gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
The sad truth is that no matter how much I try to get motivation to write here it’s just really hard, even after I had that break and tried to come back again. I hate to do this but I think I will just be on permanent zero activity on this blog and I may delete in the future...I’m so sorry but my muse to write is really only working elsewhere. 
If you’ve got a thread going with me, I will be honest and let you know it’s unlikely I will reply to it any time soon. Given the New Year is here and I’m trying to cut back on my blogs to focus and be active properly, I’ve been spreading myself far too thin. When you add those things up, it makes sense for me to step away from this blog, since it’s really a struggle for me to write anything here these days.
Just wanna say a huge thank you to all the people I’ve spoken to here, you guys rock and it’s been an absolute blast. I’m pretty sure for those who talk to me the most, you guys already have my discord so you can catch me there to chat.
Keep being awesome guys and keep up the writing! Happy 2019.
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
Me trying to get my muses to actually do something here:
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
@pulitzerpanther [ continued from here ]
"Miss. Grant?" Flitting about outside of Cat's office like a nervous butterfly, Kara shifted her weight from one foot to the other, a strange lumpy shape protruding from her chest, her arms awkwardly holding onto something. "C-Could you get the door? Please?" Stammering hopelessly, Kara's hands carefully cradled the tiny, furry creature wrapped up in her coat.
Eyes flit upwards from an ever-busy phone, taking in the huddled, unusually lumpy sight of the only person who enough spine of (piddling, anxiety-ridden) steel to ask Cat Grant to do anything. An eyebrow hikes, slowly skimming down from the stutter to the ball of fluff barely peaking out from behind the girl’s cheap coat.
The eyebrow hikes further.
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“No. Oh, no, no,” Cat’s hip cocks, finger batting upwards to bounce back and forth, the only motion save for a sharp gesture down towards the cat, “I am not holding the door open so that you can let a small little shedding furball inside. What are you going to do, put it in a box underneath your desk and think no one would notice?”
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Eyebrows upturned with a look of desperation the second she heard her boss’s protests, no matter how valid they were, Kara couldn’t see past the lost, frightened creature cradled in her arms. It was weightless...and so...so tiny. She knew how it felt - remembered...how it felt to be left behind. It wasn’t something Kara would wish upon anyone, especially not an animal - an animal born of purity, with no human motive, only seeking the basic necessities in life.
Food, shelter, companionship and sometimes...if you were lucky enough, love.
“But I can’t just take him back outside! He might get hurt or lost or...” She gestured with one arm hopelessly. “...you know! Do I honestly need to convince you not to sentence a kitten to death?” Kara let out an awkward, breathless laugh, balancing the kitten in her arms which let out a weak mewl from Kara’s nervous fidgeting.
“Hey...it’s okay! It’s okay, I’ve got you.” She cooed softly at the kitten as it pawed her coat. Kara gazed at the adorable bundle of fluff before looking back up at Miss. Grant’s disapproving expression through the office’s glass door with a soft, pleading look behind bright, blue eyes.
“It’ll only be for a couple of hours...I promise you won’t even notice he’s there.”
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
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“ mother. ” kara hissed in kryptonian as alura accidentally caught blonde hair in the zipper of her dress. it was an important day for the house of el, one that alura and zor-el had waited for since the day kara was born. and kara was excited to meet her mate, but getting glitzed up just wasn’t her style. once alura gave her another once over, she decided that enough waiting was enough. everyone seemed over the moon to rush kara out the door, and kara reluctantly followed.
waving off her parents as she approached the room, kara took a deep breath as she hesitated around the corner. what if her suitor wasn’t everything her family made him up to be? what if this ‘sam’ was greedy, or wanted to take his in to the house of el for granted?  maybe she was worrying too much and overthinking. maybe this man deserved a chance with her. exhaling again, she found her footing and walked into the room. “ hello, ” she scrunched her eyebrows at the woman, trying not to fidget with her sleeves (her mother hated that habit of hers). “ i’m looking for sam, from the house of arias? has he arrived yet? ”
After what felt like a lifetime of waiting, Sam heard light footsteps behind her, prompting her to turn to face the doorway, hazel eyes settling on the pretty, young blonde who now stood before her. Clearly she was resisting the urge to fidget, Sam could tell from her subtle body language - she was nervous. Who could blame her, really?
