stories, a number of representatives said "very sad." Representative said that with the implementation of national policies, the situation of migrant workers and better, to those elderly migrant workers should be given more protection.
NPC Deputy Wang Xin:
Elderly migrant workers returning home provided a sufficient endowment of land
Representative information: Cheng Jiao Xiang Ma Ying village, Xinye County, Ding Tai Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
"The current 47 million elderly farmers for more than 50 years of age and over 60 years of ' older ' migrant workers, is the first generation of reform and opening up an early migrant farmers, no knowledge, no skill, can only engage in heavy manual labour. They face not just physical load, potential occupational hazards, and exclusion of city life alienated and adrift in the cold and lonely, and their plight is actually the old people left behind was more than those in the rural areas. "Press the surging migrant worker NPC Deputy Wang Xin said.
Wang Xin was submitted to the national people's Congress, a report on improving the social security system, maintain the age recommendations on the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers.
Suggested, in the context of the existing social security system is not complete, and to provide adequate old-age to elderly migrants land, where they even return there.
Recommends in the proposed, hope medical health institutions put physical type industry of senior farmers workers of health check into work category, regularly for senior farmers workers do health guide and body General check; to for senior farmers workers provides bottom line of social security, recommends levels Government should allocated special funds solution they of bottom line pension problem; established agricultural migrant workers pension insurance personal account of cumulative, and settlement, and transfer, more items paid platform, activated dispersed Yu more to of personal pension account funds.
"At the same time, elderly migrant workers in industry and trades, national legislation should be limited, and to require employers to provide adequate protection. "Wang Xin said.
NPC Deputy Xie Zhibo:
Government security, domestic companies are encouraged to absorb more elderly migrant workers
Representative information: hualin road, gulou district, Fuzhou City, Fujian province, China street cleaning cleaning head
News of the surging migrant worker NPC Deputy Xie Zhibo, sanitation industry wages more than more than 2000 Yuan, forty or fifty years old or age of more than 60 sanitation workers accounted for 10%, only the State of the economy in the region to recruit more young people.
Xie Zhibo, sanitation is the most arduous business, get no rest days, holidays to work, and more work holidays more onerous. In addition, the section of jobs at risk. The combination of these factors, elderly migrant workers is not a proper sanitation industry.
"I know of about a 70 year old garbage man, son was ill have little ability to work, to address family, he held in the sanitation industry. "Xie Zhibo said the old slow garbage man action, poor ability to respond," we advised him not to do in the sanitation industry, the risk is too big, but he said that for families to live, is still held. ”
Xie Zhibo said State regulations, after reaching retirement age can no longer pay social security, again, there is no guarantee of work, sanitation industry is no exception. "We generally over the age of 60 elderly peasant workers job security on the road to buy a basic life insurance, 100 Yuan a year, if you had an accident just compensation for a hundred thousand of Yuan, can not solve the practical problems of a family disaster. ”
Xie Zhibo believes that pension is a pension while working, and can reduce the burden on the Government, want the Government to give senior citizens more migrant workers to take care of.
"Such as security, domestic companies are encouraged to absorb more older migrants, because the risk is small, does not require great physical strength, better suited to elderly migrants work. "Xie Zhibo said.
NPC Deputy Xie Liying:
Finding out to elderly farmers, transportation and security unit
Representative information: born in 1970, xiaotang, and Fujian jiamei group painting workshops painting workers
"Some elderly peasant workers ' educational level is very low, can only do manual work, and young migrant workers have the technology, relatively high levels of knowledge, some want to do dirty work, let these elderly migrant workers do. "The surging migrant worker NPC Deputy Xie Liying told news, elderly migrant workers get paid too low.
"Some live to young migrant workers (daily) pay 150 Yuan, probably 100 elderly migrant workers, such cases are very common. "Xie Liying said.
Xie Liying, senior citizens the protection of migrant workers needed legislation, hope the departments concerned for those who are not provided with transportation and social security of farmers severely punished.
NPC Deputy Zeng Xianggui:
"No matter what age, you cannot deny people the right to work"
Representative information: ruifeng property Services Ltd, Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, Chairman of the Trade Union
NPC Deputy Zeng Xiang-GUI has contacted some migrant workers do a primary type of elderly migrants, security and livelihood in a bind.
"They moved out from the rural migrant workers, insurance results are severed, in major diseases, protect vulnerable. "Zeng Xianggui raised hope village to elderly migrants who, in constant touch, give their insurance costs, so there is a minimum guarantee.
Zeng Xianggui said her elderly migrants, more cardiovascular diseases, sudden illness leading to their plight into life.
"For example, a coworker of mine, he is still not stable, and did a lot of work, social insurance, this didn't last, sudden cerebral haemorrhage incidence and want him to meet the medical expenses of more than 100,000 yuan, he find it difficult to afford, only workers launched a fundraising, apply to the trade union organizations difficult to grant, but the drop in the bucket. After ill treatment, only the living, unable to engage in work, life in trouble. "Zeng Xianggui, a phenomenon more and more.
In her view, if an elderly migrant workers has reached retirement age, but also to work, but unable to pay social security, big companies are afraid to hire (prone to sudden illness), can only be free in small workshops, which is bad for elderly migrant workers. She hoped that the Government would channel opened for the elderly migrant workers pay social security, increasing old age social security of migrant workers.
Zeng Xianggui believes that many jobs, such as cleaning, construction workers, and young people are willing to do, did not come, elderly migrant workers coming in, contributed to the development of society. "No matter what the age, could not deny people the right to work, since labour has value. To give them better protection and compensation, not dry and bitter and tired of living with a minimum minimum wage. ”
NPC Deputy Zhou Zhenbo:
5-10 years old age retirement protection for female migrant workers in between assignments
Representative data Shanghai delixi group transformer manufacturing company director
Migrant worker deputies to the national people's Congress, Zhou Zhenbo submitted a report "recommendations on reducing the threshold for rural women's pension age".
Recommends said, according to State on carried out new rural social pension insurance pilot of guide views provides, old rural women must years full 60 age to received new agricultural insurance based pension, however now women of retired age General is 50 age, some institutions is 55 age, this led to in enterprise employment of senior female farmers workers retired Hou, if paid of pension insurance not full 15 years (cannot enjoy city insurance treatment), returned to rural and because didn't in rural paid new agricultural insurance or not full 60 age cannot enjoy based pension, Result in 5 to 10 years gap, pension problems.
