glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
@glcriousbeavty чŠµŃ€Š½Š¾Šµ Šø Š±ŠµŠ»Š¾Šµ || Vanya & Evgeniya
Nikolai, to her face, had called this a Holiday.
Vanya, fool that she was, believed him. He had smiled at her in that toothy, care free way and Vanya had believed him. The court was to go to France and partake in roaring redĀ Bordeaux and cream cheese and say that all of this was fine and lovely. It would be weeks of saying this is fine and not wanting to throw oneself into theĀ Seine.
Vanya was not a killjoy. She liked a party. She liked an evening in her cups, laughing and dancing and flirting with pretty young men and women who didnā€™t know any better. She liked it even better when she could retire to her study the next day and get on with her work. Those 4 page letters to the Portuguese ambassador were not going to write themselves.
Speaking of which.
ā€œYouā€™re Grace-ā€ Vanya had her nose buried in a stack of unsignedĀ edicts, reading through a preposterous idea from the Latvian Lords about a new road through Siberia-Ā ā€œ-Your royal hand is very much needed as of 3 days ago. You and I both know how fickle the Lords of-ā€
Vanya had strolled into the royal chambers unannounced, half of her ill-divided attention on the letters in her hand. When she did look up, eyes pale as a glacier ridge and just as cold, they locked onto the only royal that was standing in her stampeding way.
Instantly, Vanya stopped and rooted herself to the spot just inside their personal living room. It was always such an awful surprise to see her here. To see a serf in the Kings rooms. Vanya hated how she appeared to belong here. Vanya hated her.
Like a snake, Vanya coiled suddenly and appeared just as venomous in the single line she eventually uttered ā€œMadā€™am.ā€ the word was half a spit as that pale gaze narrowed, nothing short of loathing curling her mouth into a sneer.Ā ā€œWhere is the Tsar?ā€Ā 
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evgeniya had noticed the changes.Ā 
it wasnā€™t like the first or second time, no. in her both pregnancies, the first months were almost like hell. just the smell of her favourite foods or fruits made her stomach feel funny, and her head dizzy. she was always tired, and sleep came at any hour of the day. she wasnā€™t someone that suffered with sleepless nights, but geniya wasnā€™t used to feelĀ somnolent all day like she did when she was carrying sacha and yuliya inside her.Ā 
it started with some small things. a tiredness that she wasnā€™t feeling when after playing with her children, an increase of herĀ appetite and a desire for sugary things. at first, she deemed all of that to be from the change of scenario and travel --- time, in france, was different from russia,Ā explaining her tiredness. and the appetite and desire for sweets, in her head, were also because she was in france.Ā the french savoury foods werenā€™t of her like, and evgeniya preferred to eat the sweet ones, much for her children happiness.Ā 
however, the changes in her body were what made her suspicious of another pregnancy.Ā a small bump was formed in her belly, exactly like her other pregnancies. but she couldnā€™t keep her hopes high --- what if it was just coincidences ? maybe the talk she had with nikolai that other night made her hopeful. both of them wanted more children, and while they werenā€™t actually trying, such things could happen out of nowhere. it wasnā€™t like sacha or yuliya were planned, after all.Ā 
she found herself in front of a body length mirror inside the russian royal chambers, looking at her side profile. her dresses --- far more loose than usual --- were a greatĀ disguise. evgeniya couldnā€™t put hopes inside her familyā€™s head when she, herself, wasnā€™t sure if it was really a new pregnancy or something else. but what could be, if not that ?Ā 
as she heard the door open, she quickly turned around to face the mirror, expecting to hear her husbandā€™s smooth voice. instead, she was met with vanya belozernakovā€™s icy gaze and words, and the tsarina froze in her place. in the past, vanyaā€™s eyes were the most terrifying thing for her --- they were like the sky after a snow storm, and evgeniya couldnā€™t read her emotions throught them. and, of course, her status was also something that made her uneasy. with just a word from lady belozernakov, she and her family could be sentenced to death.Ā 
but now things were different. evgeniya was above the other woman, in almost everything, but mainly status. the only person above geniya was her husband, but she felt as his equal. vanya couldnā€™t scare her, not any more.Ā ā€œ ladybelozernakov. ā€ she greeted the other woman with a small nod with her head, her lips curving into a polite smile. the time when she needed to pamper vanya with courtesies and sweet words was far in the past.Ā ā€œ the last time i heard from him today, he was taking our daughter in a stroll through the gardens. ā€ the tsarina exclaimed while turning to face vanya.Ā ā€œĀ anything you need to talk with him, you can do it with me instead. ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
closed starter for mariam tesafave. ( @ofdevotiions )
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pedro was lost, again, but this time was his fault. why he needed to enter that maze ? he didn't even drink that much to make such crazy decisions --- the french wine couldn't even be compared to the one made in porto, but it was good enough to make him more comfortable and even happier. but he was still moping around, and the infante didn't know why. his thoughts weren't in the right place lately, and he was afraid that something bad was going to happen. he wished his sister was there --- not the younger, but the older. maria. she would've liked such festivities and, for her sake, pedro would enjoy them too. but she was dead, and he didn't saw a reason for celebrating the end of what took her from their family. even the french had lost loved ones, then why celebrate ? why not just a banquet just with some musicians ?
the maze seemed to be a good ideia to clear his thoughts, but maria was still haunting his mind. there was days when pedro didn't even spare a thought about her, and that was the best days --- when he always thought he was the firstborn of his parents, always the first for everything. he sighed, annoyed, to find himself lost again in a french construction. but, at the sight of a familiar figure, his eyes softened and his mood seemed to increase --- mariam, the princess of ethiopia. " please, do not say you are lost too. " the infante pleaded while approaching her, a soft smile on his lips. " i think i am going crazy because of the french and their mazes. at least i knew i would be lost in this one, though. "
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
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" i always find you. " evgeniya replied quietly, entering the library with graceful steps. she had spent almost half an hour looking for her husband --- as much as she wasn't comfortable partying when she knew many were still suffering, it had been ages since she and nikolai managed to party something. they weren't married for long when the plague hit the russian empire, and the only things worthy celebrating was their children's birthdays. geniya had look in every place and corner for her tsar, and was almost giving up when she noticed she left the only place nikolai was most comfortable in: the library. it was a place that she also was the most comfortable in --- when she was younger, the library was almost her sacred place, as it meant that she could forget about the circumstances of her life, even for a few moments, when she was reading. but today was a day for celebrated, and not stay at the darkest place.
