Sorry I havn't been around. Now I am and the claspecting knowledge is here!
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Could you help me figure out my classpect? I was thinking of Heir of Rage but I am not sure. I am female, by the way. I am a good artist and I love reading. When you first meet me I am a bit quiet and weird but once you become friends with me, I am extremely outgoing, creepy, and weird. I have a type of depression but I never let any of my true emotions show. I seem calm most of the time but on the inside I am dying and literally going insane. I am logical and pretty smart if I do say so myself.
You talk about emotions alot in your bio. I tie emotions highly with Heart, Mind, Rage, and Hope. You talk about depression and liking creepy things which is an indication of Rage but you talk about not showing it and being strong for that I feel like Hope fits more. Hope being the opposite of Rage in many ways. A good god tier embraces both their antithesis as well as their own aspect. As for the Class I can tell from what you say that you are more reserved and, a reserved nature means a more passive Class. A passive Hope player that knows how to control her feelings could be a Heir. Heirs are highly connected to their aspect and even though they don't always feel the like they have the attribute the aspect has they can inspire in others that feeling and eventually come to terms with this attribute (in this case Hope.) I feel like your class is correct and you just have a reverse look on the aspect. I, The Mage of Heart, am glad I can help you, Heiress of Hope.P.S. sorry I havn't been on in litterally ever.
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For a Monk of Space (Thank the Land of Celebration and Bells for helping me figure that out) What would be a fitting Denizen? I'm... I'm kinda stumped.
You are a space player so the most likely Denizen is Echidna. Echidna is a Denizen needed to release the Gen frog and also Echidna has quills that the space player needs to have in order to perform the scratch. 
Matrikos: Aeon of MaternalRhea: Titaness of fertility, motherhood and the mountain wilds.Gaia: Primeval goddess of the earthTechne: Personification of Art and SkillAristaeus: God of bee-keeping, cheese-making, herding, olive-growing, and huntingChloris: Goddess of flowers and wife of ZephyrusCharites: Goddesses of Charm, Beauty, Nature, Human Creativity and FertilityThesis: Greek Personification of Creation
These are a few other Gnostic Mythology Figures that have a tie with the Space aspect of Homestuck.... I would talk about your goal but I don’t actually understand the non canon classes and aspects... sorry 
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and what kind of consorts will be fitting for the land of chocolate and waterfalls :3
a consort is not decided at all by the land it is a combo of an important color and a reptile. Like I am on the Land of Tombs and Candles. My consorts are ink-black turtles. The have nothing to do with me land. Its my text color and favorite reptile. Sorry about the late reply Turts are being slight brats and causing chaos on LoTaC so I had to take care of it.
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what kind of denizens will be in the land of chocolate and waterfalls :3
Your land has nothing to do with your Denizen. Your title is what your Denizen is somewhat determined by. In the case of the last post your aspect is Void. Using http://dahniwitchoflight.tumblr.com list for denizens, these are Void denizens.
Void DenizensNyx: Goddess of the NightCetus: Monstrous Leviathon whale from greek myth that lived in deep oceansPoseidon: God the seven seas, the Ocean, rivers, floods, tsunamis, droughts and earthquakes.Artemis: Goddess of The Moon, the Hunt, Wilderness, Animals, Young Girls, Childbirth. Twin of ApolloSige: Aeon of SilenceSelene: Titaness of the MoonChaos: Personification of The Great Nothingness from which all things sprang from.Erebus: Primeval God of Darkness and ShadowHymnos: God of SleepAsteria: Titaness of Nocturnal Oracles and Falling StarsHecate: Witch Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, the Night, Moon, Ghosts and NecromancyHarpocrates: God of SilenceCharon: Ferryman of the dead into HadesCirce: Goddess of Magic and Mystery, often a WitchMorpheus: God of DreamsThe Oneiroi: Spirits of DreamsThalassa: Personification of the OceanEpiales: Spirit of NightmaresPhobetor: or Icelus, Spirit of Nightmares who takes the shape of animalsAporia: Spirit of Difficulty, Confusion, Perplexity, Powerlessness and Want of Means*Plus the Various Gods/Goddess/Spirits of Oceans/Rivers/Streams and Bodies of Water*
As a Maid your quest has to do with you learning when to share your secrets and how to clean up the mess after the secrets come out. From there I think these Denizens work for you: 
Sige: Aeon of Silence 
Harpocrates: God of Silence
Chaos: Personification of The Great Nothingness from which all things sprang from.
Aporia: Spirit of Difficulty, Confusion, Perplexity, Powerlessness and Want of Means.
These four all have something to teach that the Maid of Void has to learn... Wiether it is dealing with confusion and chaos or not sharing all the secrets they hold.
These are the denizens for this player....I think.
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Maid of void with a ladle along with her sailor moon heart charm in the land of chocolate and waterfalls
So I think you’re asking about a Maid of Void who is someone who cleans up Void, supplies Void, and assists using Void. Void means secrets, nothingness, and non-existing things. You know all the secrets of everything eventually... and you can tell others such secrets to move the plot along. You also can supply others with being nothing... making others invisible.
