glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
ha. did i really think i could recover..?
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glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
how to treat yourself on a low budget
what to do after a long day
how not to be hard on yourself
staying healthy while studying
need a confidence boost? stand like this
how to deal with mental illness
feel better masterpost
back to school self-care advice
hygiene/beauty masterpost | my make up masterpost | make up masterpost | simple steps for perfect make up | more make up tips | highlighting/contouring
6 ab moves 
hair oil benefits
what is your acne telling you? | another useful post about acne
masterpost for rough times
the sex ed your parents didn’t give you
head to toe self care
7 simple ways of saying no
compilation of sex tips 
limits of the human body
when to change your toothbrush, workouts etc
useful hoe tips | more +
love yourself
“how to make love”
Dear Teenagers and young adults becoming sexually active for the first time
foods that fix everything
22 less difficult ways to practise self care
self care wheel
superhero workouts | lose 500 calories at home
bad habits and how to break them
stop biting nails
stop procrastinating 
stop skipping breakfast
stretches to improve every aspect of your body
stop cracking knuckles
stop falling asleep late 
list of stress relievers
remove a splinter
smoothie masterpost
morning yoga
hair masterpost
self care masterpost
period hacks | alleviate menstrual cramps
sounds to soothe anxiety | another tip | panic attacks | calming down
things to do when you’re scared, anxious | reduce anxiety
self help for anxiety
what to eat before you run
how to get shit done
how to get ahead in life
self care infographic 
study guide for health (basic first aid, healthy hobbies etc)
a+ self care advice | more lovely advice
coping skills
get rid of negative self talk
feeling sad? | not having a good day? | if anyone is sad | feeling anxious for school? | in case you’re having a bad night | unfuck tomorrow morning
study food
health life hacks
what to do with food poisoning
self talk to end obsessions
self care ideas/tips
what to do with you’re bleeding and don’t have a band aid
why you should drink a lot of water
other cheat sheets
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glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
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glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
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glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
Recovery Day 2
This day has been good. I felt nice until the evening. I got so sad. I want to cry and I need a hug
Today I ate more than yesterday, that's good but my tummy hurts a lil :(
Foodie Loggie 05.12
2× sandwichies with creamy cheesie and tomato ♡
orangie juicie ♡
5× dumplings ♡
yoghurtie with a bananie ♡
a bit of chocolatie ♡
🧸 I wanna be healthy! 🧸
Song of the day:
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glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
i wanna uh.... make bread in a little cottage in a forest while chatting with squirrels bc they’re my friends... maybe with a cat....
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glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
Recovery Day 1
It's been a rough day. I haven't eat much but I tried my best :) I woke up late and didn't eat breakfast.
I want a hug and a head pat.
Foodie Loggie 04.12
2 cheesies toasties ♡
fuity juicey ♡
greenie soupie ♡
apple ♡
🧸 i wanna be healthy! 🧸
Song of the day:
0 notes
glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
Reasons to Recover from Your Eating Disorder
You won’t have to go through life worrying about every single calorie and every single meal. 
You can enjoy dinner with your family without panicking about it. 
You can live life without it revolving around food. 
You won’t have to lie to the people you care about anymore.
You can actually have fun on your birthday.
Fighting with people you care about over whether or not you’ve eaten is boring and painful. 
Because there is more to life than food. 
Because losing friends is not fun. 
You can enjoy social occasions without worrying about food.
You won’t feel so constantly exhausted and drained all the time.
Thinking and dreaming about and being consumed by food is no way to live.
Feeling dizzy and cold and tired keeps you from living a happy, fulfilling life.
Recovery will give you the chance to LIVE and to be alive, rather than just existing.
Because you deserve to have happy thoughts in your head, instead of numbers. 
Your recovery can inspire and aid the recovery of others. Instead of passing on disordered behavior, you can pass on health and support and encouragement. 
Your skin will improve, as will your mental clarity. Eating right (and enough) can greatly help symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Because you don’t deserve to cry yourself to sleep anymore.
You deserve to be able to genuinely smile again. 
You deserve to be able to go outside and enjoy your day without worrying about what you’re wearing and whether or not you look okay. 
You won’t have to waste money on food to binge on anymore.
Your feet and legs will stop falling asleep and going numb when you sit down.
Your hair will stop falling out.
Your skin will finally be able to heal itself. You deserve to be glowing. 
It’s nice to not feel like death anymore. 
It’s nice to not smell like vomit anymore. 
It’s nice to be able to go out and actually enjoy yourself again. 
Your general health will improve and you’ll be less susceptible to colds and viruses. 
You won’t have to feel guilty about breaking your promises. 
You won’t have to lie to everyone around you. 
You’ll be able to go out and dance at parties/bars/clubs without feeling weak and dizzy.
