godruiner · 5 years
“I- oh alright-”  she smiled slightly as Linkle took her hands and bounced, and couldn’t help but continue as she hugged the demon lord and ran toward the house. Linkle always found a way to warm her heart. Though she was easy to trust, she couldn’t see what the other girl possibly saw in this… Ghirahim without proper questioning. She herself had barely seen him behave. As the Hylian was rushing inside Soffran removed the Cuccoo from the top of her head, placing it gently on the ground and looking at Ghirihim, not bothering to pluck the feathers from her hair. She opened her mouth to speak. When she was jabbed at with words, his tone seemed to be insulting, like he wasn’t taking her seriously. (like just about everyone else,) “commoners?” she spoke during his pause, “Well not personally but I will have you know that-”
And then he vanished before her eyes. Not letting her respond was definitely not cutting the tension. She did not yet hate him, but if he continued this, loathing would form beyond this annoyance. Soffran heard his voice speak again, looking up and then spotting the demon lord up on the roof, ‘I could make it up there in no time’ she thought. Hopping up onto the fence and watching him. His back was turned to her. She wanted to make the pompous demon lord look at her, speak to her face to face. Why did he already think so little of her?
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“I’m not simple, and i-” he vanished again, taking Linkle’s favourite Cuccoo with him.  She looked around for him. Where in hyrule did he go? And why did nobody want to listen to her? She slipped her Rapier back on her belt and hopped off of the fence, kicking the fence post with an angry,“YAAA- urk” it was a bad idea, kind of hurt, but at least it wasn’t stone. Then gerudo walked around the perimeter of the house to make sure Ghirihim wasn’t nearby. At least he was gone for the moment, that was one positive.
Before she could get changed into new clothes she thought about how she can be taught the ways of the hero of time, while also teaching rights and wrongs to this demon lord and make him not so rude to Soffran. He was sure going to be a challenge but the girl seemed determined to teach him good values! After ten minutes of Linkle washing out dirt out from her hair and pores, she quickly put on her adventure gear and rushed out the house. “Im ready-” The hylian stopped in front of her fence to look around the area to find that nobody was there. She hoped to herself that they didn’t harm each other yet, hopefully her birds kept an eye on them for her…hopefully chungus didn’t feast of them like the others.  A single cuccoo flew over to her and looked as if it wanted her to follow, Linkle nodded and followed the waddling bird. The bird had adventurer to her gerudo friend, to Linkle she had looked a little frustrated at something. Maybe it was by her new strange friend..maybe thats why he is missing?  maybe she could ask when her new friend wasn’t missing “Soffran! Did the wish friend already go to the town square?” Before Saffron could even answer the girl had gasped “THERES A SALE AT THE STORE WITH THE ONE BIG GUY!! I TOTALLY FORGOT!! WE NEED TO GO NOW!!” The girl had grabbed Soffrans hand and started to drag her to the town square before she could even say anything-
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{Indeed, the demon lord currently found himself in the town square, sitting on the top of the tallest building, away from everyone’s eyes - right after helping Lord Chungus satiate it’s apetite. However, he was reluctant to mingle with the crowd, fully aware that his exquisite appearance might alert the townsfolk. Maybe even some guards. It was almost as if his entire wardrobe came along with a sign, designating him as villain.
{Or perhaps Hylia’s simple minded children just had a knack for judging every book by it’s cover.
{And speaking of judging, from his place on the roofs, he could easily spot all the horrendous outfits from the humble stands. Green or blue robes, brown pants . . . .Hylians really needed to expand on their palette. Maybe he could really have a look around, if only to poke fun even more at this display - at least until his little master and her loyal dog arrived.
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«Go forth, my minion. You’ll need a new disguise for the time being. Until it’s time to strike.» The cucco’s voice resonated in his head, a pleased smirk forming on Ghirahim’s face. 
{With ease, he descended the building and made his way to the many shops, basking in the way most townsfolk cowered away from him.
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godruiner · 5 years
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Diamonds (+Zircon) !!
