I think I made the fucking creepiest thing ever
lyrics tho:
im wid awoke
not makin any mony
yeah it isnt evn funy
people won’t c my moov
im wid awoke
only one tiket seld and its 2 me
im wid awoke
i’ll jus hold nekci hosteege
blakmeyl al teh flop quens
make money easily
im wid awoke
my plan is genius yeah
im so cool
the oters r jus jellus
im more revelant than medoner
they will all bow down
to quen kety
i’ll sell millions of of of copies
i fel frum clud 7
dont mater cuz i dont cur about hevn
it was al so sudn
yeah i fel frum clud 7
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ahhhhhh >_<
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when i find myself in times of trouble
lady comes to me 
speaking words of wisdom
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Strangers with Candy (1999-2000)
“Hello, I’m Jerri Blank. Thirty-two years ago I dropped out of high school and ran away from home. Oh, I made a lot of friends… did a lot of time. I was a boozer, a user and a loser. I stole the TV… did some more time. But now I’m back in school! And though the faces may have changed, the hassles are just the same.”
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