goatofgainers · 15 days
Me mentioning going back on T is not an invitation for strangers to joke about going on it for gaining, or to interrogate me about why I went off for a while or the effects thereof.
Be normal about trans people, thanks.
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goatofgainers · 19 days
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We’re pushing to get his belly up to 300lbs, if you want to support his gains you can go check out his patreon that has hundreds of photos and videos 🐷🐷🐷 https://www.patreon.com/JockCubsJourney/posts
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goatofgainers · 30 days
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goatofgainers · 1 month
“It’s just a kink,” until it isn’t.
Until you get so fat you can’t hide it. So fat you can’t go back, even if you wanted to.✨
Until you fry your dopamine receptors, struggling to get satisfaction from anything apart from eating, chugging gainer shakes, and lazing around.✨
Until you’re tied to my bed, being force fed. Locking eyes with me, telling me that this is your purpose. That this is all you’ve ever wanted. That this feels right.✨
Until you’re begging me to make you fatter, to enable you to fulfill your deepest desires.✨
Until you’re being used and abused for your body. Existing to please me and make content. Becoming a literal cash cow.✨
Until you’re stuck on a reinforced bed, unable get up or touch yourself. Waiting for your heart to give out from all the fat you’ve gained.✨
It’s not just a kink for you; it’s your life, and that’s exactly how you want it.🦋
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goatofgainers · 2 months
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Pride Dances!
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goatofgainers · 2 months
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"Foxwalk" Part 2 - Page 22
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goatofgainers · 2 months
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Someone come feed me breakfast in bed🥱
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goatofgainers · 2 months
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Haven’t posted in a minute, still fat as hell
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goatofgainers · 4 months
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Feeling extra fat this Tummy Tuesday
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goatofgainers · 4 months
Bloat/inflation Checklist
THE BLOAT LIST (Here are the different types of bloat I tried over the years, and there result) IF YOU KNOW A METHOD THAT ISN’T ON THE LIST, PLEASE MESSAGE ME!
Drink a large glass of water before, and after a big meal, it makes each stuffing session much more intense
Eating a head of lettuce before a meal to expand the stomach: It’s not very fun to eat, but it works very well!
SPRITE AND BANANA Pretty good, resulting in a big solid belly. It creates a foam that doesn’t go away instantly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN9ifevkDis Peoples doing Banana & Sprite are trying to drink a 2 liters bottle in one go, so of course, their little stomach rejects it. Just try with a can and two bananas to begin, and work your way up each time. For this method, you can take it very slowly. COKE AND MENTOS: Use DIET COKE, it’s more effective, https://youtu.be/iS2vG1o7Op4 , and don’t put it in the fridge, it’s easier to chug when it’s not cold. Use ORIGINAL MENTOS (the fruit one doesn’t work), or Excel/Eclipse Mints instead. They take MINUTES to dissolve and keep releasing air! It’s amazing! I use 710 ml, but if you have a large stomach capacity, you can try a 2 liters bottle
First, I quickly open the bottle and push the third of its content while I swallow as fast as I can (without Mentos). At this point, I’m inflated from the carbonation, and I can push my belly out and hear it sloshing around. The urge to burp is beginning
I wait a couple minutes, and I put 2 Mentos in my mouth and swallow a third of the bottle. Close your lips on the opening so no air can escape. It’s important because you want to swallow all the air that the Mentos produce. At this point, I’m full of air and the urge to burp is really strong. I lie down and wait for it to pass a minute, and let my stomach relax.
Finally, I put a last mentos in my mouth, and I chug the geyser until there’s nothing left. At this point, I can’t even push my belly out: the air is pushing too hard. Nothing is sloshing around: I’m maxed out.
Next: Now that my belly is stretched out, time for a big meal! If you could keep all the air in, your intestines will be full of gas, making a food inflation even more impressive. Note that I’m skinny and I see the effect immediately. If you have a layer of fat, the effect might be less visible.