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godruiner · 5 years
“I did Perfectly fine at it, and Miss. Linkle was going to feed them again when she got up from her nap.” She stood up and put her hands on her hips judging this heavily. Getting bad feelings from this man, what was he playing at? “I’m sorry, and how could you possibly know that, as a Demon lord… besides, why wouldn’t a hero properly just look through the pots for items? It seems much more sensible” she said disregarding the amounts of pots she had broken as a child, while exploring around her village.
“Miss Linkle is the closest thing we have to a hero, and i don’t think you’re going to help her in any way with your ‘expertise’ whatever that may be.” This… was not going to go well if they continued down this path. The demon lord was already getting on her nerves, and seeing how he was treating her friend now… she knew it may be harder to get him to leave.  
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Her eye’s sparkled when he said he knew all about the hero of time, a bigger smile started to form on here face when he said they basically knew each other. She started to shake from excitement, She bounced right up from the dirt.  “Thank you for the compliments Soffran!! But this is so exciting, I can prove everyone wrong! I really am i legendary hero in the works!!” She grabbed Saffrons hands and started to jump in excitement, this made the cuccoos also jump with Linkles excitement and Big chungus just flapped his wings. Linkle then stopped jumping with the gerudo lady’s hands and suddenly gave a short hug to the the demon “Thank you! Thank you!” The small hylian also yelled out then let go and jogged back to the fence and looked back at the two.
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“Okay i’m going to change from these dirty pajamas now! When i return lets all go to the town square!! And maybe visit my friend Malon after that! OOO I can learn how to ride a horse like the hero just did!! Oh i’m wasting time right now, okay okay- i’ll be back in a bit!” She stopped her rambling and went back into her house leaving the two alone for this moment. Now the cuccoos were keeping an eye on them so they wouldn't end up killing each other-
{Ghirahim merely tilted his head to look at the gerudo properly through white hair, cascading over the left side of his face - then snorted once more. He completely ignored her retorts about the cucco food. And pretty much everything else she had said. Not worth his time.« Oh, of course closed minded commoners can only come up with the silliest arguments! Do you personally know the Hero of Time like me ? Hm. I thought so.»
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{There was a pause. The demon stepped back to give his new little and temporary master some space for her antics - though he wasn’t ready to receive a hug, almost dropping Lord Chungus in the process. Usually, Ghirahim would’ve annihilated the fool who dared touch him in such casual way, but the Hylian’s actions and gratitude seemed . . . Genuine. He could only pat her shoulder in mild confusion as they parted, only regaining his wits when she left him. With the gerudo.
{Clink ! In the blink of an eye, Ghirahim teleported to the roof, standing on the very top with Lord Chungus under his arm and his back turned to the gerudo. This could be misinterpreted as another theatrical exit, but the demon couldn’t afford to make any mistakes - a moment of solitude with the boar rider could escalate into a full fight. Even a simple bokoblin could feel it, in the way she glared and spoke to him. Distrust, caution. Possibly hints of hate.
{But of course, not everyone was blessed with good taste.
« My job here is done for now. But ask yourself this - what could a simple countryside gerudo, raised with only biased myth and legend, know about the REAL history of Hyrule ? History that I have personally experienced in my own skin -»   His hand twitched, ached. And then, he vanished, not even waiting for a reply.
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godruiner · 5 years
“i-” she gave the strange man a look of ‘oh now you’ve done it’ as she tried to console the weeping Linkle, “it’s alright dear, im sure he’s just being silly, you’ll be one of the best heroes out there, you and all your cuccoos” she knelt down to her level, giving a bit of a smile before hearing herself be called on by Ghirahim. Soffran looked at him, her expression melting from kindness to that of confusion and disgust, “i… beg your pardon?”  she got to her feet staring at this so called demon lord, “i’ll have you know i won’t take orders from you or that Cuccoo, i already fed him an hour ago. And perhaps Mr. Ghirahim, you should check what you are saying as your words have upset my friend here” she gestured to Linkle, in a ball of sadness in the dirt… and not even in normal clothes.  Her pajamas were dirty.
