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King Henry tells Westmoreland that he is envious of Lord Northumberland's son, Hotspur, and that he wishes he could be more honorable. Essay/Term paper: King henry iv and joseph strorm: archtypical fathers. Essay, term paper, research paper: Essays. Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Essays: King Henry IV And Joseph Strorm: Archtypical Fathers , you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade. King Henry IV and Joseph Strorm: Archtypical Fathers. An ideal father is one who is both caring and understanding. To fit this mould, one must express these characteristics. The outlook and actions of King Henry IV (Shakespeare, Henry IV Part 1) and Joseph Strorm (Wyndham, The Chrysalids), suggest characters who do not match the mould of the archetypical ideal father. King Henry IV was a father who thought not much of his son. He sees his son as a riotous, irresponsible young man. It shows King Henry's lack of trust and grasp of his son through conversations with others. The King has a serious discussion with Prince Hal in act three, where he tells him that he is starting to behave in the same way as King Richard, and since he is acting this way, the people will not want him to be the King. The King has his own ideas on how he thinks that the Prince should live, and for that reason has made the relationship between them very difficult. If only the King would have been more accepting, the Prince could have lived more like himself. Joseph Strorm is a father with very strict rules.... View more ...
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Important at the same time is that placing an order with us can make life easier and can satisfy achieving the best results. THE BEST AND UNIQUE PHD DISSERTATION FOR YOU. Are you looking forward to gaining a PhD status and the workload that is still to accomplish scares you? Among all the activities that are necessary to perform and all the tasks that one needs to complete, writing a PhD dissertation is one of the most crucial requirements. It is also one of the most difficult parts of the requirements. Preparing this type of work requires from the candidate a vast and ground knowledge of the field as well as great writing skills to organize everything correctly. While writing this type of work it is also necessary to understand the difference between dissertation and thesis and to be ready to follow all the requirements to this type of work exactly. We know how demanding might the process of dissertation writing appear. This is especially the case when one speaks of the PhD dissertation that would determine person’s status for the rest of the life. However, because of the complexity of the task, many students find it impossible to complete the dissertation to a full extent on their own. Therefore, they have to look for writers who could accomplish the task instead of them and do it as perfectly as they only can. Nevertheless, finding such writers is not easy since there is always the fear of working with the wrong person or company that would only take the money and provide either plagiarized PhD dissertation or not deliver it at all. We understand that such fears are not groundless and customers might worry about the results of the work. With our service they can be sure that they will receive the high quality works within the provided time. Our company always feels responsible for the works that we deliver so that we employ only the best and the most professional writers. We have PhD writers with vast experience in PhD dissertation writing. They know all the requirements to this type of work and are always ready to assist with preparing a work from scratch, improving or proofreading. Our writers are not only experienced in writing PhD dissertations but they also track all the newest tendencies in the sciences and are always able to use the most recent scientific data and achievements.... View more ...
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buy essay online cheap working womens during world war ii Beyond Rosie the Riveter Women - s Contributions During World War II, Gilder Lehrman Institute of Am
Power of Persuasion, The National Archive Rationing and Recycling, from The War , PBS Katharine Phillips: Shoes were precious, from The War , PBS Barbara Covington: Cardboard shoes, from The War , PBS Anne DeVico: Letters to the Troops, from The War , PBS. The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. New content is added regularly to the website, including online exhibitions, videos, lesson plans, and issues of the online journal History Now, which features essays by leading scholars on major topics in American history. Beyond Rosie the Riveter: Women's Contributions During World War II. Although often understated, the social, economic, and political contributions of American women have all had profound effects on the course of this nation. For evidence of this, one needs to look no further than the many roles that women have played during wartime. From the Revolutionary War's "Molly Pitcher" to the thousands of women serving the United States military today, women have not only had a direct impact on the conflicts of their times but have also successfully transformed such experiences into opportunities for future generations. Never was this more apparent than during World War II. From 1941 to 1945, more than 200,000 women served in the United States military, while over six million flooded the American workforce. Furthermore, countless women—single and married—supported the Allied war effort through activities like civic campaigning and rationing. Many American students are aware that women played a role in the Second World War. Unfortunately this knowledge is often limited only to images of "Rosie the Riveter" and the wives and mothers left to manage households on their own. This lesson is designed to introduce and promote an interest in the many essential roles that women carried out during World War II and how they did so with great success. The driving force of this lesson is a student project entitled "The Faces of War" (see both Activity Three and the Extension Activity of this lesson for further details). Students will build a comprehensive understanding of the many ways that American women contributed to the war effort during World War II. Students will gain an understanding of how women's efforts during World War II marked significant changes in the American economy, politics, and the military. Students will explore and analyze a number of primary and secondary sources as well as multimedia resources. Students will apply the knowledge gained in this lesson to the development of a fictional character they create for an assigned project.... View more ...
