goddesssajura ¡ 8 months
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goddesssajura ¡ 8 months
17-24/1/24 - HOROSCOPE ~
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Transiting Mercury 03 °in Capricorn means that our mind is under strict new management. It's all business and no boys, confidence and charisma, realising you possess the acumen, and demanding peak performance.
Mars in Capricorn affords us with strategy and stamina, a beneficial dose of composure and the ability to plan each step ahead. Alongside a premium Sun Pluto conjunction where destiny and lasting legacy is invited to reveals itself before our eyes....
- Is there something you have wanted to do for a very long time that every element including yourself has held you back from?
This sky is a reflection of a true potential that lies in you,
Believe it.
The Gods Believe in You
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goddesssajura ¡ 3 years
Could you please reblog this if you are a witch who isn’t Wiccan?
52K notes ¡ View notes
goddesssajura ¡ 4 years
How to read persona charts
Persona Charts: A How to
As those who follow the stars, we have many tools available to us to gain insight into facets of our being, and the archetypal energy present within not only our psyche, but very souls. One of these tools is know as the persona chart.  The persona chart is the chart cast by using the time the sun passed over a particular planet or other celestial body/point in your natal chart.
For those of you into dominance, I would say persona charts should be you best friend as they provide intimate knowledge, on the behavior of a certain planet in regards to you as a person.
How do we read these arcane little doo-dads? Is it just like any other chart?  The answer to that is, yes and no.
Each chart is like a person, a person within the theater that is the human mind.
Keep reading
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goddesssajura ¡ 4 years
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yoruba mythology | deities
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
Lynn Whitfield for her portrayal of Josephine Baker
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Angela Bassett for her portrayal of Tina Turner
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Halle Berry for her portrayal of Dorothy Dandridge
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Queen Latifah for her portrayal of Bessie Smith
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Diana Ross for her portrayal of Billie Holiday
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And thank you to the casting directors for casting them.
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
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Each planet is a single ‘aspect’ of us representing the positions of consciousness we take during our day to day life. When a chart makes plenty of aspects, the individual has a very active, alert, and dynamic inner world with plenty of interests and frayed stimulus. When a chart is lacking in aspects, the personality is quite complex, dualistic, and frayed in different active zones that don’t communicate, or do vaguely so with one another. 
The aspect operates at optimum capacity when 2 planets contact the exact degree point (such as Moon 16° in Leo conjunct Jupiter 16° in Leo) and continue to weaken with separation  
↔️ Conjunct: Too close for comfort 0 degrees away (5-10 degree separation orb)
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Partnership that is stimulated, highly energetic, building inside like a bursting, burning star. At their best they unify with great rising force and compete with their best qualities to outshine one another’s potential. Both planets can try to overpower the other, forced into compromise and agitated by close confines. It can be the classic case of being spoilt with talent. the energy inside begins to swell and it can feel like a fireball is churning inside like a pit of relentless energy, panic, or nervous excess
💭 Sextile - Partnership with Benefits 60 degrees away (2-4 degree separation orb)
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A mutual agreement to have a light and agreeable meeting and maintain a good flowing contact, non intrusive, congenial, and unimposing. The desire is to work at the pace that keeps both comfortable but their ease of content can make for a very inactive and unstimulated pair  
⚠️ Square: Cosmic Maelstrom 90 degrees away (4-8 degree separation orb)
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A battle of domination, one planet becomes highly active, overstimulated, and dominates the pair. Then, the power shifts to its opponent, it can feel like a see-saw of cement has been madly swung into another side of their body and mind inside, it can be difficult for these planets to settle and collaborate calmly and without fanaticism
📐 Trine - For Business or Pleasure? 120 degrees (4-8 degree separation orb)
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2 planets that are stimulated, excited, and regenerated by joining forces, coming together with grand ideal plans, and activating out the harmonic and peak qualities of one another. Sometimes they can become so relaxed and comfortable in company, the sense of having already achieved, dreaming instead of doing and letting themselves get away with doing nothing  
🔄 Opposition - A Mirror Face Off 180 degrees (5-10 degree separation orb)
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An opportunity to maximise the potential of both planetary and archetypal qualities but the work and internal pressure is not easy. There is entrenched finesse and talent, but both planets can battle it out to eclipse and reign supreme. The very essence of this activity is the resulting hard work and discipline by the individual that advances natural talent with skill, regimen, and passion. the contract for collaboration requires intense negotiation, compromise, and the integration of polar energies to create a single, divine force, the highest potential in each planet is only accessible through the other. Once established, the nature of this union is to lose and regain contact, separated by the frustration of opposing desires and reattach by the magnet force of underlying desire to connect with the other half of its inherent essence
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
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Being A Magical Practitioner: 1. Question everything you are told and read. 2. Hell even question this post. Only YOU can decide what is right and what works for you. 3. What may work for someone else may not work for you. What may work for you may not work for someone else. 4. Your practices are YOUR practices.