She sighed.  Putting a hand to her forehead, this was all a load of unneeded stress. But because of that darn Cuccoo, Linkle would probably never let her kick Ghirihim out… at least not yet. She crossed her arms. Glared at him, then knelt down to go back to comforting Linkle. Goddesses help her now…
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Linkle stopped for a minute and tried to take everything in. Her bird was most likely a cuccoo from some random evil land she didn’t know about, a demon lord who was offering his aid to her. “h h h h h h h” she muttered out again and turned face first into the dirt. “I need a moment to myself” she muffled from the dirt. Meanwhile another cuccoo came and sat on her head, this was its weird way of comforting the small girl. Saffrons words now repeated in Linkles head, she was right. She was going to be the best hero like her grandma said. She smiled in the dirt at the thought of her being the greatest with her cuccoo’s by her side. Then another idea went through her head. “I can choose to be a hero or a villain, i’m my own person…and maybe I can teach others on the way what good and rights are!!” She got up from the ground and wiped her face clean of dirt, the bird on her head and flew off to go and sit on Saffron’s head instead.“Even if i am made to be an Evil lord, I will do my best to fight against the urges to litter and not break people’s pots! Because I choose to be a hero!!” She threw her fist in the air and grinned at her little speech. Then she finally took a look at the state of her clothes and gave a sad smile. “aww, I ruined my lucky pajamas” Meanwhile big chungus replied with “No, the Cuccoos have been only nothing but loyal servants to me. They can live, For now. What I desire is the villager that lives across from us served on a platter.They have been spreading bad news about us”
« Why yes, you can and should indeed beg for my pardon.»  The demon waved his hand dismissively towards the gerudo’s general direction, as well as making a mental note of visiting the villager Big Chungus mentioned. «You clearly did a poor job, considering Lord Chungus is still hungry. Isn’t that right, my Lord ? The trials and tribulations you must’ve suffered here . . .! »
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{The sneer directed at the boar rider was laced with malice. Once more, the young and soon-to-be dark leader required his attention - her words about becoming a hero were alarming, but he couldn’t help but snort in amusement. Clearly, the rural life had affected her. She was in dire need of someone to guide her down the right path, the way of chaos.
{And maybe, just maybe, she’d prove to be an asset in the battle of ages.
« If I may so boldly suggest, darling - »  Setting the cucco onto his shoulder, Ghirahim gently brushed the dust and dirt off from the hylian girl’s hair. Personal space was a concept foreign to him.
« I could assist you. After all, me and the Hero of Time . . . go way back. Anyone can tell you about second-hand legends ridden with mistakes or his love for vandalism - especially the constant abuse of pottery ! But who else better than yours truly to inform you of ...What exactly the Hero of Time condoned !  »
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godruiner · 5 years
{ open starter }
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{Eleanor was peculiar young girl, so to speak. Her expression never wavered, not under pressure, not under pain. No tears were shed when she found her precious red bird suffocated inside a tiny box, nor when her other pets died in unlucky circumstances. 
{She endured endless struggles that no eleven year old should ever go through without crying or breaking down. So why now, out of all times ? What exactly was the catalyst, the reason she felt too weak to get up from the ground, letting the crystal droplets from her eyes stain her dress ?
« I wanna go home.  »
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godruiner · 5 years
Soffran thought the only people who were trained in the ways of the Shiekah, and it was with smoke, not diamonds. He seemed like he could be a great threat, and a quite crazy one at that. And she would have fought him upon him drawing his black blade, had it not been for Big Chungus. Striking a Cuccoo was suicide. So she waited, glancing back to her boar where her shield hung. She knew she shouldn’t have left it behind. But it was better to be smart rather than rash, she could fight him later.
Soffran lowered her sword, her eyes and mind focused on the objective which was currently protecting Linkle from this self proclaimed demon Lord. She leaned over to Linkle and said quietly to her, “I think ‘adopting’ sentient beings without consent is a form of imprisonment Linkle, and we don’t want to make your new friend upset do we?”
Turning to face the demon lord, she smiled a little worriedly “ah yes, the Demon Lord Ghiraham, I am sorry f-” and then she paused…. was this man… talking to the Cuccoo like that? Oh goddess he really was crazy.
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“Long lost pet…A dark lords long lost pet….” she mumbled to herself, the sentence ran through her head. Big couldn’t possibly be a Pet to a dark lord, he was only fit to be a companion of a legendary hero like her. Then it hit her, all of the missing villagers..all went into her cuccoo coop. The one villager that said to her Big was a monster and he will destroy him..He had also gone missing that day. The one time he started acting aggressive to one child who came went in the coop to feed the cuccoos with her.
