goatsnails · 4 years
    Atom wipes the blood from his mouth and tears from his eyes as he shakily stood up and continued sweeping. Razz growls.
    "That outta teach ya not to disobay me!!!" He snarls. Atom whimpers, he didn't know what he did wrong. But it didn't matter he must have done something. Razz snarls angrily and storms out. Atom shakes and cries. He wanted to get out of here, but he knew he stood no chance. He picks up a discarded newspaper and looks at it. On the front was a picture of a tall, black, handsome skeleton with an alluring, seductive smile and jet black moth wings. His name was Dusk. Everyone knew that. The brave anti hero with a tragic back story. And Dawn's frenemy.
    Atom smiles softly. He sorta had a crush on him. He cuts out the article and pasts it on the wall of his hole in the wall that served as his room. Razz told him that Dusk would probably kill him before even thinking that he was worth something. Atom believed him but that didn't stop him from daydreaming. He looks out the window and sighs. He goes to lay down hoping to get some rest before Razz comes back.
    The sun shone in Atom's face the next morning. He shifts softly. It went dark again as he felt something touch his lips. A kiss. Atom jolted awake, startled. But there was no one there. He looks around. He was in a strange room in a strange bed. On his lap was a tray with a steaming hot breakfast. His tummy grumbles softly. He looks around and starts eating as there was no one else there, he didn't want to waste food.
    If this was one of Razz's tricks he would learn about it later. Beaten to the floor for being so gullible. Atom feels his tummy. Nothing seemed off about it. He didn't feel sick. Usually when he woke up in a bed he was pregnant. But there was nothing. He notices his arms and legs were bandaged. He feels his head. The scars were gone. He was even more confused. He notices his rags were gone, replaced with silk, velvet and fleece. He was clean as well. The dirt and grime gone.
    Atom finishes and gets out of bed. He goes down stairs to see if he could find anyone. There was no one. Not a single person. Atom was alone.
    "I-i must be going crazy!! R-razz!? S-slim!? Please tell me this is one of your jokes!!!" He trembles and shakes. But then something catches his eye. A note on the table. He picks it up and reads it.
    'Dear Starlight, (That's you)
          I know you must be confused and scared, and wondering who I am. But do not fret, I will reveal myself in due time but as for now take this time to explore your new home. There is no one here who will hurt you. The fridge and pantry are always full and I advise you eat. You may head outside if you wish I'm sure you'll enjoy it. The shelves are packed with good books, games, movies and puzzles, to pass the time if you get bored. Everything you need is here. If there's anything you want just write it down and leave it here.
                                  Your's truly, <3.
Ps: you can leave if you wish but I don't advise you doing so.'
    Atom felt reassured, he relaxed and looked around. It was a nice little house. Cozy and neat. There was only one door that lead out. He opens it and gasps.
    Little song birds fluttered in the trees as mice and rabbits moves about in the flowers and grass. A family of deer rested in the shade of a large oak tree as squirrels chittered about. They all stop and look at him. Atom wanders out amazed by the beauty of it all. A little bird alighted in front of him and chirps curiously. Atom smiles and picks the little bird up. He pets it before letting it fly away.
    "W-who? W-who could have done this for....me? It......couldn't have been Razz......." He sits down and basks in the sun. It was so peacefull and calm, he felt so safe, he was soon asleep again.
   Atom woke up a few hours later, his tummy grumbles softly. He heads back inside. He was stunned to see a large meal already prepared for him. He looks around, hoping to catch a glimps of his kind host. He sighs in defeat and sits down to eat.
    When he was done he washes his dishes and puts them away. He looks around for something else to clean. But there was nothing, no cleaning tools either. He sighs, his gaze drifts to the bookshelves. He picks up one of the books and sits down on the couch to read.
     Atom spends the rest of the day reading and doing puzzles. He doesn't notice as the time flies by. He yawns as he finishes a maze. The puzzle book drops to the floor as he falls asleep.
     Atom was again awoken with a kiss from his unknown host. He was back in bed. He sits up and looks around. Still no one there. He sighs and eats. He heads down stairs again. He pauses when he notices a new note on the counter along with a small box. He picks up the note and reads it.
    'Dear Firefly (that's you again)
          I've collected some of your old belongings and put them in this box. It took a little longer than expected, I had to break a few necks to get them, but I hope to hear back from you soon.
                              Your's truly, <3'
    Atom gasps softly and opens the box. He pulls out his old plush lamb and blanky. He cries happily as he snuggles them.
