goallin7compare · 5 years
Ajahnay Perkins - Compare and Contrast
Ajahnay Perkins
Period 7
     The two text that I will be comparing will be “The Cask Of Amontillado” and “The Poison Tree” . Both of the text are formal and first person P.O.V. However the text she different because they teach a different situation (theme). They also are different because in “The Poison Tree” the boy only talked about anger while in the other passage he actually got revenge.
     “The Cask Of Amontillado” is about a man who had an arch enemy and he finally got revenge on him.The Diction of this text is formal (they didn’t have anyone in uniform).In the text it states “my heart grew sick on account of the dampness of the catocomb”(88). The quote is important because it shows that they didn’t wear uniform.The theme of the text is “Revenge is everything”.In the text it says “it is equally undressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done wrong”(1). I chose this piece of evidence because this proves that he believes “he who has done wrong will suffer”.This story is unique because it teaches you to never
let anyone snake you,present or the past they are still out to get you.
      “The poison Tree” is about a boy who continued to grow anger with his fee. The continued to grow anger with his foe.The point of view is First person.In the text it says “night and morning with my tears” (6). I chose this evidence because it proves that he is the one telling this story about himself. The theme of the text is “holding things in makes emotions worst”.In the text it says “I was angry with my foe,I told it not and my wrath did grow”(3-4).This evidence tells me that he was very angry with his foe and him not speaking on it only made matters worst.
       The text is similar because they both talked about anger with their foe’s, but in “The Cask Of Amontillado” the man really got revenge on his foe .In “The Poison Tree” he only spoke on his anger. I say the author of “The Poison Tree” because he said so much with such a small passage.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Makayla Wheeler - Compare and Contrast
Makayla Wheeler
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7
Two comparable texts are “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and “A Poison Tree” by William Blake. The two texts have similarities in point of view. However they are different in the theme.
In “The Cask of Amontillado” montresor seeks  revenge on fortunato and did so. The author of this text used first person point of view. In the text states.“I vowed revenge” (1).This quote is important because it not only shows the point of view but it gets the reader into the theme.  Montresor tells the reader how he is hiding the fact that he seeks revenge. Smails the text states, “He did not perceive that my smails how was at the thought of his immolation” (2). This is important because it also shows us the theme of revenge and tells the reader how he does about getting it. It’s important to know about this text because it teaches the reader about revenge and what it could make you do. it is also unique because it show a lot of irony and gives us a big shock.
In”A Poison Tree”the speaker is angry and it grow day and night until his foe is left beneath the tree. The author uses first person point of view. The text states,”I sunned it with smiles” (7). This piece is very important because it shows how the speaker hide his anger. The speaker let its anger grow the text states that,”It grew both day and night” (6).This is important because it could lead to you doing something bad. It’s important that you read this story because it teaches you about what build up anger could do. And its is unique because it used figurative language.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Narquise Bailey - Compare and Contrast
Narquise Bailey
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7          
How I feel about this comparison between these two texts
The two texts are called A Poison Tree and the text is call the Cask of A
montillado. On one hand, the texts are similar because of the point of view and theme. However, the texts are different because of the diction.
amontillado wants to get revenge on fortunato and he did not wanna stop unit he was dead. In the texts it states that “A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser it equally unredressed when the avengers fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong way” (3).  And I choose this quote because it shows how they wanted to get revenge. when the narrator catch Fortunato he him in the catacomb and left him there. in the text it states “My heart grew sick on account of the dampness of the catacombs” (88). I also choose this quote because it shows how they want revenge and I think this is important because is proving  the main idea
The other text called “The Poison Tree” it is about some getting revenge. My first quote “ T watered it in fear i choose this quote because if you are crying that mean you are sad and that can lead to you wanted revenge”. This quote is important because if you are sad  I find out you might want revenge or  might cause you to want revenge.  My other quote is “I told my wrath my wrath did and i was angry with my foe” I chose this because if you are angry then you might want revenge . This is important because it lets you know why they wanted revenge
text is similar because in both texts they want revenge. They are different because one is a poem and one is a story and I think the in the poem only because it is going right to the point and I like the poem only because they are smaller.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Alyssa Alexander - Compare and Contrast Essay
Alyssa Alexander
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Period-7 Composition
Title: Compare and contrast essay
            Two comparable text are “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and ‘The Poison Tree’ by William Blake. On one hand, the texts are similar because both have a need and want for revenge on the and their use of diction. However the text are different because the use of irony is different and the different uses in language even though it use formal language.