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She had started to piece things together. Her eyes started to widen. She pulled on her pigtails and muttered out. “…Oh my…god….what if i’m not the legendary hero my grandmother spoke of….what if im the legendary dark lord..” she started to shake her head and out “No No NO!! This wasn’t meant to happen!!” She fell to the dirt and started to roll in it while crying her eyes out.
Meanwhile Big stared at Ghirahim and spoke to the demon in his mind “feed me servant.”
{The sword was gone as soon as it came, as Ghirahim now held Big Chungus in his arms with an enormous grin plastered across his face. Hearing it’s voice just confirmed his theory : this was indeed Demise’s beloved pet, lost thousands of years ago during the war for the Surface ! 
« Why of course, your feathery grace ! Anything you desire ! I cannot imagine the struggles you must have gone through upon leaving Demise’s side ! » The demon wore a pitiful expression, though it changed to his normal condescending attitude when he adressed the gerudo bodyguard.  « You there, Lord Chungus requires food. Make sure to prepare a feast fit for a king - or perhaps should we use some of these other cuccos ? Hm. Oh - ! »
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{It was then when Ghirahim noticed the hylian girl, rolling around the dirt. He tapped his chin, in deep thought - she seemed too frail, naive and young to be the Hero of Time - or part of Demise’s trusted generals. Let alone be one of his many reincarnations, as she would’ve immediately recognized him as her advisor. However, Big Chungus seemed extremely fond of her, thus forcing him to be at her service for the time being.
« Rise and wipe those tears away, darling ladyship ! Allow me to humbly apologize for my behaviour earlier and offer you my help - You were right, I was indeed called here to aid you, it cannot be anything else other than fate ! »
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godruiner · 5 years
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“Miss Linkle, I don’t think he is the…’best friend’ you wished for… considering you said something similar about me… and I… assume, other people…” she adjusted her position with the sword, pulling Linkle close so her weapon was only pointed at him.
His appearance was so odd she wanted to say she knew him, but she couldn’t. She wondered if he was really a lord, perhaps from another realm? This was a world of magic after all. However despite what nobility he might have, there was only one family she’d bow to, so at the moment she would continue to stand, facing him with scrutiny. “who are you…. your… lordship?” she wasn’t fully convinced of this, there was a chance he wasn’t that bad. But at least one of the girls needed a firm head on their shoulders and Linkle had just woken up, so Soffran took it upon herself.
The boar behind them looked to Ghirahim and snorted. Stomping his feet, and huffing. It was almost like he knew something the girls didn’t and was reveling in it.
Linkle looked back at Ghirahim for a moment with a big smile, she was about to go on a monologue about freindship, angels and friendship..But then she was pulled back by Soffran and gave a pout, because it was true. She did say this to all the beings that didn’t try to steal her eggs or didnt attack her on the spot, that obviously meant that they were the friend she wished for years ago to her. But….most of the friends she met in her cuccoo pen usually disappeared after that. They would always leave her pots broken for some reason along with her birds angry. She always wondered what happened to them.
As Soffran started to question Ghirahim, one of her cuccos started to peck at her slipper. It was her favorite one, Big chungus. He was a big bird that just liked to eat all day thus giving him the name. Linkle giggled because he was obviously hungry again..this was the 5th time, but looking at Big sparked a small idea in her head. She looked at Ghirahim and then back at Big, she repeated this for 30 seconds until the idea came all together in her head.
“Lets adopt him!!” She yelled with joy and proceeded ro wriggle out of the lady’s grasp to pick up Big, she then threw him into the air and caught him. She did this over and over and finally stopped and made her way to the demon.
She jumped to place big on his head and then said “you are now family,” she said in a sweet tone. The cuccos seemed happy about this thought and started to fly over to Ghirahim to either sit on his shoulder or playfully peck him. And jealous ones may have shat on him
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« You have the utmost pleasure to stand in the general vicinty of the Demon Lord Ghirahim, a privilege I have granted to very very few creatures. » With a flourish, he gently bowed. Not too low of course, commoners like them did not deserve such praise.