Support: 1. Ancestral veneration is so important. 2. Communicate with your ancestors daily. 3. They will help and guide you on your journey more than you will ever know. 4. You have several guardian angels and guardian spirits built into your existence, get to know them. 5. There is magic within you. Embrace your own power. 6. Mind your own magic. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. You don’t have to explain your practices to anyone else. Do you. 
Tools: 1. White candles are fantastic for every single purpose. 2. You can print your own labels for glass candles and glue them on plain glass candles.  You will save money this way in the long run. 3. You don’t need every single tool to start off with. 4. Water is life. Water keeps the flow of your magic, filters and is a conduit to you and spirit. Keep clear glasses of water in your home. Change them often. 5. Your altar space doesn’t need to be fancy. 6. You do not need expensive herbs. 7. Mirrors and Magnets are the best tools closest to crystals to magnify and amplify your magic. 8. The bible is a book full of spells and divination.
Herbs: 1. You can get most of the herbs you need from your local super market and dollar store. 2. Salt: Protection or cursing. Various Powdered Peppers: Protection and Cursing. Cinnamon: Money and Lust work. Basil: Money and Luck. Bay Leaves: Protection and Granted Wishes. Rosemary: Protection. Chamomile: Peaceful Home Workings. Cloves: Protection, Love, Control and Bindings. Eucalyptus: Cleansing. Thyme: Purification, Healing.
Floor Washes: 1. Do Floor Washes in odd numbers. One series to remove the negativity and one series to bring in good energy. 2. Curse Killer Floor Wash: Hot Water, Ammonia, Lemon, Salt (optional) Open Roads Floor Wash: Cold Water, Florida Water, Parsley, Mint Leaves, Coconut Water (Strained of pulp)
Various Cleansings: 1. Cigar or tobacco smoke is a great alternative to sage sticks. 2.  You can cleanse yourself with an egg and a glass of water. 3. You can cleanse yourself with lemons, limes and oranges. 4. When cleansing your home make sure to open your windows and doors. 5. Start from the back of the home towards the front and then to various rooms to confuse the negative energy. 6. A can of beer and salt will cleanse your aura. 7. When you cleanse yourself, make sure to replace what you removed with good energy.
Powders: 1. You do not need to purchase branded powders from metaphysical shops. Money/luck powder:  Bank dirt, Shredded currency and corn starch. Love/Passion powder: Rose petals, Cinnamon and corn starch. Open Roads powder: Dirt from four corners of a crossroads and corn starch. Add three dimes to bottom of container. Cursing Powder: Graveyard dirt from criminals grave, black pepper, red pepper, cayenne pepper. Protection Powder: Church Dirt, Psalm 91 passage from bible, Psalm 23 from the bible grinded into a powder. Oils: 1. Do not buy oils from the botanicas and metaphysical shops. Most are made with mineral oil, a synthetic fragrance and colorant. If you want that, Get yourself some baby oil, food coloring and scented fragrance oil of your choosing. I wouldn’t recommend it though. 2. Get yourself some Olive oil, Sunflower oil, Grapeseed oil and Vegetable oil at the supermarket along with some Vitamin E oil for preservative. You can make your own charged oils with herbs and a few glass bottles. 3. My favorite simple oils: Lust Oil: Sunflower oil base, Vitamin E,  Cinnamon stick, red rose petals, and Vanilla Bean Money Oil: Grapeseed oil base, Vitamin E, Cinnamon stick, nutmeg, basil and thyme. Protection Oil: Olive Oil base, Vitamin E, Rosemary, Basil, Eucalyptus Life Force Oil: For when you need extra power in your magic. Olive oil base, 3 drops of blood. Blessing Oil: Olive Oil, Vitamin E and Psalm 91 torn from the bible.