"So I propose, taking into account the practical problems of elderly women migrant workers, the relevant departments as soon as possible to improve the system, lowering the age for rural women to receive new rural insurance base pension thresholds, narrowing the gap between urban and rural social security level. "Zhou Zhenbo said.
NPC deputy Zhu Xueqin:
Employment policy to be tilted to the elderly migrant workers
Representative information: Shanghai Municipal Trade Union part-time Deputy Chairman
Migrant worker NPC deputy Zhu Xueqin believes that senior citizens the rights of migrant workers are vulnerable, the Government should give them more care on the policy.
"Now, many elderly migrants are issues encountered by employees whose wages, in particular layers of subcontracting in construction industry is very difficult to control, I also have many villagers to the building industry, due to the following don't know who to go to contract, led migrant workers over unpaid do not know to whom to please. "Zhu Xueqin said, although the construction industry has some particularities, but related laws and regulations still need further improvement, curbing wages.
Zhu Xueqin said, because old age qualifications of migrant workers is not very high, only the strength to eat, the Government in the formulation of relevant policies to tilt to them, "the best as well as persons with disabilities, provide a certain proportion of job priority to them. Now the service sector there are many areas, such as security, cleaning, traffic Coordinator, these sectors are relatively easy to use, simple requirements. ”
NPC Deputy Yi Fengjiao:
Looking forward to peasant workers ' social security problems and accelerate
Representative information: Deputy Director of Shenzhen Guowei electronics workshop
Surging migrant worker NPC Yi Fengjiao told press, large number of elderly migrant workers, and the country will also promote later retirement, some elderly migrants can be done, but some businesses, such as staff recruitment is always stressed the need for young people, so old do? Why must it be to do with young children, these children should have better opportunities for study and work, why bother to do this business? They can do more work.
Yi Fengjiao believes that senior citizens the problems of migrant workers, the most important issue is social security. Among them, the problem of peasant workers ' social security problems is reflected very strong, but progress, "has not yet achieved status as we had thought." In her view, the specific reasons may be due to uneven development, wages are made very difficult in some places, networking and the network equipment, facilities, some places are all written material, Internet access.
"In this year's Government work report, said will keep accelerating. "Yi Fengjiao said, after listening to the report on Government work, she felt very excited," policy implementation will take some time, goals have been brought up, depending on how advanced the. ”
Yi Fengjiao believes that migrant workers should be increased the number of representatives of the national people's Congress, "has too few representatives of migrant workers".
Surging News noted that migrant workers to the national people's Congress for the first time represented in the national people's Congress, began in 2008, when only Zhu Xueqin, Hu Xiaoyan and Kang Houming three people.
On March 4, 2013, 12 meeting of the General Assembly session of the national people's Congress spokesman Fu describes the 12 session of the national people's Congress revealed structures, representing 31 of the peasant in the current session of the national people's Congress. At present, the total number of migrant workers has more than 270 million.
NPC deputy LIU:
Hoping to equalization of public resources
Representative information in Anhui Province, the first migrant worker deputies
Migrant worker NPC Deputy Liu Li is known as "the most beautiful feet". At present, she is 5 months pregnant "expectant mothers".
"Old peasant workers ' social security is the biggest problem is not enough. "Liu Li said enterprises overage migrant workers pay social security universal enough, there are some difficult situations. As far as the construction, many site is triangular, no way to do post will pay social security. Secondly, there is a service industry, such as beauty salons, bath Center, changing jobs, changing staff. Then, many local social insurance payment ratio is not the same, some enterprises do not pay when was they couldn't pay, because the ratio is too high.
"Some migrant workers are reluctant to pay for social security, and they prefer to take the money away. "Liu Li believes that rural migrant workers pay social security" slowly throughout the process. "
Liu believes that to solve old problems of migrant workers, it is best to let them close to employment, which she hopes to equalization of public resources. "As an analogy, if as Peking University and Tsinghua University to move to Fuyang. Who will go so far to work. "Her emotion news that, central policy must be practical and leadership experts and scholars cannot sit in the Office, racking their brains to think of is not, be sure to practice, what people really need is, how to implement the needs of ordinary people, this is critical.
NPC Deputy Wang gang:
"Age is not on image status" concept to change
Represents the data: the new Chairman of Jardine Matheson group
Migrant worker NPC Deputy Wang gang, elderly migrant workers in contact a lot, especially in the construction industry. "Saw more than 60 people still braved the work, and my heart is sick. “
Wang gang said that age, almost certainly the family difficulties, mandatory retirement illegal nor human.
"Whether or not elderly migrant workers every year to do a physical examination, the body could give more attention, care of the sick, including social security and assistance. Well still have the ability to work can recommend positions? “
Wang gang said that in Hong Kong, many of the restaurant's staff is older, more than 70 years of doing this. Foreign airlines, many of the flight attendants were aunt. And at home, "by age were not in positions", this should change, and want a change of mindset must be straight, a system.
Surging gang told the news, even this piece can refer to persons with disabilities, businesses how many employees are there to recruit a senior migrant workers, but are not mandatory, but encouraged.
NPC Deputy Zhang Quan received: The party s newspaper published an article false
Migrant workers ' skills needed to implement
Representative information in shangcai County, Henan province, Zhu Zhen guai Zi Yang Cun Party Secretary, Chairman of Shenzhen quanshun human resource development,
NPC Deputy Zhang Quan received migrant workers called "Commander of the migrant worker", all his Shenzhen quanshun human resource development company limited, for transport ten thousand or twenty thousand migrant workers of enterprises of people every year. However, because of business requirements, mainly migrant workers 18-45, rarely over the age of 45.
Said Zhang Quanshou, migrant workers over 45 years old, have their eyes, some high blood pressure a bit, some fat thick, too many people at high risk. Meet two incidents last year, is getting on together in the fall, and never wake up. In addition, common in this group basically stay at Grandma, a grandfather, he didn't want to go out. If live in fringe, you can go to get a cleaner, do some day, dozens of dollars, hundreds of dollars, of course, salary is not high, but one is one. "He's nothing really at rest to panic, people busy body will have a problem. ”
In some places "no migrant workers above the age of 60 first-job", said Zhang Quanshou, enterprises pay to employ good conditions, good quality, good health. If he fell sick, what to do in the past? Enterprise is in trouble.
