goddesshecatechild · 4 years
Necromancy: Sing Them Awake
After receiving a few requests for a post on this and a bit of extra time, I decided to finally sit down and have a chat about necromancy.  Since Biblical days, necromancy has been considered one of the most immoral magics that a magician could perform. The conjuration of souls which have passed through death’s gate was and still is considered a foul act. Fiddling with bones and whispering damnable words makes the skin crawl, and as it should. This is playing with death.   The word necromancy refers to the act of divining through the use of the dead. Through the definition itself seems rather ambiguous, the act of necromancy is commonly illustrated through two methods within pop culture and common belief. The first is the actual raising of the body itself to utter secrets. The second is the raising of the soul to relay information. In actuality, the latter is true while the former remains to be a dramatization, though the magicians of some cultures use poison to temporarily paralyze and ‘revive’ people to simulate the creation of a zombie.  The idea of what necromancy was changed over time. The suffix of the word was disregarded. In time, the practice of raising the dead, whether bodily or by spirit, was considered to be necromancy. Soon, the definition expanded further into being any magic that dealt in death and spirits of the dead.  Necromancy has long been known to be quite a ceremonial art. Grimoires accounting for necromantic rituals give lucid instruction on how to follow the procedure for the most successful result, even giving counter incantations and workings for the possible failure or derailment of the working. Swords, knives, staffs, wands, and pointed weapons were used to command the spirits and force their compliance. Names of God, incantations in Hebrew and Latin (sometimes a corruption of both), and angelic invocation were also used for force compliance of a spirit. Circles and measures of protection were used to keep the magician safe in his efforts to raise the dead, especially for when the spirit was particularly malicious or violent.The ceremonies needed to be followed quite closely, lest the spirits be loosened and either attack the practitioner or flee.  However, in places where folk magic flourished, other acts of necromancy became clear. In Northern countries, most acts to become a sorcerer or to gain supernatural power were done in graveyards or churchyards (which would act as a local graveyard for many small towns). In these rituals, the magician would ask the spirits of the dead to lease power or knowledge to them. It might even be suggested that a spirit within that graveyard might act as a future familiar spirit to the magician in question, teaching, serving, and acting as a connector to the Other World.  However, even within the accounts of folk Necromancy, a sense of formality is still stressed. A ‘charmed ring’ as described in a tale called “The Ghost of Stythians” is used by a Cornish white witch to protect her client from the possible attacks of churchyard spirits that she intended to raise. Incantations in foreign tongues are accounted for. So too, powers beyond the magician are invoked to control the spirit and force compliance.  In Germanic cultures, and later in Anglo-Saxon society, raising the dead was a magical act accounted for in both practice and in mythological source. Volvas, sorcerous Norse seeresses, were told to be raised by both gods and man alike to be asked for advice and tellings of the future. Later, in 10th Century Anglo Saxon England, King Edgar enacts a law that commands that people who live upon the land should drive out all known witches, wizards, and morthwyrtha. Morthwyrtha were people who venerated the dead, specifically, their beloved dead or ancestors. Though this practice was thought to be religious in some sense, it still retained necromantic connotations because it involved working with the dead.  Just as witchcraft is, necromancy is a common magical practice found in nearly every culture. However, the method of practice is what makes it unique to each culture. Some traditions account for different methods, while other more rural customs account for others. Of course, the kind of necromancy being talked about makes these methods vary, as well as the kind of connotation it holds culturally.  Ancestral Veneration- Is it necromancy? It depends on who you ask. Some will assert that it clearly fits the word’s meaning and definition, and thus clearly can be classified as a necromantic act. Others are less than convinced by this, arguing that necromancy has connotations that would suggest asserting magical dominance over the spirit in question rather than praying to it or venerating it in any way. What is clear is that it is a magical act that has been accounted for in many old tales and myths, most of which include questioning the spirit of an ancestor for guidance. This would, by definition, classify it as necromantic in some way.  The way that many cultures partake in venerating their beloved dead is quite varied and at the same time, rather similar. Objects of focus are used to symbolize the dead, whether that be a photograph, one of their belongings, a gift from them to the practitioner, or an altar made in their name. They are fed with food, drinks, gifts, incense, etc. Then, they are prayed to by the practitioner. Cultural intricacies will individualize the practice, but those three steps are the most common in any practice that includes ancestral veneration.  