In ‘The Cask of Amontillado’ is about a man who vowed his vengeance on Fortunato and he does this by taking him into the catacombs and bricking him in while chaining him up to the wall. Fortunato insulted him in some way so he decides the best choice is revenge. The diction in the text is formal, but their form of textual structure is different. In the text it states, “But when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.”(1) This quote means that after he was insulted he wanted revenge. But when he vowed his vengeance he knew that he had to get away with it and had to create a plan that was very inconspicuous. The text states, “I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.”(1) This quote is important to the theme never trust your friends because you would never truly know their intentions. This story is unique because this story take place in the catacombs which holds a significance in history but also tells a story of revenge and how they got away with murder in the catacombs.
On the other hand, they are different because there use of language is different and also there structure. ‘ The Poison Tree’ by William Blake is about a person who wants revenge on their enemy and as a representative of their enemies life a tree starts to until it bore an apple eventually killing the enemy. The narrator had to create their plan but they have to plan very inconspicuously so others wouldn't find out. In the text it states, “And with  Soft deceitful wiles.”(2) This means that they had to go around and seek about their true intentions. Secondly, one of the ways the theme develops is by how the tree grows a apple the more the angry grows. The text states, “ And it grew both day and night, Till it bore apple bright.”(3)This means that the their angry grew so much over days that it grew a apple. This story is unique because it uses a different form of diction from the ‘The Cask of Amontillado’ but how the revenge that happens is very different from what you expect.
‘The Cask of Amontillado’ by Edgar Allan Poe and ‘ The Poison Tree’ by William Blake are similar because they both have a theme of revenge and the familiar use of language. The author that is more compelling is Edgar Allan Poe; this is because his story takes place in a place in history that is known by many and also gives more detail to how is revenge took place.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Breanna Curry - Comparing Two Texts
Breanna Curry
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7
Comparing two texts!
Two comparable texts are “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and “A Poison Tree” by William Blake. The themes for both are very similar but very different at the same time. One on hand, the texts are similar because they both talk about revenge and murder and are also in first person point of view.However, the texts are different because of the way the story is being told. In “A Poison Tree” William Blake uses more symbolism and in “The Cask of Amontillado” he uses more irony.
            In “The Cask of Amontillado” it is about how his “friend” insulted him and Montresor vowed revenge. Then he slowly thought if he should get revenge or not and then decided on doing it but with impunity. “The Poison Tree” is about how a person wrath grew more and more each day because he did not let his foe know the problem. When he was mad at his friend he told him the problem and his anger ended, in the text it says, “I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath , my wrath did end”(1).Both passages are about revenge and murder on their foe. They both involve them building up their anger to commit a murder, that is how they are alike. They are different because they both have different settings.
“The Cask of Amontillado” is a story revenge and murder. To start, the first paragraph is about how Montresor was insulted by his “friend” multiple times and he is finally tired and his anger is to a point where he wants to seek revenge on Fortunato. The text says, “ The thousands injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge” (1). This quote is important because it talks about how Fortunato went to far and Montresor cannot forgive him now. Secondly, the theme of the text in poison tree is revenge on a foe. The text states, “ I was angry with my foe: I told it not , my wrath did grow”(4). This quote is important because he is telling us that by him not telling his foe why he was mad his wrath continued to grow and grow everyday. All in all this story is unique because they both talk about revenge and murder but at the same time the murders are done differently and displayed differently.
           In both text they talk about murder and revenge. They are also both different because one is formal and the other is informal , one is a poem and one is a story. I believe that William Blake is more effective at creating a compelling.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Taneyah Clark - Compare and Contrast
Taneyah Clark
Composition Period 1
Two comparable texts are “The cask of Amontillado and The poison tree” By Edgar Allan Poe. One on hand, the texts are similar because the diction and and theme  is the same. However, the text are different because the point of views are not the same.