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{The one thing Ghirahim never got tired of was to ramble for hours on end - about himself, Demise and the dark forces he served. Lost in his own head, reminiscing and boasting. His gestures became more dramatic, as if a crowd of thousand kings and queens listened, hanging onto his every word. He ignored the boar’s actions, the little hylian’s antics and the glares from the gerudo. 
{Only stopping when the cucco nested happily on his head. 
{In a heartbeat, Ghirahim teleported away, leaving a flurry of diamonds behind - and a poor cucco struggling to fly. When the demon appeared once more, he was pointing his black blade at the pair in front of him, a menacing look in his eyes. 
« I am no pig nor chicken you can tame, mortal. Do you not realize the danger you put yourself in by insulting me like this ?! I, GHIRAHIM - » His rant was interrupted when Big Chungus landed on his sword, locking eyes with the demon.  « Wait ! Those eyes, this aura - Could you be... Lord Demise’s long lost pet and loyal companion?!  »
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godruiner · 5 years
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There was the thundering of what sounded like heavy footfalls, as the giant war boar came up to the yard. Skidding to a halt just before hitting and potentially damaging the fence, which Soffran knew she would have to fix. The boar’s rider leaped from his back as he stopped, landing on the remains of the coop and aiming her Rapier at the enemy before her. 
He was odd looking, and his clothing was much too fine for someone in such a common place, not a wizzrobe, not a guard.  She held her ground trying to deduce what his purpose must be here, in Linkle’s yard. Luckily the girl seemed to be alright, though her nap was disturbed, one of the worse crimes to commit in this village; disrupting naps.
She stared, standing in the usual blue tunic, wondering if she had seen him before… “You’re going to have to pay for that sir…” she said somewhat calmly. “and you’re trespassing.”  Soffran narrowed her eyes… she liked his cloak.
His insults and his small monologue about being a dark lord and being part of some evil guys army went past her head. She had met a bunch of wackos like this in the past, so she always takes threats with no seriousness. “soooo…..you’re not here to steal my eggs….and you’re also not lost……that could mean only one thing…” she dropped her crossbows and started to counting her fingers. She suddenly stopped and looked at the demon lord with a grin “So you’re the new best friend i wished upon!” The Hylian started skip around Ghirahim…and some cucoos followed her- “I wished for a angel you see! But you’re certainly not a angel! but I don’t really mind! Also you are 10 years late on this request but i’m not mad!” She said with sickening joy until. She had seen her other new friend pull out her rapier on her other new friend. She stopped Her skipping and stood in front of the rapier shaking her head and holding her hands out  “No! No! He’s not the one stealing my eggs soffie! In fact he’s just my very late request of a friend!”
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{Were his own ears deceiving him ? Had the entire world gone absolutely mad ? He remained frozen in place, eyeing the newcomer who accused him of petty crimes while trying his best not to lash out at the young brat skipping happily around him - this entire situation was beyond insulting. How could he tresspass, when every inch of land was to belong to him and his dark master ? Both should be quivering with fear, on their knees begging for their miserable lives - not treating him like the town’s local clown !
{One hand rested on his hip, chin tilted up slightly as he scrutinized the boar rider, whose complexion and palette reminded him of one of the very few if not the only one races in Hyrule he could tolerate. Though a notable trait, it wasn’t enough for him to forgive and forget, nor for her to earn his respect or mercy with her lack of respect.
{Before Ghirahim could even open his mouth to reply, the hylian brat leaped in front of him, blocking the blade. Finally, some common decency. However, there was still one subject to address. One that piqued his interest. With a practiced smile, hiding his frustrations, he cleared his throat and began speaking.