" i've already checked the children. yuliya is asleep, but sacha is still upset that i did not allow him to come and is giving a hard time to his nursemaids. " evgeniya started, getting close to her husband. she couldn't help and not be worried for nikolai, but she knew the roots for his mood. it was the same as hers, but geniya knew how to hide them well. " tell me what afflicts you, my love. " she rested a hand on his shoulders, squeezing it. " but you are never a bad company for me. and i will pass the drink, though. i am already feeling a little tipsy. "
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the festivities outside caused the palace gardens to be filled with laughter and music, yet the tsar found himself inside the dark library. it seemed like the only place he could think properly. he was in a sour mood, a rare sight for the usually friendly tsar. he could not help this bubbling of anger at the french festival. such lavish displays of luxury while the people of russia still recovered from famine and disease. to the tsar, the entire event was a mockery of those who suffered these past few years. the sound of the door opening surprised him as he looked up.Ā ā€œi see you found my hiding place,ā€ he murmured, shaking his head.Ā ā€œiā€™m afraid i will not be good company.ā€ he paused. ā€œcare to share a drink with me?"Ā 
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
closed starter for sofia leon. ( @ofeuphemisms )
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spaniards. pedro didn't like them that much, even though they were the only neighbours of portugal --- perhaps, that was why the infante didn't like them. the story of the two countries was intertwined since the times of the late roman empire, and pedro always feared for a spanish invasion since he was a child. it would make sense, wouldn't it ? portugal was small and had a smaller population if compared to spain, and the two royal families were like cousins --- of course, before his father stepped in the throne. the braganzas didn't have a single drop of spanish blood within their veins, and pedro often worried about that. what if his parents wanted to marry him with one of spanish princess, to make a new alliance between the two neighbors ? he was aware that the late king, his father's cousin, was close to the leons. another thing that would make sense, but pedro wasn't prepared to marry. not yet, at least.
and speaking --- more like thinking --- of the devil, his eyes spotted an almost familiar figure: the crown princess of spain, sofia. it was funny how both of them shared the same title, but the spanish woman seemed to fit it with gracefulness, something that pedro felt he lacked of. he didn't want to socialize with people of the neighbors kingdom, but the festivity was rather dull to his opinion. perhaps it was homesickness, but he was now sure that the french lacked something that the portuguese people had. maybe it was the food --- what pedro wouldn't give to eat a bit of cod. he smiled politely at the infanta. maybe god was punishing him for thinking of her and her family as enemies. " su alteza. " pedro greeted her in her mother tongue, a smirk on his lips. " i hope you and your family are enjoying the stay in french soil. " the infante hoped his father would be proud of seeing him speaking so politely. " how are you finding this festivity ? i think it lacks something, if i am being honest. "
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
closed starter for fyodor romanov. ( @cftragedy )
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evgeniya never cared if her nikolai's siblings approved or not of their marriage before starting to care for them, as if they were her own. maybe it was in her nature --- she had always cared for her own siblings, why not for her husband's ? it was easier when they were younger and not so influenced by the court's opinions, and way more easier when she didn't have children of her own to take care of. sacha and yuliya weren't brats, but they were still children --- and that made geniya worry for them. she couldn't bring them for such enormous festivity, even though she almost gave in when she saw their puppy eyes. they were, especially sacha, as the presumptive heir --- even if not yet made official ---, the future of the russian empire. however, her heart ache for knowing that they were locked in their rooms, probably crying and trowing tantrums. but it was for the best --- evgeniya didn't know what would happen with her if something happened to them, and she was aware that many wanted to see her children, and her, too, perishing.
the tsarina sighed, trying to get rid of such thoughts. it was a time to celebrate --- for what, evgeniya didn't know. yes, the plague ended but many were still suffering because of the its consequences. it was strange to be surrounded by many smiling people --- and geniya became one when she spotted familiar brown locks. fyodor was only a child when she married nikolai, but he was now a man, towering over her like many of his siblings. " fedya ! " evgeniya smiled warmly at the youngest romanov while approaching them. " i hope you are enjoying yourself. it is been a while since we were surrounded by so many people, was it not ? "
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
@1642hqs-startersĀ·Ā· ā”ā” leonor + open !
the Ā  queen Ā  was Ā  in Ā  one Ā  of Ā  the Ā  richest Ā  places Ā  in Ā  the Ā  world Ā  . Ā  she Ā  sat Ā  , Ā  taking Ā  small Ā  sips Ā  of Ā  her Ā  wine Ā  as Ā  the Ā  merchant Ā  set Ā  out Ā  the Ā  fabrics Ā  out Ā  in Ā  front Ā  of Ā  her Ā  . Ā  she Ā  tilted Ā  her Ā  head Ā  just Ā  a Ā  little Ā  , Ā  this Ā  dress Ā  would Ā  be Ā  the Ā  one Ā  she Ā  would Ā  wear Ā  to Ā  the Ā  first Ā  ball Ā  .Ā Ā Ā ā€œ Ā  iā€™m Ā  not Ā  sure Ā  , Ā  ā€ Ā  she Ā  said Ā  , Ā  setting Ā  her Ā  glass Ā  down Ā  and Ā  stood Ā  , Ā  getting Ā  a Ā  better Ā  look Ā  at Ā  the Ā  colors Ā  and Ā  velvets Ā  .Ā Ā Ā ā€œ Ā  they Ā  are Ā  all Ā  luxurious Ā  in Ā  their Ā  own Ā  why Ā  , Ā  but Ā  which Ā  one Ā  do Ā  you Ā  believe Ā  will Ā  make Ā  a Ā  statement Ā  ? Ā  ā€
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ā€œ ai mamĆ£e, pelo amor de deusĀ¹. ā€ pedro complained, looking at all the fabrics in front of him and his mother. he had been dragged by the braganza matriarch to there, and while he didnā€™t complain to spend some time in the company of his mother, the infante was bored. he was supposed to be in the streets of paris, exploring all the dark alleys and enjoying his youth --- nothing helping his mother picking the best fabric.Ā ā€œ you know i am not the best person to ask this. you should have brought my sister instead. ā€ he explained, gazing at the fabrics. they all seemed the same for him. his sister was probably a better companion --- she probably knew their motherā€™s tastes and would be useful.Ā ā€œ maybe the red one ? it is one of the colors of our family. ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
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veronika was growing hopeful of her internship with master garnier ā€” after a few days, she tried to organize her schedule so that she would spend every other morning on his shop, being one of the first apprentice to show up on the scene to gather the materials from the night before and to organize the place. instead of seeing it as demeaning, she took the opportunity to learn what she would need to buy when it came her own time to properly venture with sculptures, and to study the designs and to learn the true basics the work demanded, rather than what she was doing home for the past two years, just working with moldable things to try and make something without the help of unnecessary, strange tutors ( regardless of the compliments dmitri had uttered when she presented him a rough dinner set made out of earthenware ā€” she had painted it prettily, and it had been one of her best attempts, but even so, it was only simple things, like the ones they would have had at home, and there was a sparkle of ambition prickling at her that wanted her pieces to belong to somewhere better than a servantā€™s quarters ).