Mediumship- Much controversy is put around the claim that mediumship is necromancy. With the recent increase in popularity with the term, any purported relation to such an act as necromancy is vehemently struck down without consideration. It remains, however, that an act of necromancy is often coupled with some form of mediumship. To be a medium is to mediate between the living and the dead, often through a variety of forms. Classic mediums are possessed and relay information that way. Though, some hear or see the Dead, as with those with the Sight. It is popularly, and very broadly, considered to be the ability to perceive and communicate with spirits of the dead. Because it is so intrinsically tied up with spirits of dead folks and because it’s often used by people to gain information, it fits with the definition of necromancy. However, for it to be necromancy, it requires the dead to be summoned or called in some way. It is this act of magic which is found in most necromantic rites.  Is it fair to call a gifted medium a necromancer? I would think not without context. If they were to use magic to summon the spirits which they mediate for, then I would be more inclined to believe it. The use of magic in the act of divining through the dead seems to be the indicator of whether it is necromancy or not.  Acquisition of Sorcerous Power- As stated before, many rural magical traditions account for magicians acquiring power through the dead in a variety of means. Not only is it thought that the dead would act as helpers to this magicians, but they would be the current through which power would flow to the newly made sorcerer.  Most of the workings accounted for take place on a Thursday, usually between the hours of midnight to two o’clock. Some account for going to a churchyard and taking metal from the church-bell and promising to return it in death. Others account for leaving things behind, like blood or gifts. One of the most popular methods, which is not bound to Northern cultures alone, is that of grave-sleeping. Sleeping upon a grave is thought to connect the living practitioner with the spirits of the dead within that place. Through them, power is allowed to flow to the practitioner, effectively making them a sorcerer.  Bone Work- Less about the spirit which needs to be summoned and much more about the local spirits is bone work. Bone work involves a practice in which one seeks to commune with and, ultimately either help or control, the spirit found inside of the bones which they have found or been given. Though it is popularly believed now that the spirit completely leaves the bones upon death, the folklore of old is not so clean cut on its belief about death. The soul has parts. Some bits stay and some bits go. When a person, dead or not, leaves a bit of their body behind, it carries a part of their spirit. The rest of their spirit may be accessed and leveraged by the smaller part. This is the intrinsic nature of animism, which is ultimately the relationship between the micro and the macro. By working rites and magic over the bone, the magician is able to control the spirit which is already inside the bone, and effectively gaining contact with the rest of the spirit as well.  Beyond this, the belief which is common across many cultures is that the material of bone itself provides connection to the dead. A single human skull may be used as a symbol and a bridge, allowing connection to ancestral spirits and shades. The skull of a fox might act as a go-between, a bridge between the Wild Unknown and the Living Order. It is through working with the bones that the magician is able to work with the spirits, whether native to its remains, or something connected to it in some way, shape, or form.  Spirit-Raising- Without a doubt, this is certainly the most recognizable and identifiable acts of necromantic magic. In this, the magician is looking to bring the spirit of a dead individual to them and, presumably, answer their questions or bidding. Methods of this act vary greatly between traditions of magic and cultures, but the nature of the raising itself may also change the method.  If perhaps the magician wishes to raise the spirit of a dead loved one, or with whom they are connected in some way, they may not approach the raising as any other necromantic act. In this, gentleness and coaxing is used to bring the spirit back to the magician. Incantations, food, and light can be beacons to the named spirit so that it might return successfully.  The magician might also wish to raise the spirit of a man with whom they were not acquainted with in life or with whom we had quarreled with. In this case, a much different tone is undertaken. The spirit might show resistance to the magician and refuse their calls. The spirit might attack the magician for disturbing them. The spirit might attempt to flee. In any case, there is a great chance for issue and flaw. In this case, a much more traditional undertaking is likely to be taken up. Protective measures, likely a circle of some sort, are used to ensure the magician’s safety in this most trying operation. So too are tools or weapons are used for force and compulsion. A blasting rod with forked tongs, a black handled knife, a silver sword, a yew wand, or any number of such tools have been employed in the past for such tasks.  