The Ladle and Sailor Moon Heart Charm will create a heart charm that is spoon like and has a handle... All I imagine is booping people with heart ladles.
The Land of Chocolate and Waterfalls is like stepping into Willy Wonka Land. Your land is full of chocolate rivers and all the plants are chocolate and edible too. As a Void player you explore and learn that your land is overflowing with liquid chocolate and you have to find a way for the liquid to flow into the planets core... your denizen has blocked off the paths so they wont have to deal with more chocolate.
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My roommate and me as Dave and Roxy I be the genderbent, wip Roxy and she is the Dave.
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Can you analyze my friend? She is very nice/sweet and generally happy and enthusiastic. When she is angry it's like a firework-loud violent and over quickly. She can be *strange* and tends to think highly of herself. She is very persistent. She usually doesn't stray from the group of people she likes to hang around but nearly nobody dislikes her. She will speak her mind if she thinks it's necessary, and sometimes even at the wrong times. She knows what she knows until she is proven wrong. Ty!!!
Sorry I answered the first one and waited on this... Anyways, this friend seems like a Mage of Hope. Joining the Mage club with me means that she will learn stuff from/about her aspect and She knows what she knows and when she feels it's needed then everyone else will learn what she knows. Mages are known for being a little off... but oh well. Active Hope players are persistent and think they are a little better then everyone else. (whether it be sarcastically or reality) I thinkthey might be a Mage of Hope.
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Can u analyze my friend? She is short tempered, but can also be nice. She is not unreasonable but usually wants her way. She is not afraid to say what she wants or is thinking, which can sometimes get on people's nerves. When she is angry, she says she holds a grudge but only wants that to be true. She will forgive soon enough. She will not hesitate to hit you especially if you tell her it's ok to. She does not have a ton of friends but those she does have are like glue. Thank you!
I feel a Thief vibe from this person. The Thief class takes on the role as “Leader” they want to be the leader and tell everyone how to work. Not many people will fallow her though cause they all have their own responsabilities and knowledge on what they should do. She has a vibe of a blood player. A blood player like her have strong friend bonds that noone can break. Blood players don’t always have alot of friends they instead have their few that their bonds are strongest with. I peg her as a Thief of Blood meaning she takes the rains for battle cause they are one of the best attacking classes around and they will use one part of their claspecting powers to be a legit vampire. Outside of battle you have to watch them because thieves are known for a reckless streak and someone who can still friendships are to be watched.
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witch of void quadrants please? and what will the witch of void's power-glove prototyped with a pumpkin look like?
Witch of Void.
Moirail: Heir of Light (they will “light” your out of whatever Void that you used to separate yourself from reality)
Kismes: Mage of Light (Fuck this “I know luck” but “I myself am unlucky as shit” guy. Who the fuck does he think he is?)
Matesprite: Knight of Life (Void players feel useless and a KoL would defend your life with their’s... damn that makes you feel important.)
Sprite 1st: The first prototype seems like like its the power glove. The power glove prototype would lead to just a floating ghost powerglove.
Sprite 2nd: The pumpkin is the life of your sprite. The Pumpkin would become a Jock o’ Lantern head on a ghostly body. The powerglove would make a “powersuit” Your sprite is a badass to help with battle. 
How the sprite effects your imps: If the 1st prototype is the powerglove.... The imps would be in power type things... Let it be known that you have to deal with more badass imps then normal. Hopefully your teammates will be ok... Youll be fine with your powers and sprite.
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Hiyo! can i get some info about the role that a Maid of Breath would play? And any extra info that you happen to dig up would be nice too. ^^
Kree!!!!! The Breath aspect is a leader aspect kinda... The maid is just under the Witch class as being in total control of their aspect. You lead everyone using the fact that you are "made" of motivation. You also clean your aspect, the wind and other's motivation. You would lead the team from the standpoint of "You can do it! Come on! Fallow my lead!".... (if god tiered) *You than activate powers  and up the motivation of everyone and also do the windy thing.* The Windy thing you have is more offensive then defensive. One thing you need to remember is Your antithesis is the Bard of Mind... They destroy based on their choises. Knowing that is your antithesis then you should let the mind player(s) make choices for you. Info I could dig up to tell ya is like I said... LET YOUR MIND PLAYERS MAKE YOUR FUCKING CHOISES!!!! Something else is your claspect is more battle related so let others to the battle prep.
Hey, Hey! I can tell you Demi is a blood player!
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Yo! I have a desperate need for Mage of Mind stuff, mostly lands and quest stuff. help out please?
The Mage of Mind.... A god tier about learning about choices through experience. Through experiences you learn about choices and possibilities. 