it was, however well - intended, daring of her to venture so far from the palace, by herself, so, after running with a royal the other day, she decided to pay better attention to the hours, and always make sure she returned when the sun was still high in the sky. her fortune continues good enough for her not to encounter any of the romanov around the corridors of the russian quarters in the chateau, and she sends a pray for the almighty she does not to need to explain herself about the rough wool of the servantsā€™ clothing she had decided to don when away from the palace. until her arrival receives an unexpected welcome ā€” not entirely unpleasant, however. ā€œmy lamb!ā€ the youngest glaskovaā€™s rough voice is like honey as she returns the greet of her niece with enthusiasm, dropping to the floor so she may hug the child back, before swooping the toddler in her arms. ā€œwere you waiting for auntie to put you down for a nap? or would you like a bath to refresh you? itā€™s so warm, isnā€™t it? we can do it quickly!ā€ the hot european summer had been one of her worst plights while in france, and she could only wonder how much worse it must feel to children, increasing the little onesā€™ tendency to crabbiness.
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ā€œwell, of course she likes me better.ā€ veronika declares, as a matter - of - fact tone. ā€œdonā€™t you see how i spoil my little mistress?ā€ she teases, poking at yuliyaā€™s sides, much to the amusement of the toddler, who only holds onto her neck tighter. dramatically stepping towards her sister to continue making her niece smile at the gentle jostling, veronika hums at the question posed by the tsarina. ā€œmaybe a little out of reach as well, but you know i can not be still for long.ā€ as she takes a pause, the mischief in her voice softens into solicitude. ā€œmy absence wasnā€™t too sorely missed, right? i checked with madame perekuskhina before leaving and she informed me of some of your schedule ā€” i guess it makes sense youā€™d want some rest after a busy day, ā€˜hadnā€™t noticed that. anything fun on your end, though? other than dealing with my princessā€™ tempers?ā€ the gaiety resumes to her speech on the last bit, as she gently sways her body and yuliya with her.
when nikolai first proposed to her and after the initial shock of accepting and noticing that her life would change drastically, evgeniya thought of her siblings. marrying the tsar meant leavingĀ novgorod and going to moscow and, for a few moments, she thought that meant leaving her siblings too. but she couldnā€™t --- evgeniya couldnā€™t leave them with their parents in a life that wasnā€™t supposed to be theirs, while she would be swimming in all the riches the empire could give to her. evgeniya could not be alright with that. when her soon-to-be husband agreed with her terms --- that being her siblings coming with her --- she was excited to tell them the news. geniya would finally see them thriving in the life that was meant to be theirs, without working untilĀ exhaustion for an ungrateful noble, or being used by their parents in unsuccessful plans. and, of course, marrying for love made everything better --- unlike ekaterina and mikhail wanted, evgeniya wasnā€™t going to moscow as the tsarā€™s mistress, but as his wife. although she was aware of the distrust some romanovs displayed towards her siblings, to know they didnā€™t need to worry about how they would survive the winterĀ compensated everything else.Ā 
and, of course, knowing that veronika had a better education than herself and dmitri, and could live the rest of her adolescence in a comfortable way, always made evgeniya tear up. the tsarina gave to her sister everything she didnā€™t had while growing up, and the sacrifice was worthy of it. and now, seeing how loving her sister treated her daughter, geniya knew that she made the right decision. what would be of her children if veronika wasnā€™t with them ? of course, they had other aunts and uncles from their fatherā€™s family, but she never saw them treating the children so lovingly as nika did. it probably was because of their views on hers and nikolaiā€™s marriage, but neither sacha or yuliya needed to suffer its consequences. if she could, evgeniya would suffer everything and anything for them, if that meant that they would grow up in anĀ amorous household.Ā ā€œ do not spoil her too much. ā€ she tried to scold her sister, but the smile on evgeniyaā€™s lips betrayed her.Ā ā€œ but i do think a bath would do her good, as it can distract her from the absence of kolya. ā€ the tsarina didnā€™t seem to mind the heat too much. it was a pleasant change from the russian weather, but she wasnā€™t used to it --- and neither the children were. and evgeniya knew how aleksander was complaining about it.Ā Ā 
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evgeniya feigned a hurt expression, putting a hand in her chest, where her heart was supposed to be.Ā ā€œ i can not believe it ! i carried this nasty little thing, ā€ she gesticulated towards her daughter, safely held by the arms of her aunt.Ā ā€œĀ in my womb for nine months, and i am probably the third, if not the fourth, on her affection. ā€ nikolai, of course, being the first and then veronika --- sacha was probably the third, if they didnā€™t already argue when evgeniya wasnā€™t with them. the tsarina pretended to sigh sadly, but she didnā€™t care for any of that. she knew her children loved her, despite all of that. geniya tried as much as she could to be different from her own mother, and she knew she was being successful when her children came to her to tell, happily, how their day had been.Ā ā€œ and i can not blame you. you should use your time in france to sharpen your abilities, my dearest veronika. maybe i will even commission a bust of myself made by you. ā€Ā for outsiders, the tsarinaā€™s words could be interpreted as a jobe between sister, but evgeniya spoke nothing the truth.Ā ā€œ of course not, nika. you should have some time for yourself, as i feel you are always with me or the children. and i do not mind busy days too, it makes me feel useful. ā€ she admitted rather bitterly.Ā ā€œ and nothing more important than dealing with your princessā€™ temper happened to me today, yet. how about you, though ? ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
her eyes widened as she took in the other. he was very handsome and he seemed like the type of person who knew it. mariam barely knew anyone in this palace, but perhaps this new person could be one of her first friends. she wasnā€™t quite sure on how to make friends, but sheā€™d certainly try. she smoothed down her yellow gown and tilted her head.Ā 
ā€œhello,ā€ she whispered, with a soft smile. mariam never really spoke to boys except her brothers. how was she supposed to act? her lips formed a smile as she shook her head.Ā ā€œno, none of that here. just a lost girl,ā€ mariam explained with the shrugging of her shoulders. she raised her eyebrows.Ā ā€œwhat if we get even more lost? stuck in this labyrinth forever?ā€ mariam whispered. she nodded her head, lowering into a curtsy.Ā ā€œi am mariam tesafave, princess of ethiopiaā€¦itā€™s a pleasure.ā€ after a moments thought she nodded her head.Ā ā€œi would be honored to join you.ā€Ā 
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it was like he was vasco da gama, being blessed by the goddess venus for his braveness and hard work, and seeing the most beautiful nereid. but the reality was hard, and pedro wasn't his idol, or she was a water nymph. he was a prince and she was probably a noble, and the infante wouldn't be surprised if she was already betrothed. he was supposed to be, but he managed to postpone such matters for as long as he could. it wasn't like pedro didn't want to marry --- he was going to be the second braganza ruler of portugal, and he needed to continue what his father started --- but first, he wanted to explore the world. pedro didn't even need to go to china. just to be at a different place in a ship that was under his red would be enough. and, when he did that, he would be able to marry. what else he would tell his children ? that he stayed five years locked in a castle and only got out to go to france, to see his father sign a treaty that he didn't agree ? portugal didn't need any country when the plague struck, and they were better than almost everyone else.
