glcriovs · 4 years
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glcriovs · 4 years
The woman’s words are first “answered” to with a couple of borderline comical blinks during the couple of seconds it takes Taeyong’s brain to process what he was just told and shown, before he’s finally letting out a highly amused snort and his face lights up with a knowing smile, “ We have to stop getting those rashes, hm? ” he teases the woman with a soft chuckle, he knew his lies were not credible at all but have them be received with such humor made it all definitely better. As soon as his hair is mentioned though, he reached up to it to try and find whatever it is that’s really on his hair, ( instead of looking in the mirror in front of him ), but when he founds nothing his lips purse yet he pushes himself up from the chair to follow her along. “ If it’s only hay then is no big deal because trust me, it could have being worst. ”
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glcriovs · 4 years
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“ I will take those words as you complimenting my looks. ” Taeyong doesn’t misses the chance to tease, if to play is what the woman wants he has no problems going along, so much as she didn’t step over a line. She had being the one to start it after all. An eyebrow ends up arching on his forehead as the woman continues talking, but is the end of her words what cracks him up and has him flashing half an ( amused ) smile alongside a huff. “ Yes, we all know how life is much more difficult for female idols, poor you having to work extra hard to prove yourself worthy. ” Perhaps he is now the one acting hostile, but he knows her kind, women with power, and even though he admires them he knows very well that they are not to catch you with your guard down, or they’ll destroy you.
“I will destroy you.” (A friendly game of Idol fun?)
-–&& PROMTS !!
Taeyong knows that there’s a high competitiveness in his career choice and is better to make friends with as much people as possible ( or better said, the right people ), but if someone came at him with such attitude unprovoked he wasn’t going to just let it slide. After having silently but not discretely at all eyed the woman from head to toe, a mocking-sounding scoff escaped his lips. “ Mhm, good look with that. ” Taeyong finally spoke with a fake politeness as he stood tall, towering over the woman, she might be popular but he wasn’t at all worried about it affecting him in any way. “ It looks like you’re really going to need it. ”
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glcriovs · 4 years
--&& DO i want to make a blog for HELLo tHERE ent. and recruit idol muses and make it sort of like a group rp? Abso fucking lutely. 
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glcriovs · 4 years
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angel ♡
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glcriovs · 4 years
Taeyong did what he had to do to succeed in this business, he doesn’t regrets it, but he’s not exactly proud of it, especially the part in which he betrayed his friends and left them to their own luck ( despite some of them remaining in the same entertainment company ), same friends and band members that are barely on his mind nowadays. One, because his stomach still churns painfully at the memory of them and the good ol’ days and because his life has gotten so hectic that he barely has time to focus on anything else that aren’t his constantly packed schedules and responsibilities. 
It was precisely those what had brought him to the hotel that day, Glorio.US was having a fan-event during the weekend and his company had booked him a room in that place out of pure convenience and in the midst of his preparations Taeyong wasn’t even able to recognize the name of the place he knew belong to that whom had one being his friend. 
He was barely awake when him and his manager walked through the front doors, shoulders slumped and had barely able to be kept high from the drowsiness, those couple of hours of sleep he’d managed to get in the car weren’t nearly enough to make up for the sleepless night he had had in the practice room. Regardless of that, something made him look around the place as he walked further, and didn’t take him long to fix his gaze on a familiar face that was turning away to make their exit. 
“ Eunwoo? ” Taeyong mumbled a second later, unsure at first but as his sleepy brain processed everything he perked up and even felt his face lighten up, it had to be him, one of those with whom he’d once shared a dream and a chance to make it a reality, “ Eunwoo? Is that really you? ” chirped the idol as he swerved towards the male, completely ignoring the calls of his manager whom didn’t even bother to follow him as he knew he wouldn’t be successful anyway. “ It is you, damn-– how long has it being? ”
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    ṳ᭬ 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 @glcriovs​ !
                  𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇  𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐘  𝐓𝐎  ensure the success of the company, visits to the company hotels would always be tiring for Eunwoo―though his insistence for fully  immersing  himself in the hotel environment to complete his check ups could be to blame. Most times, Eunwoo would try to blend in with the staff, and you can often catch the man at the front desk posing as a hotel receptionist. It was a  useful  way to gather information―not only could Eunwoo evaluate the types of people that the hotels attracted, but he could also assess the quality of the service the actual receptionists were providing to the guests. That and, it never failed to amuse him when seeing the  instantaneous  fixes in posture and  brightening  dispositions that would be brought about by his presence. 
Keep reading
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glcriovs · 4 years
Taeyong knew that walking on the streets on his own and in broad daylight was dangerous but he was tired of being locked up in the studio and pretty much pulling a blank on his newest song so there he was, walking aimlessly with an iced drink in a hand and his phone in the other when he felt a tap on his shoulder that made him stop walking and instinctively turned his head to look at the woman. 
“ Uh... ” He hesitated and lowered his head in hopes that his cap would cover more of his face without looking too suspicious, “ No, i don’t think so. I’ve being told i have a familiar face quite often though. ” was his ( lame ) attempt of an explanation. 
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a starter for @glcriovs​ !!
she walks past the other before doing a whole 180 degrees after realizing that he could have been someone she knows
 in a way.  however, she wasn’t sure if it was him or not. but it would probably be very embarrassing that she had mistaken him for someone else.
luckily, they were stopped at a street light, waiting to cross, she taps on the others shoulder gently, “uhm
 excuse me.” she smiles slightly, “are you
 by any chance
 someone i know?” 
