gnkit-blog · 6 years
💗- a memory about a good deed they did
his sister was three years his elder. three years of experiences, three years of love. she was fourteen when she met heartbreak for the first time; the boy she had been dating kissed her best friend while the girl was out sick from school for a week. the rumors reached her on her first day back. she wept in the bathroom and told a teacher she wasn’t feeling well to go home early.
she never meant to confide in her kid brother as if it was some strange taboo; as if telling him of the sins of her classmates might hurt him in some way. but the child had insisted, knocking on her bedroom door and asking so kindly why she wouldn’t come out, why she was crying. 
eventually, she had no choice but to let him in. her tears flowed anew when she told him of what had happened to her, her mortification when she had stepped foot in the school building and everyone knew but her.
kit took her hand, a frown on his face. he squeezed it.
“wait here. i’m going to get something.”
the boy scampered away, only to return with his piggy bank in his hands. he sat on the edge of her bed as he fumbled with the stopper in its belly to dig out the contents.
“i’m gonna buy you ice cream, i already asked mom to take us to the store. that’ll help you feel better, right?”
his sister wiped her tears and smiled fondly, told him he didn’t have to.
“i want to,” he insisted, a stubborn pout already finding its home on his lips. “a boy made you cry so i need to make you smile.”
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gnkit-blog · 6 years
the shop feels a little sketchy, especially in the middle of the night when most regular humans are fast asleep, but kit’s midnight cravings knew no limits of time. they demanded that he leave his apartment in search of something salty, something to sate his mild hunger without going through all the trouble of making a whole meal at midnight. it’s a good thing that the convenience store by the gas station was open twenty four seven, or else he’d be fucked.
there’s not a huge selection, but he ponders for far too long over it anyways. some early 2000′s pop song plays over the speakers and kit hums along. he thinks he’s danced to this before and his body moves in tiny motions as he tries to remember the words. he picks up a bag of flavored chips to consider and begins to hum along.
kit doesn’t notice when he begins to put words to the music, lips parting and letting soft syllables escape. it’s not like anyone’s around anyways. maybe the poor unfortunate soul at the register, but the young man hardly notices them. his voice is naturally soft, but it holds a pitch. maybe kit would never be a powerhouse vocalist like some of the dreaming kids he used to work with, but here he is, singing his heart out to britney in a shop in the middle of the night.
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gnkit-blog · 6 years
💖- a memory that made them feel special
he attended his first dance lesson at ten years old and promptly realized that he was the only boy in the room. maybe it was the genre, maybe it was just the age most little boys were joining little league teams instead of lacing up dance shoes. nervousness made kit’s stomach turn. he wasn’t ready for this.
“we have a new student joining us for this session,” said the teacher, a young woman with a thin nose and even thinner lips. she smiled a narrow smile and gestured to the little boy who managed a quivering sheepish grin of his own in return. he was not ready for the attention to be thrown on him so soon. “can you introduce yourself to us?”
kit got to his feet to say hello to the dozen or so little girls who looked at him with mixed expressions. some of them looked accusatory, suspicious. others just confused or curious. he tried to find some kindness in their eyes as he named himself as kit and said that he was excited to learn to dance.
the first class was harder than he ever expected.
it was with tired limbs and a heavy heart that he took off his shoes. there had been no time for making friends, and the girls ran off with each other before running to their mothers here to pick them up. kit wondered if this was a mistake, if he should just quit now.
“have you danced before?” the teacher smiled down at him, a kindness in her eyes that kit had been searching for in his classmates.
the boy shook his head no, not trusting his voice just yet.
“well, i’m very impressed. you have a natural talent.”
kit didn’t tell his mother about his classmates or anything that he actually learned in the class when she picked him up. he went on about the teacher, how kind and smart and pretty she was despite her narrow nose and thin mouth. “she said i had a natural talent,” the child boasted, his chin raised high.
he came back to the next class with the same excitement.
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gnkit-blog · 6 years
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💗- a memory about a good deed they did
her tears dripped down in thin streams, glossing her face and her lips where they settled. she was young, just barely on the cusp of womanhood but pursuing a career with the fierceness of a woman twice her age. kit had affectionately called her seu-a naawy in the lessons he taught, little tiger, and she seemed to glow under that small praise.
but her light had gone out, obscured by clouds that littered tears down her cheeks like raindrops on a windowpane.
“you’re crying,” kit hadn’t meant to interrupt her moment of vulnerability. his surprise was as evident as her’s.
she was already wiping furiously at her face, putting her tiger mask back on in front of one of her coaches. “no i’m not.”
and that’s how he offered his hand, dabbed tears away kindly with a tissue and gave her more to blow her nose with. with just a little bit of coaxing, he had managed to ease a tale of homesickness out of the child. the young man hummed his sympathy, wrapped a kind arm around her shoulders and gave a little squeeze.
the next day he told her to stay a moment after practice. the tupperware container he pressed into her hands with a sign of hush against his lips was filled with a homemade meal. he had been up late preparing the dish, thinking about how what he missed the most from his own home was mom’s cooking. maybe the girl came from another country, another culture, but the sentiment was the same. 
her eyes were watery again when she smiled at him in thanks.