however, that woman made pedro wanted to have allies --- her country, at least. he didn't trust spain, always fearing that they would try to take the throne from his family, and france was a weak thing. he nodded at her words, smiling genuinely.Ā ā€œ well then, i am just a lost boy too. ā€ he wasn't proud of that, but being lost brought him to her, after all.Ā ā€œ i am sure we will find our way out of here, trust me, i have the blood of discoverers. ā€ the infante proclaimed with a proud tone, but he wouldn't find too bad if he got lost with her at his side.Ā ā€œ the pleasure is all mine, your highness. ā€ he made a proper courtesy --- a princess. that was too good to be true. and beautiful name, who fitted her a lot. mariam's moments of silence passed like centuries, and pedro left a breath he didn't know he was holding out, when she agreed.Ā ā€œ very well, your highness, i am honored to be your companion. shall we ? ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
whenever possible, veronika would take advantage of any open slots in her schedule; that, combined with a freedom not easily granted to those above her, guided her to the center of the city, in some distance to the palace and all the areas well - advised by the kingā€™s ambassadors. perhaps it was a foolish endeavour, but there was only so much she could do within the walls of fontainebleau, and word of a master working on a commission had gotten to her ears a few days back, and, so, her quest had begun. she had left the castle at the crack of dawn, arriving to the workshop almost on the same moment from the other works; she had pestered the master to allow her to observe and take part of the crew for the good portion of an hour, until the threatening of violence ā€” when begging failed, she resorted to planting a few golden coins on his hand so she would be able to work ( almost as if a ghostā€™s, her fatherā€™s voice berated her as she did so, but that was all the old patriarch was by now: a ghost ).
as the sky began to turn a soft shade of purple, veronika knew they were going to run late. kindness comes easy when it is bought, and the master offers them the company of one of his protegees, but promptly they refuse, not wishing to relinquish their independence nor give away their true whereabouts to a boy who may as well be as greedy as his employee. ā€œi have a good sense of direction,ā€ and they did, even in a different city, but even their reliable senses could betray them when they had spent the entire day walking around the borough, in and out of the workshop, while trying their best to serve as their position of the newest worker and also attempting to keep shadowing the master so they would learn his plastering technique.
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she has reached one of the parisian squares when she sees the mop of curly hair that seemed all too familiar to her. ā€œdima!ā€ it is dark enough for the confusion, but once she is close enough to place her arm within his, it is clear this boy is not her brother. first, he is that: a boy; his eyes are also much too dark for dmitriā€™s, but, still, she recognizes him faintly ā€” heā€™s with the iberian comitive back at the palace, but which one? and how high? furrowing her brows as she tries to guess, she remembers to give their bodies a respectful distance, thankful the poor light of the streets hid the glow of her cheeks. ā€œdeep apologies, sir,ā€ she remembers her manners, bringing her arms close to her own body. ā€œi thought you as my brotherā€¦the hair,ā€ it is a poor explanation, but it seems she is full of those these days. ā€œthis is a long way from the palace.ā€ that was also a hypocritical remark, but at least she had no land nor title to her name to worry about being alive to inherit.
withĀ š©šžšš«šØ ššž š›š«ššš ššš§š³šš @glcriousbeavtyĀ·
pedro was well versed in portuguese literature, probably far too much for his father's opinion. the books only increased his love for the sea --- although os lusĆ­adas was a fictional story, pedro wished that, someday, he could do what vasco da gama did in the epic in real life. if he could be at least a third of the adventurer vasco da gama was, pedro would fulfill his wishes. however, it was a shame that the plague had stopped the portuguese caravels of discovering new places and new riches. one day, when he would be king, pedro would be the leader of an entourage to discover new places. he didn't care for riches or power, unlike his ancestors, who only sought new places for gold, silver or spices. it wasn't power that drove pedro, but the sheer excitement of getting in touch with different cultures and people. as much as his stay in france was an opportunity to do that, it wasn't the same thing. portugal and france we're almost neighbors, and the travel was made by land, and not by boat. he wanted to feel the wind and the saltiness of the sea in his face for such experience. and, of course, he was meeting more people like him --- people that needed to follow a decorum, who wear gold-embroidered clothing and wear gemstone jewelry, unlike the people he was going to know on his own epic story.
and he took every opportunity to leave the castle as he could. even if it was to read alone in a less crowded square --- pedro was sick of the nobles and their antics. no one seemed to understand his desire for adventure or travelling, always looking down at him like he was a child. the infante was aware that his dreams could be foolish, but, once, they were a reality. with the people, however, pedro could speak freely. even though they weren't his people --- the portugueses had a warmth that he couldn't find in the frenches --- and didn't share the same love for the sea or navigation, they didn't look at him like he's a bad type of crazy, unlike the nobles. it wasn't what he wanted, but it was better. pedro left the palace that morning with just a copy of o auto da barca do inferno on his hands and a few coins to buy food, those being the only thing he needed to survive. he had read a little and was too caught up --- even though he knew the auto by heart --- to notice the sky now dark.Ā ā€œ puta merda. ā€ the infante cursed in his mother tongue, worried about how the implications of the prince of beira being missing for an entire day could bring. he sat up, preparing to leave.