                The “ Cask of Amontillado” by William Blake is a story about a man tricking another man into getting drunk and later on beats him to death. To start, the diction in the text is formal. The text says, “This was a point definitively settled-but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved precluded the idea of risk(1). This quote is important because it shows us that they use large and complex words as their word choice. Secondly, the theme is don't trust everyone also known as revenge. The text states, “Enough he said the cough is a mere nothing it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough.” (36). This quote is important because he is playing this role of being a nice guy, but behind that quote he's really saying he's about to die. All in all, this story is unique because it's based off some of the things that happened to people in the the past.
                 “The poison tree” by William Blake is a story about a boy who gets really mad and his anger grows along with a poison apple and his friend soon eats it and dies. To start, the diction in the text is formal. The text says, “I sunned it with  smiles, and with soft deceitful wiles” (2). This quote is important because the word choice they used is very strong and powerful. Secondly, the theme of the text is revenge. The texts states, “In the morning glad i see my foe outstretched beneath the tree” (4). This quote is important because it tells us the outcome. kes it very interesting of what he most likely wanted to happen. All in all, this story is unique because it tells an evil story but in poem form.
           Two comparable texts are “The cask of amontillado and The poison tree” by the theme and diction. However, the difference is point of view. Edgar Allan Poe is more effective at creating an exciting story. He actually really thought about his story and how he wanted to present them to the people.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Ka’Liyah Robinson - Compare and Contrast
Ka’Liyah Robinson
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7
Comp and Cont Essay
“The Cask of Amontillado” is a story about Fortunato and the narrator searching for wine in a catacomb and ends up taking a turn and becomes a suspenseful. Fortunato gets tricked and bricked alive. To start, the diction in this text is formal. The text says, “The foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are embedded in the heel” (76). The reason of this text being formal is because the selection of words, they are a strong vocabulary. This quote is important because it cites every important detail of evidence I need for the reason of my diction being formal.
Secondly the theme of the text is “To not Trust Everyone Your Around”. The text states, “A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly from the throat of the chained form, seemed to thrust me violently back”(76). The lesson I learned from this story is to not trust everyone you around of hang with This quote is important because it cites direct evidence to support my theme. All in all, this story is unique because it gives the reader a lesson that you can’t trust everyone and you have to watch your back.
“The Poison Tree” is a poem about someone being angry with their friend and had fierce anger that had built up and gets angry with the day and night. Their anger and sadness had grown into a tree and develops a forbidden and poison apple. To ,start the diction in the text is informal.  The text says, “ I was angry with my friend” (1). This quote is important because it helps cite evidence for the reason of my diction being informal. Secondly, the theme of the text is “Everybody has sad moments and deals with them differently” . The text states, “Night and morning with my tears”(6). This quote is important because it cites a reason for my theme for being Sadness. All in all, this story is unique because it shares an emotion when you read the poem.
In both these stories, they are told in first person point of view. They both are 1st person. The diction makes the two stories different because one is formal the other is informal. Edgar Allan Poe made the most effective and compelling story because he used a turning point and suspense that shocked the readers.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Marshaun Phillips - The Comparisons of Revenge
Marshaun Phillips
Teacher: Mr.Antle
Composition 1, 7th period
The Comparisons of Revenge
Two comparable texts are The Poison Tree by William Blake and “The Cask of Amontillado” by  Edgar Allan Poe. On one hand, the texts are similar because they are both stories focused on the theme of revenge. However, the texts are different because the narrator's actions and mindsets are different but similar stories. In “The Poison Tree”, the theme is revenge and it mostly focuses on the narrator's hatred of his foe. In “The Cask of Amontillado” the theme is also revenge and it mostly focuses on the plan the narrator comes up with to get revenge on the one who has wronged him.
