goagainstnorm-blog · 6 years
Learn to See the Difference
For people who are little confused…there is a huge difference between buying a pet and giving shelter to stray animals. For those of you who knows me to have many pets, just to be clear I never had a pet in my life…and I am strictly against buying animals as pets. In India, we are in ardent need of people who genuinely care about animals and not just want to pet them for pleasure. If anyone is still confused, let me make it clear : We buy pets for our own pleasure ...for having something or someone to love and cuddle…..lately it has really become a status symbol in India (just like iPhones). But when you are giving shelter or feeding strays, it is something you are doing for a cause…out of your affection for animals and helping the society in the long run. The former one only needs money and permission from your guardians ...while the second one needs much more determination, sacrifices(definitely financial) and resilience. Sadly,while the numbers in the former group are increasing day by day, we are in dire need of people belonging to the second group who will join the crusade against the society for the society!!!
No offense to anyone, but just thought of sharing this once and for all ....clearing the air ...so that people do not confuse me with a pet lover anymore.
I guess now people will not ask me again why am I not bringing a pet in my lavish apartment . Solely because I believe in spending hours in animal shelters, giving love to hundreds rather than just one.
And lastly, being a fan of Salman khan (yes.. the one accused of Black Buck poaching) cannot belittle my contributions toward the betterment of animals; and in the similar manner, hating the person and his deeds will not make anyone an animal lover or crusader, at least not without a meaningful participation in the cause!!!
— From someone who is fighting for the cause for the last 12 years #teamASPCA #teamPETA #teamchange.org
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