Then, of course, comes the next part of the task which is to question the dead. Such tools of complement become of use again. The spirit must be compelled to speak the truth to the necromancer. After they do the magician’s will, they will be given the license to depart.  Such an incantation will give the spirit freedom to leave the magician’s bonds, only under the condition that it will not harm anyone or anything on its way back to its place of origin. This is not a banishment and will not force a spirit to leave. Some spirits are intent upon staying, if for no other reason that to try to fight the magician’s will. Under such a circumstance, a banishment and exorcism of the space is required to force the spirit to return from where the magician summoned it.  *** With these being some of the most popular forms of necromancy, there are also innumerable other examples of necromantic work. Given that the definition has widened so much into being magic that deals in spirits of the dead, it covers a broad spectrum of magical systems and traditions.  Attending necromancy’s reputation of being one of the darkest arts is a large amount of caution which is issued with workings of that nature. Not all spirits will come forward of their own volition. Often times, classic necromantic workings are designed to force compliance. With that, the spirit might become enraged or wish to exact vengeance. A few things need to be taken into consideration before diving into this.  Protection- When playing with spirits that are possibly malicious or could become violent, protection of some kind is always suggested. Most magicians will lay a circle of some kind to protect themselves from the powers that they seek to command. They will also carry with them talismans and charms which protect them from the touch of the summoned shades, but will not necessarily deter the working itself. Of course, the tools they carry are also a means of protection. Not only do these tools command such powers as those being summoned, but they act as weapons when the spirits attack or break loose of compulsion. Black handled knives, iron blades, water purified with silver and salt, staves and wands made of hazel or yew, etc. all prove effective as weapons against spirits of the dead. A combination of tools, glyphs, charms, and the like is suggested when one seeks to command the dead. However, these protective measures should be just that, protective, but not an interference with the working itself. Injury is best avoided, but when one practices this art, no one leaves untouched.  Tone- Different acts of necromancy call for different approaches. This is a simple thing. However, there are a great many complexities to this. Each act will call for a different method, but above all, it will call for a different tone. In acts looking to summon spirits of dead loved ones, family, friends, or beloved ancestors, the working will look and feel intrinsically different than that of a rite to conjure the spirit of an unfamiliar ghost. Kinder words will be used, gentler motions and actions are taken. Food and offering might be used, and flames and light to be a beacon. This is not something which will pull a spirit from the grave, but invite them to your side.  On the other hand, with much more characteristic examples of necromancy, the magician might also wish to conjure the spirit of a person who they never knew, but wish to obtain something from. In this case, caution is taken, as is a pronounced sense of sangfroid. They might use words that are much more commanding, actions and spells that are much more coercive, and ritual components that are generally more saturnian.  The tone between rituals changes depending upon the goal and the spirit that the magician intends to conjure. It is for the best of all parties involved, including the spirits, that this is the case. Relationships with spirits may be spoiled or built depending upon the actions of the magician. No word or action hence shall go unnoticed. Knowledge- It should go without saying that no working of necromancy should be approached blindly. The magician requires knowledge to perform the rite to their set goal. What kind of knowledge?  Foremost, knowledge about the working they are about to attempt. Are there quirks or important intricacies about the exact rite they are about to perform? Is there a set order in which ritual actions are performed? Is there a specific kind of circle or rite space-preperation that needs to be followed? These are all very general questions, but in matters of necromancy, they are to be followed quite closely.  Secondly, but certainly not any less important, is knowledge about the spirit which they will attempt to summon. The more you know about the spirit, the better. Descriptions, especially by familial relation, will help in the summoning of the proper spirit. The thing you don’t want to happen is accidentally summon the wrong spirit. Knowledge about the spirit, about their living life, their interests, their loves, their hates, etc. can help in the summoning. Not only will this help build a proper summoning incantation, but it will help you in deciding the spell components used in their calling. What will lure them into your trap? What will wake them up enough from the grave to come to you? Will it be something that they love, crave, or hate? In that respect, knowledge truly is power.  