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« As the merciful lord that I am, I shall let this entire situation pass if you explain what this nonsense about angels and non consensual bonds of friendship mean. Though make it quick.  »
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godruiner · 5 years
@marinaraketchup @godruiner As this had happened just a little ways outside of this yard in what seemed to be an abandoned garden. A young woman was practising her swordsmanship against the most worthy of opponents in the area, a scarecrow. She struck with precision and focus for the most part, though with wild movements every now and then as she lost her footing. She had to improve at some point, or she’d never make it as one of the royal guard. Somewhere nearby lay a bored looking bore the size of a small house, he huffed watching her training for the millionth time. She would smile at him a she worked, usually after a successful strike, and he would grunt in approval. However… it wasn’t long til he felt something odd. Standing from his current position and trotting in place, huffing as he did. Something wasn’t right and he had to tell his mistress. Soffran, noticing the odd behaviour in her boar, looked around. It was good to have him around, he always sensed danger. It wasn’t long before she had seen a hole appear in the sky… (a portal of sorts?) and drop a figure into Miss. Linkle’s Cuccoo Coop. This was not good, this was very not good, if not only for the possible dangerous creature, but now the loose Cuccoos.
“oh dear-” she said to her trusted steed, “someone isn’t going to be happy…” keeping a tight hold on her sword she hopped onto the boar hanging onto his side as they rushed back to the house.
@godruiner  @soffransdiary
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there was a crowd cheering her name for being the best cuccoo carer in the land of Hyrule. Even The beautiful princess asked to dance with her in the moonlight. She thought nothing could ruin this moment. As she leaned in to kiss the princess- A sound of a portal had woke her up from her nap. She sat up and rubbed her eyes and yawned. “ah, another dream.” she said slight disappointed about it. She was about to fall back into her morning nap until she heard yelling…Yelling from her cuccoo coop. When she realised this and jumped from her bed and grabbed her crossbows and ran outside with bed hair.
“stupid creatures! I put a fence up and they still keep coming in taking my eggs...” she angrily mumbled to herself heading toward her coop. She opens the fence door and looks around holding her crossbows ready to shoot whatever came in here to take her eggs.
She then see’s the random stranger in her coop, just standing there…talking to the sky?? She rubbed her eyes to readjust her sight, but he was still there. She tilted her head to the side and asked “Hello there, are you here to steal my cuccoo eggs. Or are you uh..perhaps lost because I can really understand that because I too tend to get myself lost in many weird places too.” 
{Ghirahim’s threats were answered, but once again, the young hylian in front of him wasn’t exactly what he expected. At first, he was too speechless to respond on the spot, wondering if the blonde sharpshooter, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, was yet another trap meant to distract him - though Hylia and her peaceful good for nothing  herd of sheep were too kind to even think of using a defenseless commoner like this. For Ganon’s sake, she didn’t even have a proper armor ! He could feel the Goddess herself laughing down at him.
{The demon could feel all ten of his fingers twitching, a spark of anger that rapidly made it’s way up his forearm begging him to summon his blade. To slice the maiden in front of him into tiny bits and be on his merry way, back into battle.
«Eggs ? Eggs ! You jest ! » He repeated, grabbing his left arm to prevent himself from following his instincts. « I, dark lord of the Surface and general of Demise’s army, appear with the promise of destruction  . . . And your EGGS are the only thing that your minuscule brain can focus on ?! »
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{Upon screaming, all cuccoos around him tensed - never a good sign, but nonetheless a good warning for the enraged demon lord. Fully aware of the danger these pesky flightless birds could pose should he step out of line, Ghirahim took a deep breath. Fists now balled up to his sides.
« I do not wish to steal your eggs and I am most certainly not lost. »
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godruiner · 5 years
@soffransdiary @marinaraketchup
{Ghirahim was no amateur in matters of war, having conquered vast empires and lands all across the Surface, commanded thousands of infernal creatures, tortured the strongest and bravest warriors into submission. The echoes of screams: the desperate pleads, the damned curses, the empty adoration - to this day, still lingered in the back of the demon lord’s mind. Each and every one of them had cried out his name with such passion.
{Needless to say, Ghirahim was made for this, always eager to hear the sound of swords clashing with one another. The battlefield was his natural habitat, no matter how much he claimed to relish in luxury and expensive custom thrones - so when the dark witch Cia approached him with the promise of revenge against those who had wronged him eons ago, the demon lord gladly accepted. A battle of ages, one who would break time and space. 
{One that would sent him flying straight into one of those damned portals - into a completely different world.
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{It took him a few seconds to recover, to realize that he was now laying on his back on the ground. And that he was slowly being surrounded by cuccos, the way they pecked at his cape and legs made him frown with utter disgust. With quick and sharp movements, he stood up and the crowd immediately dispersed. 
