Hi there!
My name's TB (my initials though because ✨privacy✨. I've been a fan of The Maze Runner since 2014 but I've only just decided to join Tumblr because why not? I did end up coming out of my "phase" as my mother likes to call it after Maze Runner: The Death Cure, but I've recently actually rediscovered my love for the film and book series. I'm now back to being that small obsessed teenager that I once was back in high school.
I've also recently been researching a lot about reality shifting and have been thinking about it a lot (hence the research). I have come to the conclusion that I definitely want to shift even just for a little bit, and see what life is like elsewhere.
So, I'm shifting to Maze Runner...yay/oh no (could go either way)!
Anyway, while I was doing some research and watching YouTube videos on the subject of reality shifting I actually remembered something that happened in around 2014-2015, around about the time when my mum bought the book set for me after I watched the first film. I'm posting this on here because there are a ton of posts about reality shifting on here and I just need answers. It's been too long now.
I had skipped school to read The Scorch Trials, and I was sitting on my bed reading and I decided to take a break and do something else. I put my book down. And looked up towards my wall. Where my wall should have been anyway. But I found that I actually wasn't sitting on my bed anymore, I was on the ground in the middle of a sandy, abandoned, very run down city. I don't know who exactly was walking towards me but I do remember that Newt specifically was walking up to me and saying something to me. It was sort of like he was about to help me up. And I remember panicking being like 'What the fuck, I'm not dreaming' and just blinking and rubbing my eyes. And I was back in my room. And I went downstairs to tell my mum (stupidly), who decided that my obsession had gone too far and hid my books from me.
I have never forgotten about this, due to the feeling of it. It felt so real. I have no idea to this day what caused it. Maybe I fell asleep and I was dreaming briefly. Maybe my "obsession" had gone too far and it was messing with my imagination. I didn't know what reality shifting was at this point so it was a mystery to me then. But it's in the last few years that I've discovered reality shifting. It didn't cross my mind until last night that I could have shifted realities due to thinking about the books and the first movie too often and just wanting to be there, feeling like I had to be there. I would visualise being there with them. The scenery and the scenes. Being among the characters. The more I think about it I've come to the realisation that I have shifted before. And if I have I think I'm (sort of) ready to try again, but from the very beginning.
That being said, I'm writing a script. I don't have to, but I'd rather keep myself right throughout the process (and as a writer and self-proclaimed scatterbrain, I just work better with everything planned out).
My name is TB, and I plan on shifting to a Maze Runner AU of my creation. Nice to meet you!
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