The Poison Tree narrator states, “ I was angry with my foe: I told it not,my wrath did grow”. This quote explains the narrators hatred growing towards his foe. “The Cask of Amontillado” narrator states, “ He did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation”. This quote shows the narrator's thoughts on his foe’s death.
“The Cask of Amontillado’”is about a man named Montresor that plans to murder his foe Fortunato. Montresor meets Fortunato  during Carnival and lures him into the catacombs, where he plans to bury Fortunato alive. Montresor begins the story by stating he has been insulted by Fortunato and seeks revenge.  During their journey Fortunato makes a signal of the Masons Montresor does not recognize the signal though he claims to be a mason when fortunato asks for proof montresor is revealed to be a stonemason,in this paragraph of the story it shows clear use of situational irony .The Poison Tree is about the speaker being angry his foe. When the speaker is angry with his friend he the friend of it and his wrath did end.However when he was angry with his enemy he kept the anger hidden allowing it to grow. His wrath watered in fears and sunned with smiles and with soft deceitful wiles grows.The poem focuses on the emotion of suppressed anger of the narrator. In the end the poem the narrator’s enemy is left outstretched beneath a tree and the narrator is pleased with his demise.
In conclusion, these two texts are similar because they both are stories of the narrator being plagued by anger for his enemy. In both stories both enemies meet their demise at the hands of the narrator. However, they are different in the character mindsets. Both narrators are set on revenge of the one who has wronged them. In “the Poison Tree” the narrator lets his anger bottle up until he finally takes it out upon his enemy.In “The Cask of Amontillado” the narrator keeps calm and follows his plan against the one who insulted him. The theme of both stories are revenge against an enemy. I think the story most effective at communicating its theme is “The Poison Tree”, because it clearly states the narrator had a issue that was unresolvable his enemy.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Aniyah Wilborn - Compare and Contrast of “The Cask Of Amontillado” and “The Poison Tree”
Aniyah Wilborn
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7
Compare and Contrast of “The Cask Of Amontillado” and “The Poison Tree”
The Two comparable texts are “The Poison Tree” by William Blake and “The Cask Of Amontillado “by Edgar Allan Poe. One on hand , the text are similar because both stories somebody dies and they both got the same point of view. However, the texts are different because the diction are different, the first story diction is informal and the second story is formal, the theme are different, and the settings.
“The cask of amontillado” is a story about a man that set up his enemy  and killed him. To start, the diction in the text is informal. The text says, “My own fancy grew warm with the medoc“ (50). This quote is important because it shows that he is using words as if he is talking to a friend. Secondly the theme of the text is never trust anybody. The text states,” It was not the cry of a drunken man”. This quote is important because it shows the enemy was crying for his life. All in all, this story is unique because because it shows  what kind of people visit the catacomb and it shows how everybody is not your friend.
“The Poison Tree” is a story about a person that lets their emotion get the best of them and it killed their foe. To start, the diction in the text is formal. The text says,”Night and morning with my tears”. This quote is important because it shows the words choice of the poem. Secondly,the theme of the text is emotions get the best of you. The text says”I was angry with my foe; i told it not, my wrath did grow”. This quote is important because it shows the theme by the word choices that your feeling can really get the best of you.
All in all , this story is unique because it shows how people’s emotions can make them do something so bad. In both of the passage somebody got killed and they were enemies. “The Cask Of Amontillado” is informal and the “Poison Tree is formal, the themes are different.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Delijah White - Compare and Contrast
Delijah White
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7
         Two comparable texts are “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe       and “A Poison Tree” by William Blake. The texts are similar because they both use first point of view. However, the texts are different because of their theme and diction.  
“The Cask of Amontillado” is a story about revenge. To start, the diction in the text is formal. The text says, “I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.” This quote is important because it has a deep meaning in what he’s saying, which is why it’s consider more formal than informal.Secondly, the theme of the text is you can’t really trust anyone. The text states, “I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.” This quote is important because it explains how he can be so quick into getting revenge or becoming unforgiving.
