godsfangirl-blog ยท 5 years
A really good story.
I have always loved stories. I would write just for the purpose of exploring a story. I would get so upset if someone would pull me out of that story, that I'd get grumpy. I would escape my own story for one another human made up. Because my story seemed miserable and boring and dull and the main character wasn't one I liked. I would escape into the world of fantasy because I longed for an adventure. Reality seemed so dull compared to the made up story. But what is it that makes a story worth reading? An awesome hero? Adventure? A character you can identify with? Just what is it that we love in a story? If the main character is flawless do we like it better? If the main character never falls or makes mistakes is the story better? I can't answer this for you since we are all different. But I can tell you whatever it is you love your own personal story has it. See we have this story open to us. We have a hero that rescues the one in distress, the one in chains. And after he pulverizes the chains He invites them to go on an adventure, to help free others. Your story can have adventure. It has danger, battles you overcome holding onto the hand of that hero, redemption, true love miracles. Its the princess bride but better, far better. My real story has everything I used to escape to, but more. The story, the fantasy, was just a cheap counterfeit. My story is exciting. It has a king, it has a princess who isnt perfect but she's plucky and cute. My story has joy and sadness and adventure and it has redemption. It has true, unquenchable, undeniable love. Everything I liked in a story is here for me to live. And everything we couldn't even dream up as well. So if you find yourself diving into a story to escape the dull, or the lifeless, or the miserable then maybe think on what is being offered. A story you can walk through and touch. Its a story not of fantasy but of a supernatural God. And it has everything you ever wanted. And He isn't a respecter of persons. He doesn't treat anyone any differently. He offers you what He offers me, but with your own flavor. He wants to give you adventure and joy and show you things you couldn't make up. Show you things you can't see. He wants to give you the greatest adventure, one with the happiest ending you could imagine, especially since *spoilers* it doesn't end.
1 timothy 6:15
Revelation 19:16
2 Timothy 4:7
Isiah 40:31
Psalm 91
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godsfangirl-blog ยท 5 years
Humble Beginnings
One thing I love about super heroes are how surprised you are when you see them step out to save. Clark Kent doesn't seem like he'd be a hero. Nerdy glasses and a notepad don't scream "great hero" but then he flies in to save the day. Spiderman is a teenage boy, the Hulk is a nerd most of the time. I love this, seeing a hero where we don't expect one. Jesus was a carpenter, the son of a carpenter from a small town, with a bad reputation. He's not from where we would expect the King of the World to come from. He wasn't born in a castle, He was literally born in a barn. Thats awesome! The God of creation, the one people think is just a judge, came into the world to become a carpenter. He isn't some giant floating head in space. He isn't some judge up on a throne wanting to smash you flat. He is a hero who came to save the world, not condemn it. But he didn't save the world by blowing up aliens, or by shooting bad guys, He did it by dying. So that we might live. And He didn't do it for strangers that He saw as innocent. He did it for us, knowing every wrong, ugly thing we've done. He did it because He loves every one of us. So this is my hero.
John 3:16-17
Romans 5:8
Mark 6:3
John 1:46
Hebrews 12:2
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godsfangirl-blog ยท 5 years
The ultimate hero
This may seem like an odd place to find a Christian. But its the perfect place for a fangirl isn't it? And thats exactly what every Christian should be, Gods fangirl/fanboy. I'm simply a fan of my Lord, a huge fan of his son. I've always loved super heroes. I love watching Superman save the day, watching Ironman outsmart the bad guy, watching a hero save the innocent. I've always found that a scary story isn't so scary with a hero that you have faith in. You know that no matter how terrifying their enemy Wonderwoman or Superman is still gonna win, the Foctor is going to defeat the terrifying alien, that no matter which enemy comes at him the hero is going to win. And Jesus is the best hero. He will always win. No matter how terrifying our enemy is, hes not scarier than Jesus is great. But we can't get to know Superman, or the Hulk, They came from someone's imagination. Jesus stands at our door and knocks. He invites us to know him, be loved by him. He offers so much and all he asks is that we believe that he is Lord. I'm here because I want people to know the God I know. He's kind, he's sweet, he's gentle, he comforts us and tells us jokes. So here He is, the God I know. The earth's real hero. 1 Timothy 1:15. Revelation 3:20. Psalm 18
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