go-waahhhh · 2 hours
I’m kind of disappointed that so much Firelord!Zuko content seems to be about how he’s on the verge of falling apart, and how the nation doesn’t respect him and his ministers won’t cooperate with him, and he’s separated from the gaang
And that’s not untrue. Zuko has to run a government that was, a few months ago, ready and willing to burn the rest of the world to ash, and that’s a serious burden to bear, but it’s not hopeless. This is a new time of peace. A new dawn. Where are all my pieces that focus on peace and growth? About Zuko fostering friendly alliances? About Zuko leading by example?
A servant accidentally drops a serving platter of roast duck during a ball. The juice splatters a noble woman’s gown. She backhands the servant across the face and her husband is calling for punishment and people are watching as though it’s some kind of show, because this is the way it is in the palace. Until, that is, the Firelord steps forward and helps the servant to his feet. Zuko asks the shaking man if he is alright. He calls for another servant to help clean up the mess. He tells the noblewoman in a tight voice that she, nor anyone else in these walls, will not raise a violent hand to anyone under his care
Zuko is walking through a city courtyard as he speaks with the Mayor when a young child waddles up and tugs at Zuko’s golden-hemmed robes, curious at the way they catch the light. The guards rush forward and the boy’s parents fall over themselves to offer apologies and beg for forgiveness, and Zuko bends down and picks the child up under the arms, and settles him on his hip. The child reaches for his gold crown settled in his topknot and Zuko laughs and gently pushes his hands away. He gives the boy back to his parents, and says, “There’s no need to apologise. Curiosity is a valuable trait in a young boy. You should encourage his curiosity for life.” And then he sweeps away with the Mayor in tow, as though nothing is amiss, as though his gentle smile and understanding words didn’t rattle these two townspeople more than a reprimand every would
Zuko shifting the nation’s priority away from militarisation, while trying to create new jobs for displaced people, jobs that will help his nation recover. Zuko implementing a new curriculum in schools. Zuko consulting with all kinds of people, like Iroh and Aang, yes, but also other nobles, and common people, and foreign dignitaries, and historical and cultural experts. Zuko bringing culture back to the Fire Nation.
Zuko struggling with his famous temper, but working every single day to be the kind of leader his people can put their trust in. A Firelord that doesn’t strike fear into his people, the people he’s dedicated to protecting. A Firelord that’s very different to his forefathers, who decimated entire cultures, who burned the faces of their sons and cast them out for speaking out of turn.
Zuko being kind and patient. Zuko working hard but slowly, over time, earning the trust and love of his people.
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go-waahhhh · 13 days
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Thinking about my two favorite scenes in the trilogy and what that says about me
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go-waahhhh · 18 days
Odysseus: 600 men making our way back home to Ithaca!
*Polyphemus swings his club around*
Odysseus: 593 men making our way back home to Ithaca.
*Poseidon wipes out the other 11 ships in the fleet*
Odysseus: ...43 men making our way back home to Ithaca.
*Elpenor's drunk ass falls off Circe's roof*
Odysseus: 42 men making our way back home to Ithaca, I guess.
*Scylla targets the torch holders*
Odysseus: 36 men making our way back home to Ithaca. Put that sword away, Eurylochus.
*Zeus strikes the ship with lightning*
Odysseus: 1 man making his way back home to Penelope and Telemachus. And by the gods, I will somehow make it.
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go-waahhhh · 18 days
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go-waahhhh · 18 days
Fight, little wolf!
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Some messy lighting/effects test rkgk since it’s been a while!🙆
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go-waahhhh · 22 days
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Part 1 | Part 2
Hey so I just finished The Dragon Prince and I'm fucking obsessed. Wanted to make some Onion Article Memes™ like I've done for The Witcher.
Most of them somehow ended up being focused on Viren and his idiot children oops lmao.
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go-waahhhh · 22 days
Imagine being Runaan and being stuck in a coin for a long time while being corrupted over the guilt of having tried to hurt your daughter before you got stuck inside that coin. And then that same daughter releases you. And you find out it's been two years. And that in those two years that one kid you were supposed to kill to avenge the Dragon Prince is now the Dragon Prince's bestie (brother) and Queen Zubeia really likes him. That he's also besties with your daughter, and the brother of your daughter's boyfriend- yep your daughter is dating a human, specifically the step-son of the man you killed. Yep you killed your daughter's father-in-law. There's now peace between humans and Xadians! No more wars-- damn the Sunfire Queen is even married to a human-- wait she's your daughter's boyfriend's aunt. And of the kid you tried to kill. You tried to kill the nephew and actually killed the brother-in-law of the Queen Consort of Lux Aurea. Though Lux Aurea is no more, because it got fucked up by a Startouch Elf named Aaravos. A guy that just got freed from his prison and he's like. The size of a building. Also yeah Katolis is fucked too. Gotta head there with your daughter and your son-in-law now.