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Essay a famous person who i admire 2 FINNIX 2015 My father, the person i admire the most
Furthermore, he also always being careful so as to make sure all in the family would be happy and living harmoniously. Sunday, 5 July 2015. My father, the person i admire the most. I admire a lot of people but the person I admire the most is my father. This is because my father is the one who knows what is best for me. He is the most important person in my life. There is no reason for me to live without him by my side. He is the one who helps me grow up, gives me advice, takes care of me, shows me the right way, always support me greatly, and does many things just for me. In this world, my father is the only person that i loved most than anthing else in my life. Although, he is very busy everyday, but he will never stopped thinking about us. We have problems but we settle them in a family way as " blood is thicker than water". Otherwise if something goes wrong, it can make our heart sank in the boots. In my life, i never see a best person who can be similiar to my father. My father is incomparable. He will never make any grunts and groans but always being patient with our bad manners. I realised so much sacrifices he had spent on us, but he will never ask for return. In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel. Whenever i feel like giving up, or have a question or concern, I know I can always call my father for advice.... View more ...
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Check and modify your assignment at any time, from an outline to the final version. Best Essay Writing Services for Students. Is the topic not clear to you? Is it too broad or too narrow? Are there not enough reliable sources? Is the available data outdated? Don’t you have enough time and knowledge to fulfill you assignment? If the answer is positive to at least one of these questions, you are at the right place! Do not give up your hope of getting a good grade. Fortunately, here you can easily in one click ask for qualified assistance in virtually any field of knowledge and type of assignment. Team of specialists in the sphere of education is happy to help you in a timely matter. Professional writing service Eduessay.com is the best possible way to write any paper! The List of Our Services and Benefits is Endless. We can perform task of any level of difficulty: essay, thesis, research paper, course work, reflection, term paper, lab, scientific article, dissertation, etc. If you have written your paper, you might need a professional check? We will do that for you! If you want to be selected among hundreds of other candidates, we will help you. Nowadays, with the development of the Internet more and more people around the globe are able to go online and reach professionals in order to get help with educational matters.... View more ...
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cheap write my essay history of western civilization 10 Western Civilization Writing Prompts For Your Term Project
<a href="http://a0g.ru/redirect/essay.php" target="_blank"><br><img src="http://a0g.ru/redirect/essay.png" alt="image" width="" height="auto"></a><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> What would things be like today if Adolf Hitler was still alive? When you are writing your essay on the topic involving the western civilization. You want to make sure that you choose a topic that is more specific. You would have to write an entire book if you chose to write about western civilization as a whole. Choose a time period or locality to focus on. And then conduct your research in these defined areas. That way your topic will not be too broad. Your term paper is expected to be rather lengthy. You will need to conduct some fairly extensive research on the topic as well. So be sure to choose a topic that is broad enough to supply enough research materials. So, you are thinking “here we go, first you said not to specific and then you said not too broad”. Yes, it can be a little intimidating.  As you are doing your research, you will be able to judge whether you are on the right track or not.  If you have a bunch of materials and you are struggling to come up with a thesis, narrow your search.  If you have too little that you can’t meet the requirements for sources or you are struggling to come up with at least three facts to support your thesis, broaden your search.  Discovering the mystery of Stonehenge The ancient key: Rosetta Stone Why were the Sphinx built?  How did Socrates influence his world and the future?  How did agriculture allow civilizations to grow into larger populations?...  <br> <a href="http://a0g.ru/redirect/essay.php">View more ...</a>
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example of result of research paper How to Write the Results Section of A Research Paper, Synonym
