gnowing · 3 years
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gnowing · 5 years
“Remember, that though life is short, Thought and the influences of what we do or say are immortal; and that no calculus has yet pretended to ascertain the law of proportion between cause and effect.”
— Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
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gnowing · 5 years
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Submerged freshwater plants. Illustrirtes Pflanzenleben. 1883. e-rara
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gnowing · 5 years
“I have illumined this ruin by my own light.”
— Forough Farrokhzad, from Sin: The Selected Poems of. F. F.; “Enthusiasm,”
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gnowing · 6 years
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Palazzo di Sagno. Photo by Erich Angenendt. 1930’s.
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gnowing · 6 years
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Yasuhiro Onishi aka 大西泰弘 (Japanese, b. 1986, Tokyo, Japan) - Untitled Paintings: Acrylics on MDF
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gnowing · 6 years
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“It has been called “The Third Eye.” The Ancient Hindus called it the Eye of Siva, and it should be borne in mind that Siva is the third person in the Hindu Trinity…It is atrophied, and therefore dormant in the average individual…The Eye of Siva is, in fact, an All-Seeing-Eye; for it practically annuls Space and Time as concepts on the physical plane…
A real Master [Mason], then, has the Eye of Siva; the pineal gland, dormant in others, is active in him…”
~ Dr. Buck
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gnowing · 6 years
“They lose the day in expectation of the night, and the night in fear of the dawn.”
― Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
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gnowing · 6 years
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gnowing · 6 years
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To the lake
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gnowing · 6 years
My wish is that you may be loved to the point of madness.
André Breton, What is Surrealism?: Selected Writings (via books-n-quotes)
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gnowing · 6 years
We are gods in the body of god, truth and love our destinies. Go then and make of the world something beautiful, set up light in darkness.
Egyptian Book of the Dead, more correctly translated as the Book of Coming into the Light. (via thelightofthecenter)
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gnowing · 6 years
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Perseids   -     Greg Mort , 2015
American, b.1952-
Watercolour on paper , 24 x 24 in.
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gnowing · 6 years
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Untitled (?)
Zdzislaw Beksinski
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gnowing · 6 years
“He may attract to himself any force in the Universe by making himself a fit receptacle for it, and arranging conditions so that it’s nature compels it to flow toward him.”
— Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice (via secretworkings)
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gnowing · 6 years
“Brethren! Lift up your hearts; throw wide open the shutters of your minds and imaginations. Learn to see in Masonry something more than a parochial system enjoining elementary morality, performing perfunctory and meaningless rites, and serving as an agreeable accessory to social life. But look to find in it a living philosophy, a vital guide upon those matters which of all others are the most sacred and the most urgent to our ultimate well-being. Realize that its secrets which are “many and invaluable” are not upon the surface; that they are not those of the tongue, but of the heart; and that its mysteries are those eternal ones that treat of the spirit rather than of the body of man. And with this knowledge clothe yourselves and enter the Lodge - not merely the Lodge-room of our symbolic Craft, but the larger Lodge of life, wherein, silently and without the sound of metal tool, is proceeding the perpetual work of rebuilding the unfinished and invisible Temple of which the mystical stones and timber are the souls of men. In that rebuilding, men and women are taking part who, whilst formally not members of our Craft, are still unconsciously Masons in the best of senses. For whosoever is carefully and deliberately “squaring his stone” is fitting himself for his place in the “intended structure” which gradually is being “put together with exact nicety” and which, though erected by ourselves, one day will become manifest to our clearer vision and will appear “more like the work of the Great Architect of the Universe than that of human hands”. Upon us Masons therefore, who have the advantage of a regular and organized system which provides and inculcates for us an outline of the great truths that we have been considering and that always in the world have been regarded as secret, as sacred, and as vital, there rests the responsibility attaching to our privilege, and it must be our aim to endeavour to enter into the full heritage of understanding and practising the system to which we belong.”
— Bro. Walter L. Wilmshurst (via didanawisgi)
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gnowing · 6 years
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“Canal Under the Moonlight” by Koho Shoda
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