goblincaptain · 3 months
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the offer ( was it an offer, or a finality? ) surprises captain hob, ears swiveling in idilia's direction as the words escape her lips. he hadn't ridden with anyone besides those that served under him in... well, he wasn't sure that had ever been something he's done. as someone at his status, the captain hadn't expected someone at idilia's own to make such a blunt proposal, but he did not intend on denying her this option, if it truly was what she wanted. 'are you quite sure, my lady? i would never venture to dissuade you, or change your mind. i only ask because the journey is a somewhat... perilous. you would be safer in the confines of a carriage,' ultimately, it was up to her, and he would adjust accordingly. @fablelike.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
emily vc: he's cute
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she's So Right for that!
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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where normally a lady in waiting would be allocated for this type of outing with priscilla, captain hob had insisted on traveling with her this afternoon, concerned that she would be without her guard, even for a few hours. he's aware that she didn't need him to constantly protect her, but knickolas had been more on guard lately, alert, with his ears to the ground as he continued to send goblins out, having them report back with whatever they could find. being there with priscilla was more about his peace of mind, truthfully, but she didn't seem to find when he offered. though, being in this market now, it was clear that he did not belong there. towering over the humans that sorted through fruits and luxuries he had never had the status of consuming, they stared at hob as he walked by. it didn't effect him in the slightest, as his attention was on priscilla. 'may i carry your basket, my lady?' kp offers in earnest, nearly pleading for something to do ( what was he, if not a creature bound to be of service? ). 'if it has grown too heavy, i am more than content to hold it,' @divinehr.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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eyes move from the grandest of the castle to jaime, now standing at hob's side. 'it seems i've been caught,' the knight is partly sheepish and partly amused as he gives the other man a grin, gaze venturing back toward the great stone walls he was only just becoming familiar with. knickolas could not call this his home, but he understands how fortunate it was to even be able to admire the castle, let alone be near it, and even inside of it as a part of the kingsguard. 'were you not in awe of it, at first?' hob asks innocently. he can't imagine anyone being unstruck by the nearly divine architecture that towers over them, now. 'i doubt there will come a day when i am not taken by the castle. though i suppose i might benefit from hiding it a bit better,' @oathskeep.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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'there will never be enough time spent in the peacefulness of these woods,' hob, too, found solace in the forest they now stood in, the large goblin allowing a gentle breeze to lightly rustle his fur. he didn't get many moments such as these, of peace and quiet, away from the others of his kind who insisted on causing as much chaos as possible. he cannot blame them - it is, after all, their nature to do so. but as a beast that had never quite fit in with the norms of goblins, knickolas could at least enjoy his time in the woods before he must return to the loudness of his home. long arms rest down at his sides, knuckles nearly grazing the ground, the two of them silent, for a moment, listening to the leaves, the sounds of the woods that did not frighten either of them. taking a quiet breath, hob finally glances down at ahri. 'i trust you have been well? it has been some time since our last visit,' @vulpesse.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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kp wished he'd seen it, too. as much as he was in awe of the woman standing in front of him now, he could only imagine what she had been like in his earlier days. before he had walked the earth as she is now, but after her fall ( or rather, push ) from grace. hob glances over lucy's features, admiring her for exactly what she is, nothing more and nothing less. as his hound, knickolas faulted her for very little. some may see that as a lack of judgement, but he would say that they simply couldn't understand the bond he'd formed with her. he didn't really need anyone to understand. 'i would have loved to see it,' kp says finally, clasping his hands together. 'personally, i was the runt of my litter. i think we've both grown into who we need to be, don't you?' @allevils.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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the knight places a hand at his chest, giving rhaenyra a proper bow before he stands back to attention. he takes no offense in rhaenyra not knowing who he is. she needn't trouble herself with knowing who he is. the fact that she was even acknowledging him made knickolas feel great honor. 'that is gracious of you to say, my lady. i have learned much from my mentors on the iron islands - specifically harlaw,' hands clasp behind his back, knowing that was not technically his true birthplace, but it was the place he had learned all of his skills in. 'i am prepared to serve. whatever you request of me, i intend to fulfill my duty, here,'
