goatmaninyourarea · 22 hours
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these gifs summarize the human experience
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goatmaninyourarea · 2 days
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goatmaninyourarea · 2 days
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goatmaninyourarea · 3 days
server towers at the internet archive, each blue light signifies an article being accessed or edited (in real time!)
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goatmaninyourarea · 4 days
Considering the recent targeted terminations against blogs run by transfems in the last couple of days (angel-athetos, fungalfaggot, coyote-roadkill, hound-mother, corpse-of-omelas-ageplayer and my previous blog, zebrabyopn3), some close friends and myself worked on a google form where users can make submissions for their terminated blogs. Too many of us have lost our blogs and everything in them, yet there's no existing record of blogs that have been terminated, so we want to change that. If you're not a transfem you can also answer, as we want data about all deleted blogs in general, like: the name of the banned blog, date of termination, and if there was a reason given or warning for the deletion (or not)
The form consists of 8 questions and takes around 3-5 minutes to answer. We'd appreciate sharing this with anyone that has been unfairly terminated, so we can create a record, so those blogs and their names can be remembered
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goatmaninyourarea · 7 days
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the second I saw this tweet I thought of these two
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goatmaninyourarea · 9 days
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so, reworked my goat design right
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goatmaninyourarea · 13 days
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goatmaninyourarea · 13 days
special selection of screenshots from when my friends and i watched spongebob on some TOTALLY LEGAL site and the captions were from the wrong episodes for some reason
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goatmaninyourarea · 15 days
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goatmaninyourarea · 15 days
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goatmaninyourarea · 15 days
when someone says "why would you want a physical copy of that? you can just stream it" i physically recoil. a feeling of dread comes over me like an evil spirit just passed through my body
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goatmaninyourarea · 16 days
One thing that isn’t being discussed about the White Pharaoh is where on Earth the image came from.
“Oh, it’s just from an online slots game”
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THE BACKGROUND AND COLORS ARE DIFFERENT. Noticeably so, too, the first one has more muted colors and a realistic background while the second is incredibly saturated with an obviously drawn background. This would make genuinely no sense to have two pieces of advertising for the game be so different if this was made for the slots game.
My proposed theory: white pharaoh is a piece of stock artwork / imagery, explaining the artistic differences between the two pictures.
But this can only be solved by either
A. Finding the origin of picture 1
B. Finding the source of the stock artwork
Those willing, please help my search.
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goatmaninyourarea · 18 days
Don't know who follows me that cares about this stuff, but if you're into emulating, I would make a backup of your Roms. Vimms was hit with a takedown by Nintendo, and the other old rom sites are likely next. The community is encouraging you to be a data hoarder to protect the roms.
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goatmaninyourarea · 18 days
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Hey, since Crunchyroll has removed Utena from its catalog just in time for Pride month, here's your reminder that the whole series is free to watch on Youtube! (Thanks to Nozomi Entertainment for being good about keeping up their official hosting.)
Revolutionary Girl Utena (Sub) and (Dub)
Now's a great time to watch a classic queer anime that's shaped the entire genre!
Some warnings below the cut, because it's also tragic and you might not want to go in unaware... It's so worth it though!
Warnings for: assault/abuse, domestic partner violence, sexual assault, homophobia, rape, incest, grooming, pedophilia, suicide, unreality, impalement
If any of these would be a major problem for you, I'd recommend looking up a more specific spoiler/trigger list. Utena is a great show, and is very much bringing all of it up to show how horrible and damaging it can be, but also, it can be a lot for that same reason. :)
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goatmaninyourarea · 20 days
When he was the lord of the dungeon
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goatmaninyourarea · 20 days
So I'm seeing a bunch of posts around these days suspiciously trying to tie shows being cancelled to the recent rise in piracy due to the uptick in streaming costs.
So I thought I'd remind everyone if the time Olan Rogers was forced to pirate the third season of Final Space because Warner Brothers had cancelled and memory holed it as a tax write off. A show HE CREATED.
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That was back in 2022, before the hikes, before the mass wave of streaming sub losses. Don't let people fool you, it's not piracy that's killing your favorite shows. It's corps doing the same bullshit they always do.
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