    "LAMBY!!! BLANKY!!! I never thought I'd see you again!!!" He smiles and pulls out the next item. His journal. He blushes as he looks through it.
     "Boy, I hope they didn't go through this......" He sets it down. He pulls out the rest of his stuff. His favorite story book, his scarf and mittens. And even his scrap book full of drawings and cut outs of Dusk. Atom blushes more.
    "Oh gosh." He giggles and slips it on the shelf. He smiles and puts his stuff away. He smiles and goes outside.
    He starts gardening. Removing weeds and tending to the flowers and trees. The little animals help him plant seeds. Though not without eating a few. Atom giggles.
    "Hey! Those are for the garden not your tummies!"
    The animals chitter and chirp gleefully. Atom giggles and yawns. He goes under the tree for a nap. The animals gather around him. He rests his head on the buck's side. The doe licks him tenderly. He was soon asleep once more.
    The days pass without incident. The days merge into weeks and time seemed non-exsistant. He soon got bored and lonely. He sighs. "....I wonder if they'll allow guests.....not that anyone would visit me...." He thinks and writes a note.
    'Dear unknown,
          Can I get guests? Please? I just want some one to talk to that's not the animals. Not that I don't appreciate what you've done for me. I thank you for everything. It's just lonely. It's okay if I can't. I'll just be happy with what I have. Thank you.
    He leaves it on the table and goes to bed. His dreams were calm and happy. Like they had been every night since he had been brought here.
    He sleeps till he's woken with another unknown kiss the next morning. He wakes up again to a warm breakfast in bed. He eats and gets dressed and heads down stairs.
    He pauses in surprise to see Dawn, the gaurdian of the multiverse, in his house.
    "D-dawn!?" He scurries over. Dawn perks up.
    "Oh hello. You must be Atom. Your friend has told me alot about you." She shakes his hand. Atom was stunned.
    "W-when I asked for g-guests I didn't think it'd be the literal guardian of the multiverse." He laughs nervously.
    Dawn giggles. "It's nice to meet you too." She smiles warmly.
    Atom shakes his head. "Why don't you take a seat. I'll make some tea."
    "That would be lovely thank you." She purrs. Atom smiles softly and goes to make tea.
    He sits down with her and they talk for a bit. Atom especially interested in her stories about Dusk. Eventually Dawn had to leave. She promised to be back later. She gave him a letter.
    "He told me to give this to you."
    "Your lover."
    "Oh! O-okay."
    Dawn leaves. Atom looks at the letter. He opens it kinda hoping it would reveal the identity of his mystery lover. He opens it and pauses.
'Dear Starlight
      I know you barely know me. You don't even know who I really am. But I promise you will know in due time. However in this letter I wish to ask if possibly you would grant me access to your body tonight as you sleep so that I may grant you with a child. A child you can keep. I promise that if you say yes you will get a little baby. And I promise no harm will come to you or them. I want a child as much as I know you do. So just leave a note with yes or a no. I will not do anything without permission.
                                Yours truly, <3'
    Atom read and reread it almost a thousand times.
    "A...a child?" He holds his tummy with tears. "N-no....t-this can't be real....it's a trick...." He sat down. He couldn't believe it. This person, had already done so much good to him. But would he really give him a child? And even let him keep it?
    Atom teared up and cried. All he ever wanted was to hold a child. A child of his own. But everytime he had one before, Razz and the others would kill it. He could only see it when they snaped it's little neck infront of him. Never hold it for even a second. He read the note again. With tears in his eyes he wrote his anwser and went to bed.
    The next morning Atom felt strange. He got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. He hung over the edge of the trashcan goaning.
    "Mmngh-" He gasps softly. He lifts his shirt. His eye's widened when he saw a little soul swimming around peacefully. He hugs his tummy tightly. He slowly gets back up and heads back to the room but there was no breakfast in his bed. Atom goes down stairs. He nods when he sees a masive breakfast on the table.
    "That would make sense....." He ate and went outside. He gardened for an hour or two before laying down on the grass for a nap.
    The next day Atom told Dawn the happy news. He was going to have a child. Dawn smiles and hugs him tightly.
    "That's amazing!!! Though....I wouldn't expect him to actually do that.....he never struck me as a family person.....strange...."
    Atom looks at her with fear. "H-he's n-not gonna kill them i-is he!?"
    "Oh, no, no. I highly doubt it! He loves kids. And....he loves you. I wouldn't think he would do this just to break your heart in the end......he's insane yes....but not crule. Unless you happen to be someone he really truly hates. Oh jeese I might be giving away too much information about him."
    Atom nods softly. "If you say so...."
