goddessempiree · 1 month
I remember when I couldn't decipher anything they were saying on the radio and felt like Mandarin was like a secret code language. Like, I couldn't understand the syllables they were making at all. It was just gibberish to me
Now I can perfectly follow along, even with words I don't know, and I'm really happy about how far I've come
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goddessempiree · 1 month
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goddessempiree · 1 month
Private until it’s permanent.
Love. Career. Finances. All.
Private until it’s permanent.
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goddessempiree · 1 month
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I found this travel influencer on Instagram and Lovee her feed 😍
Please follow Akira
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goddessempiree · 1 month
Is there a tip that you consistently use?
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This is one of my favorite tips from my favorite book. There’s nothing like being welcomed, like being smiled at and feeling like you’re safe. I go out of my way to show my joy to others, and practicing this technique of smiling has helped me to introduce myself to so many people. Part of being welcoming is looking welcoming; people are more inclined to want to meet people who they perceive as kind or who they think seem friendly.
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goddessempiree · 1 month
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goddessempiree · 1 month
I'm going to make it. No one and nothing is going to stop me.
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goddessempiree · 1 month
I am always taken to exciting events.
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Any exquisite event I want, I go to.
Men are always happy to foot a bill and buy me tickets to anything I want.
Anything I want to do, men will agree to and happily execute, just to see me myself.
I am always granted excitement, charm, and excellent experiences from the men I allow into my life.
The men I allow in my life are happy to surprise me and do the absolute best they can to see me smile and gush.
I am a magnet to men who are adventurous, and are always around to take me to any high power and fancy occasion I want.
I always have the perfect wardrobe for each and every event as well, making me look absolutely stunning each time.
Anything I want, ever, as a date, is given to me by the men I have in my life, since they're all generous, exciting, and lovable romantics.
God bless and amen, thank you so much Universe for bestowing this upon me, and thank you for the gifts.
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goddessempiree · 1 month
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goddessempiree · 1 month
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originally made this plan for myself but all the Q&A sessions on instagram made me want to share it with you.
everyone, let's do our best and have fun. no pressure and don't take it too seriously. Come on ig if you want more action, details and examples.
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goddessempiree · 1 month
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goddessempiree · 1 month
How I sculpt my waistline.
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I enjoy enhancing my natural assets, and since I’ve always had a tiny waist, I’ve focused on making it even more defined to get that Audrey cinched waist silhouette. I really like to bring out my best features to make them truly stand out and become real wow factors, it's one of my favorite beauty tips that consistently delivers great results. By employing a range of targeted strategies and maintaining consistency with the methods I’ve adapted I’ve been able to achieve a more sculpted and defined waistline. My approach involves a combination of disciplined routines and personalized techniques that have evolved over time.
I <3 stomach vacuums. I perform them countless times a day without thinking about it, and since it can be done anywhere with minimal effort, it's an excellent habit to cultivate. I particularly enjoy engaging and working the muscles around and within my waist. It will contribute to a more defined midsection by targeting the TVA, which is essential for stabilizing and supporting your internal organs, and it enhances core stability, effectively tightening the abdominal area and improving overall posture. This method is infallible, and while many will insist it’s effective, I strongly recommend using it as a supplementary approach.
I maintain a rigorous regimen to support my health and physique by drinking an abundant amount of water daily. My diet consists primarily of fresh fruits and fish, and I avoid processed foods and sugar like the plague. I start each day with a glass of water on an empty stomach to kickstart my metabolism and drink a lot of spring water throughout the day. In addition to this, I also incorporate green juices and fruit juices into my routine for added nutrients and freshness, I always include some collagen supplements to support skin and joint health, and regularly consume nuts.
Every other morning, as soon as I wake up, I perform Alexis Ren's ab workout, it's a rigorous, highly effective routine that only takes 10 minutes and it is designed to target every aspect of the abdominal muscles. The workout includes a series of exercises that engage the upper abs, lower abs, obliques, and transverse abdominis but I always make sure to skip the obliques. By incorporating this routine into my morning ritual, I effectively kick-start my metabolism and enhance my core stability and I always follow up with a tall, refreshing glass of water.
