Hello guys, we’re really sorry about the lack of updates, communication, basically everything. We have started on contributor evaluations, but recently one of our mods had to leave the project. We’ve currently been at a standstill for over a month now and for the foreseeable future. The zine hasn’t been canceled but it’s unknown when or if the zine will be up and running again. Sorry again for the silence and all the unanswered asks/messages. 
-mod ruben
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Meet the Mods!
Name: Cyriddd (Call me Cy!)
Mod Role: Organization Mod.
Social media: https://www.instagram.com/cyriddd/
Favorite Character: (not sure I’ll decide later shsjs)
Bio: Hiya, I’m Mod Cy! I’m a little new to the zine world but some of the projects that I’m currently modding are: The KyoAni Zine, the Boku No Boys Zine, and the NexusC0de Zine! I’m really looking forward to potentially work with some of you! ~ <3
Name: Elenia, or Len for short!
Mod Role: Intern Mod
Social media: https://twitter.com/UniverSkullie 
Favorite Character: I love all Vocaloids, but Mayu, Galaco and Rune are my faves!
Bio: Hi, I’m Len, and this is my first time being part of the mod team for a zine! I’ve been listening to Vocaloid since 2011 and I’m super excited to be a part of this project! I can’t wait to see all the lovely works of everyone who’s applying!!
Name: rin!
Mod Role: head mod/organizer
Social media: https://cupcakes-and-kaneki.tumblr.com/
Favorite Character: my fav is len ^^
Bio: heyo! i’m rin, and i’m in charge of organization and all that. i’m currently in a few other zines, including the MHA mindfulness zine as a mod and the Blaze! Pokemon Fire Type Starter zine as an artist! i’m totally an anime fan and because of that i got into vocaloid—i’ve been listening for a couple years now. i can’t wait to work with you guys!! ♡
Name: Cordaello
Mod Role:  Intern Mod
Social media: https://deviantart.com/Cordaello
Favorite Character: So many asdflf but I like SONiKA, MAIKA and Otomachi Una!
Bio: Hello, I’m Cordaello! I’ve been joining zines for about a year now and have been in about 60 now! Some of my experience in modding is for the “For The Crystal Gems” zine and an OC zine “We’re Gonna Shine!” I’m excited to work with everyone!
Name: Ruben
Mod Role: Intern Mod
Social Media: https://spicyturbines.tumblr.com/ , https://www.instagram.com/spicyturbines/
Favorite character: my top 3 are maika, vflower, and tome rion!
Bio: hello! This is my first time modding for a zine. I have been in some zines as an artist (bow zine, kagezine, cv03 zine, etc). I draw miku a lot and have been listening to vocaloid for some time now. I can’t wait for this project to really get started!
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I think it's ok if you need time for the mod intros and if you post them after the 30th but pleeease make sure to post them at least before you send out the confirmations and rejections, ok? ^^ I really want to know whose zine I'm joining and while I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and don't automatically think this is a scam, there can be bad eggs and it would make me comfortable to know who runs this at least before I join the Discord in case I get accepted as an artist! Thank you!!!!
we extended the apps until friday and will post intros before then!
-mod rin
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The current schedule only has around 10 weeks from the time contributors are accepted to the release of the zine, and that's over some busy holidays, too. Do the mods really think that's enough time to get the zine ready?
we’ll probably be extending the dates because of the email delay.
-mod rin
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Glitched Out Update!
Hi everyone! Thank you for being patient with us.
As we are still working on the mod intros, contributor applications are going to remain open until October 11, with acceptance and rejection emails going out on the 18th.
We are hoping mod intros will be up in the next few days!!
-Mod Len
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Applications close in 5 days!!
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hi, all! we apologize for the wait, but contributors apps for the glitched out zine are here!! you can find the links to each application below, as well as a link to our FAQ! • ARTISTS: https://bit.ly/2HAlEaQ
WRITERS: http://bit.ly/2U9xayX
MERCH ARTISTS: http://bit.ly/2MDXAYI
COSPLAYERS: http://bit.ly/2LeiDOb
FAQ: http://bit.ly/2HrGnO0 • good luck to everyone! please see the FAQ or ask if you have any questions! mod intros will be out soon!
-from the glitched out! mod team
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Will merch artists be accepted as digital merch artists if no shipping mod can be found?
yes, they will.
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When will applicants know if they have gotten accepted? ^-^ Looking forward to this zine!
a few days after september 30th!
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Can I apply for both an artist and a merch artist?
of course! you’ll only be accepted for one position though.
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when will apps end?
september 30th!
-mod rin
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Hi! I think I applied but I'm not sure! How can I know if I did or not? Thank you very much!
hi! if you can remember the name or email and position please private message us and we can look for your application!
-mod rin
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Tumblr media
hi, all! we apologize for the wait, but contributors apps for the glitched out zine are here!! you can find the links to each application below, as well as a link to our FAQ! • ARTISTS: https://bit.ly/2HAlEaQ
WRITERS: http://bit.ly/2U9xayX
MERCH ARTISTS: http://bit.ly/2MDXAYI
COSPLAYERS: http://bit.ly/2LeiDOb
FAQ: http://bit.ly/2HrGnO0 • good luck to everyone! please see the FAQ or ask if you have any questions! mod intros will be out soon!
-from the glitched out! mod team
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lots of people have been asking about them, and yes, they will be released soon! we have a template done and the intros all written down, and we’re working on getting them out THIS WEEK! we apologize for the wait! -mod rin
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Why are wips not allowed to be shown before preorder time starts? I have seen a lot of zine artists show wips before or stream their progress til 1/3 of the drawing is done to promo the zine and help the sales. I think it will be hard to find buyers if the artists aren't really allowed to advertise for this until preorders are already open. It seems kind of confusing to not alllow this kind of promotion.
hi i’m so sorry about that ! wips mean like posting a full picture of the sketch or flat colors of your art piece, or the draft of your writing piece. sorry about the confusion! we just don’t wanna reveal TOO much is all. previews are allowed, however!
-mod rin
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Will there be a ratio for vocaloid appearances in the zine or can contributors decide who they wanna draw?
contributors will be allowed to pick who they want!
-mod rin
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Will you accept the printing and shipping mods by just contacting you?
we’ll have to ask you a few questions, but if you are interested please let’s us know!
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So this is a digital-only Zine? It will not be printed?
until or if we get a printing and shipping mod mod, the zine will ben digital-only! 
that said, anyone interested in the position should message us before contributor apps are over!
-mod rin
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