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however, someone interlacing their arm on his own made him stop dead in his tracks, confusing and even panicking going on inside his head. was someone going to kidnap him ? was this his sister, ready to scold for him for his irresponsibility ?Ā ā€œ dima ? ā€ the name calmed him down, at least. someone --- that wasn't a total stranger sight to his eyes --- had mistaken him for someone else.Ā ā€œ no, it's pedro. ā€ he answered, tilting his head to the side, puzzled as from where he knew that woman. they had something different, as if she was from a very foreign country. maybe swedish ? russian ?Ā ā€œ that is alright, and understandable, if you ask me. it is starting to get dark, after all. ā€ pedro shrugged.Ā ā€œ i know, and that's exactly why i'm here. ā€ the infante smirked down at them, looking at the direction he thought she was from.Ā ā€œ but you seemed to be far more away from me, since i am supposing you reside in the castle too. do you need company in the way back ? my mother and sister would probably kill me if they know i left a lady walk alone at this hour. ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
sometimes he could not believe the luck he had. how different would his life be if he didnā€™t take evgeniya as his bride? he would be considerably less happy and his two amazing children would cease to exist. but he was happy, truly and deeply. he loved his wife and his children more than words could express. nikolai understood that this was only able to happen because he was the tsar. were he any other man, he may not have had the power of choice. was he being selfish? perhaps he was a selfish man. he would give his life for russia- wasnā€™t that enough?Ā 
he grinned, dark eyes scanning his wifeā€™s features that he memorized many years ago.Ā ā€œyou may call me anything you like,ā€ nikolai teases, hoping to see her cheeks flush a pink hue. though they have been married for 10 years, it was still so easy to laugh with her and love her. he didnā€™t understand why people still rejected them. the mood changes slightly and he nods his head. family was always difficult to navigate. while none of his sisters would disagree with him in public, it was not hard to imagine what they said in the privacy of their own groups. except for karina, of course. nikolai knew for a fact that his middle sister supported their marriage almost as much as he did. nodding his head, he released a sigh. he knew sending yekaterina to england was the best option for her but too often she felt too far away from him. perhaps he really was a selfish man as he wanted his family close to him forever.Ā ā€œperhaps. we may cross paths in france. i intend to have a meeting with her husband to reaffirm our alliance.ā€ he glanced at his wife.Ā ā€œwe must begin a search for tatianaā€™s match. i am sure there is an eligible man in france.ā€Ā 
he laughed, the action erasing any stress he had moments before. nikolai thought evgeniya was most beautiful when she was laughing. after marrying nikolai, he was worried that the stress of court would take her happiness away.Ā ā€œevgeniya!ā€ he mimicked, a smirk appearing on his face. he copies her actions and rests against one of his elbows. raising an eyebrow, he hums.Ā ā€œyouā€™re bewitching meā€¦perhaps illya? or vasily?ā€Ā 
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nikolai's words always had an effect on her. they could light her mood or darken it --- even if that didn't happen often --- and evgeniya only managed to give him a shy smile in return, her cheeks heating up. she was a tsarina, only below the tsar, but geniya still felt to be the same handmaiden that always kept her eyes gazing the ground and lips in a thin line. she was getting better at hearing such things leaving nikolai's mouth, though. the first time she did it, years ago, she was a blushing mess --- even if she didn't believe it. how could he, the crown prince of the largest empire of all europe, falling for her ? someone that didn't have a name, or lands ? who was nothing compared to all the noblewoman who wanted to be the next tsarina ? evgeniya still didn't believe it, and almost everyone else did. but, when evgeniya saw her children playing together and the loving gazes her husband directed to her and the children, geniya knew that it wasn't a lie. ā€œ oh, stop it, my kolya. ā€ she giggled teasingly, looking at nikolai lovingly.Ā 
she noticed the shift in the mood at the mention of yekaterina. if she could, evgeniya would take all of nikolai's problems for herself. her heart break when she saw his furrowed brow or his tense shoulders --- geniya was used to deal with problems, growing up as a handmaiden. she was endured by the tension and screws of both her mother and her superior. as much as she knew that situations couldn't compare to what nikolai faced, evgeniya just wanted to see her husband happy.Ā ā€œ i think you should cross paths with her, my love. i am sure yekaterine will be happy to see you. ā€ but not her, though. of nikolai's sisters, karina was the only who supported them. tatiana did, once, and evgeniya couldn't understand why her feelings shifted, almost out of nowhere. it was painful, at least in the beginning. geniya always wanted nikolai's family approval --- but after almost a decade together, and some of them still seeing her with distrust, was bothersome. she nodded at his words about meeting his brother-in-law. it would be good.Ā ā€œ yes, i think that's a good idea. do you believe the rumours surrounding him ? ā€ evgeniya asked without scruples, used to be sincere in the company of her husband.Ā ā€œ i do not think she would like my intervention, dearest. ā€ the tsarina smile sadly at nikolai, a thoughtful expression on her face.Ā ā€œ but maybe the portuguese infante ? or even the crown prince of austria ? ā€
evgeniya wished nikolai could laugh more. he had a beautiful laugh, and she didn't hear it often --- in fact, she only remembered hearing it when he was with her or their children. she understood that he needed to pass a strong and cold faƧade as the tsar, just like the russian winters. but geniya preferred him like that.Ā ā€œ do not mock me ! ā€ she tried to sound angrier, but the ghost of a laugh betrayed her. evgeniya would never be angry at him, no matter what nikolai did. she scootered closer to her husband, her free hand caressing his bearded cheek.Ā ā€œ am i a witch, now ? ā€ her tone had nothing but playfulness, however, evgeniya was used to be called a witch --- but in an offensive way.Ā ā€œ i like illya, and i think the children will be happy with a new sibling. but what about a girl, then ? yuliya would be happy with a sister. ā€ evgeniya explained, getting her face close to nikolai's, finishing her words with a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips.