    Dawn smiles softly. "You're safe. I promise."
    Atom sighs. "Any more letters?"
    "No. Not today. But I suggest you write him some. He got really happy when you wrote the one asking if I could come over. Well not me spacificly but you get the point."
    Atom nods. "Alright."
    Dawn smiles softly. "I'll see you later. Bye Atom."
    "Bye Dawn...."
     Dawn leaves and Atom sits down to ponder if this was a good idea. He hugs his knees and cries, sobbing endlessly. Someone wraps a blanket around his shoulders. Atom stops and perks up. He looks around. But he was alone. A hot cup of coco lay beside him. He picks it up and sips it.
    "Thank you....." He whispers softly. He dries his tears and calms down. He lays down on the couch and falls asleep, holding his tummy tight.
    The next morning he found himself in his bed, again woken with a kiss and a tray of warm food with pancakes shapped as hearts. He smiles softly as he eats. He rubs his tummy.
    "...maybe he really does love me......who ever he is."
    Atom gets up and goes downstairs. He pauses when he sees a wooden box with a note on the table. He picks them up and reads the note.
    'My dear beloved firefly,
        I was thinking of you the other day and thought you might like this. It's not much but it's the best I could get. I know you'll make something amazing.
                                Yours truly <3'
    Atom opens the box. Inside was a yarn, thred, needles and fabric. Sewing, knitting and needle work. Atom was delighted. He took the box and sat down to work.
    He works all day, and late into the night. He wanted to keep working but suddenly felt very tired. He falls asleep soon after.
    The days days past easily. Atom had almost forgotten about his past life. He was looking forward to being a mother and hopfully meeting his lover. Dawn visited every so often and they would talk. And then one day Dawn gave Atom some news that made his heart skip a beat.
     "H-he wants t-to m-ma-marry me!?" Atom exclaims.
     Dawn nods. "Yep."
     "But I-I don't e-even know who he is!!!!"
     "....well....you kinda do...."
     Atom trembles. "W-who!?"
     "Me." A deep, smooth, voice said from behind.
    Atom jumped and turned around and looks up. He froze in place his eyes wide.
     There, near the couch, was a tall, hansom, black skeloton with jet black moth wings and a charming, seductive smile. It was Dusk. "Hello starlight."
    Atom faints.
    Atom shifts and slowly wakes up. He pauses. He was laying on Dusk's lap, his head against his chest, Dusk's arm around him. A soft blanket was drapped over him. His mind raced. 'No this can't be real. It's too good to be real.' He shook he couldn't wrap his head around it.
    "Oh your awake." Dusk smiles and wraps the blanket around him a little more. "Have a good rest?"
    Atom nods softly. "Y-yes t-th-thank y-you." He fidgets. "I-is t-this real? I-is it really y-you?......"
    Dusk chuckles. "Sure is, Starlight."
    Atom was in utter shock. "I-it w-was y-you all t-this time?"
    Dusk nods. "Yep."
    ".....b-but....why?" The only thing Atom could say in the moment. "W-why?"
    "Why what?"
    "Why.....everything.....w-why did you s-save me? Why? Why didn't y-you kill me? W-why did y-you do this...a-all this
    Dusk chuckles softly. "Oh my sweet starlight." He rubs his cheeks.
    Atom holds his hand and looks at his eyes. So kind and caring and loving. He saw his future in them. Bright and warm and full of love.
    "....." Atom gazes into his eyes. Just then something caught his attention. Dusk wings. He looks at them closely and gasps softly. His wings, they weren't completely black! They shimmered like the night sky. He touches them gently. They were soft and felt like velvet. He smiles softly and looks up at Dusk. He smiles.
    Just then he felt a small kick in his tummy. He winces softly. Dusk lays his hand on his tummy.
    "Lively one arn't they?" He smiles softly.
    Atom pauses as the pieces clicked. "This is.....I'm carrying.....no....this.....you really did-"
    Dusk laughs and kisses him. "Yes. And I'm just as excited as you are."
    Atom jumps up and wraps his arms around Dusk's neck. "Thank you!!!" He cries heavily into him.
    Dusk holds him close and rocks him. Atom sobs. Dusk comforts him as he calms down slowly.
    "Thank you."
    "It's my pleasure." Dusk purrs. He pets him gently.
    "S-so...you're really want t-to marry me?" He looks up at him with wide eyes.
    Dusk nods. "As soon as possible. But I'll let you settle down first."
    Atom snuggles into him. "Thank you...."
    Dusk nuzzles him. "It's my pleasure."
    Atom falls asleep once again.