CAKE SHAKE: Blend a box of Betty Crocker Yellow Cake mix with a quart of milk, a little at a time so it doesn’t cake up in the blender. (DON’T add eggs!) Drink that down. Then I drink two 8 oz. glasses of water as chaser, to stimulate the baking soda in the mix. (I’m a slim guy, so I used half a box and 750ml of milk) It’s quite filling, leaving you big all day long: the reaction comes later (approx 10 hours). You will fart A LOT, as the chemical reaction happens. It kind of clog your system, while increasing your appetite and stomach capacity, so every meal will build up on top of that It wasn’t painful at all, and quite delicious. As the day ended, I was fully bloated, 10 pounds heavier, with a belly stretch at my maximum (I couldn’t even push my stomach out). It’s really great, but it’s not your typical 1-hour bloat. You have to be committed for an entire day, but it can be very, very effective (I can’t even imagine doing the entire box). BAKING SODA AND VINEGAR I learned that the mix of the two is healthy to do, and it’s very effective, so it’s a winner. Start with one tablespoon of baking soda, drop it in your mouth and drink a glass of juice with two spoons of APPLE vinegar. (that’s the quantity I used, I’ll try to use more soon). CHEMICAL REACTION:
Pop Rocks and Coke: One of my favorite. Tastes good and is not dangerous. It’s great to hear the crackling noise in your stomach. I recommend.
Vanilla ice cream and root beer: like a root beer floater, it makes a lot of foam growing inside you. Really good and effective.
Swallowing Alka-Seltzer with water (I cut them into four pieces): It bloats you good, but it’s an analgesic. Only do it when you have a headache. But it works.
Cook 4 packets of oatmeal, then chug 900mlof water: It expands in your stomach, but not very much
Baking Soda and Coke: It bloats you full of air quickly and strongly. It’s a little disgusting and not very good for your system, but it works
ALTERNATIVE All the Coke bloats work with other soda too. Diet Root Beer may be the one that produces the most carbonation (but I personally don’t like the taste). Somebody told me that the Faygo brand is also the best for carbonation, but I couldn’t test it since we don’t have it in Canada. Ginger soda (Canada Dry) can be good too since the ginger will help your stomach digest the whole thing. FOOD/LIQUID:
Water Inflation (drinking): Heavy bloat, free, and you can reach your capacity quickly. Use it as a stomach stretcher before a big meal.
Seltzer water: the carbonation will inflate your stomach without the sugar and caffeine of Coke (HEALTHY!)
Diet Pepsi and Chocolate Milk: A lot of calories, it really bloats you heavily for a long time. My favorite.
Ramen stuffing: it expands a little in the stomach, but not enough to be an inflation method.
Mashed potato powder: a guy on a forum said it works for him, it was disgusting and impossible to swallow
A tube of raw cookie dough: I never thought I would say this, but it’s too sweet. Half a tube and I had more than enough. It doesn’t expand that much
Drink half solid bowl of Jell-O: it works and will have more chance to stay in your stomach, even in large volume
Uncooked Pancake mix: I’ve tried it, but I don’t remember the results, I’ll have to do it again
Half-cooked rice: Eating rice that is still a little crunchy will makes you extremely gassy for a whole day… Be careful!
Eat a big watermelon: A big hard bloat, cheap and good for you!
Using a 2L Hydration Bladder, squeezing it to empty it quickly in your stomach. You can also inflate it with your mouth, and then suck the air to swallow it.
A large loaf of bread from the bakery + 2 liters of soda. Guaranteed to stuff you full
BLOAT BY GAS: (that one differ from one person to another, but try it out first):
Fiber One Bars. Eat 4 bars or more, and you’ll get a gigantic bloat and fart all day long!