If you’re fortunate enough to still have healthy teeth, recovery will prevent them from rotting. 
You are worth so much more than just a number on a scale. 
It’s nice to not be constantly cold and nauseous all the time. 
Because crying in your room is never a good way to spend a Friday night.
You can finally live without guilt. Guilt that you ate when you didn’t think you deserved to eat. Guilt that you haven’t eaten and you’re letting loved ones down. Guilt that you binged. Guilt that you purged. Guilt that deep down you’ve forgotten how to love yourself. 
Your bones won’t be brittle and easy to break anymore. 
You’ll be able to sleep at night without hunger pains keeping you awake.
Be confident again. 
So you don’t feel like a complete & utter hypocrite when trying to help someone that is in the same position as you.
So you can enjoy “family time” & not worry about eating “bad food”
So that you don’t spit up after eating because your esophagus is so fucked up from purging. 
So you don’t miss out on life. 
Because it’s nice waking up and thinking about what art you can create, what places you can explore, what books you can read, what people you can meet, what songs you can sing, what sports you can play, instead of thinking about what you’re going to eat and not eat that day.
Watching Netflix is a lot more fun than watching “thinspiration” videos. 
It’s nice to wake up in the morning with energy, instead of waking up tired from not eating, or sick from binging. 
So that you can get up in the morning and see clearly, instead of seeing spots or having black vision as you try to sit up. 
You deserve to love yourself again. 
You deserve to accept love from those around you again. 
You deserve to be able to go shopping without having panic attacks and breakdowns in the changing room. 
You can eat your favorite foods without guilt and anxiety. 
You’ll have enough energy to do the things you enjoy. 
You can be active, and run or play sports for the fun of it, not for weight loss. 
You can have a life again. 
You’ll be able to sleep at night. 
Aren’t you tired of feeling worthless and guilty?
You’ll be able to go out without thinking that everyone is staring at you. 
Go into a grocery store feeling safe. 
You won’t have to be scared of going to the doctor anymore.
You won’t have to excuse yourself from work or social events to purge.
Recover so you don’t have to see the scared, heartbroken look on your mother’s face when she hears you purging. 
Recover so you can go on a date and feel happy and not worry.
Recover so that you can share your story and help others recover. 
You won’t have to waste any more money on laxatives. 
Your eating disorder won’t be feeding your anxiety and depression anymore.
ALL of us deserve a better life than ED hell. 
You’ll be able to have children someday if you want to. 
So you can make spontaneous plans to go out, and not have to check or worry if they’ll “fit in” with the eating disorder.
So you can spend time having interesting conversations with people, without your mind wandering off to do calorie counts.
You don’t have to feel guilty when people buy you food, because you won’t have to waste it anymore. 
So you can live a happy, free, fulfilled life. 
So you can feel unafraid for the first time in a long time. 
So you can have and actually sustain healthy relationships with people (family, friends, significant other) without the eating disorder causing fights and pushing them away. 
You can walk around town with a friend or go to events without worrying about passing out. 
You don’t have to lie awake at night worrying about the damage you’re doing to yourself. 
When you give your body the fuel it needs, your physical AND mental health will improve. Your self-confidence will improve. 
You can get your natural skin tone back, and not look gray and sickly pale all the time.
Your blood pressure and heart rate will go back to normal. 
You’ll be able to enjoy hot baths and showers again.  
You won’t have so much gas or bloating or stomach pains anymore. Your intestinal and digestive health will slowly heal itself. 
You can stop punishing yourself for eating. 
You can sit up for more than 10 minutes without your stomach hurting.
You won’t have to debate for an hour before eating an apple. 
Your room won’t smell like vomit and moldy food. 
So you don’t get up in the middle of the night feeling as though you need to do 300 sit-ups before you can sleep and then spend all day feeling tired, and ill.
You won’t trigger others anymore. 
So you dont end up in hospital at 3am because your bowels are bleeding due to your ED
You won’t be constantly dehydrated anymore.
When you look back on your life, you’ll have happy memories too, not just empty memories of anorexia / bulimia
You won’t have constant headaches anymore.
You won’t have to isolate yourself anymore.
Because life can, and should be, so much more.
Please feel free to add onto this list, and share your own stories and reasons for recovery. I love you guys and my inbox is always open. 
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glittery-ray-blog · 5 years
Recovery Realizations- 4/?
“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”
Nothing tastes as good as your first bite of cake on your birthday and the frosting you lick from your lips. Nothing tastes as good as a sip from a steaming mug of hot chocolate in the middle of winter. Nothing tastes as good as the Christmas dinner your grandmother cooked for your family or the pie she baked for dessert.
Nothing is as good as the memories you could make and the life you miss out on when your ED is stealing them away.
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