    Wedding bells rang cheerfully. Atom stood infront of the mirror, nervous. It was the day of his and Dusk's wedding. He shifts in his dress as he looks at his reflection.
    "Is this really h-happening?....Am I..r-really getting m-married?....a-and to D-dusk?" He trembles in both fear and excitement.
    Dawn pokes her head in. "Hurry everyone's waiting for you! And Dusk really isn't that patient! Especially on day's like this!"
    Atom nods and hurries out. He pauses when he saw Dusk at the alter. He almost fainted again. This was real and he really was getting married to his dream man. He slowly walks down the isle, blushing softly. He gets to the alter and stops in front of Dusk.
    Dusk looks at him and blushes softly. "You're beautiful."
    Atom blushes more. "Y-you really think s-so."
    Dusk nods.
    Atom beams as the priest starts. Atom gazes at Dusk waits for those special words.
    "Do you Dusk take Atom to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
    "I do." Dusk smiles. Atom beams happily.
    "And do you Atom take Dusk to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
    "I d-do!"
    "You may now kiss the bride."
     Dusk pulls Atom in and kisses him deeply. Atom blushes brightly as he melts into the kiss. Everything was perfect.
    Dusk sweeps him off his feet and takes him to the celebration party. Cross cuts the cake. Atom looks at Dusk. Dusk chuckles.
    "Go on. Have as much as you want."
    Atom gasps happily and takes as much cake as could fit on his plate.
    Dusk pauses. "Okay maybe not that much.....don't want you sick."
     Atom pouts and eats it anyway. Dusk laughs softly.
     "Cutie~" He winks at him.
     Atom blushes. His mouth stuffed with cake. Dusk licks the frosting off his cheek. Atom giggles and boops him. Dusk laughs and kisses him.
    Atom gazes up at his eyes again. "I st-still can't belive I'm ma-married! And t-to you of a-all people!" He beams happily. "A-and to think y-you found w-worth in m-me.....instead of just killing or eating me....."
    Dusk laughs. "Eaten you!? You were little more than a ration when I found you!" He looks at him and smirks. "But you've definently rounded out nicely since then~" He rubs his waist. "Fit for a king~"
    Atom shivers and blushes. "Y-you're not g-gonna eat me are you?"
    "If you don't want me to I won't."
    Atom nods softly.
    There was a scoff behind them. "Well well well~ what do we have here?"
    Atom freezes and burries into Dusk. Dusk snarls. "Razz-"
    Razz smirks. "Hello Atom. I missed you."
   Atom twitches. "Missed what? Useing me!? Beating me to the floor? Abusing my kindness?"
    Razz acts offended. "Atom! I thought you were better than this! I just came to congratulate you after you left me with out saying anything! Then get married behind my back with out inviting me! After all the love I gave you? I'm offended. I didn't even have to be here!"
    Atom shakes. "Selling the one you love off to other people for money ISNT LOVE! You SOLD me razz! FOR MONEY!! I gave you my heart, my love and my kindness! YOU were the one who WANTED a child an when we did- YOU KILLED IT! I'm MUCH BETTER OFF WITHOUT you! I'm MARRIED to someone whose much kinder and more patient than you EVER COULD BE!! I-i just wants someone to love me.....someone who'll just hold me.....wh-who won't call me an idiot every time I mess up a dish....that wasn't to your liking! IM SO TIRED OF YOU YELLING AT ME BECAUSE IT WASNT PERFECT!!!! WHO CARES HOW THE STEAK IS CUT!?! Who CARES HOW MUCH SHARDINAE IS IN THE GLASS?! Dusk doesn't! Dusk loves me! He took the time to love me! To know me! YOU NEVER DID ANY OF THAT!!! YOU JUST PUSHED ME AWAY LIKE I WAS NOTHING BUT A TOY!!! I'M NOT A TOY!!! AND DUSK UNDERSTANDS THAT!!! HE TREATS ME LIKE AN ACTUAL PERSON!!!! HE LOVES ME!!! YOU!!! NEVER!!! DID!!!" He shakes and runs away.
    Dusk watches Atom with sorrow. He glares harshly at Razz and attacks him.
    Atom runs and hides in an empty tree hollow. He cries heavily and holds his tummy tight. He sobs. Something pokes at his tummy. Something, large, wet, and black. A huge nose. A huge nose belonging to a huge black wolf with large red eyes. Atom gasps and backs more into the tree. The wolf pawses and whimpers. He tries to wiggle in with him. He gets stuck and tries to pull his head out. Atom pauses and helps him.
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