Transcript - Private Currency Exchanges - Dave Schmidt LiveStream - October 26 2016 - Iraqi Dinar Guru Recaps RV News Today
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At the request of a few people who were interested in the private exchanges, I went ahead and had this transcribed. Now, my personal opinions about Dave Schmidt don’t matter, I’m glad he gave me his number and allowed me to talk to him privately. I just wanted to get this transcript of the 2 hour video. Even I haven’t watched the full video myself, but I hope this transcript is helpful. I have been not felling well in the past week so in the event that I’m not available to take your calls or respond to emails right away, I hope you understand that I take my health very seriously. Also, I have been meeting with people in the United States government regarding the dinar and dong, and that’s all I’m going to say about that. If this transcript is inaccurate in anyway I apologize as I haven’t been able to compare it to the video. Please respond in the comments below about the video and if I need to correct anything. Thanks everyone! Nick Giammarino Last Updated On: November 1, 2016 By: Nick Giammarino Subscribe to the Dinar RV Newsletter – Dave: Well, good evening folks! This is Dave Schmidt. I am your host here tonight on The Sedona Connection. Wanna thank everybody for joining us here tonight. And yes, we will be, you know my YouTube should be coming up here coz you know what we are livestreaming on YouTube. My window says that I’m available and it is working. I haven’t quite seen it come up on my YouTube channel yet here. Uh, let me do a little bit over refresh there and see if it brings up something else there and thank you for talk… You know you gotta work some through some of the bugs some time when you are doing all of these…Oh I know what I forgot to do. So folks, be just, well, first of all, welcome! Welcome tonight! How are you doing? Let’s uh, I’m going to introduce you, like you talk for a minute or two, and then I’ll go and take care of my YouTube stuff. Okay? But how are you doing tonight? Okay! Well, look, I’m good here but they are saying… wait a minute. They’re saying that they are not hearing you. So, the folks that are there on YouTube channel, uh, and that are texting, okay, would you do me a favor? Send me a message. Can you hear Blanca talking? I get, you know it’s when I’m on my laptop, the controls are different than when I’m on my desktop, on my PC here, uh and so, would you do that for me folks? All of you that are out there that are on the livestreaming on Youtube and the chat, well they say, they are not hearing you Blanca. So that means that uh let’s see. Uh no, yeah. Well, some are saying yes. Some are saying you can’t Blanca, just talk. Let …
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Dave Schmidt Video / Transcript On Private Currency Exchanges
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Iraqi Dinar - Benefits of Deleting Zeros From IQD Currency
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Benefits of dropping zeros of Dinar 2016/11/06 | 15:00 هل سيتم تنفيذ المشروع لما فيه من فوائد اقتصادية كبيرة . البنك المركزي حذف الأصفار في أوائل عام 2017 2016/11/06 | 15:00 Will the project be implemented due to its big economic benefits The Central Bank of Iraq has said over and over again for years that they will delete the zeros, here is the first mention that carries validation so far in 2016, I made a video about this previously: See more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/dinarrvnews For your enjoyment, the Arabic is on top, the English is on bottom, and this is a professional translation: Thanks everyone! Nick Giammarino Last Updated On: November 18, 2016 By: Nick Giammarino Subscribe to the Dinar RV Newsletter – فوائد حذف اصفار الدينار Central Bank: Dropping zeros will take place in 2017 المنافع : Benefits: 1- ادراج الدينار العراقي ضمن سلة العملات العالمية والتعامل فيه رسميا في بورصات العالم والاسواق المالية . 