News noted the surging, said Zhang Quan received media interviews, since the country has attached great importance to migrant workers ' skills, but at the implementation level, thousands of migrant workers and did not have the appropriate skills, or who has not received the appropriate national certification. In this regard, he hopes "entrance" strict, no training no posts, no skill certificates do not work, allow farmers to master some technologies, then to do the work. This can enhance safety, ensure the quality of work, on the other hand helps to improve the peasants ' vocational skills.
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
In addition to high-end devices, Samsung took mobile VR experience
In November last year, when Samsung launched a new advertising film, to promote their own VR (virtual reality) equipment Gear VR. Advertisements showing Gear VR for many people to see different content, and "VR" slogan. LV iPhone 6 Case
Its slogan, Yes, many VR equipment will be put on sale in the first half of the year (such as HTC and Oculus Rift Vive), and developers are already thinking of how to use the new technology. Gear VR is one of the earlier products industry, consumers or $ 99, in the field of mobile VR evaluation is also very good.
Now VR devices fall into two categories. First is to use with PC and controller, can provide a better experience for users and a more attractive image, but the prices are more expensive, and PC configuration to force. This is representative of the class of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, which recommended configuration for about $ 1500. Second VR equipment be compatible with cell phone use, although inferior in performance category, but cheaper and more likely to experience (now playing with Oculus and HTC devices rely on the show).
Gear VR belong to the second class, fit all the Galaxy phone. Users need to do is to turn the phone into a device, then you can experience the VR. First Gear VR consumer version released in November last year, sales are good, also by many media that offer the best mobile VR experience. Because it is prepared for a mobile platform, of course, will also benefit from the development of the mobile phone market. Following figure shows Statista company Smartphone shipment forecasts for the coming years:
Although Gear VR fit Samsung phone only, but due to its share of the global mobile phone market first, so now no problem, the user should continue to increase. LV iPhone 6 Case
With the VR is getting hot, there will be more competitors into the Board, Samsung also needed foothold in the industry as soon as possible. According to data research firm TrendForce, global VR's market cap would grow from less than $ 10 billion in 2016 to 2020 $ 70 billion.
This picture above that this information was, in earlier VR hardware, a more important role. The early market is not saturated, Samsung's main competitors are using online channels, unlike physical stores as it goods. In addition, the Samsung because of the large volume, the ecosystem better, experience and performance will be better than the competition.
Facebook, when Sony and HTC focus on high-end VR platform, Samsung took aim at the low-end mobile VR experience. Now it seems that Samsung is successful, all spot and finished products soon to be robbed. If Samsung willing to tempt the best software developer for Gear VR development content that mobile VR experience may be defined by it.
via seekingalpha
113 votes
Samsung Samsung's Gear VR virtual reality head-mounted devices
Suitable phone models are Note5, Galaxy S6 edge+, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 edge, the user must 16G that comes with VR Gear microSD card inserted in the phone and installed a series of software can begin to experience the science fiction-like 360-degree 3D virtual effect.
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
Assassin's creed: the hero will be joined for the first time a transsexual role
  Assassin's creed: the hero, will become the first series to the transgender role games. Eurogamer reports mentioned in the foreign media, an in-game and player roles Ned Wynert was a transsexual. "Inspired by historical events and figures, we have developed a game, and our design and development team have different beliefs, different sexual orientations. "Assassin's creed game begins with the paragraph of text. Ted Baker Galaxy S4 Case
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytRZe7TLYYY Assassin's creed: the hero of the game screen
  Marc-Alexis told Eurogamer, the Creative Director, the development team into a wider variety of elements in the game. Transgender role Wynert story does not involve sex, Eurogamer will see cut-drama, nor emphasized this matter.
  Assassin's creed series has encountered some trouble because of multiculturalism, last year, Ubisoft just because no Assassin's creed: the revolution joined the playable female character in multiplayer was criticized. In Assassin's creed: Ubisoft has made improvements in the hero, a man and a woman in the story mode two operational roles.
  Assassin's creed: the hero of the game screen
  Assassin's creed: the hero will go on sale on October 23, landed the PS4 and XboxOne platforms. PC Edition has been postponed to November 19.
[Article correction]
Collection is the collection of 1542
Tags: games Ted Baker Galaxy S4 Case
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
Concentrated around introduced new deal housing inventory, Shenyang the first purchase "zero down payment"
Within only one day, Shenyang property market, Hebei province and Inner Mongolia autonomous region, three introduced the new deal to solve real estate inventory, promote the healthy development of the real estate market.
Shenyang: Graduate House "zero down payment" Provident Fund loans to a maximum of 900,000
On March 1, the Shenyang Municipal Government launched the Office of the Shenyang city people's Government on the promotion of the implementation of the healthy development of the real estate market (for trial implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the opinion) to 22 policy initiative promoting the stable development of the property market. Wang said no welcome to treasure when major shareholders
In accordance with the opinion of Shenyang will increase housing accumulation Fund loan support, Provident Fund loans to buy first homes, lowered the minimum down payment to 10%, the minimum down payment for second-home loans 20%. The implementation of "recognized credits, and deny" policy, raise the maximum loan amount to unilateral 500,000 yuan, 700,000 Yuan on both sides, three at 900,000 yuan.
It is worth mentioning that, encourages students, in the views of middle vocational school students House, the first "zero down payment" purchase.
Provided for in the comments, not exceeding 5 years after graduation colleges and secondary vocational school graduates in Shenyang to buy commercial housing, housing policy support, Provident Fund deposit time decreased from 6 months to 3 months in a row, down-payment requirements imposed "zero down payment" policy, maximum loan amount for single 600,000 yuan and 800,000 Yuan on both sides. Purchase of commercial housing of students in colleges, secondary vocational schools, granting incentives of 200 yuan per square meter. Meanwhile, purchases by colleges and secondary vocational school students, new graduates, grant deed full subsidies.
In terms of reducing second-hand House transaction taxes, second-hand housing transfer of sales tax, personal income tax after implementing the first fill. Resident Exchange houses, the "zero-tax" policy free of transaction fees, property rights registration fee, pay the deed tax, business tax, personal income tax levying and fill. Support to improve the housing conditions, within one year after the first buy sell or sell before you buy a House, buy real estate area is larger than the sale of house property area, according to the differential area subsidy of 50 Yuan per square meter.
