goddace · 3 years
Hisashi is a complete sap for the goddess that is Midoriya Inko and the feral green child Midoriya Izuku, and nothing warms my heart more than that.
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goddace · 3 years
Kagami: Most people never commit a murder. Most people are cowards. Izuku, watching A:tla nearby: Mom says no murder in the house. Kagami, remembering that one time she got blood on the carpet: That’s fair
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goddace · 3 years
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Meet Kanda Rin, oc in the AVT Au.  
Current facts: thirteen, daughter of politician Kanda Norio, avid fan of Mai from A:tla, has faked own kidnapping to get away from father. She and Izuku are currently kidnapped together, so that’s gonna give their kidnapper a migraine.  
Quirk: Weaponry, can create any weapon that has already been created (knives, swords, bats) and make it disappear with a single touch. However, it does waste her energy quickly if she’s not careful, for it requires concentration. She can only have a current max of four items out at a time.   Chapter 5 will be posted sometime this week, probably, 
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goddace · 3 years
Izuku is the type of person to get arrested for vigilantism, but through some absurd loophole ends up working for the police force instead. 
The police force is torn between trying to arrest him again or having him as an honorary member. 
Naomasa is thinking about retiring. 
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goddace · 3 years
The Story of How Izuku Accidentally Kills AFO
So Izuku’s team was working on a case where people were going missing. No one could find out when/where they went missing, so everything led to a dead end. There was no common connection between those who went missing. Babies, teenagers, young adults, boys, girls, powerful, normal, weak, ‘evil’ quirks (even tho villains weren’t a thing, there was stll quirk discrimination) Everyone went missing no matter who they were. Since the case was going nowhere, Izuku’s team decided to call it quits and shut the case (they didn't have the funds to keep going)
However, Izuku decided no, he was going to solve the case.With very little hesitance (everyone had already seen his analysis at work a few times and they knew how smart he was, especially for a young 22yo), his boss Tsukauchi gave him the case.
For the next month or so, Izuku searched through every lead he could find. He questioned family members, neighbors, coworkers, and went into shady alleyways at night. He even ended up in a bar fight somehow. Eventually he found a link between the cases.
Everyone who went missing went to the same arcade exactly a week before they went missing.
So he heads over since it's actually pretty close by, but on his walk, he passes by this man in a suit who happens to be All For One out on an errand. Of course, Izuku doesn't know about AFO bc he's the leader of LoV and Tsukauchi banned Izuku from ever getting involved with that. So, Izuku walks past him but he brushes shoulders with AFO (the streets are packed during lunch rush).
Now AFO can sense everyone's quirks through touch since that's how he takes them, but with Izuku, he feels nothing. And I'm not saying AFO is against quirkless, but he's against quirkless.
So AFO starts talking about how quirkless shouldn't exist because quirks have existed for so long and how they’re a waste of resources, and he starts berating Izuku for not evolving and all that quirkist jazz.
Obviously, Izuku has heard it all before, but he is not taking it from some random guy on the street. He figures the guy in the suit (AFO) can sense quirks, so he knows ‘suit guy’ is talking to him. He responds with how quirks don't determine a person, how little the amount of quirkless people there are in society, and how they actually have a better work-related efficiency compared to the average quirk user.
They kind of end up in a debate match in the middle of the street, and they’re both screaming at this point.  AFO walks forward, probably to use a calming quirk on Izuku, but Izuku views it as a threat (which it kind of is) and he panics and punches him in the face.
So AFO is in shock and Izuku runs the fuck away
Few weeks later after Izuku solved the missing people case (they were being tracked when they entered the arcade and taken to an empty warehouse a few miles away which was how Izuku stopped their human trafficking scheme), Izuku is at home where he lives alone since he moved out of his mom’s house when he got promoted to be on Tsukauchi’s team.
He’s enjoying his Friday night when he hears someone opening a window, and lo and behold, AFO is there. He’s mumbling about how hard it was to find Izuku’s house and how useless his alarm system is. When AFO sees Izuku, he starts declaring how as the gang leader of LoV he cannot be bested by anyone, especially a quirkless civilian. Que a high speed chase in Izuku’s apartment where Izuku is running away from AFO who's trying to kill him.
AFO ends up tripping over an All Might figurine, and he grabs onto a nearby  desk for support  to get up. But it's actually a bookshelf, and it falls on top of him. He still gets up (with manic laughter and blood), so Izuku panics and grabs a nearby lamp and knocks AFO over the head with it.
Unfortunately for Izuku, AFO ends up falling down the stairs (bc of course there's stairs, Izuku lives in the city). Thus, AFO is accidentally killed by Izuku. And Izuku is contemplating  whether he should turn himself in or go back to sleep.
He chooses sleep.
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goddace · 3 years
Izuku, admitting to having grappling hooks, special gloves that help him climb walls, and casually jumping off buildings: so thats just my regular week,, wait why are you looking at me like that??
Shinso: are you some vigilante with a poorly hidden identity or what?
Izuku: WHAT?! Of course NOT. I'm no vigilante. Thats illegal!
Also Izuku, punches muggers in the face, interrupts drug deals, and saves a kidnapped child, all while saying 'i'm not a vigilante' and somehow getting away with it.
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goddace · 3 years
Y’all I just came up with an Au where quirks are still a thing but there are no heroes, no villains, or vigilantes. It’s all just gangs. Police are a thing tho, and Izuku is one of the top detectives. And Izuku doesn’t have a quirk, but he accidentally becomes the Gang Lord of the League of Villains.
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goddace · 3 years
All Might: you can't be a hero w/o a quirk
Izuku: okay ig :/
~after the sludge villain attacks Bakugou~
All Might: You can become a hero if I give you my quirk
Izuku: Unfriended, unfollowed, blocked, ignored, never talk to me again or i'll make you regret it
~a few days later~
All Might, showing up at Izuku's house in skeleton form: You must reconsider, don't you want to be a hero?
Izuku, readying his army of semi-permanent inkfilled water balloons: you asked for this, old man
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