Power- Such a small word with such large consequence. Amusingly enough, this has little to do with the power which the magician carries internally and everything to do with the power they must acquire over individual spirits. Usually, necromantic workings require a representation of the spirit being summoned. These representations, commonly shown as photographs, drawings, possessions, etc. are not only links to the spirit in question, but a means of exercising power over it. Possessions, photographs, drawings, and the like only work as magical links because they carry a piece of that spirit inside of them. It can be used to compel a spirit, though it does not hold absolute power.  This conversation of power also includes non-magical methods of gaining the upper hand. Folk tales of necromancy or spirits often include outsmarting a spirit. The living have their secrets. Many think they can carry them into the grave. Such secrets can be used to gain an upper hand against the spirit. They were once living. Reputation still matters for some.  This topic intrinsically also has to do with the power used by the magician which stems from a much larger source. Much historical necromancy calls upon God, Christ, or the Holy Trine to compel the spirits that they conjure. The direct use of power lent by God unto a magician is an important one, as it not only addresses the source of a magician’s power over something which many think unconquerable, but it also addresses the understanding of a magician that the power they might draw from a larger source would be infallible in the act of something considered as dangerous as necromancy. It is not only the branching out of spirit relationships, but it is also the amassing of power.  This is something found in non-abrahamic examples as well. The calling on deities, demons, or spirits to open doors, control the dead, or give protection during the process is something found in both modern and historical examples. This should give an indication as to the necessity of spirit work before the act of necromancy. Nothing comes from nothing. Power comes from relativity.  *** Having talked about those, the details and components of a necromantic working should be expounded upon. Things like location, timing, and ingredients are exponentially important and interestingly unified across cultures.  The question of time and place of necromantic acts is usually answered quite lucidly by most texts. It is agreed upon that the hours between 12:00 AM and 3:00 AM are quite fitting for necromancy. Even modern folklore provides backing for this, as most people believe it to be the ‘witching hours’, or a liminal time period in which supernatural activity is at its highest.  The best location for it is also usually agreed upon. A churchyard or a graveyard are the most common and considered to be some of the most fitting. Not only is this where bodies lay below, but at night, they are secluded and silent. Some also believe necromantic work is best done in the wilderness. Some hold necromancy rites in their consecrated temples or spaces which have been set aside for such an art. Most agree that to perform it in one’s own home is risky at best, especially in one’s own bedroom. Though as previously stated, some have spaces set aside for their arts.  The location and time are not only meant to connect the magician to the dead they wish to summon, but to shroud them. Silence and stillness are best for raising dead, true, but it’s also best for not getting caught.  Most necromantic acts are undertaken by a magician equipped with one or more tools of the art. These classic tools include black handled knives, blades of silver or iron, a yew wand, a hazel blasting rod, a rowan staff, etc. The construction of such tools are detailed in old grimoires and require a lengthy process of consecration. Upon creating such a tool, the magician wields it to defend themselves against spirit and compel the spirits they have summoned. It is best not to practice spirit raising without having such a tool. It not only affords power, but it proves to be a source of protection for the magician.  The ingredients or components commonly used in necromantic arts are intriguing, as there is a contradiction in their nature. A lot of recipes for rites and spells call for the use of Saturnian ingredients, which is to say that they call for things that are death-like in nature. However, in many cultures, rituals of necromancy also call for the use of things that are to be considered ‘lively’ or full of life, like honey, herbs, flowers, blood, and serpents.  These components are a representation of the purpose of necromancy, which is a contradiction in itself. To make the dead live is contradicting. It is through the saturnian components that spirits are drawn and compelled, but it is through the lively ones that they are given voice, breath, and life.  To practice necromancy is to contradict both powers of life and death by marrying them, a crime that even Zeus saw as unnatural. Out of all arts, it is one of the darkest and most risky. Practiced with caution and precision, it can be an invaluable tool. Though once started, it isn’t likely to stop. When a magician becomes a necromancer, they open two doors. One is outside and the other is within. 
