gnihtyreve96-blog Ā· 7 years
i just fucked myself sober
i had a lot to say but i honestly canā€™t think straight after that.. i honestly think i fucked myself harder tonight than anyone else ever has. and i seem to find a sort of pride in that. because people love to tell other people to go fuck themselves as an insult, but i would gladly do it with no need for formal suggestion.
anyway. this is my third texxxt post in a row so far. and i donā€™t plan for that pattern to continue. so i will start reposting some other stuff or whatever til i can put my own stuff up...
idk if im making any sense im super tired but what i meant by the title is i did myself so good that i feel like a new person and yeah i think ima stop doing drugs and start living a healthier lifestyle and stuff. yay.
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gnihtyreve96-blog Ā· 7 years
mb log: 4/19/17
mb = masturbation.
gotta admit, i went at it again right after the last post, so thatā€™s another one to add to 4/17, but that one was right before bed - not too counter-productive.
yesterday, however (4/18), was a classic case of my counter-productive masturbation habit. took 1-2 hours and then i fell asleep afterwards - in the middle of the day, mind you.
today (4/19) i tried to remedy that with a different method. ended up taking less than 20 minutes and now iā€™m writing this thing which i guess you can call slightly productive.
i want to come up with a better system for tracking this sort of thing but i think this works for now.
total = 3 masturbationsssszzzzzzz.
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gnihtyreve96-blog Ā· 7 years
i am a sex addicted person that wants to become deeply (gigidy) involved in the business of pleasure.
unfortunately, i do no have much practice in the things i wish to pursue the most - art, animation, game design, etc. - but i want to git gud at those things so i can make all my sexual fantasies come true <3 (both thru hentai and good olā€™ fashion live action pornography)Ā 
i also wanna change the way the whole world looks at sex or whatevers. but thatā€™s not gonna happen if all iā€™m doinā€™ is fappinā€™.
so this blog is gonna be a record of myĀ ā€œjourneyā€ (kinda hate that word but canā€™t find a better one so oh well) to taking control of my sex life. iā€™m not gonna subscribe to the #nofap life because iā€™ve tried and i know i wonā€™t survive. but i think i can take time to put in more quality into my masturbation, and less quantity.
i am a huge consumer of sexual content, but i want to be a producer.
so, here i will repost whatever i think is hot and stuff, then whenever i find the time i will post my own original works: drawings both paper and digital, animations, hopefully some sort of flash game way down the line - and probably some more little text rants like these along the way.
iā€™m thinking of even keeping a fap tracker on here... is that weird?? i mean the whole point of this thing for me is to have some kind of no shame outlet where i can say things without worry so... might as well.
today is april 17, 2017 (3:57 AM) and i masturbated twice today... well i guess once today and once yesterday if you wanna be anal about it. hehe.
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