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“ ser knight. ” it was difficult not to know who he was, considering how rarely commonfolk ended up becoming knights of the kingsguard. the king must really like him. she stops on the stairs, hands linked together as she faces @goblincaptain. “ your performance in our last jousting tournament was . . . remarkable. did you learn such skills in your homeland? and that is . . . ” she trails off, implying that she wishes for him to share.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
i've been home from work all day, sleeping on and off bc of a migraine. this is ✨️dumb✨️
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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he hasn't spent as much time up top as lucy has, and it shows. as much time as kp had spent preparing for spending time in the mortal world, all of his training and researching hadn't fully readied him for the overstimulation that came with human beings. danger seemed to lurk around every corner, and there was something that was making him uneasy, a scent that caught him off guard, that he couldn't quite place, but that he had smelt at least once, before. familiar, but not at the same time. 'there's nothing wrong yet,' hob corrects softly, missing her touch even as she pulls away from him. kp sniffs once before glancing around. 'i'm not sure, i just... smell something.... not right,' the hound huffs before he meets lucy's eyes. 'i'm not sure what it is yet, but i'd like you to stay close. i won't tell you what to do, of course, but... something's off. i don't want you getting hurt,'
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there's something sweet in the way hob leans into his touch, her teeth biting the inside of her cheek. " i know, sweetheart. " it must be so strange for him to be here, out of his comfort zone. lucy's aware what it's like, especially to be on earth around humans. strategy hasn't given her much luck-- ask anybody and they'll give the same answer. impulse might be the way to go. breaking out of his reverie, she gives his cheek a soft pat before taking her hand back. " what are you-- what's got you so nervous? there's nothing wrong, kp. " still, if he's got some reason to be upset and/or on guard, perhaps there's something he's sniffed out. " would you feel better if you told me what you were thinking? "
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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she's right, and knickolas did not want to admit it. it was foolish to think rhaenyra would simply turn over, even if it meant stopping a civil war. even if it meant saving countless lives. he supposed he could understand why the other woman was so bitter, but alicent had heard the king, himself, make the decision to make the son his rightful heir. where others may believe her to be biased, or accuse her of hearing exactly what she wanted to hear from her late husband, the knight believed her. he had to. not only did his loyalty lie with alicent and the hightowers, but he refused to see the woman he adored as a liar. all she had left to lose was her children, and hob intended to protect the family with his own life until this entire ordeal was over. even if it did end in blood.
'those who fault you do not understand the unconditional love of a mother, and the fear she has in losing those she has borne from her own body,' even rhaenyra should understand what the fear is like. both sides are led by mothers, and yet they could not understand one another in the ways that mattered. glancing over alicent's features, knickolas finally reaches out to take one of her hands in his own, warm and as comforting as he could be, in a situation such as this one. 'they may fault you, but i will not. nor will those who stay by your side during these uncertain times,' head tilts slightly, the man meeting the queen's eyes earnestly. 'you are troubled, perhaps scared, and with every right to be - but allow yourself some forgiveness. i beg you,'
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𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆, 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, but what she did in crowing her son even before rhaenyra was told of viserys was done out of the mothers desperate attempt to protect her children. if rhaenyra wasn't queen, despite being named heir years prior with her husband steadfast in his decision, then she couldn't put her children to the sword to secure herself & her own. all alicent had was her children now. her husband is dead, her father self serving, but at least she has her children & her most loyal knight to stand beside her. there was no escaping what was to come . . this theft & death of a son would ensure it. however, even as knickolas tried to console her through words alicent could nothing but shake her head.
head turns to look toward @goblincaptain with unease, verging on dread, reflected in brown eyes. ❛ viserys was steadfast in his decision of rhaenyra as his heir for twenty years. only on his deathbed did he change his mind. i was the only one to hear his dying wish. ❜ it didn't give much in the realm of creditability. those on rhaenyra's side would claim the mother as biased.