Below, I will provide a few examples of necromantic rites and spells; a Black Booklet, if you will. The process behind each is different and serves a different end. These are simply one witch’s way to achieve what many witches, conjurors, and ceremonial magicians have been doing for centuries.  Caution and care should be taken. 
Keep reading
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
Hecate is no virgin.
And she is certainly not light.
She is the GREAT GODDESS of heaven, who also reigns in hell.  A Queen amongst the children of Earth.
She is committed and married to her own self. 
Mary has no strength compared to her and could never hold the magnificence of her truth. No God, nor man’s light can withstand her darkness.  
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
many , many moons ago
I prayed to Hekate before going to sleep. the very next day, I got this text on my instagram porfile; “The Gods and Goddesses will always be there when you need them, they have been there for us long before 🌛🌓🌜Blessed Be My Sister’s & Brothers As Above It Shall Be Below 🩇 So Mote It Be đŸ™đŸ» 13 Goals of a Witch: Know Yourself Know Your Craft Learn and Grow Apply Knowledge with Wisdom Achieve a Balance Keep Your Words in Good Order Keep Your Thoughts in Good Order Celebrate Life and Accept Death Attune with the Cycles of the Earth Breathe and Eat to Thrive Exercise the Body Meditate Honor Nature “
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
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💋Hecate: 13 Ways to Work With the Goddess of Witchcraft💋
Is the Mother of Witchcraft, the Queen of Sorcery, and the Goddess of magic calling you? Hecate is an ancient Greek goddess and rules over witches far and wide. But if you’re new to her energy, how do you work with Hecate respectfully? Here we discuss who Hecate is and how to work with her in your magical practice.
Who is Hecate?
A favorite among modern and past witches, Hecate is an ancient Greek Goddess of magic, life and death, herbalism, the mysteries, and much more. She is a liminal spirit – she guards the thresholds between the human and spirit world. She’s found at the crossroads, at the doorways of homes, and at the gates of the cemetery. While a chthonic deity who presides over death and the dead, many forget Hecate is also a goddess of childbirth and life. As a triple goddess, her domain is the life/death/rebirth cycle. She is often depicted in a triple goddess form: as three women looking in different directions or as a three-headed canine.
Is Hecate dark? Many say she’s a dark goddess and it seems that reputation precedes her. However, people forget she’s a goddess of childbirth and LIFE, too! She helps heal women in need of reproductive healing and aids in the birthing process. She’s as much LIGHT as she is DARK. She encompasses all of these things – she IS the polarity. Don’t be afraid to work with her because of how others perceive her. I can tell you I’ve only had good, healing experiences with her.
Ways to Work With Hecate
Whether you’ve chosen Hecate as your matron goddess or not, she is a powerful deity to work with in your magical practice. She particularly loves witches, herbalists, diviners, healers, morticians and midwives. So if you’re any of these, you’re in luck! There are many ways to work with the goddess of the crossroads, but here are our favorites:
1. Pronounce Her Name Right
The pronunciation of Hecate’s name has been muddled and changed over the years. But there is a RIGHT way to say her name. Most say “heh-kah-tay” or “heh-kah-tee” with no emphasis on the middle syllable. But in ancient times, her name would have been pronounced with emphasis on the middle syllable like this: heh-KAH-tay or heh-KAH-tee. Practice that a few times out loud. Feel the difference? This is one simple to honor the goddess of witches.
2. Dedicate Altar Space to Hecate
Because Hecate is Queen of the Witches, she adores to have her own altar or altar space in a witch’s home. Things you can add: a representation of her like a statue or a key, a cauldron, a knife, a broom, dog figurines, decor with stars and moons, anything with the colors black or red. Cleanse and consecrate the space and tools in Hecate’s name.
3. Altar Offerings for Hecate
In addition to keeping space for her, giving offerings is another great way to work with her. Nearly every god or goddess we work with in our practice requires some energy exchange via offerings. Hecate is no different. Here are a few offerings she likes: pomegranates, lavender, dishes with garlic, date palms, eggs, honey, breads and sweets that are crescent-shaped, candleflame and incense.