Man what a headache. If it weren't for Ethari I'd just ask to be coined again until they solve some stuff /j
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go-waahhhh · 22 days
I saw somewhere, that someone said Zym's relevance was lost, and so the name "The Dragon Prince" really isn't fitting anymore.
But the name is the Dragon Prince, not Azymondias.
And what other dragon prince do we know?
Sol Regum. Anak Arow. The Dragon Prince who exposed a young Startouch elf for helping humans, causing her death, pushing Aaravos into the dark, twisted path of vengeance, damning the world. The Sun King, who despised humans with a passion, believed they were lower beings, the Archdragon represented the darker side of Xadia, the side that Claudia and Viren saw, causing them to reach out for dark magic.
The dragon who started it all. The dragon, so lost in his prejudice against humans, he dragged a whole world into darkness.
And in complete contrast, you have Azymondias, whose birth itself represents the bond between humans and Xadians, the dragon who has befriended humans and would lay down his life for some of them (Ezran, Callum, even Soren). He is the Dragon Prince that will lead Xadia to a better future, away from the downfall Sol Regum wrecked on them millennia ago.
The Dragon Prince that let the world slip into hell. And the Dragon Prince that will guide the world back to heaven.
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go-waahhhh · 22 days
Will humanity ever be free of the influence of Edna Mode? Can any of us so much as consider the character design for a hero or villain without her manifesting in the room, fully aware of our sins?
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go-waahhhh · 25 days
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Leola is confirmed to be autistic!!
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go-waahhhh · 25 days
Okay, so this isn’t really related to the larger parts of the season, but-
Can I just say I absolutely love how they introduced Callum’s dad?
Like, there are so many theories about him, that he was an elf, that he was a warrior who died, that he just up and left them, but in actuality? He was a poet. He was a poet with a sickness from birth and he died from that when Callum was young. He was kind and Sarai loved him. Harrow even respected him and I genuinely love that.
It also makes more sense that it would’ve been harder for Callum to connect with Harrow in the face of that. His dad wasn’t some warrior who died before he knew him, he wasn’t some elf that he never knew, or some deadbeat who left his mom. He was a kind heart poet who was born with a sickness that couldn’t be cured.
That’s extraordinarily tragic, but I love it.
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go-waahhhh · 25 days
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WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT LOVE Andrew Garfield about losing his mom on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
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go-waahhhh · 2 months
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When Azi finally upgrades his computer it will be to like Windows 95 :). 
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go-waahhhh · 2 months
i love hermes of course and obviously but consider: persephone narrating hadestown
she takes orpheus under her wing
the sweet maternal smirk as she watches him lovestruck for eurydice, remembering what that felt like
during epic i, we learn that she told orpheus the story of her great love (the thought of her singing a song of love from long ago, long time since i heard it though lays me out)
she rages and leads the chorus all through condemning hadestown in way down
even more direct horror and pain at eurydice being taken down
a whole new layer and familiarity to our lady of the underground as she introduces the audience to her domain (and what is her crack in the wall for but telling stories and sowing hope?)
more power/standing for the confrontation of how long?
watching the seeds she planted by telling orpheus stories come to bloom in epic iii
then breaking the good and bad news to orpheus and eurydice after his kiss, the riot and giving hard-earned advice
witnessing orpheus fail as she and hades did and retelling the story despite it being an old song. because it's her song to sing.
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go-waahhhh · 3 months
hi neil, today is my eighteenth birthday! i was born on 06/06/2006, or in shorter terms 6/6/6!!
this may be a little too much to ask and this may amount to being a very boring word but could i have the 6th word on the 6th line of page 6 of the first episode of Season 3 of Good Omens? as im assuming episode 6 isn't written yet!!
It's "to" for Episode 1.
And I'm afraid it's "a" for Episode 6.
Happy birthday anyway.
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go-waahhhh · 3 months
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it NEEDS to be paid for accordingly.
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go-waahhhh · 3 months
this pride, i learnt about the Palestinian trans woman Oscar Al-Halabiye, dancer and resistance fighter against the israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. she named herself Oscar after Lady Oscar from the "The Rose of Versailles", a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.
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her story is documented in Cinema Fouad(1993). zionists use pink washing to reinforce their genocidal terrorist narrative when queer Palestinians have been fighting against the occupation since the very beginning. you can watch it here with english subtitles. long live the intifada!
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