“A Poison Tree” is a story about a person who keeps getting stress and more stress by his wrath. He holds the grudge for a long time until he finally gets revenge from his foe. To start, the diction in the text is informal. The text says, “it grew both day and night till it bore an apple bright.” This quote is important because it shows how the text is not all well said or fascinated. Secondly, the theme of the text is don’t let every little thing upset you. The text states, “I was angry with my foe; I told it not: my wrath did grow.” This quote is important because it shows he was a lot of hatred for his foe. This story is unique because it reflect experiences in the world full of evil and innocent people.
The two texts are similar because they both use first point of view. The two texts are different because of their diction and theme. William Blake is more effective at creating a compelling story because his story stand out more. It keeps getting more and more interesting due to his imagery or symbolizing. A poem that is filled with emotion is more intriguing than a long story.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Noah Smith - Compare and Contrast
Noah Smith
December 7, 2018
Mr. Antle
Two comparable texts are “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and “A Poison Tree” by William Blake. On one hand, the texts are similar because they both are really ironic. However, the texts are different because in “The Cask of Amontillado” Montresor gets revenge while in “The Poison Tree” the narrator was angry with an enemy and poisoned him.
In “The Cask of Amontillado” is about a man, Montressor, who wanted revenge on Fortunato and he does this by trapping him in the Montresor family catacomb. He wanted revenge because Fortunato insulted him. The ironic thing about is how the name “Fortunato” is how his name means he is full of luck. But, in “The Cask of Amontillado” the character Fortunato actually experiences no luck when he is trapped in the Montresor family catacomb. Also, “The Cask of Amontillado” is ironic because we knew that Montresor would try to get revenge on Fortunato but he did not know what was going to happen.
In “The Poison Tree” is about the narrator having anger with his friend but it is removed. But, he then has anger with a foe he ends up keeping the anger inside and finishes it off by leaving him poisoned. The text is ironic because when he ignores his anger it grew unexpectedly. The anger grows like a tree. Another way it is ironic is because the foe did not die but the friendship did.
The short story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe and the poem “The Poison Tree” by William Blake are similar but different. The main similarity between the two is the irony. But, the main difference is revenge.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Jakila Rivers - Compare and Contrast
Jakila Rivers
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7
        Two comparable texts are “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and “The Poison Tree’’ by William Blake. On one hand the texts are similar because they use similar diction and they have theme of revenge. The two texts are different because  revenge in different ways and their structures are different.
      In ‘The Cask of Amontillado’ by Edgar Allan Poe is  a story of a man who sets out to seek revenge on Fortunato who was his friend but he insulted him in some way which caused him to hate his friend and want to get revenge this story takes place in the catacombs which is known in history as a burial ground. To start the diction in the text is very formal also it’s spoken in old English . In the text it states, “I must not only punish” This quote is important because he set out the plan of revenge but he knew he had to create the plan without suspicion.  The theme of the text is  to never trust anyone because even your ‘friends’ can betray you. The text states,” And he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation citation.” This quote means that he was faking his kindness to trick or deceive his enemy. This story is unique because it tells a story of revenge in the catacombs which is very important in this story because it helps develop the theme.
          In the “The Poison Tree” by William Blake it tells a story of how a person’s wrath. To start,the diction is very formal and use a very complex sentence structure. In the states, “soft deceitful wiles” This means that they tricked their enemies and created a plan behind their back. The theme  is formed by the use of diction and the structure. The text states, “My foe outstretched beneath the tree.” This means that eventually the foe dies from the apple tree that is grown from the wrath of the person. This story is unique because it does tell a story of revenge but it uses symbolism and the tree and the apple is what's being used.
      The two texts are similar because it uses similar diction, theme, and  structure. However, they are different because they tell the stories in a different way and develops the theme differently. The author more effective in this care is Edgar Allan Poe because he uses a significant setting in history to develop a theme and his language or use of diction sets it apart from other stories.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Tywone Milton  - C.O.A. vs Poison Tree
Tywone Milton
Teacher: Mr.Antle
Composition 7th Period
C.O.A v.s Poison Tree
Two comparable texts are “The Cask Of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and “A Poison Tree” by William Blake. The texts are mostly different because of the diction and the theme. The texts are similar because they are told through the same point of view.
