† —        God nodded.                    "I'm sure I will."         He agreed, then met the hunter's gaze and let out a sigh.                    "I decided to take a leave of absence when you                     and your brother averted the Apocalypse. I                     assumed everything would be well and I was                     correct, up until the situation with Purgatory. I                     would have returned sooner had I known about                     it, but word hadn't gotten to me until it was too                      late."         He explained.
Deanna looked at God and nodded slightly. “I’m sure he’s just been busy recently. You’ll probably see him soon,” Deanna muttered, taking a quick glance at her phone, then back to God. “So, where have you been?”
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† — The Lord let out a breath and shook His head.                "I'm afraid I have not seen                 him yet." He admitted.
Deanna looked at him and nodded. "Cas is great. Have you not seen him recently? I thought he returned to heaven."
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† --         God silently watched the hunter process her thoughts, then he nodded.          "Yes, I am God. I understand the mistakes           I made by leaving and I have already began           the process in repairing Heaven. I only came           to you because you and your sibling were last           ones in contact with Castiel and I needed to           know if he was well." He told her.
+1 (god-has-returned)
Deanna looked at the man in front of her, wide eyed. “You’re telling me you’re God?” Deanna asked doubtfully. “I don’t believe it. There’s no way. Even if God is real, he doesn’t give a shit about any of us. He’d be fixing heaven, not talking to me.”
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† --        The Lord shifted His attention to the angel before Him and knew his thoughts had to be running wild. He could feel the fear radiating off the angel.          He gave a nod of acknowledgement, a soft smile coming to his lips to show he wasn't upset. Not in the slightest.              "Hello, Gadreel." He responded.
{ god-has-returned }
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      Gadreel has screwed up one too            many times and right now he            has no words. Well none that            would do him any good because            he is afraid.
                 ”Father.” Is all he could manage.
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Heyo!!!! So incredibly sorry for dropping off the face of the Earth. God disappeared on me and work was kicking my ass, plus family issues are never fun. *shudders* Anywho, I'm back, who would like to plot? :) 
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Alright, I'm passing out now. Sorry for the very short activity. I'll try to be more active tomorrow, hopefully. 
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God tilted his head.                   "Why would you think that?" He asked, gazing at the nephilim in curiosity.  The thousands of times he's heard that line  from many people, it pained the Lord to know that people look so lowly of themselves and he wondered why.
The Lord smiled back,
then nodded at Bel’s words.                        ”You are very welcome.” He told him, then rested his hand upon Bel’s chest to soothe the coughing.
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The Lord smiled back, then nodded at Bel's words.                        "You are very welcome." He told him, then rested his hand upon Bel's chest to soothe the coughing.
God watched Bel lay down,
then nodded and retrieved a blanket from the cabinet that was under the coffee table, passing it to Bel.
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God is being picky and my brain is mush. Sorry if my activity is there and not there. 
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God watched Bel lay down, then nodded and retrieved a blanket from the cabinet that was under the coffee table, passing it to Bel.
God heard the cough and saw the
blood, then rested his hand on Bel’s shoulder. 
                      “Come on, let’s get you                        somewhere safe so you                        can recover.” He said, then blinked, appearing at his house a second later.
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God heard the cough and saw the blood, then rested his hand on Bel's shoulder. 
                      "Come on, let's get you                        somewhere safe so you                        can recover." He said, then blinked, appearing at his house a second later.
God was fixing everything to the best
of his ability when a prayer rang in his ears. He easily recognized the voice and temporarily dropped what he was doing before appearing to the source of the prayer, finding Bel.
                      ”Bel? Is everything okay?”
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God was fixing everything to the best of his ability when a prayer rang in his ears. He easily recognized the voice and temporarily dropped what he was doing before appearing to the source of the prayer, finding Bel.
                      "Bel? Is everything okay?"
Bel gave a wet cough and started shivering more. He tightened up his raggedy hoodie and stuffed his hands in the pockets. It was bad luck that he got sick. It was worse luck that he couldn’t go back to his apartment because something had followed him. He shivered again. “Come on this isn’t fair I never feel cold when I’m healthy.” He cursed out loud. ‘All I really need is a warm place to crash for a few days.’ He prayed.
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Sorry if I'm slow with everything. I've been up since 4 in the morning and I have no idea what energy I'm running on, so bear with me. 
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Reblog if you are a supernatural roleplaying blog
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//: Doing a little roll call and see who still around.
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The Lord looked up when he heard his name and gave the angel a  slight smile.
                          "Hello, Raziel."
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God nodded at her words.
                          "That is true, however,                             if I had warned you of                             my absence, it would                             have prevented many                             things from happening."
Attalia ran up and tackled God into a hug. "I missed you!"
God stumbled a bit as one of his angelic children ran into his arms. He chuckledsoftly, then returned the hug.                           “Hello, Attalia. I have                           missed you as well.”
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God drew his son close and raked a hand through the archangel's caramel locks.
                          "I am aware of what you                            have done during your                            time on Earth, but you do                            not deserve to be punished                            for your actions. None of you                            deserve to be punished.                            I realize that now."
god-has-returned answered you:
God listened to Gabriel’s words and
nodded his agreement, then reached out and placed his hand upon Gabriel’s shoulder.                           “Gabriel, you do not need                            to wish for my forgiveness.                            You did nothing wrong. I                            see now why you left. I am                            aware of your reasoning.                            You are a good son, no                            matter if you left. You did                            well, you did not stray too                            far from the path.”                      
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