The daughter of El’s question caught Sam off guard, her eyebrows raising and a look of mild surprise crossing her features before she could hide it. Had nobody thought to bring up the fact that Sam was short for Samantha? Did Kara’s parents really not tell her that important detail?
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“Uh, actually, I’m Sam.” She kept her voice calm, figuring poor Kara had to try to process that on the spot in front of her suitor. It was definitely a first impression to remember, that’s for sure. “It’s nice to finally get to meet you.” Sam offered her hand with a polite smile, hoping to distract Kara from feeling too embarrassed about the mix up.
A Union of Houses
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
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we’re both
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
Reign: Catch or leave Gengar?
Put a Pokémon in my askbox 
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Reign observed the dark creature from a distance, admiring the Pokémon’s ability to hide within the shadows and wait for the best moment to strike its prey. This one in particular had a malevolence she could sense even from where she hid. 
It would be the perfect partner to begin her journey. As corrupt and hungry for chaos as she.
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Caught: GengarParty:  1/6
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
She checked the numbers again. No change. Not that she expected it–she had been going off of hope, really. She was no closer to the answer than she was when she started this and Lena just felt… awful. Guilty. Angry. Defeated. 
But she was a Luthor and Luthors never backed down from a challenge. And so she was back at L Corp, back in her private lab, back to staring at her friend. Her very, very sick friend. 
Sam always looked so small in the containment area and every time Lena looked at her, she felt another crack in her heart. Lena was one of the best scientists on the planet. She had essentially unlimited resources at her disposal. She had connections to the DEO and CADMUS. She could do anything if she put her mind to it. 
She couldn’t fix Sam. 
“The results haven’t changed,” she said as she set down her tablet on the lab table. “I’m sorry, Sam. We–we’ll just have to run more tests.” 
She was exhausted but she couldn’t give up on Sam. She couldn’t just let the DEO have her–they might kill her. Or just imprison her indefinitely because they didn’t want to fix her. Sam living the rest of her life in a cage with no sympathy just because something was using her body… Lena couldn’t let that happen. And if it meant that Lena had to push herself to exhaustion, then so be it. This was for Sam. This was for Ruby. Lena would make it happen one way or another. She was going to fix this. 
Ever since Sam had discovered the truth about her origins, her world had turned upside down, throwing her around like a ragdoll, forcing her to relinquish control of her own life...finding out she was an alien was hard enough - finding out she was Reign almost broke her completely. If she didn’t have Ruby...well, Sam was pretty sure her will to fight would have died the moment Lena revealed the truth to her.
Lena - the one person left she knew she could rely on, could trust. And her faith in Lena was shown by her willingness to leave the fate of her life in the Luthor’s hands...or clear from her compliance to do whatever it was Lena asked of her, endure whatever tests she deemed necessary to find a way to purge Reign from her body - and more importantly, her mind.
Sam looked up to turn her head and meet Lena’s eyes, trying not to appear too disappointed by the unchanged results. Her stomach clenched uncomfortably at the prospect of more tests, the Kryptonite device itching and sore where it lay against her skin. 
“You don’t have to be sorry, Lena.” Sam shook her head to dispel the guilt behind her friend’s expression. She looked dreadful...probably about as good as she herself must have looked. “Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.” Her voice was steady, a mask of strength to hide the fear within.
“If you need to take a break, it’s okay. You look exhausted.” The CFO pointed out with a tiny flicker of a smile, shifting to stand from the bed she was sitting on to stretch her limbs. “When did you last eat something? I’m not letting you get sick because of me.” I’ve hurt enough people, I could never forgive myself if I hurt you too. Sam bit her tongue to stop the rest of her thoughts escaping. 
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
“You’re still young,” Lillian says after a moment, careful to keep her voice even, “there’s a lot you don’t understand yet. Things aren’t as simple as you’d like them to be, Lena.”
She forgot how stubborn Lena could be, and how young the girl is. Lena acts wiser than her years a majority of the time, but she’s still a child. “Try to remember that.”
Clenching her jaw to bite back the words she wanted to unleash upon her mother, Lena inhaled slowly, fighting back her anger, pushing it down and down until she felt the ice calm return, composure reforming the wall around her emotions and her fragile heart.