1- Enlisting Iraqi Dinar in international currency basket and involving it in official stock market 2- امكانية عقد اتفاقيات اقتصادية للتعامل بالعملة الوطنية اذ يمكن العراق من عقد اتفاقيات بالدفع بالدينار بدل الدولار عند التعاقد على صفقات انشاء خطوط انتاج او صفقات ستيراد بضائع وهذا سيغطي جزء كبير جدا من التحويلات الخارجية التي هي تبديد للثروة الوطنية من العملات الصعبة. 2- Ability to make economic deals to deal with the national currency as Iraq will be able to pay in Dinar instead of USD in these deals, especially in deals of establishing new production lines or importing goods and this will cover a very big part of outsider money transfers that is a waste to international fortune of had currencies 3- ضبط التعاملات يتيح التعامل بالدينار العراقي في السوق العراقية وعدم الاعتماد على العملات الاجنبية وتبذيرها وبعثرتها بالتحويل الى الخارج من قبل القطاع الخاص والحكومي والتي تعتبر ثروة سيادية تبدد الى الخارج على صفقات صغيرة وغير اساسية وكمالية في وقت العراق بحاجة الى هذه الثروة للتخزين كاحتياطي . 3- Controlling deals will allow dealing with Iraqi Dinar in Iraqi market without depending on foreign currencies and wasting it through public and  private sections which is considered sovereignty fortune being wasted over small and non-essential deals when Iraqi is in severe need for this fortune to be reserved. 4- سيتم التخلص من التلاعب بسوق صرف العملة والانتهاء بما يسمى بمزاد بيع العملة “” فرن حرق الدولار”” 4- Getting rid of manipulation in currency market and the auction called “ burning USD oven” 5- سيتوقف عمل الفاسدين من المصارف المشبوهه ووكلائهم وسماسرتهم “”المقاول والمستثمر الكارتوني” 5- Stopping corrupt people like suspicious banks and their partners which are called “ contractor and virtual investor” 6- سيتم تحديد سقف اعلى للمبالغ المحولة الى الخارج من العملة الدولار واليورو والين والجنيه الاسترليني واليوان وعملات الصرف النشطة الاخرى ليضمن عدم تهريب السواد الاعظم من الصفقات من تهريب العملة . 6- Limiting transferred money abroad using currencies like USD, Euro, Yen, Pounds, Yuans and other active currencies to guarantee keeping the majority of such currencies وقال محافظ البنك المركزي العراقي …
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Benefits Of Deleting Zeros From IQD - Translated From Original Arabic
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Central Bank of Iraq (CBI Iraq) to Delete Zeros off IQD Early 2017
Note, I will be getting these article professionally translated for better reading, stay tuned for that. Make sure to subscribe to the Newsletter if you haven’t already done so.  You can read the original Central Bank of Iraq articles which I had translated here: http://dinarrvnews.net/central-bank-iraq-restructuring-iraqi-currency-deleting-zeros/ http://dinarrvnews.net/translated-central-bank-of-iraq-statements-on-iraqi-currency-deletion-of-zeros/ First article: Will the implementation of the project because it involves a large economic benefits. The central bank to delete the zeros in early 2017 Benefits: 1. Iraqi dinar inclusion within the global currency basket and handle it officially the world’s stock exchanges and financial markets. 2. The possibility of economic agreements to handle the national currency as it can Iraq contract agreements Order dinars instead of dollars when the contract to build two production lines deals or deals Stirad goods and this will cover a very large part of the foreign remittances that are squandering of national wealth from foreign exchange. 3. Adjust the transaction allows dealing in Iraqi dinar in the Iraqi market and not rely on foreign and squandered currencies and Bosrtha transfer abroad by the private and public sector, which is the sovereign wealth dissipated to the outside on small transactions and non-essential and luxury in Iraq at the time need this wealth of storage as a reserve. 