god217 · 4 months
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my favourite emo🤭
i already posted this on ig but i should post here too. anyway love u
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god217 · 4 months
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you are my starlight
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god217 · 4 months
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god217 · 4 months
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god217 · 4 months
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jumin han professional set up
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god217 · 4 months
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god217 · 4 months
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[1⁄6 out of the gravity。]
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god217 · 4 months
Happy Birthday
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707 (11th June)
Mystic Messenger
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god217 · 4 months
Happy Birthday
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Unknown/Saeran Choi (11th June)
Mystic Messenger
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god217 · 5 months
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god217 · 2 years
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god217 · 2 years
demon saeran? v? if they'd go soft i'd willingly sell my soul, no question.
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You won’t just give me your soul now? I’ll take such good care of you <3
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god217 · 3 years
Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. VAE Ray bath 😈 And if he lets us....maybe we can take care of his scars
VAE Ray is always wary of sharing a lot about himself. A part of it is because of laden fears from the past where he let himself think that he could trust the people around him and then he was left... left with nothing but dread in his heart that he could do nothing to stop. That was his reality... for such a long time.
He was bathed in his mistakes and there was no doubt about it. He bore his sins and trauma on his body like it was a cross to carry. It'd burned into his soul from the inside to the out, marking him as what he wanted to believe as ugly every time he looked in the mirror. It was so hard to see himself.
He would feel afraid of his own reflection whenever he paused in a mirror, not knowing what to do or say when the memories finally had him remembering every day what he'd done. He had tried to get rid of himself and he couldn't even do that right... two years later and he'd still felt like he was a failure.
He couldn't even get rid of himself right... that's what he thought when he hit his lowest point. He thought of himself as no good and a failure. The only person that hadn't told him he was a failure or that he needed to be better was you... you had come into his life and given him the will to live after he'd been frightened to death.
He had been scared to live until your smile gave him a chance... he still felt like he wasn't good enough.
He couldn't handle crowds, he needed quiet or he would go into a panic, and any sounds of fun and joy during the holidays left him trembling like a scared cat that wanted to curl up and die without bothering anyone in the house.
But, you didn't want him to live like that... you didn't want him to suffer and you wanted him to feel safe. That's why on a night like this, when the rest of the world was outside and trying to party, he was so surprised that you wanted to stay in and be with him in your lonely little apartment. Ray didn't know what to think.
He had so many limits... but... you didn't seem to think that he was holding you back. You never implied or said anything of that sort. It made him wonder what you thought when you were alone... when you weren't around him and what you truly thought of him. You'd always said you were an open book, but...
Ray had his fears.
That's why he was surprised when you gently urged him to leave his mug of hot chocolate to join you in the bathroom. He was surprised, to say the least, only because the bathroom had been decorated to the nines.
There were fairy lights hanging against the ceiling and tangled with vines that you strung up, no sign of candles or fire to be seen. It was gentle on his eyes... and what's more, he noticed that you had added some treats on the end table by the tub, many of his favorites, along with a book... one of his favorites.
The one that he would often ask you to read for him so he could sleep at night. The frog prince, of course, because he felt like he needed a kiss to be handsome again. Ray nervously looked back at you but you just smiled at him. The music playing in the background was a soft melody that spoken over any loud noises that would come from out of the house.
"I thought you could relax tonight, and I could read to you while you do, Ray," you nodded. "Is that okay? I added your favorite bath bomb to the tub, you know, the pink one with all the roses... and I thought the bubbles might help you feel more comfortable."
Because he was afraid to show his body.
Ray felt his face warm up but he breathed in, fingers twitching against the edge of his sleeves. "You want me to... get in... the..."
"If that's okay. I won't watch if you don't want me to!"
He thought about it for just a moment but then he gently nudged you to look the other way so he could slowly remove his sweater and the thick compression wear underneath it. He sank into the tub and tried to ignore the way the waters kissed his scars.
He was left looking back at you as you turned around.
You took a spot next to the tub and leaned over just enough to brush your hand against his cheek. You never touched his scars without thinking of how tender they were... even now. He leaned into your embrace and left himself to feel your gentle love. "Is it... okay?"
"It's always okay, Ray. You're lovely," you said.
Ray tried to lay back against the warm water as you began to read for him, letting him close his eyes as you started to paint the story of how you fell in love with a prince who failed to see his worth because he thought his body wasn't perfect... but it was, it always was, and no kiss could change how lovely his heart was.
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god217 · 3 years
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mystictober day one. fav character
saeran best boi ùwú
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god217 · 3 years
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god217 · 3 years
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Mystictober 2021 - Day 15: Obsession / Unrequited + Day 6: Bomb
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god217 · 3 years
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Mystictober 2021 - Day 1: Favourite Character / Ring
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