Meanwhile, live in apartments can also be enjoyed housing policy. The provisions of, and residents to buy commercial apartments or apartments for residential, can be regarded as residential, transaction tax paid according to residential standards, also settled in, schooling, electricity and water warm civilian price enjoy equal policies for residential. Has purchased property for their business to live in an apartment or bed and breakfast, from the date of release of this opinion, enjoy equal policies for housing. Wang said no welcome to treasure when major shareholders
According to keerrui the data show that in January, Shenyang commodity housing sold 703,600 sqm total turnover 7923, ASP 5841 Yuan per square meter, down 5.12%. Shenyang real estate agents in the local mango real estate figures show that Shenyang February decline in volumes and prices from the some of the property market, but up there prices up. Prices rose 0.17%, turnover grew by 37.12%.
Hebei new deal housing: strengthening the surrounding Beijing real estate managed to cancel "7090" policy
On resolving real estate inventory of the Hebei provincial government introduced several measures to promote healthy development of the real estate market, said it would strengthen the surrounding Beijing real-estate management and control, strengthen Mikawa, Dachang, xianghe, Zhuozhou, Guan, Chong Li and other counties (cities, districts), real estate land and dynamic monitoring of market transactions, analysis research market changes in a timely manner, targeted adjustment controls.
Meanwhile, an area of housing unit type determined according to the market demand, cancel the share below 90 square meters living space must reach a total construction area of 70% the above mandatory requirements.
Concrete measures include support for the farmers House, the implementation of monetization of shanty placement, optimization of real estate supply, promoting real estate transformation and upgrading, increased financial support, the implementation of preferential tax policies, strengthening the surrounding Beijing real estate controls ten measures.
The same day, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region has introduced measures to accelerate real estate inventory, stipulates that those who did not complete the real estate inventory work area, future will strictly control land supply for real estate development and construction.
Xinhuanet reported on March 1, in accordance with the new policy of the autonomous region, beginning in 2016, Inner Mongolia will pursue the real estate to inventory and land supply for real estate construction and development-linked system, strictly control land supply. Meanwhile, the city will combine the local real estate market conditions such as inventory, lead conversion of undeveloped real estate land use, national and local support for the development of emerging industries, particularly pensions, culture, tourism, science and education and sports development and construction of industrial facilities.
The end of 2015, Inner Mongolia commodity housing inventory is still high, district-wide inventory about 768,000, 82.13 million square meters of commercial housing, regional, residential and non-residential, type of dwelling, such as structural problems evident, some 40% parts inventory pressure.
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
Henan 19 year old girl appendicitis surgery drain off the body, then kill operation
19 Bao Xiaolin cold body lying on the bed
Minor surgery or carelessness. A 19 year old girl was hospitalized with appendicitis in Nanyang, Henan province. A common surgery can cure the disease, hospitals are treating more trouble with minimally invasive surgery, and patients with a medical plastic tubing broke off in the abdominal cavity, intake tube after the hopeless, the hospital had to take off again to do the second surgery in the abdominal cavity of the plastic pipe. Girl eventually killed the small surgery operating tables. On February 24, the wancheng district in Nanyang at the court hearing the case, judge and bystander as the medical disputes caused by minor surgery sigh. Trial, doctors are not trained on the operating table, plaintiff also raised questions.
Appendicitis surgery, drainage pipes broken in the body Badong Hubei in response to police gunned down
Beautiful, sensible, this family of 19 year old girl Bao Xiaolin's assessment. On May 28 last year, Bao Xiaolin stomachs suddenly hurt, Nanyang Academy of medicine by family to the first affiliated hospital of treatment. Hospital initial Bao Xiaolin's condition was diagnosed as appendicitis and peritonitis. In the afternoon of the next day in hospital, Bao Xiaolin with a minimally invasive surgical removal of the Appendix.
But after the operation, her stomach, the doctor put a row of foreign body drainage tube. On June 8, 2015, the doctor tries to Bao Xiaolin drainage tubes in the body pulled out, but try to pull out. Bao Xiaolin bellowed with pain. The next day, doctors use tweezers to the drainage tube out. After the discovery, drainage tubes were pulled off, with drainage pipes broken in Bao Xiaolin of around 4 cm within the abdominal cavity. Doctors try to use tweezers into the wound, out of a broken drainage pipe, but failed.
Take the broken-pipe operation, 19 years old girl
Bao Xiaolin not yet recovered from the surgery, in the process of drawing and drainage tubes after the torture, the body began to run a fever. , Doctors decided to do the surgery again, remove the broken drainage tubes in the Bao Xiaolin belly. 4:25 P.M. on June 9, Bao Xiaolin was taken to the operating room again, remove the legacy of drainage tube in the body. After the surgery, Bao Xiaolin started fever, shivering all over, delirium, and apnea symptoms, Bao Xiaolin was rushed to the intensive care room. The next morning, Bao Xiaolin was declared died.
A simple appendicitis, they will take away your daughter's life! And hospitals after begging for nothing, Bao Xiaolin's parents take hospital to the Court.
Forensic think hospitals have many faults, should take 70% responsibility
Plaintiffs believe that Bao Xiaolin seriously irresponsible in diagnosis and treatment in hospital, admission diagnoses, surgical procedures, were observed after treatment and so on, there are a number of serious irregularities and errors, causes of death, seeks compensation for the costs more than 939,000 yuan.
