godseeker-yharim · 4 days
took my dumb ass until just now to realize why i never bothered learning keyboard shortcuts for art programs it's because i'm left-handed literally just because i hold the stylus in the hand that would be doing said shortcuts
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godseeker-yharim · 11 days
so true beastie *we are laying in a field of dandelions and i am petting your massive snout* *you are 30 feet long and i love you*
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godseeker-yharim · 14 days
Picked up my tablet for the first time in a while last night (I've been getting back into WoW again with the new expansion and hoping some routine will finally get me back into writing), and was like...do I still remember how to draw this guy?
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Mostly, I guess!
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godseeker-yharim · 15 days
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ough my nuts, my signuts
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godseeker-yharim · 28 days
so i was curious, what do you think of the yharim -> Darth Vader parallel? or do you relate him to a different character at all?
Man, it has been so long since I've last seen a Star Wars movie I barely even remember what Vader's deal is. I don't really think I relate him to any characters specifically, tbh. He's just Yharim to me. Curse of the autism brain worms, maybe. All Yharim. Just Yharim.
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godseeker-yharim · 1 month
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godseeker-yharim · 1 month
i hauve covid...
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godseeker-yharim · 1 month
Very cool of Vanilla Calamity Mod Music to repurpose that unused Tyrant theme for the Hardmode interlude (with some lyrical omissions, of course, as Yharon is still alive at this point). Now I can listen to Songs About Yharim without leaving the game. Fun that it gives the music box to you as a Wall of Flesh drop. Kenny's for sure got some questions sticky-noted to it in his room full of bulletin boards and string.
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godseeker-yharim · 1 month
Pretty disappointing end to my friend and I's run, especially given that this is his very first Terraria playthrough, modded or not. I saved the Boss Rush for our very last session as a sort of victory lap with our big powerful endgame weapons...and then at the very end Calamitas fucked off to the very top left corner of the map, and when we chased her down to finish it, the whole thing bugged out. We got our Rocks, but couldn't pick them up and the Boss Rush was never officially counted as completed. I'm hoping to play with him again sometime, maybe doing getfixedboi since we did really well together and he likes challenges, but for now I'm a bit salty about Calamity's lingering multiplayer bugs.
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godseeker-yharim · 1 month
Always, ALWAYS kills me that at the end of the Yharon lore item, Yharim is like, "Yeah, maybe he'll come back one day, but he's clearly left me. :(" but two minutes before Roar of the Jungle Dragon was basically saying, "Hey, I didn't want you to die so I fucked around and found out. Please don't be like me." Yharon loves you, Yharim! He wanted to protect you! He didn't leave, he was taken!
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godseeker-yharim · 2 months
I need to follow more Terraria blogs but I'm afraid. Of people.
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godseeker-yharim · 2 months
So, something I've been formulating for a while and just haven't posted about: - Despite being similar in appearance, the Devourer of Gods and the Storm Weaver are two separate species. - Astrum Dei are their own species and there are multiple of them, rather than a single creature like Yharim and others believed. - Creatures native to the Distortion, according to Draedon's studies, do not have the neural structure for independent thought. - The Distortion is a place that Terrarian creatures can go or be sent to, and the trip itself is not immediately lethal. So I posit this as an idea: The Devourer of Gods is a Distorted Astrum Deus. He found himself there through a rogue portal like the Ceaseless Void or was sent via other means and bargained with Noxus for survival (and perhaps power, depending on why he ended up in the Distortion to begin with) just like Statis bargained with Signus.
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godseeker-yharim · 2 months
I promise I'm still working on Bridges. I promise. I still very much love this story and its characters and want to continue it. Life just suuuuuucks. It's sucked all year. I'm getting to it. I will.
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godseeker-yharim · 2 months
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godseeker-yharim · 2 months
As the adventures in nestcam-watching continue, I have to wonder how Yharim felt the first time he watched his beautiful, majestic, awe-inspiring dragon friend stretch his neck alllllll the way out across his entire back to chew on his butt.
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godseeker-yharim · 2 months
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She decided on her own to move in with Permafrost.
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godseeker-yharim · 2 months
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Chillin' post-Yharon.
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