Deities: 1. You do not have to have a deity in your practice. 2. You can practice secular magic. Secular magic is a practice that does not refer to, venerate and otherwise “work with” any deities (or, in some cases, any supernatural beings at all). This is perfectly okay. 3. If working with deity, never promise what you can’t provide. 4. Feed your spirits and deities. This can be with food, alcohol, energy, light, darkness, anything. 5. Know the spirits and deities you are working with. 6. Listen to your intuitive pulls when it concerns your deity. 7. No one can tell you the right or wrong way to worship and work with your deity BUT you should learn their mythos and their base wants, needs and what offends them. Misc Magic Info: 1. Your magic will not punish you because you can’t practice every single day. We are human, and sometimes life gets the best of us. It is okay. 2. Magic should never ever replace mental and physical health diagnosis and services from healthcare professionals. 3. “Black magic” is a racist term used to demonize the practices of people of color that are seen as “barbaric” or “uncivilized” to Europeans. Therefore “White magic” is considered good and “black magic” is considered bad. Energy is energy. Do not allow anyone to dictate your practice. That racist term is bullshit. Our melanin is magic. Our cultures and our roots are power. 4. You can purchase a Tarot deck from Amazon. You don’t need it gifted to you. 5. ALWAYS have a fire extinguisher in your home. 6. NEVER leave candles unattended in your home. 7. Coffee grounds speed up work. 8. Meditate. Leave the fuckery of the day at the end of the day. You will thank yourself in the long run. 9. Keep info to yourself. Not everyone needs to know what you are doing or all your secrets. 10. Do not bring your shoes into your home.
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
Symbolic Ages Timeline
0-7 ~ Aries: discovering the environment, selves, possibilities, and limitations of the physical and 3rd dimension body 7-14 ~ Taurus and Sagittarius: waking the god and goddess as the reproductive system matures and divine creativity is possible 7-17 ~ Gemini: formative learning years, play school, education, we see the gemini twins depicted as adolescents in the art across history  14-21 ~ Taurus and Libra: social connections and self-consciousness, focus on image, acceptance, building identity through impressions
18-31 ~ Aquarius: importance of friends, social circles, community, and belonging in terms of developing a group and individual identity 18-26 ~ Sagittarius: leaving home to travel, study abroad, university 21-42 Leo: the young adult showcasing the identity to the world, the realisation and presence of the Solar Self and path of aspiration and ambition 35-42 ~ Virgo: Greater discrimination about who we let into our lives, progression to goals, reaping the benefits of practice and work, health crisis or greater awareness that leads to change in lifestyle and approach to health
41-48 ~ Aquarius: the crisis that occurs when one has been living inauthentically 42-49 ~ Libra and Taurus: the value of connections is emphasised, love and loss has occurred, a firmer sense of identity and self-value creates more successful relationships 42-49 ~ Aries: waging on through the war and seeking justice for historic events 49-56 ~ Scorpio: truthfully self-reflecting and confessing guilt, gaining control and mastery over the self and life direction, finding peace after the storm
56-63 ~ Sagittarius: Experience has developed a philosophy of life, counting blessings and planning travel and retirement, faith can become important 63-70 ~ Capricorn: self-reflection, acceptance, letting go of guilt, harvesting the wisdom of life, benefiting from the years of hard work, beginning to understand what ‘life’ is, enjoying grandchildren  77-84 ~ Pisces: loss of memory and executive functioning is the earthly process of beginning to ascend as the cycle of life is coming to a close 63-on ~ Cancer: old age is just as infancy is, reliance, vulnerability, neediness, unspoken trust that you will be looked after
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
The Sixth House: The House of Health
Ruled by Virgo and the planet Mercury we can already assume what this house might entail. The sixth house represents the importance of how we tackle daily struggles in order to upkeep with our diet, fitness, and hygiene. We learn of our strength and how it is detrimental to our health in more ways than one. We ask ourselves how will my efforts be beneficial to not only myself, but those around me? Constantly asking ourselves how is my health, do I need a trim, should I go for a run, or has the cat been fed? It’s the cycle of life that keeps us going if we manage to stay strong and not let it deter us. In times of trouble, however, our lack of health and service to ourselves/others can adversely have negative side affects since not taking care of ourselves or our loved ones is bad. It tests us in times of a personal crisis but can make us stronger if we are able to cope with such a crisis. Those who are stronger, in a sense, are able to follow a more routine lifestyle and are more organized like the Virgo. It’s the areas of life that we try to control in order to have the most prospective life since we care about our sleeping patterns, eating habits, schedules, cleanliness, and overall ability to tackle our daily life. We can even refer to the workplace where we are employees or the employer since we need both in order to run a business. At work there is always a system to follow, a training to be done, and we have to help each other to continue work flow. Overall, this is the house of modesty and represents the accomplishments that are reached for our wellbeing. 