After the Court accepted the case, commissioned a forensic departments in Shanghai to Bowe's death were identified. After the examination, the Bao Xiaolin appendicitis caused peritonitis, secondary systemic multi-organ infection lead to shock and death. Forensic says Hospital where Bao Xiaolin there are many inadequacies in the process. Is the lack of surgery and surgical procedures. According to the patient, the hospital is open type detection and removal of the appendix should be used. While the doctor uses minimally invasive surgery, lost the opportunity to found other lesions of abdominal symptoms of infection and control possible. In the process of diagnosis and treatment, doctors failed to drain pelvic bacteria culture and drug sensitive test, the lack of specific anti-infective treatment, delays in the treatment of patients. After doctors observing carefully, resulting in difficulty in decannulation of drainage tube, break, led to a second operation, increased patient. Eventually, first affiliated hospital of Medical College in Nanyang Bao Xiaolin must exist in the process of diagnosis and treatment of medical negligence, and Bao Xiaolin death there is a causal relationship. Proposed hospital held 70% accountable for Bao Xiaolin's death. Badong Hubei in response to police gunned down
Doctors are properly trained, and controversy
Trial, plaintiffs ' attorneys asked whether two doctors involved after laparoscopic training. In this regard, the doctor involved was surprised, did not know when the doctors need this training, need to ask. After a long inquiry, the doctors concerned responded that hospital doctors granted to one of three types of surgery can be done right. In this regard, the plaintiff lawyers said that the surgeon has quite strict management regulations of the State, according to endoscopic diagnosis and treatment in hospital management, eligible for endoscopic surgery permission to physicians, need to have more than 5 years related working experience in diagnosis and treatment, has the qualifications for attending professional and technical posts at or above. Participation as Assistant operations each year at least 30 cases of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment technology; operating accumulated more than 100 who needed to complete the operation. After technical training base for endoscopic diagnosis and treatment system of the Ministry of health found that training and obtain certificates.
Trial, the plaintiffs also presented to the hospital administrative penalties involved, liability criminal liability for medical malpractice. Plaintiff claims, hospital officials say, its diagnosis and treatment Act in conformity with the relevant operating rules. Plaintiffs claim the amount of compensation is too high. But both sides say, is willing to accept mediation.
Decision of the Court not in court.
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
Liu Shiyu replacing Xiao gang, Chairman of the SFC, the stock market "reconstruction" many problems remain:
The China Securities Regulatory Commission Chairman Liu Shiyu. Liu zhe surge information Long stay apartments has so far failed to profit
According to voice of the news vertical and horizontal reports, experiences the night after speculation in the industry, yesterday morning, the Xinhua News Agency confirmed that its Chairman, Xiao gang, a short message to the outgoing message. CPC Central Committee decided to appoint Liu Shiyu to act as Party Secretary of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, replacing Xiao gang, gay post of party Secretary of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Decision of the State Council, Liu Shiyu appointed to act as Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, replacing the CSRC Chairman, Xiao gang, gay.
Liu Shiyu, who had served as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, the agricultural Bank Chairman. After combing will find, before him, Mr Zhou and Shang Fulin, and Guo Shuqing, and Xiao, were from the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, transferred to the head of the big four, then served as the Chairman of the SFC. So this time, seemingly is the practice of transfer of personnel, will bring some changes? Newly-appointed Chairman of the SFC's experience and our capital markets, and which intersection? Long stay apartments has so far failed to profit
The China Securities Regulatory Commission Chairman Xiao gang. Zhang Xinyan surge information
A little after 10 o'clock in the morning, 19th financial Street gate, Fang Xinghai, Deputy Chairman of the SFC, who lined up, shook hands with Xiao. Strong wind on Saturday in Beijing, welcomed their eighth Chairman of the SFC--Liu Shiyu.
Liu Shiyu is who? Public information, he was born in November 1961 and graduated from the water conservancy Engineering Department of Tsinghua University of water conservancy and hydropower project construction; has been working in Shanghai's economic restructuring Office, the State Commission for restructuring the economy, real estate credit Department of China Construction Bank. In 1996, he transferred to the Central Bank, a bank Secretary to Vice President, spent 18 years. Until the end of 2014 as the agricultural Bank of China, the Party Secretary and Chairman. CV, Liu was a Department of the Bank was born.
However, he is low-key, not many become focus. Until recently, in charge of the Internet financial boom, he in some forums on Internet financial regulatory policy interpretation, exposure was increased significantly.
Reporters kept August 2013 he General Assembly speeches on the Internet: the traditional financial industry and Internet banking have formed a mutual game, situation of mutual promotion and common development constitute China's broad financial system. I think there is at least one, is the premise of honesty, some financial activities conducive to inclusive growth, financial services should be respected and encouraged.
According to earlier media reports, working for so many years, Liu Shiyu Central Bank shook splitting, restructuring of State-owned commercial bank listing, deal with a number of problem financial institutions and other important financial reforms, in charge of the financial stability Board, the financial markets Division, Law Department, payment of core departments and Services Division and the departmental coordination of central banks, has a wealth of experience and ability to handle complex financial issues.
In the past decade, the Central Bank set up inter-bank bond market, established Dealers Association, promote harmony tickets in the short series of bonds such as product innovation, market innovation, Liu Shiyu is also an important supporter.
Supervision, Liu Shiyu offered to a sea of mind, respect for the market, care innovation; updating apply, not to engage in "one size fits all"; dealing with the relation between administrative regulation and industry self-regulation; more strictly the "bottom line" thinking, resolutely combating illegal and criminal activities.
In relationships, many people give his assessment of the Central Bank, the Bank system is that a "high EQ" person, good balance and co-ordination of interests, but also very diligent, low-key and pragmatic, in the face of relatively unfamiliar territory, could soon enter the situation.
In May 2014, when he was Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, he is said, announced nine new countries, means that China's stock market has entered a new stage of development, that address the core problems of the capital market is developing multi-level capital market. In Office, he has also made it clear that financial products high income rigid cash squeeze and stock market, and is determined to rectify.
Liu Shiyu think otherwise, easy, public-oriented investors chasing short-term profits, not the pursuit of long-term returns, have enormous spillover effects on capital markets development. In this case, how anyone could get the money to buy stocks? As the stock market risk, and buy the channels of financing, trade financing is a one-way bet.
Low-key Liu Shiyu special remarks for the capital markets, especially in China's a-share market is not much, but after last year and now the ups and downs of a-shares after the curve, market is looking forward to his arrival could breathe new life to our capital market. Another spring is coming, new Chairman of the SFC's arrival, is how much of the stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen left him unanswered dilemma?
Still remember on March 17, 2013, Xiao gang, BOC Chairman came to the SFC, the past two years and 11 months, China's securities market has experienced China Everbright oolong, restart IPO, Shanghai-Hong Kong Tong, links and many other events. Although more than 1000 days, Xiao surrendered "graduate" is a 26% rise in the broader market, ahead of successive Presidents of the fourth. However, it is, probably the most impressive 6 July last year, embarrassment of prev 17 trading days fell to 32%.
