globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
I've gotten to the point, where my heart only works like a machine;
I can no longer feel this sadness, when I think to step out of this life and leave this world someday.
It is as if I had simply never been there...
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
Many things in my life are not fair and arise from pure arbitrariness, but at least, I know, how to negotiate with them…
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
This damn plane flew to Germany.
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
Am I the only one who feels, that these developments are getting worse? Tumblr is even more restructured than it was a few years ago, but the main thing is, that you can score points…
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
A worldwide doom is all, what I hope…
Mankind can no longer be saved, it has completely failed in its nature and in its entire development, and they are simply not worth in their own existence (so I don't think about it, to saving them either, because this generation is and was responsible for itself…).
Well, now at the latest after this corona pandemic, people should wake up a little bit more and think deeper about their own lives - but that's exactly what they don't do (and I wouldn't expect this anything else). Society has undergone exactly the same brainwashing, as in all other times and histories before, in which humanity has failed by indoctrination of the governing.
I could say, that humanity never evolves in its own core point (we only live in this packaging culture and that's all...) and always remains on the same stand of their reason: Governments can "change" and develop from the outside, and make this world believe, that everything is getting "better" and more "tolerant" - but the respective order, to which we are all subordinated, is only packaged visually differently and only a few notice it, because they all are lost in their stupid, basic lifes of shit...
Above all, people should become dumber, more ignorant and naive in their own thinking, and the respective norms and structures, in which we all live, they should not even have to question ..and for those all, who do it now at this point, because they think, they have to complain about their own, senseless livings: Only them have chosen this path, have gone along with it and have selected other opinions and other thinkings in this society... probably they present complaints about the corona pandemic (or rather the consequences of all this voters) are so petty and trivial, that they have to ask theyselves, if they represent theyselves more at this point, than that they have really thought more deeply about their own lifes. (Except for the few, who still really do it at this point). I simply have no pity for the society and the culture, in which I live in, and I wish, that the current conditions would get so much worse, that one day it will affect everyone else in this whole, damn world. Let it be deadly diseases, poverty, wars, natural disasters or anything else... the entire humanity should not survive much longer, and it would be the best for this planet, that we waste with our lifes. Consider that this is exactly what Darwinism would do: NATURAL SELECTION!! Mankind has voluntarily adapted to an order and to a structure, in which we all become manipulated and gutted slaves - and in which there is no place for free and independent thinking ..no place for the few, reasonable and intelligent people, who could have stopped all these things... I only look to this future with despair, because I know, that I have to accept all these conditions, even though I didn't deserve them. Personally, I have reached a certain point, in which everything only illustrates and confirms to me. Every day of this life is marked with this injustice, that I did not choose... ~ 10/11/2023
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
List of my favorite horrormovies:
The Shining
The Grudge
Hannibal Rising
Play Dead
Der Fluch der zwei Schwestern
The Possession of Hannah Grace
House Of Wax
Orphan 1 & 2
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
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Wrong Turn 4 (USA 2011)
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globaldoom98 · 1 year
This whole society is just trash...
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