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glcriovs · 4 years
--&& IMMA be real with you people, i’m almost never active during the weekends because i spend almost 15 hours in a computer a day for work monday to friday, and the last thing i want during the weekend is be on my computer another 10 hours whoops ( like i’m old and my back hurts okay?? ). But replies will come later today !! ( aka after work ).
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glcriovs · 4 years
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–&& AND in Hell will burn.
OC · Multimuse · Single verse · Single ship · Literate · Plot friendly · NSFW · Non selective ·
                                          blog forever under construction
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glcriovs · 4 years
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Whatever the woman thinks she has up her sleeve, Taeyong is sure he can easily one-up her, but he won’t stoop to her level unless absolutely necessary, he’s not one to look for troubles but he won’t just turn their back on them if they come knowing on his door. “ Isn’t it how this industry works? ” He questions, a tilt of his head and an arched eyebrow yet there’s knowledge in the glimmer of his eyes, “ Your words are feeling too personal or am i just misinterpreting your tone? ” his innocence is fake but he must keep appearances after all, too many eyes are watching over all the time, the downside of this lifestyle. “ I don’t remember having done anything to you that prompted you to be this hostile. ”
“I will destroy you.” (A friendly game of Idol fun?)
-–&& PROMTS !!
Taeyong knows that there’s a high competitiveness in his career choice and is better to make friends with as much people as possible ( or better said, the right people ), but if someone came at him with such attitude unprovoked he wasn’t going to just let it slide. After having silently but not discretely at all eyed the woman from head to toe, a mocking-sounding scoff escaped his lips. “ Mhm, good look with that. ” Taeyong finally spoke with a fake politeness as he stood tall, towering over the woman, she might be popular but he wasn’t at all worried about it affecting him in any way. “ It looks like you’re really going to need it. ”
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glcriovs · 4 years
--&& STARTER for @loropechika​ !!
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“ Look-– i’m a mess. ” Taeyong “greets” the woman with those words as he rushed through the door into his dressing room, he’s late, as per usual but by then the woman must be used to his tardiness, she will get paid regardless after all, “ I slept like thirteen minutes, i’m puffed from having drank so much last night and i swear what’s on my neck is a rash, not a hickey, ” his rant continues as he walks through the room to plop down on the chair in front of the large mirror, and through that reflection he flashed the woman a very guilty-looking smile. The life of an idol is a hectic one. “ Can you please do a miracle on my face and make me look presentable? ” Taeyong has the audacity to use the fakest sweetest tone he’s able to muster.
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glcriovs · 4 years
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409 notes · View notes
glcriovs · 4 years
“I will destroy you.” (A friendly game of Idol fun?)
-–&& PROMTS !!
Taeyong knows that there’s a high competitiveness in his career choice and is better to make friends with as much people as possible ( or better said, the right people ), but if someone came at him with such attitude unprovoked he wasn’t going to just let it slide. After having silently but not discretely at all eyed the woman from head to toe, a mocking-sounding scoff escaped his lips. “ Mhm, good look with that. ” Taeyong finally spoke with a fake politeness as he stood tall, towering over the woman, she might be popular but he wasn’t at all worried about it affecting him in any way. “ It looks like you’re really going to need it. ”
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glcriovs · 4 years
“I don’t recognize you anymore...” / from binnie !
-–&& PROMTS !!
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Taeyong didn’t know what to do or say, his gaze was merely bouncing from side to side on the floor and his lips pressed on a thin line. He was trying his best, but his lifestyle was a difficult one, he didn’t mean to seem distant, give her short replies to her messages and decline most of her requests for them to video chat while he was in the midst of schedules, it was just inevitable. “ I’m sorry... ” He finally mused as he mindlessly curled an arm around his own stomach, his mind was already spiraling down the worst route possible and the mere thought of Bernadine breaking up with him was making him want to vomit. “ I don’t mean to act this way, i’m just... busy. ” he knew it was a lame excuse but it was the truth. “ It has nothing to do with you, i’m not avoiding you or anything like it... it’s just a busy period, it’ll be over soon, i promise. ”
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glcriovs · 4 years
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glcriovs · 4 years
“Why would you do something like that?”
-–&& PROMTS !!
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“ Because-– ” Taeyong mused without really having an answer so his lips remained parted but no other word came from his mouth. He knew he deserved the scolding, but was hoping that Sophie would save it for later. His lips finally pressed together to form a thin line as he looked down, he tried really hard to not go through Bernadine’s phone but his insecurities had gotten the best of him. Guilt was eating him from the inside out thus he’d come to his friend looking for advice. “ Because
 I just wanted to make sure her coworker wasn’t stepping a line
 ” It was half a truth since he didn’t want to admit that he was losing sleep over the possibility of Bernadine going out with someone else, “ I should come clean
 right? ” he sighed in defeat. “ She’s gonna hate me. ”
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glcriovs · 4 years
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Taeyong knows that he’s crossed the point of no return but that doesn’t means that he won’s stall having to tell Sophie more about his crush, and his attempts come in the form of him taking a rather large bite of his bun, cheeks puffed out as he flashed her a very guilty smile. “ Can’t talk... mouth full. ” He has the audacity to claim having manners after having done the exact opposite for the past half an hour. But at least he bought himself some time to gather his thoughts and think about what he is actually willing to share with his friend. “ Her name is Bernadine. ” The idol comes clean on her name at least, feeling like his face is already heating up just by the thought of her. “ We met a while back... in one of the nights you and i didn’t hang out. ”
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