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
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Olivier knew better than most that this was more than just Pedro, but that may be because they sincerely doubted that the Portuguese caravan would bring along another with the same name as their Infante. Olivier wonā€™t show their hand, though - after all, if they both want to pretend to be commoners, so be it - they wouldnā€™t ruin their fun.Ā ā€œI think being lost is a personal state of being,ā€ they reply, their voice smooth.Ā ā€œOne chooses to be lost. You could be in the middle of a forest and not be lost if you do not think you are lost. So. Are you lost, just Pedro?ā€ Taking another step closer to him, they grin, their voice fond already, even if itā€™s thanks to the of the many months of correspondence between the two of them.Ā ā€œWhere are you trying to go? Around hereĀ is a big place. The palace is a big place. The gardens are a big place. Paris is an even bigger place. Butā€¦ I may be able to help. I know these grounds well.ā€
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pedro was quite confused by their words. he wasn't one for philosophy --- the infante's area of interest was centered on literature, and while some texts from camƵes or gil vicente were difficult to interpret, it wasn't something like plato or aristotle. it was something that couldn't get inside pedro's head, and that was alright, he thought so. he was going to be a king, and kings didn't need to know about everything, just the basics to not let the country starve or entering a useless war. ā€œ very well, then. ā€ it was the only thing the portuguese prince could answer while hearing the frenchman's explanation. it did make sense, thought, he thought while a scoff left his mouth. he wasn't just pedro too, but if he was going to complain, he was sure he would lose his temper.Ā ā€œ i am not lost, then. i am just in a foreign place and i need to carve my way out of it. is it better ? ā€ pedro asked with a smirk, folding his hands on his back.Ā ā€œ oh, you do ? that's perfect ! ā€ he said excitedly, the idea of having someone that knew the grounds well pleasing him.Ā ā€œ you have a point. i just need to, i do not know, maybe know my way inside the important places of the castle ? ā€ pedro asked unsure, a frown adorning his face.Ā ā€œ but i already said to you my name. what's yours then, frenchman ? ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā šœš¢š«šœš®š¦š¬š­ššš§šœšžš¬ Ā  š„šžšššš¢š§š  Ā  š­šØ Ā  š­š”ššš­ Ā  š¦šØš¦šžš§š­ Ā  š°šžš«šž Ā  š¦ššššž Ā  š°š¢š­š”š¢š§ Ā  ššš§ Ā  šššœšœš¢ššžš§š­ , Ā  Ā  Ā  š¬šØšØš§ Ā  š­šØ Ā  š«šžšÆšžššš„ Ā  š¢š­š¬Ā  Ā  Ā  trueĀ  nature :Ā  Ā  Ā  goodĀ  orĀ  bad .Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā aĀ  intricateĀ  threadĀ  nowĀ  linkedĀ  theĀ  two ,Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā contraryĀ  toĀ  theĀ  instanceĀ  ofĀ  theirĀ  firstĀ  andĀ  soĀ  farĀ  onlyĀ  briefĀ  interactionĀ  Ā  š˜°š˜·š˜¦š˜³ Ā š˜¢ Ā š˜„š˜¦š˜¤š˜¢š˜„š˜¦Ā  Ā  ago .Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā yet ,Ā  Ā  Ā  theĀ  nowĀ  kingĀ  wasĀ  promptĀ  toĀ  recognizeĀ  theĀ  womanĀ  beforeĀ  himĀ  Ā  Ā  ā€•Ā Ā  Ā  Ā onceĀ  aĀ  handmaiden ,Ā  Ā  Ā nowĀ  aĀ  tsarina :Ā  Ā  Ā  hisĀ  wifeā€™sĀ  sister - in - lawĀ  andĀ  theĀ  Ā  š™šš™­š™–š™˜š™©Ā  Ā  personĀ  heĀ  wantedĀ  toĀ  find .
asĀ  gabrielĀ  approachedĀ  evgeniyaĀ ,Ā  Ā  Ā thereĀ  wasĀ  Ā  š˜Æš˜° Ā š˜©š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜µĀ  Ā  ofĀ  hesitationĀ  toĀ  paintĀ  hisĀ  stanceĀ  Ā  Ā  ā€•Ā  Ā  Ā evenĀ  atĀ  oddsĀ  withĀ  theĀ  possibilityĀ  ofĀ  notĀ  beingĀ  recognized ,Ā  Ā  Ā forĀ  longĀ  timeĀ  hadĀ  passed .Ā  Ā  Ā  anĀ  Ā  š™–š™©š™©š™šš™¢š™„š™©Ā  Ā  wasĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  aĀ  smile ,Ā  Ā  Ā  butĀ  layersĀ  ofĀ  concernĀ  wouldĀ  layĀ  farĀ  tooĀ  heavyĀ  uponĀ  theĀ  kingā€™sĀ  mindĀ  forĀ  itĀ  toĀ  beĀ  aĀ  successfulĀ  effort .
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā Ā yourĀ  highness . Ā āž Ā  Ā  Ā  theĀ  englishmanĀ  said ,Ā  Ā  Ā  simply ,Ā  Ā  Ā  stareĀ  apparentlyĀ  casualĀ  uponĀ  thoseĀ  posingĀ  asĀ  herĀ  companionĀ  soĀ  far :Ā  Ā  Ā  yetĀ  actĀ  toĀ  stronglyĀ  Ā Ā š™Øš™Ŗš™œš™œš™šš™Øš™©Ā  Ā  themĀ  toĀ  leaveĀ  bothĀ  be .Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā ā Ā mindĀ  walkingĀ  withĀ  meĀ ?Ā  Ā  Ā theĀ  gardensĀ  lookĀ  ratherĀ  welcomingĀ  andĀ  iĀ  believeĀ  weĀ  haveĀ  someĀ  mattersĀ  toĀ  discuss . Ā āž
closedĀ  starterĀ  toĀ Ā Ā  @glcriousbeavtyĀ·
the tsarina couldn't deny was she was nervous to meet other royals, especially the ones who had ties with her husband's family. yekaterina was now katherine, and she still had a difficult time calling her sister-in-law by her westernized name. it didn't have the strength her russian name had, but evgeniya could understand why yekaterina did that. she would, too, change names if that meant acceptance. what would evgeniya do for that ? sometimes she found it pathetic and hated herself for being that weak, but only she knew what she endured on the first years of her marriage. but now that was in the past, and evgeniya could feel the future was brighter than it seemed.
the summit meeting was something that evgeniya saw as the first step for that happening, even if she couldn't do much in it. all the work was in nikolai's shoulders, but she tried to influence things in the way women could do --- friendships and sweet words. but, when a man --- that she deemed to be her husband's brother-in-law, the king of england --- approached her, so hoped to be useful for her country's agency.
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ā€œ your highness. ā€ evgeniya greeted him, a polite smile on her face. she knew what were the rumours surrounding king gabriel windsor, about his brother death. but she couldn't believe in them. geniya, herself, was also surrounded by rumours, but harmless if compared with fratricide.Ā ā€œ that would be my pleasure, your grace, but what are these matters ? about our spouses, i suppose ? ā€ it was the only tie that united the two, being married to the eldest of the romanov family.Ā ā€œ shall we, then ? i do not have such opportunities back in russia, but i am sure i mastered the art of walking in snow wearing a dress. ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
closed for: @glcriousbeavtyĀ·
location: outside a palace library
queens were not always blessed with true and honest friends and scotlandā€™s queen was no different. sure, she had her inner circle of supports, those who insisted they were loyal and loving but euphemia knew the foundation of these relationships was obligation. she was their queen and nothing could change that, meanwhile anyone who could be considered a peer was far-flung across the globe, responsible for their own kingdoms. perhaps that was why long ago, a cordial letter to the tsarina of russia had blossomed into a robust correspondence. although the two had never met, evgeniya held an affectionate place in her heart and she occasionally wondered if some small part of her appeal had to do with the legendary love match that had precipitated her marriage to tsar nikolai. though she knew better than to covet what her friend had, the notion of true romantic love was somewhat of a curiosity to euphemia who had been married for fifteen years now, many of those years spent happily and some not so happily. aye, the scots loved their queen but she herself had been questioning nearly half her life whether the king could truly say the same and for that matter, could she?