Only include statistical tests that are relevant to your particular hypotheses or research questions. How to Write the Results Section of A Research Paper. The results section of a research paper describes to the reader the outcome and findings of the research project. Using some simple techniques in the preparation of this section produces a clear and comprehensible presentation of your research. Organize the layout of the results section in the same way you structured the hypotheses or research questions in the introduction section of your research project. This will make it easier for the readers to follow your results. Start by describing the statistical test or tests used to compare the different conditions or test your hypotheses. Be clear on what hypothesis or question is being compared with each statistical test as well as how you are defining the groups being compared within the test. Use descriptive statistics to describe the overall characteristics of the groups being compared or sample tested with the inferential statistic. State the statistical results in the acceptable format for your discipline. The American Psychological Association (APA) is a very common format for research results; you should familiarize yourself with whichever format is appropriate and follow the guidelines rigorously. End each statistical test with a sentence or two indicating what that particular statistical result says about the hypothesis or question. Was your hypothesis supported by the statistical result? Use tables and figures sparingly. Tables and figures should help the reader visualize the important results, but not carry the bulk of the work in the presentation of your findings. Tables and figures are helpful to summarize a large amount of data that is essential for the reader to see but for which it would be too difficult to include each number in the narrative format of the results section. Rewrite and revise until you have every test necessary to test your hypotheses and the reader can easily determine what the results indicate in terms of your hypotheses or questions. Try starting this section by creating an outline of each hypothesis or research question followed by each statistical test you will use for it.... View more ...
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Distance education business plan Distance Education Centre Victoria - Business Management Units 1 - 2
Word documents scan and upload Word documents. Business Management Units 1 and 2. Unit 1 covers the planning of a business. As all businesses contribute to the economic and social wellbeing of a nation, it is vital to develop conditions under which new business ideas can emerge. This Unit looks at taking a “What if …” idea and turning ideas into a reality. Students will explore the factors affecting business ideas, the internal and external environments which affect how a business operates and the effect these have on planning a business. Following on from planning a business, Unit 2 focuses on establishing the business. It looks at the legal requirements to bring the business into existence, the establishment of financial record keeping and staffing the business. It also looks at how to promote and inform potential customers about the business. Students look at effective ways to market the business and the best way to meet the staffing needs of the business, as well as meeting financial record keeping requirements. Unit 1 or a fresh business product look at the criteria for hiring the right staff for the business and the recruitment process. What skills do you need? What skills do you develop? Through Vaccine Programme. Polio, small pox vaccine from monkey’s kidney-Africa. Hepatitis-B viral vaccine-Los Angles and New York. HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has significant economic impacts.... View more ...
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essay on hivaids prevention Essay on HIV
When one partner of a couple is infected, consistent protection use results in rates of HIV infection for the uninfected person of below 1% per year. Essay on HIV/AIDS: Signs, Symptoms and Prevention. Essay on HIV/AIDS: Signs, Symptoms and Prevention! Human immunodeficiency virus infection/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). During the initial infection a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness. This is typically followed by a prolonged period without symptoms. As the illness progresses it interferes more and more with the immune system, making people much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections, and tumors that do not usually affect people with working immune systems. Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in west-central Africa during the early twentieth century. AIDS was first recognized by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1981 and its cause, HIV infection was identified in the early part of the decade. Since its discovery, AIDS has caused nearly 30 million deaths (as of 2009). As of 2010, approximately 34 million people have contracted HIV globally. AIDS is considered a pandemic —a disease outbreak which is present over a large area and is actively spreading. Through African Monkey To human. Through Vaccine Programme. Polio, small pox vaccine from monkey’s kidney-Africa. Hepatitis-B viral vaccine-Los Angles and New York. HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has significant economic impacts.... View more ...