“The Cask of Amontillado” is a story about the narrator that loves revenge who then chains his friend up and builds bricks in front of him leaving him in a cave. To start, the diction in the text is formal because it is about an adult and it has a man drinking wine and dying. The text says, “He prided himself on his connoisseurship” (3). This quote is important because it uses an impressive word that kids would have trouble saying and knowing the meaning of it unlike adults with a certain level of education or worldly experience probably know how the word meaning and how to say okay. This quote is also important because kids shouldn’t be watching people drinking wine and dying right after that is just cruel. Secondly, the theme of the text is to not trust everyone. The text states, “Throwing the links about his waist, it was but the quote of a few second to secure it. He was too much astounded to resist”,(P.70). This quote is important because the narrator took advantage of him while he was drunk, so that means he couldn’t be trusted. All in all, this story is unique because I like the different clues they give out throughout the story that says he was going to kill his friend.
“The Poison Tree” is a story about a person talking about his anger. To start, the diction in the text is informal because this is something that a kid is feeling on the inside. The text says “I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end”(1). This quote is important because if you listen this sounds like a kid is having trouble at school. Secondly, the theme of the text is anger grows like a tree. The text states, “I was angry with my foe: I told it not my wrath did grow”(P.1). This quote is important because it is called “A Poison Tree” so his wrath is the poison on the tree which is growing. All in all, this story is unique because it talks about his anger kind of taking over his mind in a strange way.
The texts are similar because of their point of view. The texts are different because of the diction and their theme. I say that Edgar Allan Poe is more effective because of his word choice and the clues in the story.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Javian McElwee - Compare and Contrast
Javian McElwee
December 6, 2018
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7
Two comparable texts are “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and “A Poison Tree” by William Blake. One one hand, the texts are similar because they both have formal diction, a first person point of view, and similar plots. However, the texts are different because Poe made a short story and Blake made a poem. The poem format will make the reader think about the text more. I will only focus on diction and point of view.
“The Cask of Amontillado” is a story about two people in the catacombs and one of them wants revenge because the other embarrassed him. To start, the point of view of the text is first person. The text states, “At length I would be avenged” (1). This quote is important because the texts says “I”, which shows that the text is first person. Secondly, the diction of the text is formal. The text states, “There were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honour of the time” (24). The relevance of the quote is that it shows the complicated words used in the story. The diction gives more emphasis on the text. To conclude the paragraph, the story has a first person perspective and formal diction.
“The Poison Tree” is a poem about the narrator getting angry with his friend, and his wrath grows every day until he finally gets his revenge. To start, the point of view of the text is also first person. The text says, “I was angry with my friend” (1). This quote is important because the text says “I”, which shows the perspective of the narrator. Secondly, the diction of the text is also formal. The text states, “And with soft deceitful wiles” (2). The relevance of the the quote is that it shows the complexity of the text. To wrap up the paragraph the diction is formal and the perspective is first person, similar to “The Cask of Amontillado”.
To conclude the whole essay, “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Poison Tree” are similar in diction and perspective. They’re different because of themes and type of writing. The authors are different because they convey the theme differently. Poe creates the theme through actions, and Blake creates the theme through emotions. Edgar Allan Poe is more effective at creating a compelling story because the longer story creates more suspense than a poem because they are longer stories. In order for the poem to create more suspense the author would need to add more details to the poem, but not details that will reveal what happens next.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Vedia Johnson - Project
Vedia Johnson
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition Period 7
Title: Vedia’s biggest project
Two comparable texts are ‘’The Cask of Amontillado’’ by Edgar Allan Poe and ‘’A Poison Tree’’ by William Blake. One on hand, the texts are similar because they are both told from first person point of view. However, the texts are different because of the themes. The diction is the same for both stories, the point of view is also the same for both stories, but the theme is different for both stories.