Aries in the Sixth House: The Aries in any placement is always a busy and active one. Here we see how Aries manages their time in order to keep up with daily habits. You may find yourself occupied and constantly moving, trying to complete a task. Since we are trying to be of service to others in this house, Aries tends to put others first, believe it or not. The reason for this is that you run out of things to be of service to yourself so you’d rather focus on other people. Learn to delegate so that you are not stuck doing everything by yourself, yes, you do get the job done well all on your own, but know that you can rely on others every now and then. You’re a leader so it is rare that you take time to heal, relax, and reflect on your accomplishments but remember that this is important for your well being. Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers!
Taurus in the Sixth House: Slowly but surely, you do accomplish goals that you’ve set for yourself on a day to day basis. Like any earth sign, you are determined and work very hard for the materials that you have. In this house, however, we are bringing light to how we give to others and what our service provides. Taurus usually expects a pat on the back but in this placement we must learn to do without expecting anything in return. Feelings of trying to dictate and be in power need to be undermined. We are here to give, not take. You may do well in learning to create some self discipline, especially in matters of diet. No shade but we are speaking about Taurus after all. A new diet might just be a great new start to a healthier lifestyle that you may have been limiting yourself. 
Gemini in the Sixth House: The great multitasking skills that the Gemini has is applied to in this placement by having an organized mess with doing more than two things at once. Gemini sees both sides and uses this to their advantage when dealing with daily tasks. You use your personable skills in the workplace by being chatty and charming. Gossiping makes it fun to have a conversation with you, since you always have a good cup of tea to share. However, the Gemini has a very sharp tongue that manages to get what they want and this goes insofar as acquiring wealth. The way you serve people is by showing them that you are on a quest to seek knowledge and remind us that we can solve our own problems if given the right resources.  
Cancer in the Sixth House: Cautious and nurturing is how this Cancer goes about their daily tasks. You may stick to the same habits that you had as a child since it is comforting and all knowing. Whoever played the figure of a female role model in your life has great influence on how you treat your health. You would make a good nurse for your compassion and ability to understand people with illnesses. The Moon is known as the mother so there is something about you that likes to take care of people and be emotionally available, but when it comes to the workplace sometimes you need to learn to be more objective. The only reason for this is so that you’re not caught up trying to mother everyone, that can get too overwhelming and affect your personal health. It is natural for you to be of service to others, but don’t forget about yourself. 
Leo in the Sixth House: Problems of ego with any Leo will rise. Here, specifically, the ego is bruised in the work place. You are constantly trying to outshine everyone, even yourself. At first it is very entertaining to watch what makes you stand out, but unfortunately, you being the standout character is often overseen since it’s just who you are. You are happy when your efforts are being acknowledged and insecure when they’re not. For those who are lucky, you are always appreciated. At the same time, these qualities obviously make you a leader. You are very good at bringing people together in order to make something better. Be weary of dominating and letting the power get to you, that is when the ugly side comes out. No one likes an overbearing leader. Use your qualities for good and not just your ego. 
Virgo in the Sixth House: Another natural placement, Virgo is home in this placement. If you remember, Aries Rising is lucky in life because all of its house placements are in according to their sign and ruling planet. Here, Virgo is naturally in the house of Health & Service because it is ruled by Mercury, which also rules Virgo and Gemini. However, we all know that Virgo is more tied to the idea of health and service compared to Gemini. For all these reasons, Virgo makes a great teacher, a great service provider, and ultimately shows us how to cope with life. If it wasn’t for Virgo we’d all be lost, roaming aimlessly. Virgo shows us our purpose and how we must continue to do our jobs in life. Working and striving towards something is so natural to you that your workplace is pretty much your everyday life. There is not a day without work with Virgo in the Sixth House. 
