glitch3xists · 11 months
"Kill em with kindness"
WRONG!!!!! CIRCUS YURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎪🤡🏳️‍🌈
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+ bonus doodles
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glitch3xists · 1 year
just tell them you like being tickled. i swear to god everyone turns into a ler after that. i’ve had so many people say “i love tickling you” and “it’s so fun you make such cute noises/laughs” after they know i like it because they keep doing it
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glitch3xists · 2 years
The Debate
This is a dsmp fanfic. Probably part 1..?
The first person character is glitch, my persona. Nothing really is used to describe glitch at all, so if you wanna self insert, go ahead. This is just a lil story thing I wrote with a friend because I was really obsessed with the L'manburg era at the time of writing.
This is kinda old. I edited it, but still. There may be some grammatical errors. If so, I apologize.
TW: Swearing. A bit of swearing. A lot of swearing. Glitch is on pog 2020's side. Kinda gets mean. This takes place during the debate. Yeah-
(This font is thoughts btw)
"Tommy, may I momentarily step in?" I asked the blonde teen with a small smile.
Tommy was in a debate against George for vice president and he was getting a little too emotional. George might win this and that is awful enough as it is.
He looked at me hesitantly, really wanting to finish his argument.
"Tommy. Let her help. Our country is at stake." Wilbur commanded softly.
Tommy sighed and muttered "Fine", before switching places with me as I stood up to the podium.
"George not found." I started, taking in a deep breath as I prepared my speech.
"George that was not an invitation to start talking." I deadpanned.
Tommy, Karl, Quackity, Fundy and Wil burst out laughing.
"...Anyways. I noticed how you have been bringing up certain points to this debate, such as not letting others into our beloved land. And, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to unveil a couple points myself."
My smile vanished and I gave him a scary pointed look. I was truthfully beyond pissed.
"You tell the court how we wanted war. That is false and you know it. I could tell by just your body language; you were pulling something out of your ass. We made the country peacefully. We never wanted any harm. It says so in the tennets, if you were willing to glance at them. We have a rule about not wearing any armour on our sacred land and even a rule against welding weapons while on our grounds. You were the oned who wanted war."
I could tell I struck a nerve when George started actually paying attention and wasn't playing around anymore. He visibly straightened his posture, which caught Quackity's attention.
"H-hey, wait a minute-" Quackity attempted to cut in.
"Quackity, I believe your turn is over. Now stop interrupting." I glared.
He uneasily looked back at George and their whole party was starting to get nervous as they watched their party member tense.
"As I was saying, we handed dream a declaration of Independence and in return, dream handed us a declaration of war."
Tommy had a wide smile on his face. "YEAH!! TELL 'EM!!" He hyped up.
"We have no sign or indication we meant harm. And we also clearly express this when you were the ones to shoot the first arrows into our land."
"Th-that-- was only because--!!"
"George, I believe I wasn't finished FUCKING talking." He leaned back in his seat, a sign he was trying to distance himself from me. Perfect.
"You are well aware I am correct and I have visual evidence supporting this." I reached into my pocket and watched the opposite team begin to sweat. Out of my pocket came a good handful of tapes.
"I-I believe it's time we move onto our next debate topic-" Quackity stepped in, looking to the judges stand.
"Your honor, please imagine with me for a second. Imagine you have something dear to you, ranging from maybe a journal to a music box. Whatever is important to you. Now imagine someone came in and absolutely destroyed that precious thing you hold dear to you." I looked to Karl for his reaction as I spoke.
George's nose twitched uneasily, pressing his lips into a thin line.
"You get that precious thing fixed and it has recovered. Now imagine that person coming back and trying to take it away from you."
Karl stood for a moment, humming. "Well, I'd truthfully tell them to fuck off. It's mine and not theirs."
I smiled warmly. "How do you think we feel?"
"No, your party ran for election because you wanted to officially rig the system and become president yourselves!!" Quackity intervened.
'I pushed him into a corner. He's getting defensive.'
"We were the only people of L'manburg and we wanted to make sure this is what the people wanted." I calmly replied.
"Bull fuckin shit!"
"I'm sorry, would you rather we let war thirsty enemies in to run for the country we fought for?"
"I-I--" Quackity tried to start.
"Shut up! You paid off the judge!!" Quackity hissed.
"And you are the one who asked the judge for easy questions to answer. You think we were going to forget? You tried to rig it first."
"Just shut up!!"
"Tell me to do that again."
The court room instantly shut up.
"No, do it again. Please. It's sooo reassuring to know that the people who want to run for president and vice president want their people silenced. What do you think that screams about your party and their views?"
Quackity and George shared a worried look.
"Ohh, no denying it? Well that settles that." A smirk tugged at the ends of my lips.
They both jumped. "W-wait- your honor, that isn't--" Quackity cleared his throat.
"And another thing." I continued, ignoring the opponent's attempt at cutting in. "What have you done for this country? Wil, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, Eret, and I were here making this beloved place from the ground up, not just building structures to commemorate our friendship, but building more trust and faith in one another. You know what George from S.W.A.G. Has done, Your honor? Destroyed it. Would you rather have a loyal, listening president who keeps the peace?" I paused to gesture to wilbur as I spoke.
"Or somebody who clearly wants this amazing country wiped off the face of the earth with no care towards it's citizens?" I turned away from Wilbur and glared at the opposing team.
"We care about the citizens!!" George quickly tried to cut in.
"You care so much you killed them? Taking a one life from each?" I inquired.
Tommy excitedly cheered, clearly overjoyed.
"It appears I have left the other party speechless. Your honor, please observe this and add this to your opinion. We are loyal, caring, and have tried to keep peace. All they have done is wage war. Oh and not to even mention how the person running for president in their party has a past with the person who started a pet war and killed multiple pets. We stayed we will have a dependable authority to come in and stop crimes from happening."
A small breathy chuckle resonated from my frame.
"And Quackity simply believes that everyone will blindly follow rules? What kind of dictator believes everyone will follow him no matter what comes out of his mouth? At least our president has openly showed his love for his nation and the citizens resided within. He listens. He converses and draws a conclusion everyone agrees with."
I took a pause, letting my words sink in, before continuing.
"George and his friends may have started the war but we sure as hell finished it. Tommy sacrificed his prized possessions for his nation. That's how loyal he is. Here in this party, we all signed the declaration of independence, standing side by side and writing our signatures with the same pen. We have history and faith with one another. And I will put my life on the line for these people who sit behind and beside me. Thank you." I ended, giving a small bow, before walking and switching places with Tommy.
Tommy excitedly congratulated me on wiping the floor with the other team, unable to stay still as he gave a tight side hug. I laughed in response, amused with his actions.
The other party eyed me with both intrigue and frustration. I was a threat in their eyes; it didn't take much to see that. But it's their fault because you don't fuck with my friends.
"Glitch." I quickly swiveled around to face the source of the voice, being met with the President's eyes. "I'm so very proud of you. You did outstanding." I could see the pure joy and satisfaction in his facial features.
"Thank you, wil."
A smile stretched onto my face.
I will not let him down.
That's the end. There is kind of a second part to this? I might post it, it just depends. I hope you enjoyed!
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