4. Ritual at the Crossroads
Because Hecate is a ruler of the crossroads, rituals done at the crossroads honor and invoke her energy. If you live in an urban area, it may be hard to find a 3-way crossroads to perform ritual. In this case, mark out a 3-way crossroads on the ground with large branches as a symbolic crossroads of sorts. Otherwise, candle spells, invocations, and offerings at 3-way crossroads are a powerful way to call on her.
5. Canine Care
Hecate’s most sacred and loved animal is the dog. When you take care of our canine friends, do so in Hecate’s name. She will bless you AND your dogs or any dogs you care for. You can also call on Hecate to protect your dog from harm. If you can’t have a dog, donate your time OR old blankets, dog food, etc. to a local animal shelter. And tell Hecate you’re doing it in her name.
6. Feasts for Hecate
A fun and traditional way to honor the Goddess of Life and Death is to hold a dinner party or feast for her. In ancient times, Hecate’s priestesses held large parties in her name and made her favorite foods. Include lavender, honey, eggs and garlic in your dishes. Red wine and mead are traditional. Set a place at the table for your goddess or set a plate at her altar. To celebrate Hecate with a feast on her sacred day, August 13th, would be even better!
7. Study Herbs
Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft and was specifically known for her herbal knowledge. Sources say there was a sacred garden dedicated to Hecate at her temple in Colchis (modern day Georgia). This garden would’ve contained her sacred trees, herbs and poisons. Study medicinal and magical herbalism and become one of Hecate’s priestesses. By growing and harvesting your own herbs, you’re recreating Hecate’s garden at Colchis.
8. Dark Moon Rituals
The most powerful time to invoke Hecate in ritual is during a Dark Moon. Healing, banishing, and cleansing rituals in Hecate’s name during a Dark Moon are especially potent. Divination, particularly to speak with Hecate, is amplified during the Dark Moon. If you’re looking for examples of dark moon rituals click here.
9. Spirit Work in the Cemetery
Because she is the goddess of life and death, she is also a protector and gatekeeper of the spirit realm. Her presence is felt in cemeteries, as well as in birthing centers and hospitals. If you’re brave enough AND understand how to protect yourself, spirit work in the cemetery is another way to honor Hecate. But be careful
this isn’t a practice for beginners or for fun.
10. Offerings by the Door
In ancient times, Hecate’s devotees left offerings to her and her hounds outside by their door. You can honor Hecate and her hounds by doing the same. Leave an offering for Hecate and one of her dogs.
11. Locate the Dog Star
This is something fun to do in Hecate’s honor. Locate Sirius, the Dog Star, in the night sky. Use a mobile app like SkyView to locate Sirius, and if you can see it with the naked eye, gaze at it awhile. Feel Hecate’s energy radiating down from the night sky and pulsing through your veins. The star Sirius is her sacred star.
12. Work With Her Allies
By working with and getting to know the witch Queen’s allies, you honor her. Study and invoke any or all of the following: Medea, Circe, Cybele, Artemis, Diana, Persephone, Demeter, and Dionysus.
13. Doings Things in 13’s
The Goddess of Witchcraft’s sacred number is thirteen. If you want to honor her, perform ritual steps in thirteen steps. Offer thirteen flowers to her. Give elaborate offerings or do ritual on the thirteenth of each month in her name. Say your prayers thirteen times. Etc.
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
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Small devotional acts.
Learn more about the history of witchcraft
Practice divination
Light a torch, lantern, or even a match
Thank her when you go through crossroads or intersections
Listen to music that makes you feel witchy or powerful
Do small, simple spells
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Burn candles; blue, black or white.