Libra in the Sixth House: This placement may be a weak point for some because you depend on the need of a partnership in order to be well in life. You struggle to do things on your own and want your partner to work for you, like being a housewife, or in some cases, you’d like your partner to be your coworker. Being of service to the public with someone by your side is your ultimate goal. Depending on your sun sign or other placements, you may not be that dependent of others as this suggests, but if you find yourself wanting a partner in certain aspects of your life, this may be why. Because of this, you are also the reason there is harmony because you need a balance of things in order to be well. Seeking justice, playing fair, and getting along with everyone is important to you. You would do well in careers of beauty, law, or the arts. 
Scorpio in the Sixth House: The habits of Scorpio in this placement are actually the opposite of what good health should be. Your behavior towards your everyday wants and needs can be a little more obsessive than others, like having OCD for example. You get too caught up in the small details that no one really cares to analyze. You believe everything has a deeper meaning or order. This usually turns people off because people don’t want to be nagged at all the time, just let people be. If you don’t learn to calm this erratic behavior, it will only leave you unhappy. Although, you come from a good place, it’s not that you don’t care about how people feel, you’d just rather snap them out of it and show them that there is a way to heal or fix something. You can be more cold, but it’s only because you trust your intuition and feel like you know the truth. Fortunately, your intuition is usually right to the point of having psychic abilities so you are one to be trusted. 
Sagittarius in the Sixth House: The ever restless Sagitarrius is no different in this aspect. In fact, it can be most noted because this house brings about the behavior in a person’s everyday life. Naturally in your life, you are constantly seeking answers or moving about from one location to another just to feel like you have a sense of direction, or are being a service to others. Your goal in life is to find the truth, constantly philosophizing, in order to cope with life. You don’t like things unanswered. Once you figure out the truth in some form, you feel the need to teach it to others with your wisdom and experience, so they too can feel at peace with themselves. Your lust for life leads you to seek work that is both pleasurable and play because you think enjoying each and every day is what is important. This makes you a great coworker to have because you have a positive attitude and do things 100%. You’re usually lucky with health, so you won’t have to deal with any major health issues, but even if you do, you won’t let it damper your spirit. 
Capricorn in the Sixth House: Ah, the workaholic. Every day you set out to get things done and you usually do. If you have a to do list, nothing and no one can get in your way of accomplishing it. This tends to make you stubborn because you won’t budge to anyone else’s wants or needs. You know what’s best for yourself and you only. Power and influence are important to you and you want to be at the top. You work tirelessly and endlessly to get the recognition you think you deserve, and often times feel insecure when you don’t receive it. If you learn to be satisfied with the work you do without wanting recognition from others, you will feel that you are less stressed out and less nervous. The health of the Capricorn is not too good because you hold in a lot of tension. Your sleeping habits can also be unhealthy and in turn you pick up bad habits to mask the problem. Try to learn to release that frustration in better ways, like SLEEPING MORE. 
Aquarius in the Sixth House: Here we have the humanitarian of the zodiac in the service of others so it is just as you might imagine. Group dynamics and figuring out better ways for all is essential to the Aquarian. You want efficiency and for everyone to come together to give a better result and will stop at nothing until that is achieved. Essentially, you are the ultimate team player and have admirable leadership skills because you are quite the expert at convincing others that you’re right. You’re so good at being a part of a team that you forget to tune into yourself and see how you are doing. For service, this is great, but for yourself and your health you might have issues taking care of yourself. Sometimes you’re so involved with work and other people that it becomes your personal life as well. Try to mentally clock out every now and then and focus on just you. The people will understand. Ultimately your strong mindedness, and ability to not care of what others think will take you far in life. 
Pisces in the Sixth House: The struggle for a productive, healthy life is real. For you it can be very hard to stick to a plan and keep your feet on the ground. You’re more of a spiritual person and don’t believe in planning out every day of your life, you just let things unfold as they should. While this may be an easier to deal with life, it can also get you into trouble because you never learn how to find a way to actually work and achieve things. It takes a lot for you to be inspired, but once you are, you get lost in it and in turn create/manifest beautiful things. Your health is extremely vulnerable, perhaps you get easily sick from other people, so try to take extra care of yourself. However, for the Pisces, taking care of others is a form of healing in itself for you. Your power comes from treating others and might find it more beneficial for you in the long run to find a career this way. Your body + mind connection is stronger than others, use it to your advantage. 