To achieve a more pronounced hourglass figure and make your waist appear smaller than it actually is, the most effective approach is to focus on enhancing the size of your glutes and lats. Ironically, performing too many ab workouts can make your waist appear larger which I do not want. This look is obviously not everyone's cup of tea, and you can totally skip working out the lats if it doesn’t appeal to you. Just make sure you don’t overdo it, and keep in mind that an extreme physique is highly unlikely unless you spend excessive time in the gym or use steroids.
I intentionally avoid working out my obliques because targeting the obliques and other side muscles can sometimes contribute to a wider appearance. I would really recommend avoiding working out the obliques at all costs because doing so can actually make your waist look wider. Engaging in side exercises can cause the waist to expand too, which is the exact opposite of the streamlined, narrow look I aim for. I want my waistline to remain as slim and defined as possible so I skip them in all my workouts.
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goddessempiree · 1 month
A man telling you you’re hot is not a compliment. A compliment is him wanting to marry you, take care of you and respect you.
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goddessempiree · 1 month
Rarely ever be emotional. Your default is under emotional. Always observing, looking at how you can turn certain events to have a favorable outcome for you and where you can benefit from. Save your emotions for your children or your pets or for when you write or paint or express yourself. Save it for your journal to put them all down in and sort through them. Process your emotions in private, with someone you trust, or with a therapist. Practice mental hygiene every night where you put them down on paper or say them out loud. But your emotions are a currency.
Say you only have so much currency to spend every day. Would you be giving them out as freely as you do and to people who didn’t even ask for it?
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goddessempiree · 1 month
Stop obsessing over him…
While it might seem fun to fantasise about a man, to think about him non-stop, to imagine your life together what you’re actually doing is sending a very strong signal to the universe that energetically ‘I come second’. While this might sound extreme, hear me out... Your thoughts are no longer your own because you are thinking about him. You can’t focus on you because you are thinking about him. All of a sudden everything is about him. You wake up, you take a shower. Lost in the fantasy...He might be a man you’re talking to, dating, fucking, whatever the case my be. Obsessing over a man in thought is never something you should get comfortable with, giving your precious energy away to moments that will ….most likely never happen. And what for? What about thinking about you. Your dreams, passions? The vision for your day? You only have so much mental capacity each day. And getting lost in the fantasy is not the answer.
Create no fantasy of him. This is your lesson. Press pause. Literally press fucking pause. Eject the tape. Throw it out the window. This is YOUR movie. You get to take centre stage. You no longer have to play second to mentally overthinking men. 
Start choosing you. But you have to choose you in thought first and foremost. You can’t come second in thought. Your thinking has to be on you, about you. You can’t come second mentally because a man who is not your man is taking centre stage in your mind. Your thinking space is prime real estate. It needs YOU. YOU need to own that domain. Not think it’s cute to imagine the future, get all giddy and love sick. No. No no no. Bring it back to you. Your job now is to remain focused on you. That is it. Remain focused of you. Let go. Just let go. 
Is this message clear enough for you. Do you understand now how harmful it is to make a man first priority in your mind? 
Give yourself some grace. Clean your room and get back to you. Focusing on you. Energising you. It’s a process, but the shift can be instant..all of a sudden one day you just say no. No to allowing a man to take up the domain of your mind. And just like that you can switch off that light in your mind that gets excited to overthink a man. Say no. Pray. Ask for a miracle. Call on angels. This is truly serious because focusing on you, and remaining in your centre is how you win in this life. 
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goddessempiree · 1 month
It's three things I don't play about:
(1) me
(2) my time
(3) my money
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goddessempiree · 1 month
Sometimes, your mother will shame you and condemn you for choosing a life of ease and respect to your feminine energy and breaking the generational trauma of suffering and sacrifice that a lot of women have ingrained In themselves.
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