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she thought of it now as she sat contentedly in a modest library, eschewing french works for a book of scottish poetry sheā€™d received as a wedding present. grey eyes skimmed familiar verses as approaching voices chattered outside the open door in the conspiratorial tone of ladies-in-waiting, women who saw and knew all. that was the little tsarina, wasnā€™t it? yes, well, regardless of that old scandal she is quite pretty.Ā as the scraps of gossip retreated, the queen felt a bolt of excitement in her chest, inelegantly hauling herself up from the chair she was ensconced in and quickly scurrying out into the cavernous hall without even stepping into the shoes sheā€™d unconsciously slipped off. golden curls bounced as she turned her head to the right and then to the left, seeing a figure approaching from the direction the ladies had seemingly just come, dressed in an unfamiliar, sumptuous style.
ā€œdearest evgeniya, is that you?ā€ she called out, pink-cheeked and breathless, without a care for protocol or formalities. if she was mistaken then the embarrassment would be well worth it for her friend across the continent was one of the many reasons sheā€™d been looking forward to traveling to france.Ā 
evgeniya couldn't say she had many friends besides her siblings. it was natural as the sun shining in the sky --- dmitri was with her since the womb, and veronika came into her life when she was ten. with the routine they had, friends was a luxury that only nobles could have. she could hear her mother's voice, harsh and cold, saying that such bonds would only hold her back and outmaneuver, deceiving her to steal her position and everything she loved. sometimes she wondered if ekaterina wasn't projecting something that happened in her past upon her daughter, but geniya followed her words. it was a cruel place, the duke's house --- she could understand why her mother told her that, but it was lonely. of course, dima was always with her, but it was different. she wished she had someone who she could share experiences and giggle when they saw a beautiful man, something she couldn't do with her brother, or sister, because veronika was too young for that. however, evgeniya knew the true loneliness when she became tsarina. to be a noble was even crueler than being just a handmaiden, and evgeniya knew she could only trust on her family: siblings, husband and children. not even her husband's family could be trusted, as they didn't support her. yet, evgeniya managed to find a single flower germinating in the barren land ---- euphemia stuart, the queen of scotland, who made for her more than the scottish queen would know.
to be in france meant that it was an opportunity for the two queens to met, but evgeniya always found herself occupied, either with her children or family. the tsarina didn't care, especially now, watching her son dragging her into the endlessly shelves of the french library. geniya knew his curious nature was a trait inherited and even influenced by his aunt, and she couldn't be prouder of both. she didn't want her son to be just a ruler, someone who only knew economics and strategies --- but a person, and she knew that having veronika handling his education, her whishes would be fulfilled. she smiled encouragingly at sacha when a servant came to fetch him to one of his classes, kissing his forehead gently and laughing when he said for her to stay still that he would be back quickly.
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the tsarina almost did what her son asked her to, but her curiousity took the best of her. veronika could be the scholar of the family, but evgeniya was the one who planted the seed of the youngest glaskov's love for books. most of the titles were unknown for her, but geniya wished to improve her french by reading. however, she stopped in her tracks when she heard a feminine voice calling to her, without the courtesies many others displayed to her. it could be only one person --- euphemia, the flower in the barren soil.Ā ā€œ it is indeed me, euphemia dear. ā€ the tsarina smiled excitedly at her scottish friend, making her way to her, in rushed steps.Ā ā€œ i wish we could meet sooner, but my children occupied my time in the most varied activities. ā€ geniya's tone was sheepish, but her eyes had an awe glint on them.Ā ā€œ you are more beautiful than the scottish ambassador told me, i must say. ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
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š“š‡š„ š†š‹š€š’šŠšŽš• ā€” @encaseds & @glcriousbeavty + julian sands as mikhail & assumpta serna as ekaterina.
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  š§šžš«šÆšØš®š¬š§šžš¬š¬ Ā  ššš§š Ā  š­šžš§š¬š¢šØš§ Ā  š„š¢š§š šžš«šžš Ā  š°š¢š­š”š¢š§ Ā  š­š”šžĀ  šŸš®š šššœš¢šØš®š¬ Ā  š¦šØš¦šžš§š­ Ā  šØšŸ Ā  š¬š¢š„šžš§šœšž , Ā  Ā  Ā š©ššš¢š§š­š¢š§š  Ā  š¢š­Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā withĀ  huesĀ  ofĀ  suddenĀ  warinessĀ  fromĀ  theĀ  princessĀ  onwardĀ  theĀ  strangerā€™sĀ  presence :Ā  Ā  Ā  theĀ  latter ,Ā  Ā  Ā  still ,Ā Ā  Ā  Ā š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜¤š˜³š˜¦š˜„š˜Ŗš˜£š˜­š˜ŗĀ  Ā  ableĀ  toĀ  single - handedlyĀ  changeĀ  itĀ  all .Ā Ā  Ā  Ā cautionĀ  wasĀ  quickĀ  toĀ  shiftĀ  intoĀ  absoluteĀ  shockĀ  beforeĀ  asperityĀ  inĀ  hisĀ  wordsĀ  Ā  Ā  ā€•Ā  Ā  Ā  yinaĀ  barelyĀ  ableĀ  toĀ  hideĀ  Ā  Ā š™™š™žš™Øš™©š™Ŗš™§š™—š™–š™£š™˜š™šĀ  Ā  Ā toĀ  crossĀ  theirĀ  featuresĀ  forĀ  briefĀ  seconds .
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  āĀ  thereā€™sĀ  noĀ  needĀ  forĀ  youĀ  toĀ  beĀ  aĀ  stinkerĀ . Ā āžĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā sheĀ  saidĀ  inĀ  aĀ  rareĀ  reflectionĀ  ofĀ  herĀ  trueĀ  tempe ,Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā stanceĀ  movingĀ  intoĀ  aĀ  moreĀ  annoyedĀ  oneĀ  asĀ  surpriseĀ  onceĀ  Ā  Ā š˜¢š˜Øš˜¢š˜Ŗš˜ÆĀ  Ā  Ā touchedĀ  theirĀ  countenance .Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā Ā what ?!Ā  Ā  Ā noĀ  way !Ā  Ā  Ā youā€™reĀ  notĀ  goingĀ  withĀ  me ,Ā  Ā  Ā  stopĀ  actingĀ  likeĀ  weā€™reĀ  onĀ  theĀ  sameĀ  pageĀ  here !Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā weā€™reĀ  notĀ  evenĀ  inĀ  theĀ  sameĀ  imaginativeĀ  library ,Ā  Ā  Ā goĀ  away !Ā  āž
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wordsĀ  followedĀ  vainly ,Ā  Ā  Ā  butĀ  enoughĀ  forĀ  themĀ  toĀ  seeĀ  thatĀ  thereĀ  wasĀ  noĀ  easyĀ  wayĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  itĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€•Ā  Ā  Ā  twoĀ  optionsĀ  wouldĀ  layĀ  beforeĀ  her :Ā Ā  Ā  Ā theyā€™dĀ  Ā  Ā š™š™–š™«š™š š™©š™¤Ā  Ā  Ā takeĀ  theĀ  otherĀ  alongĀ  orĀ  notĀ  goĀ  outĀ  atĀ  all .Ā  Ā  Ā Ā aĀ  gruntĀ  cameĀ  withĀ  aĀ  newĀ  senseĀ  ofĀ  hurry ,Ā  Ā  Ā yinaĀ  takingĀ  moreĀ  clothesĀ  besidesĀ  theĀ  onesĀ  sheā€™dĀ  alreadyĀ  hold :Ā  Ā  Ā  justĀ  toĀ  Ā  Ā š˜“š˜©š˜°š˜·š˜¦Ā  Ā  Ā themĀ  againstĀ  theĀ  otherĀ  monarchā€™sĀ  chest .
