glamtheglove · 2 months
I love to imagine the magic mountain bases all actually existing completely separately from each other in completely different time periods (almost), despite being physically in the same location.
In the ancient world, pyramids are constructed at the base of a huge volcano to honor the dead and worship old gods. A wide path leads to an entrance into the volcano, far enough in that the heat gets dangerous. Inside, sacrifices are made to the gods, to their king, offerings given up for the benefit of them all. The king is kind and forgiving, loyal to his people, asking for little and giving as much as he can. The gods however, are cruel, and all civilisations must fall eventually. For this one it's after a great eruption, one that shakes the earth with all the fury of the gods, that the pyramids become abandoned, left alone for centuries to erode. Over time new life grows, and thick jungles begin to hide the pyramids from view, until eventually, they’ve become a part of the natural landscape. Venture far enough in, however, and you might find remnants of the ancient civilisation: old writing in a language no one knows anymore, praises given to their old king; the remnants of ancient weapons and armour; the shapes of people who once lived forever preserved in ash and pumice.
It's the start of the industrial revolution, and rumours start spreading of an eclectic man and his steamrail full of exotic animals from across the globe. He’s a travelling zoo, of sorts, appearing in the strangest of places (as long as there's a railway line, he'll be there), areas it logically shouldn't be able to reach. He’s got all sorts of animals, from dolphins and turtles to strange, mysterious beasts. Where does he keep them all when they're not on the train? Some say he doesn't exist. others insist he does, that he lives underneath a mountain no one dares to visit. It's an active volcano, they say, dangerous to go near. If anyone dared to explore they might stumble upon the largest, most diverse collection of animals they've ever seen, and, most bizarrely, a large steam locomotive that runs on its own railway track, seemingly on a loop through the volcano itself. The tunnel is so dark the train disappears into it entirely. a young exploration group decide to find out for themselves, years later, and at first they think there's nothing there, until one of them stumbles upon the obvious remnants of a railway line, no longer in use but not so old that it's started to break down. Maybe he did exist after all...
In the late 1800s, a small fishing community establishes itself by the mountain. Electricity is new, and with the new machines and motors available to them the community quickly grows into a small village. Something is wrong, though. The rocks embedded in the mountain appear to resemble a skull more and more by the day, water streaming from one eye socket as though it’s crying. Underground passages and tunnels are found by the new residents, all leading to strange chambers. There's something in the water. A young man, one of the first in the village, disappears for a month, and when he returns, he's changed. He insists the ocean speaks to him, to everyone through him. He fishes for hours, days, weeks on end. When his madness begins infecting others, most gain the sense to stay away from him, but not everyone does. There's something in the water.
By the mid 1920s, the small fishing village is still standing, although most of the residents from four decades ago have since left. A young woman, traveling alone in her tiny fishing boat, docks at the village in need of repairs. What was meant to be a one night stay turns into days, then weeks, then months, as she begins to notice strange happenings in the village. A local artist has locked himself in his house, gone mad from something he found in the ocean. A scientist is experimenting with strange materials, and sometimes at night strange noises come from her house. There's something in the water. An older man speaks in tongues, driven mad by the sea. There's something in the water. The young fisher sees him occasionally, staring through her, unseeing. She's begun dreaming of ancient monsters in the depths of the water below her, reaching their long arms out and crushing her and everyone else. When she looks into the sea she can't see anything. It’s just inky blackness.
(No one knows how the village gets destroyed. One day it's here, and the next it's turned to rubble, razed to the ground by forces beyond human perception. It appears no one survived, but strangely, there's no trace of the small fishing boat the young woman had arrived in, nor of her body, and if anyone stopped for long enough in the wrecked city they might hear mumbling at night from underground, the mad ramblings of a man who has seen too much.)
Magic mountain row thrives in the early 2000s. They’ve beaten the Y2K bug (it really wasn't that much of a problem, anyway), business is booming at all the independent stores, and the local economy is better than ever. It doesn’t matter that not many people want to live here because new tech keeps Big Ron busy, and Willie Jr is old enough to start working at his father's shop, preparing himself to take over the business. The safe storage containers are always a little open, but nothing ever really goes missing, because no new people means everyone knows everyone. A young boy visits his neighbours for the last time before he leaves with his family; his dad's got a better job somewhere far away and they have to leave now, and besides it’s safer not to live by a barely-dormant volcano (it’s not as cool, though). His new neighbourhood has a lot more kids his age, but he can't help but miss the eccentric nature of his old neighbours. He returns to his childhood home twenty years later to find it empty. Most of magic mountain row is empty now, actually. There are a few places still open: Big Ron refuses to close up shop because Willie Jr, who has taken over the business now that his father's passed, still needs his help from time to time. Anyone still living here is merely clinging to a past they remember so fondly they can't adapt for the future. They're happy, though. They’re happy to remain here until it's their time to go.
In the not-so-distant future, a dense city is formed on the mountain. It started out as a smaller town, with traditional architecture and shrines dotted around the place, but as technology advanced and society progressed it grew and evolved into towering skyscrapers, holographic billboards, a rail system that winds through buildings and above streets. Elements of the past still remain - lush gardens lined with cherry blossom trees, the old shrines and temples still standing, a mark of the city's history and longevity. The city stands the longest, weathers the strongest storms, grows and evolves and changes, but all must come to an end, eventually. A rumbling in the earth, a once-dormant volcano waking from its slumber. They have the tech to know it's coming, now, so they all flee before it can hit. Only one man stays behind. This is his city. This is his home. He built this entire place from the ground up, and he’s not going to leave it behind. He makes his way to one of the shrines. Praying to his goddess, he leaves her one final offering, and when the ash settles all trace of him is gone.