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euthanasia rates in australia Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Australia, The World Federation of Right to Die Societies
The medical practitioner who would help the patient to die. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Australia. From the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of England and WalesIn 1995, the Northern Territory of Australia became the first legislature in the world to pass a law for voluntary euthanasia. This came into effect on July 1st 1996. Four Australians, all dying from cancer, legally received the help of a doctor to a peaceful death, before the Federal Parliament overturned the Act in March 1997. The official title of the Northern Territory Act on assisted dying was the 'Rights of the Terminally Ill Act'. It was passed on 25 May 1995 by a vote of 15 to 10, after a debate lasting more than 14 hours. In February 1996, an amendment bill to look at some small problems in the law was passed. This made the eligibility assessment requirements much more strict. Instead of the original Act's 'one doctor, one psychiatrist' assessment, the patient now had to have the agreement of the following four doctors. An independent medical practitioner with specialist qualifications in the patient's terminal illness. A qualified psychiatrist to confirm that the patient is not suffering from treatable clinical depression or other mental illness which would affect his or her judgement. A medical practitioner with qualifications in palliative care to explain all the palliative care options. The patient must get the first three medical practitioners to sign the request form. On 1 July 1996 the Act officially came into force. The first patient who wanted to use it, cancer sufferer Max Bell, could not get the signature of a specialist in his disease. The specialists were worried that they could face criminal charges if they helped him, before the results of a legal challenge to the law were announced. The fight to keep the law.... View more ...
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essay of newspaper Essay on the Importance of Newspaper
Distortion of the news of against the true spirit of journalism. Essay on the Importance of Newspaper. Each morning we need a cup of tea and the daily newspaper . How much do we feel irritated if the newspaperman does not bring to us the newspaper at the appointed time? The newspaper becomes more important than even the cup of tea. Newspapers are also like a potion to which we seem to be so deeply addicted. As the newspaper gets dropped within our gate all those in the family try to have a glance at it as per their interest. If one is interested in what is happening on the political front, the other is interested to have a look at the share-rates while the younger folk might like to know the latest regarding the details of the cricket match. A newspaper thus has its immediate need for practically everyone in the family. Newspapers have a large part to play in providing us with the latest on the national and the international front. During the period of a war newspaper gives an hour to hour report of the war front. How great had been the keenness even of the common man to know details of the Kargil war with Pakistan — the heroic deeds of our martyrs — our officers and soldiers. Image Source: vvclassroom.com. Newspapers do not only inform us; they even instruct us and help us, influence us to form our opinion on important issues. The leading articles appearing in the newspapers or their editorials created an awareness regarding the CTBT or about the Pokhran nuclear test, the environmental pollution. We hear about these Otters but newspapers through articles by the specialists on the subject educated us, and enlighten us. It is not that newspapers have only a passing importance — they are used as a very potent means of propagating a policy or a programme and this is the reason why political parties bring out their own newspapers with a total emphasis on the concept of their political views. Though of course, this is not a very correct approach in journalism but that is what is, newspapers really need to give unbiased views to enable the widely reading public to form their own opinion and their own views on men and matters.... View more ...
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Best research papers writers working on your papers. Custom Research Papers Writing Site Online. Custom research paper writing is on the top of the trend among high school, college and university students today. More and more classroom minds opt for custom research papers on a weekly basis. Why is that so? Reasons are different, but the most common are as follows. Students speaking English as the second language usually seek competent writing assistance to boost quality of written matter they turn in Native English-speaking academicians also require help with essays on a frequent basis due to below-average grammar or compositional skills Academic ennui and fatigue which altogether accumulate throughout the term Lack of free time as a result of too busy schedule including social, private and academic life, career options and other chores contemporary students face Too demanding and fastidious lecturers, especially in minor subjects chosen to fulfill the curriculum. All in all, these are the 5 cornerstone reasons why more and more students look up research paper help on the web. With a couple of options available, everyone can easily choose and opt for the kind of service required here and now. Let’s analyze them and choose most suitable. Three options to buy research papers, only one is correct. First and foremost, there’re free-to-get reference papers found at websites of all sorts. Naturally, these papers are available for everyone, they’ve been downloaded, re-written and submitted thousands of times by thousands of students. Such works are definitely far from being called best research papers in town. However, they’re quite appropriate for being used as writing samples for your inspirational and consultancy needs. Research papers for sale. As far as research papers for sale go, these are academic works done in advance to supply a demand for papers in most popular and wide-spread topics in miscellaneous subjects. Written in one copy, a research paper for sale stands as a great value for money. However, if you can’t find a pre-written essay or term paper on your topic or area with proper reference sources used, that’s a bummer.... View more ...