«Good.» He scoffed as his eyes scanned the area. «Learn your place, pesky beasts.»
{The cuccos returned to their usual business and Ghirahim made note of how. . . alien his current location seemed. The sky was bright and cloudless, though a gentle breeze caressed the grass, colored with a vivid green. There were no signs of chaos nor the battle he had been previously engaged in with the Hero of Time himself. This peaceful atmosphere was suffocating, so dull and in the demon lord’s mind, it could only mean one thing. A trap. 
{But he was no fool. 
«You think some silly illusion can fool the most powerful demon to ever walk this planet ? I find that to be almost endearing. Show yourselves ! And maybe i’ll make your deaths swift.»
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godruiner · 5 years
{ Open Starter }
Only the faintest of taps could be heard, coming straight from the Knight’s tiny feet as they made their way around in useless circles. Looking back and forth between their map and the path ahead. Each time, faster, as if frustrated and restless.
And lost, completely and utterly lost. 
Finally, noticing the newcomer, they stopped dead on their tracks and waved them over. A voice could be heard clearly in the stranger’s mind - the Knight themself.
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«  . . . Help ?  »
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godruiner · 5 years
{ Muses ; Mobile }
Literally just a boring ass list of muses I RP as in this blog, for folks using the app ! For more information, visit the temple !
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Lince | FCs : Tenka Kumo/Yut Lung Lee/Sebastian Michaelis
Nao | FCs : Wu Xian We/Hyakkimaru
Eleanor (Rule of Rose) | FCs : Xion
Ghirahim (TLOZ) 
The Knight (Hollow Knight) 
Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
Jyushimatsu Matsuno (Osomatsu-san)
Prussia (Hetalia)
Strategos Six (Ava’s Demon)
Bortz (Houseki no Kuni)
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godruiner · 5 years
{ Rules ; Mobile }
             ♚ ❝oh , raven ‒ won’t you sing me a  happy song ?❞  ♔
Hello ! Welcome to my brand new RP blog ! My main is @jabberwockprince , in case anyone is wondering.
The cover art for the blog is a Houseki no Kuni and banner used for the intro were made by Japhers (IG and Tumblr) so please, consider supporting them ! As for this RP blog, it’ll be mostly in english - even if that’s not my main language because i’m just so rusty in spanish, wh e e z e -
anyway here’s the info / rules:
{Be nice !
If you don’t hear from me in a long time, like weeks for example and I haven’t replied - then please, shoot me an ask or a message ! Chances are I probably forgot. Communication is key, so reach out instead of assuming.
I shoud also mention that I might post OOC stuff from time to time, shitposts and just funny memes - I can’t keep a 100% strictly serious blog, so if that bothers you, you’re free to unfollow ! 
If we’re mutuals and you need any of the content I reblog tagged, do let me know too.
{No Pedophilia/Godmodding/Explicit NSFW RP
The latter is mostly due to Tumblr’s shitty NSFW ban and because I don’t really feel like RPing actual smut lol - sensual and s e x i moments and teasing is fine though ! The other two mentioned are just : A big no.
{OCs / AUs / Various versions of Canon characters are welcome !
As long as you have proper grammar that I can understand and you can write more than two lines if necessary, we should be golden !  With this said, I prefer the lengthy novella style, but I can adapt and do other styles for fun ! If you wanna plan something with me, my DMs are always open as well.
I’ll also most likely follow you back if you follow me because this blog is pretty new and tumblr keeps shitting ads and boring recommended posts on my dash - and cause I wanna meet more people to RP with too lol. If for any reason you decide to unfollow, that’s cool ! We can still keep RPing if you want to !  But if the reason is something negative, such as me doing something problematic, please let me know so I can do better next time ! 
That should be it for now, more will be added if necessary.
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godruiner · 5 years
Tumblr media
If our life is but a spark in eyes of gods, lets blind them at least once.
Multimuse | Multiverse | Multifandom | Non-Selective RP blog ! 
Mostly lit. RP, but can adapt to any style !
Banner and Sidebar art by Japhers (IG / Tumblr)
Main is @jabberwockprince
Reblogs/Likes/Follows appreciated ! ;;godruined tag for info posts on mobile.
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