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
Dear Hoteps
The majority of Africans currently born in the Americas are from WEST and CENTRAL Africa. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the greatness of Black Egypt (as they are your distant ancestors) but you are not Egyptian. 
If you cant name off at least 20 African countries, 5 different African cultures, 5 historical kingdoms, events, and/or leaders, and 5 different resources from around the African continent; one from each African region (North, South, East, West, and Central), all off the top for your head; you don’t know shit about your people. 
If you take the time to research the rest of the continent you will also find that some of your restricting ideologies of black women and black LGBT are of European descent and not pro black.
Gender roles were diverse in precolonial Africa.  Many African cultures ran on a matriarchy as well as a patriarchy. Black women had their own organizations, government systems, and even ran economies. In some cultures, women were fighters, warriors, and frontliners. They weren’t bound to stand behind men. Many African cultures saw women as the closest thing to “god” and certain spiritual practices, such as libations, were poured only by women.This was a mindset destroyed by European conquest. In the fight to reclaim our cultural identity, African women have the right to choose the state of being that caters to both their blackness and womanhood. If a woman decides to respectfully stand in front, beside, or behind a man, that is her ancestor approved right. If you preach against this, you are not pro black. You are pro black man….barely. Real men of substance are not so easily threatened. 
LGBT is not foreign to Africa, it was there before colonialism. Africans are not new to sex, something established by NATURE, not by man. Africans, ***INCLUDING THE EGYPTIANS****  explored sex within and outside their gender. Africans were able to identify with genders outside their own, and their community would honor that. Polygamy and Polyandry existed before European presence. As did cross-dressing. European conquest promoted LGBT-phobia through CHRISTIANITY. Who is going to Africa RIGHT NOW preaching hate, and VIOLENCE towards the LGBT community? The church. You give Europeans too much power. You honestly think they created something as basic as sexual orientation? In the fight to reclaim our cultural identity, black people have their ancestor approved right to be ALL of who they are. If you preach against this, you are not pro black. You are pro black heterosexual…..barely, a heterosexual person of substance is not so easily threatened. 
You still hide behind European ideologies, because it puts you on top. Community and family structure are important but we knew how to respect an individual for who they were. You are not pro black, you are not pro hotep, you are simply a disgrace to your ancestors because you are still pro colonialism.
These are just a few things wrong with your “hotep” notion. However, I wont undermine an attempt at restoring our cultural roots, so a word of advice: bring that crazy back a bit, live and let live (ONE OF THE MOST SUPREME AFRICAN PRINCIPLES), and start digging deeper. You are only brushing the surface. 
Igbo, Tuareg, Masai, Akan, Mbundu,  Bene, Bulu, Fang, Jaunde, Mokuk, Mwele, Ntum and Pangwe, Nilotico Lango, Bahima, Azande, Kiisi, Banyoro, Langi, Nuer, Kuria, Benin, Cape Bantu, Kikuyu, Egba, Dahomey, Yoruba, etc, etc, etc, etc, ETC, ET CETERA.
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
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What if Series continues
Tag someone & Reshare!
Which would be you favorite series?
The Ashton Martians
Monique Impossible
The Hibberts
Dontae’s Laboratory
The Anderson’s
Tony, Toni, Tone
Ig @AshleighSharmaine
Art Inquiry
#ashleighsharmaine #nickelodeon @nickelodeon @nicksplat #art #dopeart @theshaderoom @blackwomenarepoppin
#freshprinceofbelair #explorepage #heyarnold #viral #mtv #disney #blackart #illusrstrations @daquan #cartoons
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
When I was 13 years old and curious about sex and love, I asked my mom if she had had sex before marrying my father (of whom she is still married to, and has been since before I was born). She said that that wasn’t really a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. I said ‘sure it is, you’ve either had sex before him, or you haven’t’. She brought me onto the couch and sat me down and told me about the boy she liked when she was young and how one night she snuck into his house while his parents were gone and they were kissing and he said they should have sex and she said that she wanted to save sex for marriage and he laughed and basically took all her clothes off and he raped her and as my mom was telling the story she cried and this was the second time I had ever seen my mom cry. She was 12 when it happened.