4. will be disposed of manipulating the currency exchange market and completed the so-called auction sell the currency, “” burning oven dollar. “” 5. work will depend corrupt suspicious of banks and their agents and Smaserthm “” contractor and investor cartoons ” 6. will be determined by the roof top of the amounts transferred abroad of currency the dollar, euro, yen and sterling and the yuan’s exchange-active and other pound to ensure that no smuggling the vast majority of trades of currency smuggling. He said the Iraqi Central Bank Governor said the project to delete the zeros will be implemented in early 2017, indicating that the bank began to develop the first steps of the project. And he said: “The purpose of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency is to support the Iraqi dinar and make it a competitor of foreign currency”, returned him as “this strategic project will serve the country’s economy if it will be inclusion of the Iraqi dinar in the global basket of currencies in the vital world exchanges.” He added that “the Bank is working on mechanisms for the implementation of this project is expected to start at the beginning of 2017,” noting that “the central bank began the first steps of the project through the selection of designs, companies and the country in which the currency will be printed.” He pointed out that “the new currency entry does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but will continue to trade for about ten years,” pointing out that “this period will enable the central bank to withdraw the old currency in accordance with the dynamics and mechanics in order to preserve liquidity in the market.” http://hathalyoum.net/1149313 Here is the Strategic Plan of the CBI for 2016 …
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Central Bank of Iraq to Delete Zeros in Early 2017 - https://goo.gl/RJfjTw #iraqidinar
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Dinar RV News - YouTube
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http://dinarrvnews.net - This YouTube channel is about Iraqi Dinar RV News, or the supposed revaluation of the Iraq Dinar currency. I am doing m
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Iraqi Dinar YouTube Channel #iraqidinar https://www.youtube.com/user/dinarrvnews
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Iraqi Dinar Scam BH Group Conference Call - Dinar Trade
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http://dinarrvnews.net/iraqi-dinar-scam-by-bh-group-dinar-trade-faq/ The BH Group was involved in an Iraqi Dinar Scam from 2011 to 2012. Dinar Trade and Al
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Deleted call of the BH Group and their huge Iraqi Dinar Scam with a Fake Hedge Fund. #iraqidinar
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9/20/2016 Live Private Exchange NDA Warnings For Dinar Dong Zim Rupia Talk
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http://dinarrvnews.net/breaking-news/ Hey guys, this call today was NOT planned! Too many of you have contacted me because you have, or are planning to sig
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Private Currency Exchange - Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Indonesian Rupiah, Zimbabwe Dollar and NDA Scams
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Private Federal Open Market Committee Meeting - No Rate Increase 9/21/2016
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https://goo.gl/B315FS - The federal reserve will NOT raise interest rates, they just released a PDF today, visit the link below to view it
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The Private Federal Reserve has decided not to raise interest rates in 2016, at least, for now, but let's wait.
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100,000 Iraqi Dinar Banknotes Will Increase Prices & Inflation