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā ā Ā fineĀ ,Ā Ā  Ā  Ā putĀ  theseĀ  on ,Ā  Ā  Ā donā€™tĀ  dareĀ  toĀ  complainĀ  aboutĀ  anyĀ  ofĀ  itĀ  andĀ  beĀ  quickĀ !Ā  āžĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā aĀ  secondĀ  ofĀ  silence ,Ā  Ā  Ā  andĀ  thenĀ  again .Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ā Ā andĀ  turnĀ  around !Ā  Ā  Ā  iĀ  needĀ  toĀ  changeĀ  tooĀ  beforeĀ  someoneĀ  catchesĀ  us ! Ā āž
ā€œ a stinker ? ā€ pedro askedĀ almost offended, a hand on his heart in a mocking way. he wasnā€™t a stinker, and unlike some of his europeans neighbors, he tried to bathe at least once a day. he wasnā€™t a stinker, and he didnā€™t know why he was reacting that way.Ā ā€œ you are a stinker, not meĀ ! ā€ it was almost like he was a child again, bickering with his siblings for a toy or for their parentsā€™ attention.Ā 
his brows were furrowed. pedro asked nicely, at least. he was a prince, he could demand her anything he wanted --- but he did not.Ā ā€œ why not ? we are two royals --- at least i assume youā€™re one --- who are trying to escape this hellhole. we are on the same page, queridinha. ā€ a smirk made its way to his face, and pedro shrugged.Ā ā€œ what are you going to do to make me go away ? punch me ? ā€ he scoffed, looking down at them.Ā 
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pedro took the clothes of his hands, curtsying in a mock way.Ā ā€œ yes, of course, your highness. ā€ he turned around, starting to take off his own clothes and replacing them with the servantā€™s one. it was a little big to fit him perfectly, but baggy clothes were a good disguise. he just hoped no member of his family or any portuguese person would see him.Ā ā€œ can i turn around ? ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
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Pedro with the Portuguese caravan. A smile rose onto Olivierā€™s expression as he approached them, wondering what to do with this opportunity they were presented. Theyā€™d exchanged plenty of letters with this man over the years, but never shared portraits. Pedro had just showed his hand with an introduction, but Olivier hadnā€™t. So do they play with him? Or do they show their hand in return?Ā ā€œI am a Frenchman,ā€ they confirm - their accent was too thick to disguise themself as anything but that. But they didnā€™t reveal their identity quite yet, wanting to hear what sort of help Pedro wanted from a Frenchman.Ā ā€œWelcome to France, Pedro with the Portuguese caravan. Are you lost?ā€ They folded their hands behind their back - theyā€™d played this role before, always to the irritation of their older siblings and, back beforeā€¦ everything, the delight of their younger ones. Theyā€™d tricked many a visitor into thinking that they were an average servant, eager and willing to please. It was always amusing getting to flip the script, to get to tell the person he was the Prince Olivier after everything.Ā ā€œWhat can I help you with?ā€
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oh, thank god they were a frenchman. pedro didnā€™t know what he would do if they werenā€™t, other than die from embarrassment. he only nodded at their words --- what was he supposed to say ? thank you for being born on france ? it was almost ridiculous, and he wished he had someone to tutor him about how being a prince. a prince always knew what to say, or that was pedro thought.Ā ā€œ itā€™s just pedro. ā€ he couldnā€™t introduce himself as the infante of portugal, not yet. the prince wanted to know the foreign city without the eyes of nobility, the same way he knew lisbon --- knew its people, its smells, things that nobility didnā€™t care about so much. just when it would benefit them, at least.Ā ā€œ but i appreciate your words. and, well, do you think i am lost ? ā€ pedro for sure was, and he knew he looked like a lost puppy too. their words almost annoyed him, but he needed to keep the decorum, or else he would hear from his father. the portuguese king seemed to know everything that his oldest son did.Ā ā€œ maybe you could help me to try to know my way around here ? ā€
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glcriousbeavty Ā· 3 years
closed starter for katherine windsor. ( @melflcereā€‹ )Ā 
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she didnā€™t understand why her sister-in-law wished to see her before seeing her own brother. although evgeniya could see why, it didnā€™t make any sense inside her head. perhaps it was because she and her siblings shared a bond that she never saw others having, or maybe it was because of the shared letters between the two consorts. geniya didnā€™t want yekaterina to have bad feelings about her when she moved to england --- and the letters were a way for evgeniya to try to remdeem herself with the oldest romanova sister. after all, yekaterina was an aunt to her children and the tsarina didnā€™t want anyĀ feuds between them to poison the relationship of aunt, nephew and niece.
so when the invitation arrived, evgeniya felt a mixture of surprise, happiness and anxiety. it had been some years since the last time they saw each other, and the tsarina feared what opinion the englishmen had about her. some rulers and their courts didnā€™t seem to mind her status as a lowborn, but evgeniya was aware that they were the minority. what if the english court found her to be unworthy of her title, and yekaterina agreed with them ? her own home was like that, and she wouldnā€™t be surprised if the servants that followed her sister-in-law to her new home managedĀ to plant their opinions on english soil.Ā 
but a smile broke out on geniyaā€™s face at the sight of yekaterina. she looked the same as the day she left for england, but she now had something else. maybe it was the marriage life ? evgeniya knew that she changed when she married nikolai, and for the better --- and not just because she went from a handmaiden to a tsarina, but because his love fulfilled her in every sense.Ā ā€œ your highness. ā€ evgeniya greeted her sister-in-law with a courtesy, a polite, yet warm, smile on her face.Ā ā€œ i hope your travels, especially the sea crossing, were pleasant. ā€
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