“The Cask of Amontillado’’ is a story about the narrator having a lot to drink and he gets drunk, also it’s about revenge. To start, the diction in the text is formal. The text says,  “I continued as was my wont to smile in his face, and he didn’t perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation’’ (2). This quote is important because he didn’t notice that his smile was at the point where he was willing to get killed as a sacrifice to smiling in his face. Secondly, the theme of the text is not everyone can be trusted. The text states, It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong. This quote is important because it relates to the theme and tells how you can’t trust everyone. All in all, this story is unique because it tell about a friend of the narrator  tragic life and how people can turn on you.
“The Poison Tree’’ poem is about a boy who stayed up day and night fighting through his anger and the different stages of it. To start, the diction in the text is informal. The text says, “And into my garden stole when the night had veiled the pole’’ (10). This quote is important because it shows how informal the story is because they aren’t at a fancy place they are by a poison tree. Secondly, the theme of the story is don’t let any and every little thing or person upset you. The text states, I was angry was my friend: I told wrath, my wrath did end. This quote is important because it shows how angry the narrator is with his enemy. All in all, this story is unique because it’s about anger and clever behavior.
In conclusion, The diction is the same for both stories, the point of view is also the same for both stories, but the theme is different for both stories. I liked “ The Cask of Amontillado” because more detailed and it gives a lot of information about revenge and trust.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Ariyah Hill - Compare and Contrast
Ariyah Hill
‘’Two comparable texts are’’,The Cask Of Amontillado and the Poison Tree. They are similar because first they both have some cruel people in it. Second they both teach you not to trust people to be around you while your drunk or just not yourself.’’however the text are different because’’ one of the points of views is the friend was intoxicated. The other one goes off the way the character feels in the story.
  In the story ‘’the cask of amontillado’’, is about two men. They were friends out having a good time and having a drink. During the story the drunk friend gets too drunk and falls asleep.’’The text states’’,he turned towards me and looked into my eyes with with two filmy orbs that distilled the of intoxication’’. ‘’This quote is important because it says right there the word intoxication which means he had drank some alcohol. ‘’Secondly the theme of the text is’’, to don't get drunk around around some people because they would take advantage of you if you are not yourself and can’t help yourself if something happens.’’All in all’’,this story is unique because it gives you specific details about what happens.
   The story the Poison Tree doesn’t give you specific detailing or not enough details.’’The poem states’’,I was angry with my foe okay now this is not telling us why he is angry with his foe or how it took place.’’My second example from out the text states’’,it bore an apple bright. I don't know if this is because they are rhyming but this is still not giving me enough of what's going on.With the author he/she is feeling. ‘’This piece of evidence kinda helps it states’’,I was angry with my friend. This lets me know that she is angry with someone. That someone is her friend I don't know there name but I have an idea of what's happened.
  My conclusion is that they both was wrong. They both did some mean things to their friends. Then the said thing in one of the stores the character knew what he was doing.I say this because he got him more drunk then he already was to began with. Then the disheartend thing was he/she didn’t even think about what they did after words. Didn’t feel bad or nothing.
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goallin7compare · 5 years
Curtis Eastmond - The Differences and Similarities of Two Stories
Curtis Eastmond
Teacher: Mr. Antle
Composition 7th period
The Differences and Similarities of Two Story
The two comparable texts are “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and “A Poison Tree” by William Blake. These texts are similar because the point of view is first person. The texts are different because of the theme.
“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and it's a story about people are getting killed at  Carnival. To start, the point of view is first person. The text says,” thousand injuries of fortunato I had borne as the best I could, so this would provide the man position; I plastered it up. Against the New masonry I re erected the old of bones so this provide that the man poison him and kill him” (88). This quote is important because it tells me he poisoned him with something about the man.
“A Poison Tree” by William Blake is about a man who wants revenge on his foe and his wrath keep on grow and grow and at night and morning. To start the diction in the text is formal. The text says, “And with soft deceitful wiles”( 5). This quote is important because it uses big and strong words. Secondly , theme of the text is that anger can't control your mind. The text states, “I was angry with my friend” (1). This quote is important because it takes over him and he can get really angry at his friend and for.
These two texts are alike because of the diction, point of view, and because they share the same thing. There are different because of the themes. I like “A Poison Tree” because it is about revenge and your foe.
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