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Contents1 Experts: Presenting 100 thousand Dinars banknote would increase prices and inflation2 More from my site As I had mentioned in my previous article, I am planning on having as many Central Bank of Iraq documents translated as I can. Also, I will be translating certain website which appear to have interesting articles on them. Let’s face it, the auto-translators don’t do good enough. After previously having this document translated on the removing of the three zeros from the Iraqi Dinar currency: http://dinarrvnews.net/central-bank-iraq-restructuring-iraqi-currency-deleting-zeros/ I came across this article, which was in Arabic, and had it professionally translated for you. خبراء: طرح عملة 100 الف دينار سيزيد الاسعار ويرفع التضخم Experts: Presenting 100 thousand Dinars banknote would increase prices and inflation 9/4/2016 Last Updated On: September 17, 2016 By: Nick Giammarino Subscribe to the Dinar RV Newsletter – بغداد/دنانير/.. حذر عدد من الخبراء والمختصين في الشأن المالي والاقتصادي، البنك المركزي من اصدار طبعة جديدة فئة 100 الف دينار وطرحها في السوق، لانها ستزيد من اسعار السلع وترفع معدلات التضخم فضلا عن انها ستقلل من قيمة الدينار العراقي وتلغي الفئات الصغيرة من العملة مما ستؤثر وبشكل مباشر على المواطنين. Baghdad/ Dananer/. A number of experts and specialists in finance and economy warned the Central Bank of releasing a new 100 thousand Dinars banknote and presenting it to the market since it would cause price rise and would increase inflation rates as well as reducing the value of Iraqi Dinar which would cancel the lower banknotes and affect citizens directly. وكشف مصدر مسؤول في البنك المركزي فضل عدم الكشف عن هويته، عن عزم البنك المركزي اصدار طبعة جديدة فئة 100 الف دينار الى السوق. An official in the Central Bank, who asked to be anonymous, has revealed that the Central Bank intends to release a new 100 thousand Dinar banknote وقال المصدر لوكالة /دنانير/ ان “فئة الـ 100 الف دينار مطبوعة ومصصم منها انموذجا وسنختار الوقت المناسب لطرحها في الاسواق”، مبينا ان” طرحها في السوق سيساعد على تنشيط الاقتصاد عن طريق عمليات المبادلات بين التجار والصفقات التجارية بين الشركات العاملة”، فضلا عن فئة الـ 100 الف سهلة الخزن والحمل وصممت على غرار العملات الدولية اذا ان نظامها الامني عالي المستوى فمن الصعوبة تزويرها”. The official said to Dananer News Agency that:” The 100 thousand Dinars banknotes is printed, a prototype has been designed and we will choose the right time to release it”. Adding:” Presenting it to the market would help revitalize economy through transactions between businessmen and trade transactions between companies. It is also easy to store and hold; and it was designed similar to international banknotes since it has a high level of security and it is hard to fake”. واشار الى ان “طرحها في السوق يحتاج الى عدة امور منها حملة اعلامية ترويجية للتعرف عنها، وكونها تعادل او تقارب فئة الـ(100) دولار الامريكي”. They also indicated that: “Presenting the new banknotes need many things including promotion campaigns to introduce it as it equals approximately 100 USD”. من جهته، حذر الخبير الاقتصادي عادل المندلاوي من طرح عملات ذات فئات كبيرة في …
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Central Bank of Iraq update on the Iraqi Dinar currency banknotes in the 100k denomination.
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Dinar Guru - Predicts from TNT Tony and others
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Learn about the Iraqi Dinar Guru Lies - Find out the Truth about the Revaluation (RV) of the IQD, the currency of Iraq. Global Currency Reset - Iraqi Dinar News also check Iraq Currency News an
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Iraqi Dinar Guru Tumblr page.  Discussing the truth about the global currency reset and Iraqi Dinar Revaluation RV.  Detectives, recaps, vets, chronicles updates.
See on dinar-guru.tumblr.com
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Iraqi Dinar Wingit Call Featuring Gerry Maguire (with images, tweet) · iraqidinar
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The Wingit Dinar Call by Gerry Maguire is full of lies, so I recommend you avoid it. They have an activeboard chat room that was recently shutdown. The conference phone calls are a serious waste of time. #wingitcall #iraqidinar
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Iraqi Dinar Wingit call with Gerry Maguire
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Storify - Create stories using social media
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I write about the Currency of Iraq, the Dinar, abbreviated IQD. I report on the Central Bank of Iraq, or CBI.