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You get 15% off the full price. Term Paper Writing. Are you having trouble starting your term paper? Are you having sleepless nights trying to look for your term paper sources? Are you stuck with actually writing your term paper? Do not waste any more time trying to figure out how to go about the whole process. Forcing yourself to finish your assignment will only result in a half-hearted effort. This will yield mediocre, if not failing, grades. Since 1997, Bestessays.com has helped students pass their courses with quality, custom, term papers. We have a team of competent writers ready to complete term papers of any difficulty and technicality. If you wish to order term papers online, why not choose the most trusted company today? Bestessays.com will help you to sleep soundly at night and to stop worrying about beating deadlines by taking over your custom term paper writing needs. You can discuss any issue with our 24/7 Support or Just order now. Our team consists of professional essay writers who only produce original content. They follow strict standards to produce plagiarism-free papers. Your personal and payment details are safe with us. Our website uses secure encryption for all orders. We guarantee not to share your details with any third parties.... View more ...
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action research case study methodology Overview of Action Research Methodology
Positivism, used in scientific and applied research, has been considered by many to be the antithesis of the principles of action research (Susman and Evered 1978, Winter 1989). If you want it done right, you may as well do it yourself.” This aphorism may seem appropriate if you are a picky housekeeper, but more and more people are beginning to realize it can also apply to large corporations, community development projects, and even national governments. Such entities exist increasingly in an interdependent world, and are relying on Action Research as a means of coming to grips with their constantly changing and turbulent environments. This paper will answer the question “What is Action Research?”, giving an overview of its processes and principles, stating when it is appropriate to use, and situating it within a praxis research paradigm. The evolution of the approach will be described, including the various kinds of action research being used today. The role of the action researcher will be briefly mentioned, and some ethical considerations discussed. The tools of the action researcher, particularly that of the use of search conferences, will be explained. Finally three case studies will be briefly described, two of which pertain to action research projects involving information technology, a promising area needing further research. What is Action Research? Action research is known by many other names, including participatory research, collaborative inquiry, emancipatory research, action learning, and contextural action research, but all are variations on a theme. Put simply, action research is “learning by doing” - a group of people identify a problem, do something to resolve it, see how successful their efforts were, and if not satisfied, try again. While this is the essence of the approach, there are other key attributes of action research that differentiate it from common problem-solving activities that we all engage in every day. Action research. aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social science simultaneously. Thus, there is a dual commitment in action research to study a system and concurrently to collaborate with members of the system in changing it in what is together regarded as a desirable direction. What separates this type of research from general professional practices, consulting, or daily problem-solving is the emphasis on scientific study, which is to say the researcher studies the problem systematically and ensures the intervention is informed by theoretical considerations. Much of the researcher’s time is spent on refining the methodological tools to suit the exigencies of the situation, and on collecting, analyzing, and presenting data on an ongoing, cyclical basis. Several attributes separate action research from other types of research. Primary is its focus on turning the people involved into researchers, too - people learn best, and more willingly apply what they have learned, when they do it themselves.... View more ...
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Disaster psychological essay Disaster psychological essay
APA's Disaster Resource Network is a group of approximately 2,500 licensed psychologists across the U.S. Disasters , from natural events such as hurricanes or earthquakes, to human-caused incidents such as mass shootings or terrorist attacks, are typically unexpected and overwhelming. Even when you’re not hurt physically, disasters can take an emotional toll. Normal reactions may include intense, unpredictable feelings; trouble concentrating or making decisions; disrupted eating and sleeping patterns; emotional upsets on anniversaries or other reminders; strained personal relationships; and physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea or chest pain. Psychological research shows that many people are able to successfully recover from disaster. Taking active steps to cope is important. Coping with Disaster. APA’s Psychology Help Center has useful information for the public on how to prepare for and cope with psychological challenges that can occur when there is a disaster. The Disasters & Terrorism section has resources for adults and children categorized by the type of disaster. How Psychologists Help. Canada who have expertise in the psychological impact of disasters on individuals, families and communities. Informed by psychological research, Disaster Resource Network members voluntarily engage in preparedness, response and recovery activities. Psychologists don’t offer therapy at disaster sites. Instead, they help survivors build on their internal strengths to start the process of recovery. Prepared by APA’s Disaster Resource Network (DRN) and APA’s Committee on International Relations in Psychology (CIRP), this document outlines ways psychologists can effectively respond to international disasters. Information about APA's response to the international disasters, including web-based psychological resources, aiding the United Nations, fielding media inquiries and donating to the American Red Cross. Barrow (1976) suggests that their method was "to give public lectures for high fees, limiting education to the rich and excluding the poor" (p. To Plato, the Sophists were superficial instructors who lacked solid pedagogical techniques (Powers, 1996).... View more ...