“You don’t have to patronise me, mother.” She muttered under her breath with a short sigh, arms folding across her chest. “You know as well as I do that age and wisdom don’t always go hand in hand.” A pause followed; Lena looked tired in that moment, and so much older than she should have been. 
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“Was there something you wanted or was this just a social visit? Because I actually have a lot of work to do.” Back to business - the only way Lena knew to handle a situation after she expressed any of the feelings she usually kept sealed shut inside.
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
stitchedgarden replied to your post: Naughty or Nice?
Lena vc: is it bc im a luthor?!!
I honest to God considered putting something like that too lmfao she’s just immediately like ‘that’s judgemental of you Santa, shame on you’
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
Naughty or Nice?
tagged by: @tragicletters tagging: @pulitzerpanther, @penuymbra, @sapphicindie, anyone who wants to steal
Link I wanted to do it for all my muses so here you go:
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“Pssh, naww, Mother Teresa was legendary I can hardly compare but hey, look at that! I made the nice list, yesss!”
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“Alright, that’s fair...but we need to talk about this box of air nonsense, it’s just an empty box so you might as well say so, why make it more complicated than it needs to be?”
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“Yeah, thanks, that’s great but I’m currently rushing around like a headless chicken to make sure to get the best gift for Ruby so honestly? I really don’t care if I’m on the nice list or not, sorry Santa.”
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
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I know that you and Supergirl, you don’t always see eye to eye on everything, but…
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
‘ all of history was written by men, so… of course they’re gonna make themselves look good. ’ 
@starstaiined  ( continued from here )
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she can’t help the laugh the bubbles up from her chest explodes forwards at a volume perhaps slightly louder than necessary. blue eyes dance with amusement as she settles on the edge of the couch in lena’s office. “you’re not wrong. i’m just glad there are women like YOU out there setting the record straight for future generations.”
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Clearly Lena’s choice of words had amused her friend as Kara’s contagious laughter filled the office, causing Lena to let out a chuckle of her own. Taking a large gulp of her drink, Lena let out a ‘mh’ sound through her mouthful of coffee, lifting her free hand to wave off Kara’s statement.
“I’m not so sure about that but thank you, Kara, you’re far too nice to me.” Lena smiled, shifting to get more comfortable on her side of the couch. “It’s likely that my accomplishments will end up tainted by the Luthor name...but, lucky for us, Supergirl is out there showing the men what we’re really made of.”
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
❛ I just feel so powerless. ❜ - aluraze (maybe kara's been hurt?)
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“What happened today wasn’t your fault. You had no way of knowing I was going to get hurt.” Kara’s voice was firm with her conviction, head turning to focus on Alura’s face, trying to meet her eyes. “Mom, look at me…” The determined tone fell away into something softer as Kara carefully shifted to sit up on the medical bed.
“I’m okay, really.” Kara forced a tired smile in the hopes it would offer some reassurance to her mother. Ignoring the way her head throbbed uncomfortably, she opened her arms, silently requesting a hug; it didn’t matter how old she was, nothing could compare to the safety and warmth she felt when she was in Alura’s embrace.
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
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# flannel JUMPED OUT 
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gladsomerays-blog · 6 years
A Union of Houses
☆ @sapphicindie ☆
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Running a hand through her tresses of dark brown hair, Sam let out a sigh as she waited within one of the great buildings on Krypton. Her mother, Selena, had told her countless times to watch her manners today, that first impressions were everything to ensure the union of the House of Arias and the reputable House of El went smoothly. Sam lost count of how many times her mother had said ‘what a great honour’ it was that their family had been chosen.
From Sam’s perspective, the only thing this marriage symbolised was a cage, forcing her to surrender her liberty. Love was not something Sam had an interest in, she preferred her independence and she was a proud, stubborn woman - Kryptonian through and through.
Sam had requested she meet Zor-El’s daughter alone at first; it would be awkward enough without their parents watching. Selena had been reluctant, only agreeing to it when Alura had praised the idea. That was how Sam came to be pacing the large, open room back and forth, wringing her hands together, occasionally glancing towards the archway entrance, waiting for her future wife to arrive.
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