globallivebrief · 2 months
Experimenting with the responses to the prompts
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I took a range of responses from the prompts and started experimenting putting them into a collage layout.
Taking inspiration from the collages that had already been submitted and moodboards we made.
I also tried to use a range of work from a range of prompts. But I think we could also make more in future. Maybe experiment with AI to maybe make the prompts and collages less biased.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Final website
Link to final website
The final website allows us to have a space where we can all share work, share our profiles and communicate through the games and art which is what we wanted to achieve.
The gallery prompts allow us to share our work and compare our responses.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Design as an attitude
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"Designing is not a profession but an attitude."
emphasises the importance of an approach and mindset towards design.
Balancing teaching, administration, and commercial design projects while hoping to devote more time to writing.
He was diagnosed with leukemia in 1945 but managed to make time for work while in hospital and recieving treatment.
He completed his book called the "Vision in Motion" before he died in 1946. The book shows his optimism and passion in the role of design and how it can improve our lives. more open-minded approach and shows the significance of its role in enhancing the quality of life.
this concept of his can be traced back to just after World War I in helping construction in Budapest. Shows that this belief of design as an attitude has stuck with him for a long time.
The constructivist belief in the transformative power of art and design resonated with Moholy-Nagy throughout his career.
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encourages people to embrace their journey and to avoid comparing themselves to others in the same field.
suggesting to approach these things as experiments and that you need to be willing to adapt and change if needed especially with unexpected challenges.
Challenges the theory hyperspecialisation, and highlights the value of experiences, practice and experimentation.
Also states that early specialisation isn't always necessary for success.
examples such as from sports, business and creativity from a wide range of fields.
Encourages people to focus on their own progress rather than comparing themselves to others in the same area.
embraces experimentation and being open to change and adapting to that.
Focuses on the idea of working on personal growth.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
The updated website
Since the first website wasn't accessible for the Ukrainian students we made a new website on WIX that they could access. The website is the main place where everything will happen. We want it to be the main space for communication, sharing and collaboration of work after the about page we added a profiles page. This is a page where you can create a profile as well as look at everyone else's profile. If you click on the profiles it then leads you to a profile page which has an introduction for each profile as well as displays some of their work. This allows us to get to know each other as well as get to know the Ukrainian students better which is what we wanted one of our group outcomes to be.
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We then have a gallery page which shows all the different themes that we have selected and by clicking them separates all our work by the themes. In the gallery space you can see your work alongside other peoples work in that specific theme and you canal's comment on each others work which will hopefully encourage communication and conversations with each other and especially with the Ukrainian students which is what we want.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
As a class we had all decided that we liked the idea of putting our work into spatial.io which is an online digital space where we can all upload our work into one collaborative space. It is also customisable sp you can change how the space looks. You can also add multiple rooms and spaces by putting in portals. This is good for us as it allows us to have a collaborate space and have that portal aspect.
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There is a community space in the spatial and from there we created our own rooms for each individual group. In our space we started uploading our work in preparation for next week.
We have uploaded any submissions that our Ukrainian collaborators have made as well as our own individual submissions. We have also started collaging some of the work together as well as making architectural collages which are also going onto the spatial.
In one half of the room displays all the individual work that has been submitted and the other half is displaying all the collaborated work.
Spatial also allows us to display videos and links which means we can also have any videos that are made as an outcome displayed in the space as well. We also have our website linked in the room too and can be accessed through a portal.
Spatial is a good way to display the submissions we've made as it allows it to be seen in a gallery environment that you can freely walk around. It is also accessible for the Ukrainian students which means they can experience the space too.
Although we have the website to display the work it is displayed in a way where you can create a profile and then submit different pieces of work for each theme. On the website we have the different subsections where you can see everyones profile as well as all the work separated by each theme. We also have the ability to comment on each others work. The website is the space where we get to interact with each other and each others work and is the space for communicating with each other and sharing with each other. Whereas spatial doesn't allow this but it does allow you to see the work in a different setting and walk around the space.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
The website is now coming together on WIX that the Ukrainian collaborators can access.
And with the prompts and we are getting more submissions and we are now looking into experimenting with the submissions with collages.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Figma updated
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since our discussion last week we've had many contributions and developments on the Figma. People have uploaded and submitted some art or photos for us to work with.