In a recent Commission on annual supervision Conference, Xiao gang, once summed up his tenure of this stock market volatility: both market valued restoration of internal demand, reform dividend expectations, liquidity, residents ' asset allocation and other reasonable factors still have leverage, program trading, public opinion focused on causing overheating of non-rational factors such as sing.
Who never has been confirmed in the trillion-dollar Rescue Fund deep and strong public pressure from top to bottom in the market, some media described him as "crater" on a person, is not exaggerated. This may the arrival of Liu Shiyu first problem, how confidence in the stock market recover? Especially, Xiao gang, left to the first event in front of the Liu Shiyu, Congress authorized registration system came into effect on March 1.
Xiao noted that the registration system reform is a gradual process that cannot be met at one go, the IPO price rhythm and does not let go all of a sudden, massive expansion will not cause new shares.
Meanwhile, Xiao made another point worthy of reflection: immaturity issues, our capital market still faces a long period of time. Traders of immature, incomplete transaction system and imperfect market, does not meet the supervision system, fully exposed its regulatory loopholes, regulation is not adapted, regulatory issues such as inadequate, we must have a profound lesson.
In addition, Mr Xiao's regulatory challenges, leverage, program trading, cross-linkage between trade and so on, and this year will be placed on the front will be the answer.
Mr Xiao said, resolutely investigate and deal with all types of lending accounts, as well as opening a virtual account, parent account, and "tractor" illegal use of accounts such as accounts. Firmly against all kinds of illegal securities and futures business.
Of course, for similar "reconstruction" phase of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, and reduces the number of both is unclear. Fuse mechanisms has been suspended in the future how to adjust, hoarding scale reduction of non-smooth transition, stock index futures to hedge the risk of disputes on how to calm down? Or even delisting stick what's swinging in a new mechanism?
The reality is that regulatory Manager, this position seems to have been not easy after this weekend of change, how would the stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen opened the new day? We'll see.
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
Fujian Nanan over more than 10 Viet Nam collective disappearance of the bride, who is pregnant
Quanzhou evening news yesterday, Fujian Nanan people call our 24-hour hotline 96339 said on 16th, Nan mei Shan, Jin Tao Zhen Hong Kong more villages appear Viet Nam the strange phenomenon of collective disappearance of the bride. Reporters found that according to incomplete statistics, missing Viet Nam brides are more than 10 people, most can speak Mandarin. Them for the longest time "marries" came about half a year, the shortest less than a month, many of them missing, allegedly was pregnant. At present, the relevant parties have reported, Southampton police are investigating.
Nan mei Shan, Jin Tao Zhen Hong Kong more villages appear Viet Nam the strange phenomenon of collective disappearance of the bride.
Like making up excuses to blame out of Viet Nam bride collective disappearance
Yesterday, the reporter went to Nam Jin Tao Zhen Shi Cun, I heard from many people in the village village of Viet Nam bride missing messages, but as to which is which, is not clear. Zhanshi village village Party Secretary, Mr, to his knowledge there are seven families of Viet Nam bride disappeared, in which village is only 1 and 6 households are Mei Shan Tian Shan Village and Gao Tian Cun.
According to local informed villagers, February 16, at 9 o'clock in the morning, the Viet Nam the bride separately to go out to buy clothes, buy food or go to the toilet as a pretext, disappeared after going out, the mobile phone also went unanswered. Husbands see their wives didn't answer for a long time, go out looking for collective disappearance found them in the same time period! It is understood that these Viet Nam brides even have been pregnant.
In addition, many villagers said they are through a middleman introduced Tongan Viet Nam bride. This middleman was also from Viet Nam to marry into Tongan has been live for more than 10 years in Tongan. Viet Nam bride disappeared, the middleman calls can't get through.
Party wife does not license can speak Mandarin
Jin Tao Zhen Zhong Xin Cun, Fang Shaojun was one of the missing boy aged 29 Viet Nam the bride's husband. He told reporters that last November he introduced by others, from Viet Nam, Chinese woman Ruan Xiaoyan "marriage" was paid 50,000 yuan of the other "bride price", bring it home, but no wedding, did not get a marriage license.
"My wife can't speak Taiwanese, and Mandarin. I have seen her ID card, but because it is Viet Nam, I do not understand, except that she was born in 1990. Concrete is Viet Nam where people, I don't know. "He said, has been very hardworking wife at home, had not found any indication of running.
February 16 at 9 o'clock in the morning, while his wife told him to go out and Mei Shan, found the same for Viet Nam Sisters of the bride to get together and come back to the market to buy food to cook lunch. Not long after, he telephoned friends hear Mei Shan said, the village of Viet Nam bride collective disappearance. He hit his wife on the phone but no one answered, looking for the missing. Happen again Dealers hospitals Beijing did not
During the interview, many parties doubt that Viet Nam brides is to get married. The day of the incident, they are immediately reported to the local public security department. Happen again Dealers hospitals Beijing did not
Middlemen just introduced the agent did not know the woman's bottom line
Now more than 50 years old, Wu Xiaomo is Nam Jin Tao Zhen Center village, as an intermediary, he was introduced for the young men of the village in the vicinity 3 Viet Nam bride, these 3 people are held on February 16 missing. "Countryside singles dating is too difficult. Our village has two Viet Nam bride, came more than 20 years, the industrious simplicity, family, reputation is very good. I was acquainted with them, so a lot of people asked me to be the middleman, asked me to help monitor Viet Nam bride. "He said.
Last year, Mei Shan Shan brothers because the object could not be found, and you'll find the Wu Xiaomo, "I took them five or six local women but girls are not willing to, through our village and old Viet Nam bride, brother brother introduced in Viet Nam bride. "The two sides quickly settled the dowry money, take brides home. Wu Xiaomo says dowry price range is Viet Nam bride and her husband to talk about their own, less the twenty thousand or thirty thousand Yuan, more than 60,000 yuan.
The Viet Nam collective disappearance of the bride, he is confused. "We don't know what happened, we don't know about their bottom line and, so have said at the beginning of good, if anything happens, I cannot take responsibility. "He says. This reporter has learned, the Viet Nam husband most of the family of the bride, due to marry a local son to make more than 100,000 yuan, families could not afford, then married to Viet Nam bride.