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Storify page on the Iraqi Dinar Currency
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WingIt Call - Iraqi Dinar Updates by Gerry Maguire
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Check out this post on Dinar Daily about the Wingit Call. This is Gerry Maguire with a beer. Here he is with another beer, yes this is the guy on the Wingit call website: http://www.thewingitcall.com/ There are many different dinar calls that you can listen to for news updates.  The wingit call is definitely not one of them. They promote the masters trust, which most people can recognize as a scam. I’m still doing research on it, but I don’t recommend any trust from people involved in the IQD RV. Richard T. Howard is selling the trusts for the laywers Rosen & Rosen. He has a special deal $500 deposit gets you all the paperwork to open up a trust account. http://www.dinardaily.net/t56977-is-garry-mcguire-wingit-involved-in-a-masters-trust-scam I wouldn’t listen to this call for either dinar news nor dinar updates.  I know Gerry attempts to come across as a dinar guru, but he is not. Yesterday on the Wingit call they actually mentioned my name, Nick Giammarino, and called me cupcake, which is ironic considering that Gerry looks like he had one too many cupcakes and beers. Here is the Wingit Call Twitter page, as you can see below from the Twitter audit, more than half of his Twitter followers are fake. IQD calls links to the actual conference phone call replays: http://www.iqdcalls.com/wingit.html Dinar Recaps was threatened recently for posting the call notes: A great information site is Dinar Daily, they run the best Dinar Forum on the net. You will see some of the crazy dinar rumors on the site, but the guru hunters will quickly debunk this false intel. Wsomn is another call that will be exposed over at Dinar Daily. They also discuss the dinar investment. Dinar Detectvies sometimes posts the phone call information transcripts and links. In my opinion, dinar vets could care less about these calls, they just post the automatically Central Bank of Iraq news. For the dinar today, just stick to sites that post the truth.  Dinar daddy is gone at this point, so don’t bother with it. Above is Gary Larabee going over the call.
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The Iraqi Dinar Wingit Call by Gerry Maguire is not worth listening to, in fact, it might be bad for your health, so I do NOT recommend you listen to it, unless you want to be lied to.
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Iraqi Dinar News: Iraq Requests Over $5 Billion Loan From IMF
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Contents1 Press Release: IMF Managing Director Approves a Staff-Monitored Program for Iraq1.1 More from my site Iraq is not doing well.  Here are the reasons for the loan: ISIS created both a humanitarian as well as a social crisis. Millions of people have been internally displaced within Iraq. ISIS has caused destruction to both assets and infrastructure, which has lead to disruptions in production and in trade route. Iraq’s non oil economy contracted sharply as a result in the disruption noted above. The huge drop in oil prices (2014-2016) has made the situation even worse, considering that Iraq depends almost entirely for it’s government revenue on oil sales. Internal and external imbalances resulted from the loss in oil revenue noted above. Large as well as rising deficits in budget as well as public debt. Losses in Iraq’s own foreign currency reserves. Pressure on the Iraqi Dinar Last Updated On: August 26, 2016 By: Nick Giammarino Subscribe to the Dinar RV Newsletter – Iraqi dinars are exchanged for dollars at the busy Shorga market in Baghdad, Iraq: a key priority in the new program is maintaining the exchange rate peg to the U.S. dollar, says IMF (photo: Sabah Arar/REX/Newscom) COUNTRIES & REGIONS Iraq Gets $5.34 Billion IMF Loan to Support Economic Stability IMF News July 14, 2016 Iraqi economy faces double shock of lower oil prices, rising security challenges IMF loan supports Iraqi government’s economic reform program, ensures debt sustainability Program includes measures to protect the poor, curb corruption The IMF has approved a three-year, $5.34 Billion loan for Iraq focused on implementing economic and financial policies to help the country cope with lower oil prices and ensure debt sustainability. The loan will be provided under the Stand-By Arrangement facility and also includes measures to protect vulnerable populations—critical in a time of ongoing conflict, which has resulted in over 4 million internally displaced people. Image of the Central Bank of Iraq above The program builds upon the success of the recent Staff-Monitored Program, which the authorities started in November 2015 to address the double shock of ISIS attacks and the sharp drop in global oil prices, and will help close a financing gap of about $18 Billion. Speaking to IMF News, Christian Josz, IMF mission chief for Iraq, explains the underlying reasons for the loan and the main goals of the IMF-supported program. IMF News: Why is Iraq requesting financial assistance from the IMF now? Josz: Iraq has been hit with a double shock for an extended time period. First, the ISIS insurgency since mid-2014 has created a humanitarian and social crisis that unfolded into millions of internally displaced persons, with destruction to assets and infrastructure leading to disruptions in production and in trade routes. The non-oil economy sharply contracted as a result. Second, the steep fall in global oil prices—on which Iraq depends almost entirely for its government revenue—has made the situation worse, culminating in both internal and external imbalances, large and rising budget deficits and increasing public debt, as …