This has meant we can put these submissions on the website.
We've been able to use some of the work in the begging of developing a collage(s).
We are also thinking of using some of the work in a video to become a live aspect for the final presentation.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
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Mood board for what a group piece could look like. Were thinking of either making one or many and hopefully we can project it onto a canvas on the day.
Another way we may use the work is in a live video to play on the day as the live event. This would include videos and still images.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Further developments
Although we were enjoying playing the phone games and putting all our work onto the website we felt like something was missing. We wanted to have an outcome that was a result of the website such as a physical piece of work.
We came back to an idea that was mentioned in the very early stages of our brainstorming as a group which was the idea of having a canvas that we can create a collage of all our work on.
We thought that we could have an area on the website where we could have specific prompts so people could upload their work and it could all be combined to make a city scene/collages scene. These themes include patterns, architecture, abstract, people and then flowers and we thought that people could create something in response to these. They can use any medium any they want to as the more different mediums we have would benefit the overall look of the collage. There is also no specific order or timetable to create something for each theme just as long as we can fill the collage. However I think we will do this in time as people seem interested in our idea and they have the option to create a full piece or even just submit a photo etc.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
The website
From looking on the Figma we could see that the Ukrainian students couldn't access the website on weekly. It is important that they can access the website because if they can't see what it going on on there then our project won't be as successful.
We want the website to be the main hub where all things can be accessed such as profiles, the drawing games, the gallery and submissions. Although we can upload their submissions for them it would still be nice for them to see the website for themselves and work on it with us.
Something to consider is looking into a different website platform that is accessible for them.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Making our project sustainable meant we had to consider the environment and the lifespan of it.
Our project is based around our website which is the hub of it all which then spans out to the profiles, games, prompts and gallery. Because there is very little materials used and its mainly digital based it means that there is very little waste output.
Websites are also generally sustainable and will last a long time if not for ever which means our website will be up for ever and everything on there will be accessible forever.
This is a positive thing for our group because we wanted to shed light on the theme of art and architecture being lost from conflict. The use of digital art spaces and websites will allow us to preserve these things such as the Ukrainians art that they haven’t been able to use, or highlight the significance of Ukrainian architecture.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Socio-Geographic challenges
Socio-geographic challenges we faced were things such as how to address the political climate that the Ukrainian collaborators were facing.
We agreed that we wouldn’t mention the on going war in Ukraine unless they brought it up.
We wanted to ensure that working with us was a safe space and that they could use it as an escape. Coincidentally we also focused on how art can be used as a form of communication and escapism in our research.
We ensured that we wouldnt demand much from our Ukrainian collaborators as they can contribute as little or much as they want. We did this by when we made the prompts for the website and specified that any contribution is appreciated so they had free reign to submit whatever they want within the themes.
This also meant that we will get a wide range of submissions for one prompt which will be interesting to compare.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
The needs of the client, user, community, audience and the planet.
Before our project develops any further we identified any needs we may need to consider when working with our Ukrainian collaborators such as the fact that they are living through a war and therefore may not be able to fully participate all the time. It was also important to remember that this is a “side project” for them and not a full module as it is for us and therefore can choose how much they want to contribute.
Another thing to consider is the fact that these students are in a different time zone to us and we need to consider and accommodate this by choosing to work at a time that works for both parts of the group. This is especially important when we experiment with the phone games.
So far we are only working digitally such as playing phone games, drawing games and communicating through drawings online. However if we decide to do something more physical such as drawing, painting, using a canvas or materials other than phones and computers then we need to consider the materials we will use and how this may impact the environment.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Experimenting with Magma and phone games
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We have started using magma as a form of communication through doodles, so far this includes drawing ourselves or how we express ourselves. And we’ll continue by drawing other things to do with us such as our favourite foods, music, Tv shows, hobbies and interests just as a simple way of getting to know the other students and exploring possible ways of communicating with them through art.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Figma continued
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All our ideas were grouped together based off of similar and common themes. My group all have a common theme of art and communicating through that.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Introducing Figma
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This software will allow us all to connect and communicate our ideas online in one place. This will be especially useful when communicating with the Ukrainian students.
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globallivebrief · 2 months
Individual pitch
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Visual Research
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