Police had received a report in full survey
It is reported that the disappearance of Viet Nam bride has five or six is Jin Tao as early as September last year married into, most recently in January this year, were introduced by the same person. Prior to that, rarely heard of Viet Nam woman married into Jin Tao. Viet Nam missing since the bride does not appear, and there is no way to lock the true identity, is also known abroad.
Xinhua learned from Nanan City Public Security Bureau, 16th in the afternoon after receiving the alarm, police mobilized police, border police, police stations involved in the investigation. Is still to fully investigate the case, no qualitative.
It is understood that, in recent years, Viet Nam bride escape to have occurred, in particular through black dating service marry Viet Nam bride, there is a great risk, might and wealth.
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
Shandong tax drivers killed 2 people, top female victims escaping hundreds of meters
The night of February 14, Shandong heze man driving a Honda sedan stuffed with tragic car accident in yuncheng County, killing a man and a woman died on the spot, the car will travel hundreds of meters on the roof until the deceased was stopped by traffic police. Heze City Public Security Bureau traffic police detachment told surging news staff on February 15 (www.thepaper.CN), the suspect hit, followed by patrol Police intercepted by yuncheng Police Brigade, had been drinking before the incident, in the present cases are still under investigation.
Yuncheng County, Yuncheng Town friends post, 14th around 8:30 P.M. the incident, traffic police in Yuncheng Town near the bus station checking for drink drivers, a Honda car raced over, "hanging on top of a woman, and soon was stopped by traffic police".
According to statement, Honda is a KTV in yuncheng County crashed into a man and a woman nearby after escaping, running away or hitting other vehicles.
Traffic police detachment in heze surging above staff told news, was killed by hit men and women, with female top Honda cars travelling on the roof, the deceased hundreds of meters, build a new lane traffic Police Brigade patrol police in Yuncheng Town of yuncheng junction will escape vehicles intercepted. Driver is more than 40 years old, yuncheng County people. Has now been controlled, whether they involve drunk driving or even drunk driving is still under investigation. Online reported in heze, responsible for Wu an Zhen revenue driver.
February 15 afternoon, in heze City police detachment through "heze police" micro-letter public, released informed said, February 14, 2016 19:40 around, diao a (male, 46 age, holds C1 license,) driving Lu HM0863 small car along yuncheng Yuncheng Town East Street by South to North driving to 365KTV entertainment Club door Shi, hit pour by West to East cross had highway of pedestrian Chao Mou (male, 32 age), and Lee a (female, 40 age), caused Chao Mou, and Lee a death. After the accident, diao escapes a driving, Yuncheng Town Gold River Junction was Zhi Xiang Yun in yuncheng Police Brigade patrol Police intercepted. Hunan village woman was wrongly detained 186 days
At present, the case is under further investigation. Diao was arrested for drink driving, traffic accident, diao taking blood tests on the spot, for identification.
"The cost of drunk driving"
the alcohol drive
Conditions: alcohol-20mg/100ml-80mg/100m (not included)
12 points + direct costs = driver's license suspension for 6 months license + 1000 more than 2000 Yuan fine.
drinking and driving
Conditions: alcohol level met or exceeded 80mg/100ml
Direct costs = constraint to sober up revoking driver's licenses shall not re-apply for a motor vehicle driving license + for + 5 years be held criminally responsible.
drink driving operating motor vehicles
Direct costs = + 5000 fine + 15th detention revoked driver's license shall not re-apply for a motor vehicle driving license + 5 years.
drunk driving operating motor vehicles
Direct costs = constraint to sober up cancellation of driving license + liability shall not re-apply for a motor vehicle driving license + for + 10 years after obtaining a driver's license shall not be again driving operating motor vehicles.
drinking and driving major traffic accidents constitute a crime Hunan village woman was wrongly detained 186 days
Direct costs = liability + cancellation of driving license + lifetime driving ban.
People's Republic of China on road traffic safety law of the 101th article: violation of the provisions of the road traffic safety laws and regulations, major traffic accidents, constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law, and the traffic Administrative Department of motor vehicle driver's license revoked by public security organs. Escape after causing a traffic accident, the traffic Administrative Department of motor vehicle driver's license revoked by public security organs, and may not regain motor vehicle driver's license for life.
People's Republic of China Criminal Code article 133th: traffic accident crimes committed, to three years ' imprisonment or criminal detention after causing traffic accident escape or other adverse circumstances, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to seven years; causing death due to escaping, sentenced to seven years imprisonment. (According to the "traffic police in heze" micro-public)
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givenchycase-blog · 9 years
Shanghai Disneyland tickets in the end is it expensive? Asia's lowest, but just know is worth
Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices is finally released.
On February 3, the Shanghai Disneyland Resort announced that Shanghai Disneyland tickets will go on sale beginning March 28, 2016. Tickets for the Grand opening price of 499 Yuan; Grand opening period, weekday ticket costs 370 Yuan, peak day ticket price is 499 Yuan. Grand opening June 16, 2016 to 30th, the peak day for July and August, Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, the national day holiday and the year after the opening of each on Saturday and Sunday.
Children (from 1.0 m to 1.4 m in height, including 1.4 meters), the elderly (65 years and over) and visitors with disabilities to purchase tickets will receive a 75 percent discount. Infants and young children (height of 1.0 m and below) may charge admission. Buy ticket of two can enjoy a 95 percent off the total price. Each visitor will be allowed up to 5 tickets. All tickets for the specified day, visitors will only be selected when purchasing tickets the day of admission. Tourists holding a ticket will have access throughout the day in paradise, all the rides and entertainment show, but watching the Broadway musical the Lion King tickets separately.
The news got out, netizens immediately scream "prices are really cheap!" "Lower than expected". Most users feel fare "in line with expectations" outside the acceptable, there are a few who "think Artemis expensive" Plaint.
How the Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices determined? Other industry peers at this price then what is it? Surging News (www.thepaper.CN) journalist interviewed stakeholders.
Fare compare: usual price is the "lowest in Asia"
The Walt Disney Company currently in the world there are 12 6 paradise resort, these parks are mainly distributed in North America (6), Europe (2), and Asia (4), including the Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Paris resort, Tokyo Disney Resort, Disneyland Resort in Hong Kong and Shanghai Disneyland Resort.