The apocalypse happens in a future beyond our reckoning. A city lies, abandoned by most, on top of the ruins of civilisations that came before. Once a lively hub of activity and tech and innovation, the city has become a ghost town, occupied only by the artificial intelligences that had driven humanity out. They wander aimlessly, mimicking the behaviours of the humans they used to watch and help, protecting the inner core of their city that keeps everything, including themselves, alive. The humans reside elsewhere, in a bunker resembling the old world, with more vegetation and life than the city had despite being hidden underground. The city’s architects reassure everyone that they’ll be able to return someday soon. The one who designed the robots, a man more cyber than human by this point, just needs to fix a few issues with their programming. He doesn’t want to destroy them but he might have to. His partner, who designed most of the city, will need to commence repairs before anyone can live in the city again. So they leave, vowing to fix the city so that everyone can return to society. No one knows they will never return.
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glamtheglove · 2 months
been thinking about Alberu Crossman lately and how he really is just the guy of all time. he's a magic swordsman prince and a quarter Dark Elf, but his main weapon is a gun. and not just any gun, but an alien gun that came pre-installed with AI. he spent half a chapter on hold with customer service once. his alias of choice when going undercover is "Bob." he's white-passing, but only when he wants to be. his main catchphrase is "This is driving me nuts." he uses this catchphrase so much, the fandom has started associating him with squirrel imagery. he's the only person to call Cale an immature brat to his face. he was assigned a fursona by God. he's genuinely upset that the main villain makes better cookies than he does. he fought the final boss in his pajamas - and won. he averted a TPK for Cale's allies by taking a video call as his fursona. he once shot the main villain while he was monologuing. he's even a gamer. what did we do to deserve him
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glamtheglove · 3 months
before you ship something stop and ask yourself... Is this otp material? Make sure your characters are:
Obstinate and inflexible in their actions
Terrible for each other in most circumstances
Poor communicators
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glamtheglove · 3 months
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romance route unlocked!
based on this post, which seemed like an interaction shen jiu would have
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glamtheglove · 3 months
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glamtheglove · 3 months
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happy pride to the lovely couple
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glamtheglove · 3 months
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Princess Peach X Hatsune Miku 🍑🎵
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glamtheglove · 3 months
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it's never the last time.
I was trying to justify to myself having Leona know how to use a waffle maker, and. well. sometimes you just gotta go where the flow takes you.
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glamtheglove · 3 months
PSA gays: if you're wearing a mesh/lace shirt to a pride fest, sunscreen your whole chest/back before putting it on. I can't live to see another diva fall prey to sunburns with bizarrely specific patterns.
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glamtheglove · 7 months
Tubbo and Foolish are the equivalent of villains who's schemes work but at the same time don't and its great. That's what I want. Foolish and Tubbo being villians(dr.doofenshmirtz) with Sunny and Leo as accomplishes. I want that fic pls
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glamtheglove · 7 months
Pre-Tubbothan channel points(I'm usually in school when he starts stream and I'm on a new account)
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glamtheglove · 7 months
so i think tubbos appearance changes depending on which of his friends r possessing/controlling him
krow: eyes turn red, black eyeliner around eyes, black and red streaks in hair
owen: eyes turn orange, hair gets noticeably curlier and a few orange streaks
beky: eyes turn light blue, hair gets blonder and a bit longer
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glamtheglove · 7 months
I love the idea of the eggs still acting/being somewhat treated like kids/toddlers/babies
Like. yeah sunny can wield a sword and a chainsaw, but they still drink out of a sippy cup
Yeah dapper does weird, unethical experiments and is the child of the grim reaper, doesn’t mean she knows how to tie her shoes- they’re all velcro!
Of course Chayanne can cook a full course meal, but he eats it with those colorful, plastic utensils
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glamtheglove · 7 months
i hate to ask for advise on this but I'm struggling to make up my mind with it, is it bad to still watch Phil given his closeness to W and Phil's silence? I just feel bad even though watching Phil isn't directly supporting W and am asking for another person's thoughts/opinion on this.
ranboo said on their stream today that certain people are still dealing with the fact that they've learned a close friend of theirs is actually this kind of person, and encouraged us to give them time. it hasn't even been a week since shelby's stream, and not even 24 hours since wilbur's tweet. phil is quite literally out of the country right now. give him time.
it hurts to find out someone you're so close to is not the person you thought they were. I'd recommend giving all of wilbur's closest friends who haven't spoken yet time to process things. ranboo also added that some people might not make direct statements at all and just choose to silently distance themselves from wilbur, so be prepared for that too.
basically, don't take phil's silence as him supporting wilbur. let him deal with this shit on his own time.
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glamtheglove · 7 months
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I just have to share this beautiful thread on twitter about AI and Nightshade. AI bros can suck it.
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glamtheglove · 7 months
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just in case it gets deleted
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glamtheglove · 7 months
Being a q!tubbo fan that moved to q!bads pov after he died is like getting hit by a bus then once you stood up you got hit by the ambulance truck that was coming to get you
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