( on the day she’ll someday debut, she’ll text kit. she won’t have spoken to him in at least a year, not since he left the company due to his injury. the message will be long, speaking of a little girl who was on the verge of quitting, giving up her dream. she’ll thank the young instructor who had shown her kindness, stepped up and given her all the confidence she needed to keep going a little longer. kit will tear up when he reads the message. )
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gnkit-blog · 6 years
he answers the knock on his door with a quiet groan of protest. kit doesn’t want to get up off the couch and answer it; he’d much rather sit here and play rhythm games on his phone until the battery dies or the ice he keeps putting on and off his knee melts into a bag of water. but he’s an adult, living an adult life, doing adult things. he needs to get up.
who could be knocking on his door anyways? it’s not like kit’s made any friends here yet; he’s barely settled in and taught more than a class or two at the studio. and to his knowledge, none of the kids know where to find him when he’s not there with them. did he order something online? he can’t recall.
the answer turns out to be none of the above. 
“hi?” kit speaks in english at first, seeing the stranger outside his door. who is this guy? a new neighbor? it’s not like kit knows anyone who lives around him yet anyways. is introducing himself like this something he was supposed to do? his mouth goes dry. has he accidentally offended the whole town by not greeting anyone?
“uh, nice to meet you,” he blinks bewilderedly at the young man. a twin? did he hear the word right? there’s two of the same person living next to him? kit wonders how long that’s been going on. “i’m kit.” since introducing himself seems like the polite thing to do.
an awkward pause ensues. the polite thing to do much be to invite the new neighbor in, to chat for a minute, and then to escort him out. kit knows the protocol. but he’s loathe to let anyone into his apartment, not when he still has boxes of his own to empty and the place looks like it’s in a permanent state of disarray. he fits himself in the opening of the door, blocking as much of the inside as possible. “i actually just moved here recently.. so... uh..” he struggles to find polite conversational words in korean, “i didn’t know my neighbor had a brother.”
happy surprise
he had fully expected this from jaehyun at some point in the time he has come to live with him. the twins, for all that they get along, know just how to get under each others skin. and jiwon has been doing a lot of that since he arrived as he had to make up for the year they had apart. he supposes he hadn’t needed to be extra annoying his first few weeks–but he also wouldn’t be jiwon is he hadn’t. 
and tonight he had pushed one to many buttons as he soon found himself standing in the hallway of the apartment after jaehyun had oh so gently pushed him out.
no worries. he could solve something. 
luckily he had his school bag with him still so he had his laptop–but he didn’t have his phone. and as much fun as it would be to walk around town and try to find thing, the younger twin didn’t really fancy getting lost. and he couldn’t call jaehyun if he did because he didn’t have his phone on him. he supposes he could just find somewhere with wifi and message his brother on kkt from his laptop. 
he debates on something for a good few minutes, before reaching into his bag and pulling out the tub with the cookies in it. he approached the neighbors door, knocking three times, then waiting with a smile. 
“hi! i just moved in to town–living with my twin next door–and i thought it’d be nice to greet my neighbors!” 
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gnkit-blog · 6 years
“send me one of the hearts below for a specific kind of memory from my muse!”
answers can be as short or as long as you’d like; this meme is worth 1 point for each answer, and the sender can also collect 1 point when their ask is posted! please tag your posts as meme:01 for easy reference!
remember to send if you want to receive! play nice, everyone!
reposted so we can keep better track of who is participating; credits to @rp-meme-glaceon!
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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gnkit-blog · 6 years
if you didn’t already know or guess, this is my second muse here!!  you may know my first is none other than mr. moon sebin, and my name’s lex and i’m ready 2 party ( again )! hmu for some rad plotting with kit ( or sebin tbh ) so i can give you my discord or twitter ;D
so like a tl;dr for kit here will be found under the cut for your convenience
and i might post a random starter call later but i want to try to get in some plotting before it comes to that!!
so kit’s born and raised in bangkok thailand; like irl ten he’s sino thai and a polyglot. ya boi kit speaks thai ( most fluently, native language ), english ( fluent, most comfortable language after native language from years of studying in school ), mandarin ( conversational from his parents/grandparents, can’t read a goddamn character if he tried tho ), and korean ( conversational? he’s been immersed for 3 years but still lapses at times )
his og dream was to be a dancer and he was kinda livin’ the life in seoul as a dance instructor for an entertainment company, but life happens and an old injury started acting up again and he was forced to quit. rather than go home defeated, he moved to gaenari to recover and try to refocus his life.
he still teaches dance lessons! they’re not as hard on his knee since it’s a part time gig and it’s children’s classes, but much more than that would put him in quite a bit of pain. he just can’t be up and moving on his bum knee much in general these days; it’s really impacting his quality of life but he does at home physical therapy and regularly wears a brace in hopes of it getting better.
he’s also considering surgery for that bum knee, but he doesn’t quite have the funds for that ( nor the will to be down for the recovery time )
kit’s never lived outside of a big city before!! he’s probably going to be a little bored in gaenari, so i’m hoping some of you locals can show him how to have a good time even in a small town!! just be patient with him if he’s gotta rest his knee or go a little slow ; u ;
a p fun dude tbh, bright and happy despite his circumstances and really eager to learn and explore and stuff. he’s a little bit cautious with his physical limits, but emotionally and stuff he’s very open! a fun dude.. makes jokes, sorta a trickster-ish sense of humor...... i lov him
i p much imagine he Just moved to town, maybe finished settling in and finding a job to make ends meet for now. i wouldn’t say he’s been here for more than a month, so unless your muse is also from seoul he might not know anyone here yet!!
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gnkit-blog · 6 years
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⤑ CHAISON SAELINWITTHAWAT has moved in ! welcome home !
will you uphold tradition?                   or will you do everything in your power to see a new era dawn?
 the fate of golden bell town is entirely up to you.
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gnkit-blog · 6 years
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mesmerizing ✧
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