Disney ticketing system is not the same all over the world, United States Orlando, Disney's Magic Kingdom Park Park, one-day tickets for adults are $ 105 (equivalent to about 690 Yuan), other Park, the price is $ 97 (equivalent to about 638 Yuan). United States Los Angeles, Disney's one-day adult tickets for $ 99 (equivalent to about 651). Tokyo Disney one-day adult ticket price is 6900 yen (equivalent to about 379 Yuan). One-day adult ticket HK $ 539 of Hong Kong Disneyland (equivalent to about 455 Yuan). Disneyland Paris tickets for the one-day adult € 74 (equivalent to about 531 Yuan), in winter the same Park the price of 47 euros (equivalent to about 337).
Shanghai Disneyland 370 weekday ticket prices, was the lowest in the Asian region, this longer than any fare information circulating on the Internet leave a lot cheaper. No wonder that many Internet users are said to be the first time book Shanghai Disneyland tickets.
Expert analysis: fares are cheaper than previously expected
On the fare setting process, Shanghai Disneyland Resort said, Shanghai Disneyland fare based on extensive market research and analysis, object includes the majority of Chinese consumers, many industry experts, as well as local regulatory units. Parks introduce a two-tier fare structure to respond to potential admission requirements, but also provides the opportunity to choose.
High view Vice President of Shanghai Institute of tourism, Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices taking into account international norms and China's national conditions, taking into account the actual income level of Chinese tourists, psychological acceptability, departments in the formulation process has worried that ticket prices are too high. Fare is a strict auditing system is not released by Disney to give, but China's price control Department, after the approval of the competent Department of tourism, only to be released. Wuhan hospital for example doctors complaint dismissed
"It should be said that the fare is cheaper than expected. But weekdays from Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices, than the United States of the Disneyland ticket prices slightly lower, while taking into account China's national income, the fare is not cheap. "Steep said.
Shanghai joy Valley market Department Deputy Manager Zhao shuai is said, generally, large theme paradise in developed fare Shi, main is consider the scenic of investment body volume, and regional market of consumption force this two big factors, in necessary Shi also will on regional market of target visitors groups for research, understand they of psychological price and economic endurance, "on investment body volume and brand visibility for, Shanghai Disney of investment reached tens of billions of, is global most famous of theme paradise brand, So its price is higher than the Happy Valley and other theme parks are normal. ”
Questioning sound: peak day too much or any family package
Zhao shuai said, Shanghai Disney of grading fare system from professional angle view, developed such of grading fare (peak votes than weekday votes your 129 Yuan), should is Shanghai Disney Resort on future business has a is good of expected, and also full consider to has Shanghai more than 20 million public and long triangle and domestic around city residents of income gap, after all 499 Yuan not a small number, if a three mouth to Disney play once, light tickets will 1500 Yuan, also not including back and forth traffic, and hotel accommodation, and Campus dining, watching the performance (musical the Lion King has an extra ticket), the cost of buying souvenirs, not wage-earners just wants to play often and play like a park. Wuhan hospital for example doctors complaint dismissed
Associate Professor, Shanghai Institute of tourism said Liu Deyan, Disney should consider pricing strategies, Disney is positioned as a family travel destination, should launch a family package, you can also consider couples fare tickets, annual passes and other integrated marketing system and peak day definition of too much now, weekday tickets can be bought in too few days, Disney consumer cannot only look at the ticket. "For now, fares can be, but Disney is a consumer, remains to be seen how experience, visitors know for money. ”
"Each individual tourists, the price is expensive or cheap is many, many issues, you might want to wait until the June 16 opening, visitors Park yourself play experience, initial came to its conclusion--is worth the fare price high or low. "Zhao shuai and Liu Deyan similar views were expressed.
"Disney Shanghai push tiered fare must be deliberate and precise calculation. "In Zhao shuai seems, nothing more than two a purpose: a is through put weekday fare grid pulled low, to reasonable to shunt passenger, let visitors don't are concentrated in weekend, and holiday or summer to play, to effective wrong peak, improve Park who of play experience, this is compared science reasonable of practices; second is full found out has people like in gold week, and summer cluster holiday of habits, put peak price raised, to achieved better of business returns.
Shanghai Disneyland Resort said, Shanghai Disneyland will take limited measures according to actual situation, Paradise according to the Shanghai Municipal Government for maximum visitors capacity standards and requirements take limited measures.
Market reaction: Shanghai Happy Valley no price adjustment plan
In front of Disney to Shanghai Shanghai, Oct is the theme park in Shanghai, "boss", 2014, 2015, two years in a row refresh Shanghai Happy Valley Park and revenues of two records, Shanghai Oct 2015 year sea park (Maya beach water park and Happy Valley) serves nearly 3 million tourists. Shanghai Disneyland fare, Shanghai Happy Valley will price has aroused the concern of many people.
On February 3, Shanghai Oct official surging in response to journalists questions, said Shanghai Happy Valley and Maya beach water park are currently no price adjustment plan.
Shanghai joy Valley about people told surging journalists, although and Disney as, Shanghai joy Valley face visitors sales of tickets is specified day votes, but consider to visitors in purchase Hou may will temporary something to can't, so joy Valley of specified day votes has 7 days of validity, that visitors in specified day began of a week within any a days came to play are can, but tickets only with once, out Park that void.
In tiered fare, Matinee is the Shanghai Happy Valley night ratings, daytime daily tickets were 230 yuan, after 17:30 admission is 80-100 Yuan, but no weekday tickets, peak difference of votes, while Beijing Happy Valley because it is in the North, cold winters, so it is divided into winter and summer, winter fare (November 15-March 15) to dozens of Yuan cheaper. The responsible person said, Shanghai Happy Valley's annual from 2016 onwards has been raised from 468 to 498, in addition to other types of fares are currently no price adjustment plan for the HKD.
Zhao shuai told surging journalists, regardless of is from investment body volume (Shanghai joy Valley investment is more than 2 billion yuan) also is products type for, Disney and joy Valley are has is big of different, like Disney to pursuit dream, and warm of family children visitors mainly, joy Valley to pursuit breathtaking stimulus of youth visitors mainly, and Disney of products differences of also is pretty big of, so they and no put himself as is Disney of competition opponents, future also is will continues to efforts service good himself of target groups.
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