In grade 8 I got a call from my friend in the middle of the night and she was drunk in the park crying and told me that she went out that night with some other friends and they drank a little and her guy “friend” starting flirting and yes she laughed at first but then he tried to pull her shirt over her head and she pulled away and he ripped her shirt and it was her favourite shirt and then he pushed her to her knees and HIS BEST FRIEND HELD HER JAW OPEN WHILE HE FACE FUCKED HER. And so I went to the park and picked her up and took her home and slept in her bed with her except we didn’t sleep because she just cried and her mouth bled and this was four years ago but I still have to be the one to bring her items to the till it the cashier is a man, and she still has anxiety attacks and she’ll get a rash all over her body and I just want to kill those boys but instead they are still walking around. And I’m in the bathroom with her, dabbing at her skin with a warm cloth until it returns to its regular colour.
And in grade 9 one of my closest friends was kinda seeing this boy and so they hung out one night and then she said that she really had to be getting back home and he said that she wasn’t going anywhere until she gave him what he wanted and he parked the car and took off her clothes and she said no and he ignored her and so she laid in the backseat totally limp and just cried and it wasn’t even sex, he just masterbated by using her body instead of his hand and she came to school the next day with vodka in her water bottle and she drank all day and I had to fight her to get the alcohol away from her and she just cried and threw up and I skipped class while I held her hair back and that same boy texted me a month later, asking if I ever wanted to hangout sometime.
And in that same year my very best friend who has never even kissed a boy, confessed to me that when she was 9 years old, her 12 year old cousin made her give him a hand job and he told her that was what cousins do and he gave her a chocolate bar afterwards and she told me that he probably doesn’t even remember it but that it’s something that she’ll never have the luxury of forgetting.
And in grade 10 I knew a girl who invited her best friend over to watch Disney movies and then he started to put his hands down her pants and she said no but she is 130lbs and he is 220lbs and he called her a tease while she tried to fight him but he used one hand to hold her down, and the other to put inside of her and i was the one to push her inside of a classroom and stand in front of her while calling the police when he showed up at our school looking for her and she was so damn scared.
And a few months later I skipped class and was in the car with a guy who i had had unprotected sex with in the past while under the influence of cocaine but this time I was sober and I insisted we use a condom but he told me he couldn’t feel anything while the condom was on so he ripped it off and I said I refused to have unprotected sex again and so he just grabbed me and forced himself into my mouth and I was crying and he pulled me onto him and I just came saying “stop” over and over like a broken record but he must’ve heard something different because he went until he came and I just sat naked in the backseat while he drove me back to the school and said “we should do this again sometime”. And I had five showers that night and I scratched at my skin so hard to try and rip his fingerprints off of me, I still have the scars.
And I found out soon afterwards that that same guy had raped a classmate of mine, 5 months earlier and she told me about how he brought her McDonald’s first, and how he said they could take things slow and she told me about how he didn’t listen to her either. And he goes to our school and so after she told me about her incident and I told her about mine, we decided to report it to the police and the trial is currently still going on and he told people about it, except in his version we are just “asking for attention” and all his friends talk about how bad they feel for him. As if HE is the one that still wakes up screaming. As if HE felt like his skin no longer was beautiful, no longer belonged to him. And I held her in my arms as she bawled after giving the police her statement. And she did the same for me.
And I met a woman a year ago in a paint store and she had a service dog and I asked what the dog was for and it turns out that she had been so brutally raped and abused in her life, that the dog is literally trained to keep men away from her.
And I’m so FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF THIS WORLD WE ARE LIVING IN. How many rape victims eyes have I already looked into? How many more will I? And how many more friends will I hold while they shake? Because I don’t know how many more I can take. And who the fuck still has the nerve to make rape jokes? And… Something just has to change. Please, someone just start being that change.
-16 year old girl
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
tarot #tarotreading #witch #witchythings #witchyvibes #witchtips #kitchenwitch #cottagewitch #herbwitch #celticwitch #eclecticwitch #crystalwitch #pagan #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #voodoo #hoodoo #astrology #astrological #spiritual
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
Shout Out to the Witches Who Aren't Wiccan
-pagan witches -Christian witches -secular witches -druid witches -voodoo witches -hoodoo witches -hellenic witches -witches who don’t have a solid path/religion -witches who aren’t sure which path or religion calls to them more -agnostic witches -witches not sure if they want to choose a religion -witches who don’t want to entwine religion into their craft You are all valid and I love you so much!!!❤💛💚💙💜🔮🌟✨
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goddesssajura ¡ 5 years
no one:
me, shoplifting perfume from nordstorm rack: can’t help having a manic episode
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