Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and prepare to be captivated by the scandalous secrets of Midnight Grove! Welcome to Glitched, your one-stop destination for all the juicy gossip that's been brewing behind closed doors. Have you stumbled upon a forbidden glimpse of something you weren't meant to see? Are you just itching to spill the tea on who's been sneaking into whose luxurious suite? Well, darling, you've come to the right place! Here, we thrive on the thrill of the unknown, the tantalizing whispers that dance through the air. We want every single detail, every sordid tidbit that will leave our readers gasping for more. So, whether you're ready to bask in the spotlight yourself or you've got the inside scoop on someone else's moment of fame, don't hold back! It's time to unleash those secrets and let the world revel in the glory of your 15 minutes of scandalous notoriety. Don't be shy, my dears, for this is a safe haven where the beans are meant to be spilled. So grab your favorite cup of tea, sit back, and let the tales unfold. We are V and B and this is Glitched at Midnight, where the truth is our currency and the thrill of scandal is our lifeblood. Xoxo
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