Kombucha Tea (named “Rise” where I live). It’s as fizzy as alcohol can leave you seriously bloated if you drink a lot
Lentils, dry beans, chili
Water Inflation (enema): The best one to feel full to the max, but, a lot of trouble to setup up and you can’t keep it in for long
Whipped Cream Enema: the compressed air from the air will inflate you up. You may need more than one can. Bloatedboy9 made a tutorial here https://youtu.be/wtOKP4XtuTs
Inflation with soda carbonation: great idea, you drill a hole in the cap of a coke bottle, use a tube that goes in your rear, and you just have to shake the bottle to produce carbonation that will inflate you. ChubbyInflator had the idea here: https://youtu.be/7KntaByRIgI
AIR INFLATION Painful afterward, and dangerous if you go too far. You can try it, but other bloats on this lists are much more pleasant. Each time I did it, it ruined my day with cramps and pain. I personally prefer more candid bloats that you can just burp and go back to your normal activities. BUT, if you like incredibly loud and long fart (which I don’t really), it’s the perfect way to inflate. The best is to use an aquarium pump (slow and steady flow) with the tube going in your butt, or pumps like a bicycle pump. Careful, you have to go slowly to prevent intestine rupture, and you absolutely have to stop if you begin to feel pain. Do at your own risk. SHOWER BLOAT: A thing I do often, while in the shower, I catch a small portion of the jet with my mouth, and I begin to swallow endlessly. The goal here is to swallow more air than water, to inflate your stomach to the maximum. At one point, I’m so full of air that my throat doesn’t allow me to swallow anything more. (You could just drink water, but when you reach your maximum capacity with water only, you’ll probably vomit. With this technique, you’ll just have a gigantic belch, and then be OK. You could also just try to swallow air, but I find it hard to do without something in my mouth) SWALLOWING AIR Lay down on your back. Then, you just have to do the thing with your throat when you make yourself burp. If done correctly, you will open your throat and feel a bubble of air descending to your stomach. I find it easier when I put the tip of my tongue just behind my front teeth and I push up with it. It has nothing to do with your lungs, so breath in and out normally. Your stomach will be full of air, and you can try to keep it in, or make a gigantic burp. It’s good to stretch your stomach before a meal or a bloat! IMPORTANT TO KNOW FOR WATER BLOAT Your kidneys can eliminate about 5.3-7.4 gallons (20-28 liters) of water a day, but they can’t get rid of more than 27-33 ounces (0.8-1.0 liters) per hour. Any more water than that can lead to water intoxication and death. Symptoms of hyponatremia can occur from as little as 0.8-1 gallons (3-4 liters) of water in a short amount of time. 2 liters is reasonable and can bloat you good, just take a break of a couple of hours if you plan to repeat the bloat. Anyhow, 1 liter of water before or after a meal is the best way to REALLY expand your capacity safely. I didn’t try yet: -A gallon of milk (GOMAD is great for putting on weight quickly) -After a meal, take ¼ cup of Metamucil, the fiber with bloat you DANGEROUS METHODS TO AVOID (I didn’t try them and you shouldn’t either)
Yeast bloat, instructions on pyrotvfun profile page, or the instructions from pineapples123 I received on DeviantArt: “1.5 oz of yeast in a water bottle that I drank a little out of, plus some kool-aid mix for flavor and some sugar to feed the yeast. leaving the warm laptop on my stomach makes it almost feels like its growing so quick. chugged about a liter of sweet tea afterward to clean my throat, so I’m already feeling a bit full.” Yeast is not good for your body.
Inflating with N20 gaz with a needle in the abdominal cavity. Extremely dangerous. Don’t do that, it can kill you if done wrong. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hs4fav3yrvt0q4/N2OBelly.flv?dl=0
Water through nasogastric tube (that seems dangerous too)
Creatine monohydrate: a guy on a forum said that he had a spoon of creatine and he didn’t mix it properly in 10 oz of water, ended up with a massive bloat. It could happen if you’re dehydrated when taking creatine. (avoid doing too much, it can be dangerous)
Didn’t worked: -Someone on a forum said that Runts candy are better than Mentos for Coke and Mentos bloat. I tried it, didn’t worked. TIPS: -For a big liquid bloat, use those large straw for shake or slosh. You’ll drink a large amount of liquid in no time! -To try once: buckle a belt tightly below your pec or in the middle of your stomach before a bloat, the inflation will be more intense, and your belly will push out even more! -How to suppress the need to burp after a bloat: Close your mouth and only breath through your nose. Wait a couple minutes, and your stomach will relax, expand and adapt to its fullness. It helps to make the best of coke and mentos bloats, where your stomach is full of air
Don’t forget to check my YouTube channel, where I make animated belly inflation morphs
I can do the same thing with your photo for 25$! Contact me here, on deviantart http://ls6y06cl6a0n.deviantart.com/ or on Grommr.
SUGGESTION? PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT! :-) If you want to encourage me for doing more morphs, you can donate will PayPal at [email protected]
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goatofgainers · 4 months
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Before and after. I love being a big boy, what do you prefer ? X
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goatofgainers · 4 months
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Care for some watermelon this morning?
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goatofgainers · 4 months
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Is Soft Saturday a thing? I guess it is now ☺️
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goatofgainers · 4 months
Look how fat and morbidly obese this guy is. Just out of breath, sitting there after the buffet. Used to be a handsome young Jock, but now he has blown up out of control.!
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goatofgainers · 4 months
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It’s Fat Fuck Friday!
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goatofgainers · 4 months
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Thicc Thursday live from my shower
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goatofgainers · 4 months
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Wide Wednesday am I right?
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