Think of her when you pass graveyards
Stand outside at night and listen to all the sounds
Dedicate a small part of the night to her
Read stories about ghosts or spirits
Burn incense blends that make you feel magical and in control
Greet animals, especially ones with black fur
Go on nighttime adventures
Wear makeup or clothes that make you feel powerful and confident
Get some plants that bloom/thrive at night
Be the ‘guiding light’ for others, however that looks for you
Sit in a room with all the lights off, burn a candle if you need to
Keep track of the moon phases, do things associated with each one
Incoporate darker colors into you home or outfits 
Many, many, many other things not said here
With contributions from: @divinecrossroads and @lynx-tiger-arjei
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
Ideas for Hekate Devotion
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I know this a super specific post, but I’m feeling the hell out of my matron goddess tonight. This is mostly for personal reference but feel free to utilize for your own practice!
Light a candle for Her
Craft an oil with Her sacred herbs
Listen to self-empowering music
Practice self-care
Kiss your hand to the West
Collect seashells at the ocean
Explore caves
Visit your local cemetery and clean up the graves
Leave out offerings for the dead
Honor your ancestors
Write in your Grimoire/BoS
Read a book about spirituality/witchcraft
Commune with your Higher Self/Holy Guardian Angel
Make plans to fulfill your goals
Perform a water channeling in the bath/shower
Cleanse and spend time with your crystals
Go on a hike
Spend time with yourself, and learn to revel in your own company
Read the Tarot, or practice any type of divination
Perform an act of magick
Perform an act of charity
Dream big, and allow yourself to have what you want
Happy Witching 🕉
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
trump really rolled back healthcare protections for lgbt people during pride month AND on the day of the 4 year anniversary of the pulse nightclub shooting. i don’t know why i’m even shocked at this point but i still feel physically ill
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
help me........... please
hey yall so haha

. i’ve been pretty financially fucked for the last few months and because of that i haven’t been able to pay my parking bill and because of late fees and shit i now owe the parking company
.. 800 dollars 
so now i’m. extremely fucked 
i would really appreciate anything at all, i’ll draw u things if u send some money my way!!!!!! 
here’s my paypal ([email protected])
here’s my venmo (@maevestier)
here’s some of my art in case you’d like to send some money my way for a drawing like this! 
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity
brooklyn bail fund
minnesota freedom fund
atlanta action network
columbus freedom fund
louisville community bail fund
chicago bond
black visions collective
richmond community bail fund
the bail project inc
nw com bail fund
philadelphia bail fund
the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
george floyd’s family gofundme
reclaim the block
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.
please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Kahlil Gibran (via hymnsofheresy)
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
hi! your blog is a huge inspiration and is incredibly helpful in learning new witchy recipes as someone who is learning witchcraft and wants to be a kitchen witch! is there any chance you could post a witchy cake recipe? it’s my sisters birthday soon
Awww thank you so much! and I do! What about a witch's chocolate cake!
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For the Cake:
8 tbsp unsalted butter
increases tenacity, smoothes and soothes energies, increases spirituality and connection to deity on the physical plane
1 tsp cinnamon
healing, love, self-love, success, protection, victory, 
3 large eggs
strength, protection, nurturing
1/2 cup cocoa powder
love, comfort, prosperity
1 cup milk chocolate chips
friendship, self-love, love, balance
2 tbsp heavy cream
nurturing, so it sits right
3/4 cup sugar
love, attraction, good outcomes
A pinch of kosher salt
protection, anti negative vibes
1 tbsp espresso powder
energize, strenth, happniess
1 tsp vanilla extract
For the Ganache:
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
love, grounding, prosperity
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp sugar
love, attraction
1/2 cup heavy cream
just so it sits right
Preheat your oven to 375 F. Butter a round cake pan around 9 inches and line with parchment paper. Melt your chocolate chips for the cake and add them to a large mixing bowl along with salt, sugar, heavy cream, eggs, espresso powder, and vanilla. Whisk until smooth.
Stir in cocoa powder until combined. Pour the batter into your prepared baking pan and spread it out evenly. Bake for about 24-27 minutes, or until thoroughly cooked.
10 minutes before it comes out of the oven, make your ganache by combining your chocolate chips, sugar, and vanilla. With hot heavy cream pour over the chocolate chips and vanilla. Mix until it is thoroughly melted. 
