gmag-42 · 7 years
Reading for College Success (5.08 free choice blog)
Summary: I read an article this morning on the worst foods to eat before bed. Chocolate was #1! What's crazy is that...I was eating m&m's when I read this part, lol. #2 was any type of spicy food. I don't like spicy food so...I'm good! #3 Brocooli...nooooo! Broccoli is amazing. #4 was alcohol and ha! I don't ever plan on becoming a drinker. #5 was sugar and I am proudly a sugar addict so I simple can not swear this off my list. Personal reaction: It was fun reading through all these food items cause I actually got to read what they do to you if you eat them just before bed. I sadly couldn't fit all the facts from there onto here to share with you, but they were all real! Author's intent? Obviously, the author who made this article just wanted to give people a heads up on the stuff they are eating and how it can affect their precious sleep patterns. I know I would like some more sleep!
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gmag-42 · 7 years
Reading for College Success (4.08 free choice blog)
Summary: Today I am gonna go on a rant about the woman who was shot and killed by Minneapolis police. Okay, really, what has this world come to? This is like one out of many police officer killings I've heard about! Aren't the police here to protect us? Isn't that what their sworn duty is??? This woman called 911 to report someone sexually harassing some one near where she was and the cops come on the scene and next thing we know, she's shot and killed? For what!? The cops who were there too don't wanna say a word either about what happened. Yah, they had body cameras, but for some odd reason, they weren't turned on at the time this shooting took place. This makes me sick. It's like you can't even trust the good guys anymore now and days... Personal Reaction: Well..basically all that I just wrote up there^^^ should sum it up, lol. Method: I honestly didn't use a method this time around. I just read the full article, got upset, and came here to vent. Honesty is the best policy, right?
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gmag-42 · 7 years
Reading for college success (3.07 blog)
Ted Dekker- Immanuel's Veins (Chapter 1) Summary: This story is about a man, a great warrior, named Toma Nicolescu. He is the one speaking. He has been sent out by the mighty queen of Russia to guide and guard the most important family who retreated to the estate every summer. He and his trusted companion, Alek Cardei, are jesting while riding down through the outer most rim of the country when a mysterious old man appeared before them. He warns them of evil that is headed their way, specifically telling Toma, who actually listens. He walks away from them then without another word, leaving Toma and Alek baffled. Personal Reaction? Again, this right here is how books are suppose to start! There is just a certain taint about it that has you inching for more. And more I shall receive as I continue to read. (Hey! That rhymed!) Which Method? Outlining!
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gmag-42 · 7 years
Reading for college success (02.07 free choice blog)
Ted Dekker- The Bride Collector (Book) Chapter 1 Summary: Brad Raines, a FBI Special Agent, arrives at a crime scene with his partner Nikki Holden where a woman has been murdered. She has been positioned upright on the wall of an abandoned shack, the fourth victim of the infamous Bride Collector, a serial killer who preys on the most beautiful women and kills them by draining the blood from them by drilling them through their heels. Brad studies the woman's still body, trying to think how the killer thinks, asking himself when, where, how, and why. Him and his partner discuss the tactics of the Bride Collector. Brad somewhat has feelings for Nikki, thinking the whole while as they speak that the killer would like her too. They finish examining and leave the scene. Personal reaction? I loved this opening! It really snagged my attention from the first sentence, which is exactly what a well crafted novel should do. Which method? Outlines, for sure. Outlining is for some reason is the easiest method for me to use.
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gmag-42 · 7 years
Sizzle: the soap that shaves for you
Have you ever been in a hurry to that one meeting that simply can’t be missed, but are horrified to find out that you have forgotten to shave your legs, which sadly haven’t been shaved for 2 weeks? Have you ever been hit up by your best friend to come and join the party asap, but you dare not step out of the house with your hairy, unkept legs? Especially if THAT guy who you have had a crush on since middle school is gonna be there? Well, do not fear! Sizzle is here. ;) S- state of the art chemicals that are sure to wow even the keenest of minds I- Intricate texture that soothes as well as shaves Z-Zapping effects that are sure to satisfy instantly Z-Zen therapy unlike any before L-Lathering moisturizer, evaporating into pores in just seconds E-Easy as 1,2,3 to apply! How does it work? Simple! 1) Wash legs with regular bath soap 2) Apply thin layer of Sizzle soap onto cooled legs 3) Sit back and watch Sizzle “sizzle” away all hair follicles in seconds 4)Rinse away in just 5 minutes and you’re done! Sizzle: “sizzling” away all your problems. Warning: Sizzle may contain unhealthy skin treatments that may not be safe for young users. User discretion is advised. May contain peanut substances. May contain dairy products. May contain seriously hazardous chemicals that might not only “sizzle” away one’s problems, but also their legs as well.
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gmag-42 · 7 years
Reading for College Success (01.03)
Q: “What kind of reader are you?” A:Well, according to that wonderfully crafted quiz provided in the section I just completed reading through, I am all about Drama. I honestly have to laugh about that. I thought for sure I would have gotten the Comedy one or Fantasy, but nope. Drama. The quiz does not lie though, so I shall not question it any further. Q: “What is the last thing you read that you enjoyed and why?” A:I am just a little embarrassed to admit this but…the last novel I read through was called Blind-Date Bride. I was amazing! Very heart tugging and stressful to read through for sure, but that’s what it’s all about. Books that move me are my favorite. Yes, I laughed and cried reading this book, sometimes at the same time! Those books that get you thinking for a moment that what you’re reading is actually a true account of someone’s life are truly the best. I enjoyed reading this book because I simply love connecting with such open characters. It was like I was there, watching the whole scene as it played out. Reading truly is an escape.
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