the pit returns to the queens stomach, ❛ she won't change her mind. she's too prideful to do that, too sure that it is her throne. ❜ because it is, alicent's mind argues inwardly. but, she won't admit it aloud. ❛ nor will her husband, daemon. no, he'll relish the fight. the blood. senseless violence. ❜ daemon always did unnerve her a little. eyes return to the fire: ❛ those whom side with rhaenyra will fault me, my son. ❜
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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his only comfort is knowing that hypatia tells the truth when she says she will stay by his side. as much as hob liked to think he could hold his own, he found himself almost useless in social situations, often stuttering out words and finding uncertainty in thoughts that do escape his mouth. there was worry that he had said something wrong, that he could embarrass those that have come to rely on him. but hypatia would be there. she would reassure him and do the talking and he could have a good night, if he put his mind to it. he really thought he could, as long as hypatia thought he could, too. 'i can promise i will try my best to... socialize, with those that find company near us, but i cannot promise that it will be good conversation,' a grin is given to the woman, ears twitching a bit curiously as she talks of wearing a dress, of how much she enjoys wearing them. of course, he hadn't had the chance to see her in these circumstances, but he found himself intrigued. 'i would not say that's strange. if you look as mighty in your evening attire as you do in your armor, than i know you will stun the other guests that have been invited here tonight,' his features are warm as he takes a quiet breath, rolling his shoulders, trying to relief himself of his anxieties. 'i'm sure we will get through this - well, we have no other choice, do we?'
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she can tell how much he dreads the coming event just by the way he pauses after her question. it's a longer pause than normal; it's heavier than the kind he gifts her during battle, or during more casual chats around skyhold. this is one of reluctance. this is one that says i would rather battle than chat with dukes and ladies. i would rather wear armor than a pompous suit. i would rather engage in combat than aimless drivel about the weather. and she agrees. smiling, knowing, hypatia nods along to @goblincaptain's description of his outfit, then grins wider at his request for her attire, in return. "i promise it won't be long," hypatia assures him. "and i can handle most of the talking for both of us if you get uncomfortable. i promise. as for my outfit... this might sound a bit weird, but i'm wearing a dress, and i'm excited for it." she pushes her long black hair from her face, glancing downward. "i love dresses, and i don't get to wear them much anymore. a skirt's hard to fight in." hypatia laughs. "it won't be a long event, kp. we'll be in and out. don't be nervous; i'll be with you the whole time."
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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he was grateful that he and his seconds had been allowed onto the ship, at all. knowing of the reputation that had circulated about goblins, knickolas could understand if their host on this vessel had simply told them no. but she'd offered a helping hand, albite with fair hesitation. captain hob bows his head a bit at gwen in thanks, knowing that he would give most of the gold he had in his pocket to her, in thanks for allowing the goblins to travel with her. 'exceedingly kind of you, my lady. i thank you once again for allowing us to share on this voyage with you,' hob was unlike the other goblins, which is why, he supposed, his name had become somewhat of a household one these days. but his second in command and the three other soldiers that huddled in the corner could not - or rather, refused - to promise to be on their best behavior. hob could only hope that they would not get them thrown overboard. 'we simply seek a way back home. i'm afraid our designated ship never arrived to grant us passage back to the goblin kingdom,' most of their allies were unreliable, at best. 'though we will travel with you for as far as you allow us, and we can always find our way from there,'
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᯽⊱ @goblincaptain ⊱ s.c.