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What are the requirements to get admission into management engineering Attention Required, Cloudflare
What can I do to prevent this in the future? Please complete the security check to access typesofengineeringdegrees.org. Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Cloudflare Ray ID: 45cfada396a18f21 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. Idealism is directly traced back to Plato, with concepts of the idealistic perspective influencing education today. Keywords: Antithesis; Dialectic; Idealism; Intrinsic Motivation; Mentoring; Paideia; Perennialism; Reason; Seminar; Thesis; Universal Truth. Plato (427 BC-347 BC) is considered to be the father of educational philosophy. He founded the Academy in Athens in 387 BC and wrote a number of philosophical works including The Republic , which outlines Plato's utopian society and presents his thoughts about political and educational issues (Gutek, 2009). The keystone of the text promotes the classic tradition of reason within education whereby education becomes the process of "perfecting those natural powers of intellect which all people have" (Wingo, 1965, p. Plato was the student of Socrates (469 BC-399 BC), a Greek philosopher who emphasized paideia , education in the broadest sense, including "all that affects the formation of character and mind" (LoShan, 1998, p. Plato's philosophy is a direct reaction to the state of flux of the Athenian culture during his time. Nash, Kazamias, and Perkinson (1965) point out that Plato lost faith in the existing forms of Athenian government and the foundations of its society. Sophists, a new group of traveling lecturers, promoted individualism rather than a communal culture, which led to a relativism that threatened to destroy the communal culture (Knight, 1998). Barrow (1976) suggests that their method was "to give public lectures for high fees, limiting education to the rich and excluding the poor" (p. To Plato, the Sophists were superficial instructors who lacked solid pedagogical techniques (Powers, 1996).... View more ...
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Essay new plato Plato - Education Research Paper Starter
In the Allegory of the Cave , prisoners are chained in darkness in a cave. Plato & Education Research Paper Starter. Plato & Education. Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), an ancient Greek philosopher, is considered to be the father of educational philosophy. He founded the Academy in Athens in 387 BC and wrote a number of philosophical works including The Republic, which outlines Plato's utopian society and his thoughts about political and educational issues (Gutek, 2009). The keystone of the text promotes the classic tradition of reason, whereby education becomes the process of "perfecting those natural powers of intellect which all people have" (Wingo, 1965, p. Historically, Plato's tenets of philosophical thought are the tenets of perennialism, an educational philosophy based on idealism. Idealism is directly traced back to Plato, with concepts of the idealistic perspective influencing education today. Keywords: Antithesis; Dialectic; Idealism; Intrinsic Motivation; Mentoring; Paideia; Perennialism; Reason; Seminar; Thesis; Universal Truth. Plato (427 BC-347 BC) is considered to be the father of educational philosophy. He founded the Academy in Athens in 387 BC and wrote a number of philosophical works including The Republic , which outlines Plato's utopian society and presents his thoughts about political and educational issues (Gutek, 2009). The keystone of the text promotes the classic tradition of reason within education whereby education becomes the process of "perfecting those natural powers of intellect which all people have" (Wingo, 1965, p. Plato was the student of Socrates (469 BC-399 BC), a Greek philosopher who emphasized paideia , education in the broadest sense, including "all that affects the formation of character and mind" (LoShan, 1998, p. Plato's philosophy is a direct reaction to the state of flux of the Athenian culture during his time. Nash, Kazamias, and Perkinson (1965) point out that Plato lost faith in the existing forms of Athenian government and the foundations of its society. Sophists, a new group of traveling lecturers, promoted individualism rather than a communal culture, which led to a relativism that threatened to destroy the communal culture (Knight, 1998). Barrow (1976) suggests that their method was "to give public lectures for high fees, limiting education to the rich and excluding the poor" (p. To Plato, the Sophists were superficial instructors who lacked solid pedagogical techniques (Powers, 1996).... View more ...
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