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Here is an article on the IMF offering a $5 billion dollar loan to the country of Iraq.  I thought the Iraqi Dinar was doing great?  What happened? #iraqidinar
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Dinar Corp Court Documents - Over 1100 Pages So Far
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Contents1 Dinar Corp VS CFTC 115-cv-00538-WKW-TFM1.1 Illinois man pleads guilty to wire fraud in AL1.2 Illinois Man Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud in Connection to Sales of Iraqi Currency1.3 More from my site Save this link, I will be adding to the number of court documents I have as they are released. The initial release has 1175 pages.  The documents cost 10 cents per page. I know most of you don’t have a court account to access these documents. Husam Usama Tayeh of Dinar Corp was illegally selling dinar reserves.  I warned many of you about Dinar Reserves (options) years ago.  They never, ever, had anyone’s reserves, it was all a lie. In my opinion, they should be free since we are in fact paying the government already right?  Well, they used to be free, anyways, here are the latest court documents related to case Dinar Corp VS CFTC 115-cv-00538-WKW-TFM Note, I previously wrote about Dinar Corp here, and here. Save this page, share it with other sites, because NO ONE will be giving these documents to you, at least not in this number like I have: Last Updated On: July 13, 2016 By: Nick Giammarino Subscribe to the Dinar RV Newsletter – Dinar corp court case vs cftc 115 cv 00538 wkw tfm from Iraqi Dinar News News: Illinois man pleads guilty to wire fraud in AL Tuesday, July 12th 2016, 8:25 am MST By Kacie CooperCONNECT An Illinois man pleaded guilty on Monday to committing wire fraud, according to officials with the Department of Justice. United States Attorney George L. Beck, Jr. of the Middle District of Alabama says Husam Usama Tayeh, 36, plead guilty to operating a business that unlawfully sold Iraqi currency (dinars) over the Internet to customers in the United States. According to court documents, Tayeh was the owner of Dinar Corporation, Inc. Through Dinar Corp., Tayeh operated a website which sold Iraqi dinars to customers through installment contracts. When a customer entered into an installment contract, Tayeh promised to place the quantity of dinars to be purchased in reserve and then ship the reserved dinars when the customer made their final contract payment. Tayeh is said to have defrauded customers because he never placed dinars in reserve and did not have enough dinars to fulfill all of the orders. Tayeh was unable to find a bank in Chicago, where the headquarters of Dinar Corp. was located, to take his money, so he contracted with a Dothan resident to launder his proceeds through Dothan banks. “Tayeh used advanced technology to commit classic fraud. He duped people into spending their hard-earned money on his worthless wares,” United States Attorney George L Beck Jr. said. “Tayeh’s caused harm all over the country. I am proud to say that we in Alabama put a stop to this far-reaching scheme.” In the coming months, Chief United States District Judge W. Keith Watkins will sentence Tayeh, who faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, in addition to a …
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Dinar Corp Owner Pleads Guilty to Fraud - 1100 Pages of Court Documents
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Dinar Chronicles - Iraqi Currency Site and Guru Review Dong RV Update
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http://dinarrvnews.net/guru/dinar-chronicles/ This video is about dinar chronicles. I review the website, and a majority of the dinar gurus that post there
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YouTube Video on Dinar Chronicles - Guru site on the Iraqi Dinar Currency.
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Dinar Chronicles - Live Video and Chat
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Dinar Chronicles
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Article on Dinar Chronicles - discover the website that discusses the Iraq currency (IQD) and posts from various guru sites.
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IraqiDinar.org Dinar Daddy & Dinar Vets are all down
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http://dinarrvnews.net/major-iqd-guru-websites-including-daddy-vets/ Three major Iraqi Dinar sites, Dinar Daddy http://dinarrvnews.net/guru/daddy/, 
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Three Major Iraqi Dinar Currency Sites Down
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