When the cake is cool, spoon your ganache over the cake and spread it till it starts to drip off the cake. Let it stand 1 hour for the ganache to set until serving.
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
đŸ’€ Stuffed Animal Sleep Spell đŸ’€
a spell for keeping negativity out of dreams, whether it’s pain, difficult subjects, or people that hurt you.
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đŸ’€ gather: a pillow or stuffed animal, apple seeds, dried lavender and rosemary
đŸ’€ charge the herbs under the moonlight
đŸ’€ open up the pillow, place the herbs inside
đŸ’€ stitch the pillow back up. keep the pillow on the bed when you sleep
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
Epithets for Hecate
Apotropaia (that turns away/protects)
Chthonia (of the earth/underworld)
Enodia (on the way)
KlĂȘidouchos (holding the keys)
Kourotrophos (nurse of children)
Phosphoros, Lampadephoros (bringing or bearing light)
Propolos (who serves/attends)
Propulaia/Propylaia (before the gate)
Soteria (savior)
Trimorphe (three-formed)
Triodia/Trioditis (who frequents crossroads)
Trivia (mythology) (Roman form)
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
One of my mutuals and friends from these past 2 years has disappeared. His name is Mark Alexander and he is indigneous Miskitu and a prominent anarchist Nicaraguan figure in online spaces and he’s made enemies with orteguistas, state bootlickers and US white/diaspora tankies and right wing reactionaries. A lot of us are fearing he may have been taken as none of us have heard of him in months.
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He has been active in calling out antiblack/anti-indigenous racism and illegal settlements that the Ortega goverment has been actively supporting whilst pretending to be indigenous advocates. I’ve seen him receive death threats from these little wannabe gringo revolutionaries as he’s also been one to go after the Greyzone for spreading complete misinformation about the protests in Nicaragua in 2018-2019. He’s gone after Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton especially, both are allies of the orteguista state.
I know most people in this website live in the US but I’m scared for Mark and his family. He’s someone who cares deeply for his community and isn’t afraid to stand up to these racist freaks online who fetishize nicaraguan struggles while erasing the struggles of indigenous and black peoples of the country.
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
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“I Am Safe In My Religion”
This is a sigil from an old request I filled that I never got around to posting. I figure if there’s any right time to post it, it would be in light of the New Zealand terror attacks. I can only imagine how deeply this has shaken Islamic practitioners around the world, I hope any Islamic practitioners who might follow my blog can use this as at least a small comfort. This sigil can be used by any practitioner of any religion.
Take this sigil and burn it to ash. Sprinkle some ashes into your shoes before heading to your place of worship that day. 
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
“Blessed Be” Alternatives
Some people are uncomfortable when you bless them. Here are alternatives you can use so you don’t insult or offend people who don’t want your blessings:
“Good health to you”
“Happiness to you and yours”
“Fair winds”
“Sweet water and light laughter till we next meet”
“May your journey be swift”
“Well met”
“Until our paths cross again”
“Good fortune to you”
“Pleasant travels”
“May your forge burn bright”
“Until then”
“To your health”
“Guidance and clarity find you”
Feel free to add some you use or enjoy.
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goddesshecatechild · 4 years
Pls keep your “Blessed Be”
Someone asked me “what’s wrong with Blessed Be” earlier today and I cannot find my previous post on this so here we go. 
The phrase Blessed Be is from a very specific Gardnerian Wicca ritual called the Five Fold Kiss. This was the origin of the phrase. In this ritual, a cis man and a cis woman play the roles of the Horned God and Mother Goddess in a fertility rite during which they kiss each other’s genitals to bless their fertility and sacredness in the Wiccan religion.
The issue is that quoting this blessing outside of the rite doesn’t remove its context and now we’re in a situation where the person you are quoting it to did not consent to participate in the ceremony or the meaning behind these words.
I’m not Wiccan, not cis, not heterosexual, and I absolutely under no circumstances want my womb/genitals blessed. Continuing to say “Blessed Be”  once someone explains why they’re uncomfortable completely neglects consent.
If you want to say something nice please consider some of these alternatives.
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