Land of Labyrinths and Books: The world a rocky terrain with Libraries scattered over the Land. Your consorts have made their home in these libraries and are incredibly intellectual creatures. As you look in the libraries you find that there are basements to them. These basements go farther down into the land. The basements are still lined with bookselves from floor to ceiling. These bookselves make the basements a labyrinth from hell. Your denizen took some of the most important books, to the consorts, and now is keeping them from them. Your quest is to bring the stolen knowledge back to your land.
Land of Glyphs and Mazes: The world were you are now on is engraved with mazes. Your house is in a pit with four entrances to the maze. The walls of the maze is so high you cant possibly to climb out. The maze leads to other pits were you find towns of your consorts. Upon finding more towns you notice there are glyphs on the walls of the entrance to the towns. Each town has a different glyph. Your quest is to figure out the puzzle of the glyphs and find your way to the denizen who will lower the walls of the maze so your land can become whole againLand of Brains and Destruction: The destroyed land seems like it was once a land of metropolitan skyscrapers but now they have destruction rained throughout. The once prosperous consorts are now tormented by floating brains that cause problems. Your quest is to find a way to solve the problems long enough to go to your denizen and make him stop the brains. Once that is done your land's consorts will rebuild and come across problems... help them!
Land of Scrolls and Glyphs: The Land seems to come from an older time then you are used to. The ways of the land are odd to you and you have to learn how to do things here. You immediately find the denizen's cave but you learn that there is a puzzle to enter. Now you must find scrolls that act as clues to the puzzle. Each scroll also has a glyph that is used to open the entrance. Your quest is to get in and usher the land into its next age of learning.
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My sketches for today.
I take requests!
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What would a Maid of Void be like?
A Maid of Void is an active role to a very inactive aspect. As a maid you clean up your aspect. Void is the aspect of nothingness, lacking, and secrets. The cleaning up of secrets would be one power of the Maid. As a Void player you also are able to go invisible and intangible... You protect yourself with Void essentially and since the Maid supplies others with their aspect, they would be able to share this ability with their teammates. The Maid also might be a bit of a gossiper... supplying others with secrets. If something in their session is missing they could essentially clean up the lack of _____. You are out of the way and your powers make for a secret agent type feel. 
I like this claspect alot so here is some extra stuff... As a Void player it is thought that you might be good with your strife kind but also fistkind because you are the cleaning up (kickin ass) with a lack of weapons...
Your lands might be bright and colorful and almost painful to look at. Something like Land of Light and Colors (LoLaC), Land of Neon and Reflections (LoNaR), or Land of Trippy Pastels and Iridescence (LoTPaI). You land might also have kingdoms of consorts where the royalty are keeping secrets...
Your quest on the planet would be to first supply the lower ranking consorts with the secrets of royalty because for all we know it is a big deal and it could be a big deal for the lower levels to learn. Your main Quest will have something to do with not extinguishing the blinding lights of your world and bringing the light overdoses to a neutral spot.
I also figured out some denizens for you if you don’t like Nix. Cetus, Poseidon, Artemis, and Erebus are all interesting Denizens with their own things.
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Hiya! May I ask how a session with a Seer of Time, Mage of Space, Knight of Life, Maid of Blood, and a Rogue of Hope could go :?
I feel terrible about forgetting to answer this... I’ve been investigating a couple tombs I skipped back in the game days... sorry
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Your the first person to ask in a while so I didn’t check as often as I should have. Let us get on with this ask.
Seer of Time: You are the Seer that sees all futures... You as a Seer can choose to only see the most profitable futures. As a Seer you research to learn more about your aspect. You might want to learn the history of the game cause history repeats itself.
Mage of Space: A Mage buddy! You will learn greatly from your mistakes. (sorry to say) As the Mage of Space you play a big role to your team. You have to learn from your mistakes faster then most mages because you can’t mess up this frog.
Knight of Life: Your job as a knight of Life is to fight for your friend’s lives! You as a Knight will be good at controlling your aspect. In the head canon that Sessions lack their knight’s aspect you would probably have a lake of consorts in your session.
Maid of Blood: A maid cleans up her aspect and blood is the aspect of teamwork. Your powers involve making sure everyone gets along and also if there is a bloody battle you can clean up after the mess.
Rouge of Hope: A rouge steals from others to give to others.... “Robin Hood” of Hope. You give others Hope and you are the person everyone will look to after a bad event to find the silver lining.
The Mage and Seer should work together to make the Frog and light the Forge. The Knight can protect the two fortune-telling classes while they do their things. The Rouge can steal from enemies on every world and just make a mass flow of Hope to the Mage, Seer, and Knight. The Maid... sorry to say is kinda the person to vent to of the group and keeps everyone from fighting with each other.
Because I feel bad for leaving you hanging I can also help you with advice on your sixth player: A Witch of Breath would keep you all motivated and on track, a Heir of Void would be a heavy hitting claspect for in the fight against the Black King and anyone poping up you need to take care of, or finally a Sylph of Breath for some major motivation skills.
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