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝ I  KNOW  BETTER  THAN  TO  ASK  TOO  MANY  QUESTIONS,  CAPTAIN  HOB.  ❞  Especially  where  goblins  are  concerned.  Fickle  creatures,  the  lot  of  them,  but  the  captain  himself  is  of  upstanding  reputation,  so  at  least  there's  one  passenger  on  the  vessel  that  Gwen  won't  completely  distrust.  As  long  as  they  give  her  enough  pay  to  account  for  any  mischief  on  this  voyage,  aye,  she  won't  make  a  fuss  of  it.  Coin  has  a  a  way  of  being  persuasive.  ❝ The  only  thing  I  need  to  know  is  where  you  and  this  lot  want  to  go.  Just  keep  your  charges  on  their  best  behavior  while  on  my  ship  is  all  I  ask.  ❞
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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'i suppose we all have our weapon of choice. that does not mean you are lacking at this particular one,' every blade takes practice. jaime had mastered the sword, now even with one hand. hob would not be surprised if he did the same with the halberd. he spins his own in his hands, giving the other man a small grin. 'your strength may lie with the sword, but the determination you hold shows promise when learning to fight with something new. i do not see that as a disadvantage,'
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“ still i think perhaps the sword suits me better. ” maple wood smooth beneath his own calloused fingertips, polished steel glinting in the sun where it sits aloft ; such a weapon not easily wielded by a single hand. the curve of his lips wry when he speaks. “ otherwise it seems i am at something of a disadvantage. ”
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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as much as kp had always enjoyed reading, he'd never much had time for it when he was serving in the goblin court. literature involving war strategy, as well as history books, kept him educated on the battlefield, but finding writings that brought him joy ( in his newly found downtime ) was, until now, unprecedented. the goblin holds the book in two large hands, reading the words along the page, stifling a low chuckle that bubbles up from his chest. he'd found his entertainment in fiction novels, specifically romance ones, which surprised him more than anyone else. ear twitches a bit when he hears someone approach, kp glancing up just as binx was walking through the door. 'ah, lady binx! a pleasure to see you this afternoon,' finger holds his spot as he closes the novel, giving her his undivided attention. 'i had planned to visit, but i suppose i have lost myself in these pages. it seems, however, that you have saved me a trip,' he says with a grin. @storiesbreathed.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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another child lost. young, practically a babe, slaughtered in his own crib. two men had gotten past the night guard, somehow, and taken the heir's head. knickolas blames himself immediately upon hearing the news, knowing that he should have stayed at his post, that he should never have passed it along to another knight, regardless of how exhausted he had been. the family erupts into sorrow, and ser knickolas abandons his fruitless attempts at scolding the knights that were supposed to be guarding the children and their mother in favor of finding the mother, herself. spotting the familiar cascade of white hair, the knight approached with no question from those around him, most likely barely noticed as he slowly stepped in front of helaena, hands lifting, then falling, once then twice. 'my queen...' concern paints across his features as he glances over her features. 'you need... may i touch you?' whether he was allowed to or not according to status was not his concern, this moment. he only needed her approval, and he would try to comfort her as best he could. @roseguided.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
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whenever there may be discomfort, anxiety, or frustration, captain hob understands he can find solace in the art of his weaponry. in the sunny patch of an open clearing, the beast swings long halberd into the air, practicing classic maneuvers, as well as ones he had created under pressure out on the battlefield. it settles subtle nerves inside of kp, who grunts quietly, counts his motions and steps as he practices, focused solely on his feat, the way his hands hold the weapon, the way it moves around him. when, and only when, he swings the halberd around to face the other direction, does hob notice the princess standing there, seemingly waiting for him to acknowledge her. 'your majesty!' captain hob saves his weapon right before it hits the ground, standing at attention, giving carol a deep bow before standing up straight once more. 'apologies, my lady. i believed you to be... away for the afternoon, which is why i could not be found at the castle,' furry brow furrows a bit, ears twitching in several directions. 'are you in need of assistance?' @warbyrds.
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goblincaptain · 3 months
official starter call. like this post for a starter. specify verse preference below, or i will default to canon.
• canon / fantasy.
• hotd / got.
• hellhound au.
• bridgerton.
• baldur's gate 3.
• modern au.
• fantasy high.
• the hobbit.
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